Class DeploymentHelper

  • public class DeploymentHelper
    extends Object
    This class is used for static method invocations to avoid unnecessary registration requirements to use EJBHelper and/or CMPHelper from deploytool, verifier, or any other stand-alone client.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DeploymentHelper

        public DeploymentHelper()
    • Method Detail

      • getDDLNamePrefix

        public static String getDDLNamePrefix​(Object info)
        Returns name prefix for DDL files extracted from the info instance by the Sun-specific code.
        info - the instance to use for the name generation.
        name prefix as String.
      • isJavaToDatabase

        public static boolean isJavaToDatabase​(Properties prop)
        Returns boolean value for the DatabaseConstants.JAVA_TO_DB_FLAG flag in this Properties object.
        prop - a Properties object where flag is located
        true if there is a property value that contains "true" as the value for the DatabaseConstants.JAVA_TO_DB_FLAG key.
      • getConnection

        public static Connection getConnection​(String name)
                                        throws SQLException
        Get a Connection from the resource specified by the JNDI name of a CMP resource. This connection is aquired from a non-transactional resource which does not go through transaction enlistment/delistment. The deployment processing is required to use only those connections.
        name - JNDI name of a cmp-resource for the connection.
        a Connection.
        JDOFatalUserException - if name cannot be looked up, or we cannot get a connection based on the name.
        SQLException - if can not get a Connection.