Interface TransactionImport

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface TransactionImport
    Transaction Manager extensions to support transaction inflow w/o resource adapter.
    • Method Detail

      • recreate

        void recreate​(Xid xid,
                      long timeout)
        Recreate a transaction based on the Xid. This call causes the calling thread to be associated with the specified transaction.

        This method imports a transactional context controlled by an external transaction manager.

        xid - the Xid object representing a transaction.
      • release

        void release​(Xid xid)
        Release a transaction. This call causes the calling thread to be dissociated from the specified transaction.

        This call releases transactional context imported by recreate method.

        xid - the Xid object representing a transaction.
      • getXATerminator

        jakarta.resource.spi.XATerminator getXATerminator()
        Provides a handle to a XATerminator instance.

        The XATerminator exports 2PC protocol control to an external root transaction coordinator.

        a XATerminator instance.
      • getTransactionRemainingTimeout

        int getTransactionRemainingTimeout()
                                    throws jakarta.transaction.SystemException
        Return duration before current transaction would timeout.
        Returns the duration in seconds before current transaction would timeout. Returns zero if transaction has no timeout set and returns negative value if transaction already timed out.
        IllegalStateException - Thrown if the current thread is not associated with a transaction.
        jakarta.transaction.SystemException - Thrown if the transaction manager encounters an unexpected error condition.
      • registerRecoveryResourceHandler

        void registerRecoveryResourceHandler​(XAResource xaResource)
        Allows an arbitrary XAResource to register for recovery
        xaResource - XAResource to register for recovery