Class FIXEDCacheImpl

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class FIXEDCacheImpl
    extends LRUCacheImpl
    This is a FIXED size cache implementation.

    If the cache is full the statement is not added to the cache.

    Shalini M
    • Constructor Detail

      • FIXEDCacheImpl

        public FIXEDCacheImpl​(PoolInfo poolInfo,
                              int maxSize)
    • Method Detail

      • addToCache

        public void addToCache​(CacheObjectKey key,
                               Object o,
                               boolean force)
        Description copied from class: LRUCacheImpl
        Add the key and entry value into the cache.
        Specified by:
        addToCache in interface Cache
        addToCache in class LRUCacheImpl
        key - key that contains the sql string and its type (PS/CS)
        o - entry that is the wrapper of PreparedStatement or CallableStatement
        force - If the already existing key is to be overwritten