Class LocalFieldDesc

    • Method Detail

      • isPrimitiveMappedToNullableColumn

        public boolean isPrimitiveMappedToNullableColumn()
      • isMappedToLob

        public boolean isMappedToLob()
        Determines if this field is mapped to a LOB column type. It is assumed that lob fields are mapped to only one columns and UI and model verifications enforce it.
        true if field is mapped to LOB column type. false otherwise.
      • isCharLobType

        public static boolean isCharLobType​(int sqlType)
        Determines if sqltype passed to this method is to be considered a character LOB type.
        true if field is mapped to character LOB column type. false otherwise.
      • isFixedCharType

        public static boolean isFixedCharType​(int sqlType)
        Determines if the sqlType passed to this method corresponds to a fixed char type.
        sqlType - The input sqlType.
        true if field is mapped to Types.CHAR false otherwise.
      • getPrimaryColumn

        public org.netbeans.modules.dbschema.ColumnElement getPrimaryColumn()
        Gets the ColumnElement for the primary column of this field.
        The ColumnElement for the primary column of this field.
      • getColumnElements

        public Iterator getColumnElements()
        Returns an iterator on the mapped column elements.
        An iterator on the mapped column elements.
      • isVersion

        public boolean isVersion()
        Returns true if this field is a version field.
      • incrementValue

        public void incrementValue​(StateManager sm)
        Increments this field in the instance managed by state manager sm by one.
        sm - State manager to be modified.
      • setupDesc

        protected void setupDesc​(Field f)
        Calls the superclass method and disables concurrency checking for certain field types.
        setupDesc in class FieldDesc