Class JobCreatorService

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class JobCreatorService
    extends Object
    implements JobCreator
    This service implements the JobCreator and is used for creating Jobs
    Bhakti Mehta
    • Constructor Detail

      • JobCreatorService

        public JobCreatorService()
    • Method Detail

      • createJob

        public Job createJob​(String id,
                             String scope,
                             String name,
                             Subject subject,
                             boolean isManagedJob,
                             ParameterMap parameters)
        This will create a new job with the name of command and a new unused id for the job
        Specified by:
        createJob in interface JobCreator
        scope - The scope of the command or null if there is no scope
        name - The name of the command
        a newly created job