Class ModelValidator

  • public class ModelValidator
    extends Object
    Rochelle Raccah
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createClassExistenceComponent​(String className)
      Create a validation component which can check whether the class exists.
      protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createClassExistenceComponent​(String className, PersistenceFieldElement relatedField)
      Create a validation component which can check whether the class exists.
      protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createClassMappingComponent​(PersistenceClassElement persistenceClass)
      Create a validation component which can check whether the class is unmapped.
      protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createClassPersistenceComponent​(String className)
      Create a validation component which can check the class persistence.
      protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createClassPersistenceComponent​(String className, PersistenceFieldElement relatedField)
      Create a validation component which can check the class persistence.
      protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createCollectionClassComponent​(RelationshipElement field)
      Create a validation component which can check whether the collection class is valid given the relationship field type.
      protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createColumnExistenceComponent​(String columnName)
      Create a validation component which can check whether the given column exists.
      protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createColumnExistenceComponent​(String columnName, MappingFieldElement relatedField)
      Create a validation component which can check whether the given column or column pair exists.
      protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createColumnOverlapComponent​(MappingFieldElement field)
      Create a validation component which can check whether the field is one of a set mapped to overlapping columns
      protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createElementClassComponent​(RelationshipElement field)
      Create a validation component which can check whether the relationship is mapped to columns even though the element class is null.
      protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createFieldBlobMappingComponent​(PersistenceFieldElement field)
      Create a validation component which can check whether the field is mapped to a blob type and if so, whether it is a key field or belongs to the default fetch group.
      protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createFieldCardinalityComponent​(PersistenceFieldElement field)
      Create a validation component which can check whether the cardinality bounds are semantically valid given the relationship field type.
      protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createFieldConsistencyComponent​(PersistenceFieldElement field)
      Create a validation component which can check whether the field is consistent (field in both models or relationship in both).
      protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createFieldConsistencyComponent​(MappingFieldElement field)
      Create a validation component which can check whether the field is consistent (if in mapping model but not jdo, it is a problem).
      protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createFieldDefaultFetchGroupComponent​(MappingFieldElement field)
      Create a validation component which can check whether the field is part of a managed (multiple fields to same column) group and in an illegal fetch group.
      protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createFieldExistenceComponent​(Object field)
      Create a validation component which can check whether the field exists.
      protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createFieldExistenceComponent​(String fieldName)
      Create a validation component which can check whether the field exists.
      protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createFieldMappingComponent​(PersistenceFieldElement field)
      Create a validation component which can check whether the field is unmapped.
      protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createFieldPersistenceComponent​(PersistenceFieldElement field)
      Create a validation component which can check whether the field is persistent.
      protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createFieldPersistenceTypeComponent​(PersistenceFieldElement field)
      Create a validation component which can check the persistence type of the field (whether it is a relationship or not).
      protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createInverseFieldComponent​(RelationshipElement field)
      Create a validation component which can check whether the inverse of the inverse of the relationship is the relationship itself.
      protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createInverseMappingComponent​(RelationshipElement field)
      Create a validation component which can check whether the mapping of the relationship and the mapping of its inverse are inverses of each other.
      protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createKeyClassComponent​(String className)
      Create a validation component which can check whether the key class of the persistence capable class is valid.
      protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createKeyColumnMappingComponent​(PersistenceClassElement persistenceClass)
      Create a validation component which can check whether the class contains field mappings for all primary key columns.
      protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createPrimaryTableComponent​(MappingTableElement primaryTable)
      Create a validation component which can check whether the class is mapped to tables even though the schema is null or the class is mapped to a primary table without a primary key.
      protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createRelatedClassMatchesComponent​(RelationshipElement field)
      Create a validation component which can check whether the inverse of the relationship belongs to the related class (type or element class depending on cardinality).
      protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createRelatedSchemaMatchesComponent​(String relatedClass, PersistenceFieldElement relatedField)
      Create a validation component which can check whether the schema of the related class matches that of the class we are checking.
      protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createRelatedTableMatchesComponent​(String relatedClass, PersistenceFieldElement relatedField, List tableNames, String pairName)
      Create a validation component which can check whether any of the supplied tables of the related class (which includes primary and secondary tables) contains the table of the column stored in the relationship definition.
      protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createSchemaExistenceComponent​(String className)
      Create a validation component which can check whether the schema of the given class exists.
      protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createSchemaExistenceComponent​(String className, PersistenceFieldElement relatedField)
      Create a validation component which can check whether the schema of the given class exists.
      protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createSerializableClassComponent​(String className)
      Create a validation component which can check that the persistence capable class implement methods readObject and writeObject, if the class implements the intreface
      protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createTableExistenceComponent​(String tableName)
      Create a validation component which can check whether the given table exists.
      protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createTableExistenceComponent​(String tableName, PersistenceFieldElement relatedField)
      Create a validation component which can check whether the given table exists.
      protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createVersionConsistencyComponent​(MappingClassElement mappingClass)
      Create a validation component which checks whether the rules for version consistency are followed.
      Collection fullValidationCheck()
      Main method used for validating the combination of java (or class) information and mapping/jdo information by running through the full validation check and returning a collection of ModelValidationExceptions containing any errors or warnings encountered.
      Collection getBasicValidationList()
      Computes and returns a collection of ValidationComponents representing the tests to be performed during parse.
      ClassLoader getClassLoader()
      Get the class loader used to load the class being validated.
      String getClassName()
      Get the name of the class being validated.
      Collection getFullValidationList()
      Computes and returns a collection of ValidationComponents representing the tests to be performed during validation.
      protected ResourceBundle getMessages()  
      Model getModel()
      Get the model object used for validation.
      boolean parseCheck()
      Main method used for parsing the combination of java (or class) information and mapping/jdo information by running through a subset of the full validation check and aborting (and returning false at the first error or warning.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ModelValidator

        public ModelValidator​(Model model,
                              String className,
                              ClassLoader classLoader,
                              ResourceBundle bundle)
        Create a new model validator object.
        model - model object used for validation
        className - the name of the class being validated
    • Method Detail

      • getModel

        public Model getModel()
        Get the model object used for validation.
        the model object used for validation
      • getClassName

        public String getClassName()
        Get the name of the class being validated.
        the name of the class being validated
      • getClassLoader

        public ClassLoader getClassLoader()
        Get the class loader used to load the class being validated.
        the class loader of the class being validated
      • getMessages

        protected ResourceBundle getMessages()
        I18N message handler for this element
      • parseCheck

        public boolean parseCheck()
        Main method used for parsing the combination of java (or class) information and mapping/jdo information by running through a subset of the full validation check and aborting (and returning false at the first error or warning.
        true if no errors or warnings occur, false otherwise.
        See Also:
      • fullValidationCheck

        public Collection fullValidationCheck()
        Main method used for validating the combination of java (or class) information and mapping/jdo information by running through the full validation check and returning a collection of ModelValidationExceptions containing any errors or warnings encountered.
        a collection of ModelValidationExceptions containing any errors or warnings encountered. If no errors or warnings were encountered, the collection will be empty, not null.
        See Also:
      • createClassExistenceComponent

        protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createClassExistenceComponent​(String className,
                                                                                                                          PersistenceFieldElement relatedField)
        Create a validation component which can check whether the class exists.
        className - the class whose existence is being checked
        relatedField - the relationship field whose class is being checked, may be null in which case we are probably checking the same class as the validator is checking overall
        the validation component
      • createClassExistenceComponent

        protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createClassExistenceComponent​(String className)
        Create a validation component which can check whether the class exists.
        className - the class whose existence is being checked
        the validation component
      • createClassPersistenceComponent

        protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createClassPersistenceComponent​(String className,
                                                                                                                            PersistenceFieldElement relatedField)
        Create a validation component which can check the class persistence.
        className - the class whose persistence is being checked
        relatedField - the relationship field whose class is being checked, may be null in which case we are probably checking the same class as the validator is checking overall
        the validation component
      • createClassPersistenceComponent

        protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createClassPersistenceComponent​(String className)
        Create a validation component which can check the class persistence.
        className - the class whose persistence is being checked
        the validation component
      • createFieldExistenceComponent

        protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createFieldExistenceComponent​(String fieldName)
        Create a validation component which can check whether the field exists.
        fieldName - the field whose existence is being checked
        the validation component
      • createFieldExistenceComponent

        protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createFieldExistenceComponent​(Object field)
        Create a validation component which can check whether the field exists.
        field - the field whose existence is being checked
        the validation component
      • createFieldPersistenceComponent

        protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createFieldPersistenceComponent​(PersistenceFieldElement field)
        Create a validation component which can check whether the field is persistent.
        field - the field whose persistence is being checked
        the validation component
      • createFieldConsistencyComponent

        protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createFieldConsistencyComponent​(PersistenceFieldElement field)
        Create a validation component which can check whether the field is consistent (field in both models or relationship in both).
        field - the field whose consistency is being checked
        the validation component
      • createFieldConsistencyComponent

        protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createFieldConsistencyComponent​(MappingFieldElement field)
        Create a validation component which can check whether the field is consistent (if in mapping model but not jdo, it is a problem).
        field - the field whose consistency is being checked
        the validation component
      • createFieldPersistenceTypeComponent

        protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createFieldPersistenceTypeComponent​(PersistenceFieldElement field)
        Create a validation component which can check the persistence type of the field (whether it is a relationship or not).
        field - the field whose persistence type is being checked
        the validation component
      • createFieldCardinalityComponent

        protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createFieldCardinalityComponent​(PersistenceFieldElement field)
        Create a validation component which can check whether the cardinality bounds are semantically valid given the relationship field type.
        field - the relationship whose cardinality bounds are being checked
        the validation component
      • createFieldMappingComponent

        protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createFieldMappingComponent​(PersistenceFieldElement field)
        Create a validation component which can check whether the field is unmapped.
        field - the field whose mapping is being checked
        the validation component
      • createFieldBlobMappingComponent

        protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createFieldBlobMappingComponent​(PersistenceFieldElement field)
        Create a validation component which can check whether the field is mapped to a blob type and if so, whether it is a key field or belongs to the default fetch group. Note that it's somewhat important to check for the key field first because if a field is key, its fetch group value in the model is ignored.
        field - the field whose mapping/key field/fetch group consistency is being checked
        the validation component
      • createCollectionClassComponent

        protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createCollectionClassComponent​(RelationshipElement field)
        Create a validation component which can check whether the collection class is valid given the relationship field type.
        field - the relationship whose collection class is being checked
        the validation component
      • createElementClassComponent

        protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createElementClassComponent​(RelationshipElement field)
        Create a validation component which can check whether the relationship is mapped to columns even though the element class is null.
        field - the relationship whose element class is being checked
        the validation component
      • createVersionConsistencyComponent

        protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createVersionConsistencyComponent​(MappingClassElement mappingClass)
        Create a validation component which checks whether the rules for version consistency are followed. This includes:
        • There must be exactly one version field defined.
        • The version field must not be a relationship.
        • The version field must not be a key field.
        • The version field must be of java type (primitive) long.
        • The version field must be in the default fetch group.
        • The version field must be mapped to exactly 1 column from the primary table.
        • The column to which the version field is mapped must be of a numeric type and non-nullable.
        • The column to which the version field is mapped must not be a PK or FK column.
        mappingClass - the mapping class element whose consistency is being checked
        the validation component
      • createInverseFieldComponent

        protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createInverseFieldComponent​(RelationshipElement field)
        Create a validation component which can check whether the inverse of the inverse of the relationship is the relationship itself.
        field - the relationship whose inverse relationship is being checked
        the validation component
      • createRelatedClassMatchesComponent

        protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createRelatedClassMatchesComponent​(RelationshipElement field)
        Create a validation component which can check whether the inverse of the relationship belongs to the related class (type or element class depending on cardinality).
        field - the relationship whose inverse relationship is being checked
        the validation component
      • createInverseMappingComponent

        protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createInverseMappingComponent​(RelationshipElement field)
        Create a validation component which can check whether the mapping of the relationship and the mapping of its inverse are inverses of each other.
        field - the relationship whose inverse relationship is being checked
        the validation component
      • createFieldDefaultFetchGroupComponent

        protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createFieldDefaultFetchGroupComponent​(MappingFieldElement field)
        Create a validation component which can check whether the field is part of a managed (multiple fields to same column) group and in an illegal fetch group. If the field is in one of these groups, it is not allowed to be in the default fetch group.
        field - the field whose fetch group is being checked
        the validation component
      • createRelatedSchemaMatchesComponent

        protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createRelatedSchemaMatchesComponent​(String relatedClass,
                                                                                                                                PersistenceFieldElement relatedField)
        Create a validation component which can check whether the schema of the related class matches that of the class we are checking.
        relatedClass - the class whose schema is being checked
        relatedField - the relationship field whose schema is being compared
        the validation component
      • createRelatedTableMatchesComponent

        protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createRelatedTableMatchesComponent​(String relatedClass,
                                                                                                                               PersistenceFieldElement relatedField,
                                                                                                                               List tableNames,
                                                                                                                               String pairName)
        Create a validation component which can check whether any of the supplied tables of the related class (which includes primary and secondary tables) contains the table of the column stored in the relationship definition.
        relatedClass - the class whose table is being checked
        relatedField - the relationship field whose table is being compared
        tableNames - the list of names of the tables we expect the column to match
        pairName - the name of the pair whose reference column is to be checked
        the validation component
      • createSchemaExistenceComponent

        protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createSchemaExistenceComponent​(String className)
        Create a validation component which can check whether the schema of the given class exists.
        className - the class whose mapped schema's existence is being checked
        the validation component
      • createSchemaExistenceComponent

        protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createSchemaExistenceComponent​(String className,
                                                                                                                           PersistenceFieldElement relatedField)
        Create a validation component which can check whether the schema of the given class exists.
        className - the class whose mapped schema's existence is being checked
        relatedField - the relationship field whose class' mapped schema is being checked, may be null in which case we are probably checking the same class as the validator is checking overall
        the validation component
      • createPrimaryTableComponent

        protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createPrimaryTableComponent​(MappingTableElement primaryTable)
        Create a validation component which can check whether the class is mapped to tables even though the schema is null or the class is mapped to a primary table without a primary key.
        primaryTable - the primary table for the class
        the validation component
      • createTableExistenceComponent

        protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createTableExistenceComponent​(String tableName)
        Create a validation component which can check whether the given table exists.
        tableName - the table whose existence is being checked
        the validation component
      • createTableExistenceComponent

        protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createTableExistenceComponent​(String tableName,
                                                                                                                          PersistenceFieldElement relatedField)
        Create a validation component which can check whether the given table exists.
        tableName - the table whose existence is being checked
        relatedField - the relationship field whose class' table is being checked, may be null in which case we are probably checking the same class as the validator is checking overall
        the validation component
      • createColumnExistenceComponent

        protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createColumnExistenceComponent​(String columnName)
        Create a validation component which can check whether the given column exists.
        columnName - the column whose existence is being checked
        the validation component
      • createColumnExistenceComponent

        protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createColumnExistenceComponent​(String columnName,
                                                                                                                           MappingFieldElement relatedField)
        Create a validation component which can check whether the given column or column pair exists.
        columnName - the column or pair whose existence is being checked
        relatedField - the field whose class' column is being checked, may be null in which case we are probably checking the same secondary table setup
        the validation component
      • createColumnOverlapComponent

        protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createColumnOverlapComponent​(MappingFieldElement field)
        Create a validation component which can check whether the field is one of a set mapped to overlapping columns
        field - the field whose column mapping is being checked
        the validation component
      • createKeyClassComponent

        protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createKeyClassComponent​(String className)
        Create a validation component which can check whether the key class of the persistence capable class is valid. This includes:
        • The key class must be public.
        • The key class must implement Serializable.
        • If the key class is an inner class, it must be static.
        • The key class must have a public constructor, which might be the default constructor or a no-arg constructor.
        • The field types of all non-static fields in the key class must be of valid types.
        • All serializable non-static fields in the key class must be public.
        • The names of the non-static fields in the key class must include the names of the primary key fields in the JDO class, and the types of the common fields must be identical
        • The key class must redefine equals and hashCode.
      • createSerializableClassComponent

        protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createSerializableClassComponent​(String className)
        Create a validation component which can check that the persistence capable class implement methods readObject and writeObject, if the class implements the intreface
        className - the class whose methods are checked
        the validation component
      • createClassMappingComponent

        protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createClassMappingComponent​(PersistenceClassElement persistenceClass)
        Create a validation component which can check whether the class is unmapped.
        persistenceClass - the class whose mapping is being checked
        the validation component
      • createKeyColumnMappingComponent

        protected com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util.ModelValidator.ValidationComponent createKeyColumnMappingComponent​(PersistenceClassElement persistenceClass)
        Create a validation component which can check whether the class contains field mappings for all primary key columns.
        persistenceClass - the class whose mapping is being checked
        the validation component