Class LoggerJDK14

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class LoggerJDK14
    extends Logger
    implements Logger
    This class is used with JDK 1.4 (and higher) programs to log messages from jdo components. It extends a java.util.logging.Logger which does the actual logging.
    Craig Russell
    • Field Detail

      • sourceClassName

        protected String sourceClassName
        Class that issued logging call; set by inferCaller.
      • sourceMethodName

        protected String sourceMethodName
        Method that issued logging call; set by inferCaller.
    • Constructor Detail

      • LoggerJDK14

        public LoggerJDK14​(String loggerName,
                           String bundleName)
        Creates new LoggerJDK14. The Thread context class loader or the loader which loaded this class must be able to load the bundle.
        loggerName - the full domain name of this logger
        bundleName - the bundle name for message translation
    • Method Detail

      • isLoggable

        public boolean isLoggable()
        Return whether logging is enabled at the FINE level. This method is not exact because to make it accurately reflect the logging level we would have to include the JDK 1.4 java.util.logging.Level class.
        Specified by:
        isLoggable in interface Logger
        whether logging is enabled at the fine level.
      • fine

        public void fine​(String msg,
                         Object[] o)
        Log a FINE message.

        If the logger is currently enabled for the FINE message level then the given message is forwarded to all the registered output Handler objects.

        Specified by:
        fine in interface Logger
        msg - The string message (or a key in the message catalog)
        o - Objects to be inserted into the message
      • fine

        public void fine​(String msg,
                         Object o1)
        Log a FINE message.

        If the logger is currently enabled for the FINE message level then the given message is forwarded to all the registered output Handler objects.

        Specified by:
        fine in interface Logger
        msg - The string message (or a key in the message catalog)
        o1 - A parameter to be inserted into the message
      • fine

        public void fine​(String msg,
                         Object o1,
                         Object o2)
        Log a FINE message.

        If the logger is currently enabled for the FINE message level then the given message is forwarded to all the registered output Handler objects.

        Specified by:
        fine in interface Logger
        msg - The string message (or a key in the message catalog)
        o1 - A parameter to be inserted into the message
        o2 - A parameter to be inserted into the message
      • fine

        public void fine​(String msg,
                         Object o1,
                         Object o2,
                         Object o3)
        Log a FINE message.

        If the logger is currently enabled for the FINE message level then the given message is forwarded to all the registered output Handler objects.

        Specified by:
        fine in interface Logger
        msg - The string message (or a key in the message catalog)
        o1 - A parameter to be inserted into the message
        o2 - A parameter to be inserted into the message
        o3 - A parameter to be inserted into the message
      • finer

        public void finer​(String msg,
                          Object[] o)
        Log a FINER message.

        If the logger is currently enabled for the FINER message level then the given message is forwarded to all the registered output Handler objects.

        Specified by:
        finer in interface Logger
        msg - The string message (or a key in the message catalog)
        o - Objects to be inserted into the message
      • finer

        public void finer​(String msg,
                          Object o1)
        Log a FINER message.

        If the logger is currently enabled for the FINER message level then the given message is forwarded to all the registered output Handler objects.

        Specified by:
        finer in interface Logger
        msg - The string message (or a key in the message catalog)
        o1 - A parameter to be inserted into the message
      • finer

        public void finer​(String msg,
                          Object o1,
                          Object o2)
        Log a FINER message.

        If the logger is currently enabled for the FINER message level then the given message is forwarded to all the registered output Handler objects.

        Specified by:
        finer in interface Logger
        msg - The string message (or a key in the message catalog)
        o1 - A parameter to be inserted into the message
        o2 - A parameter to be inserted into the message
      • finer

        public void finer​(String msg,
                          Object o1,
                          Object o2,
                          Object o3)
        Log a FINER message.

        If the logger is currently enabled for the FINER message level then the given message is forwarded to all the registered output Handler objects.

        Specified by:
        finer in interface Logger
        msg - The string message (or a key in the message catalog)
        o1 - A parameter to be inserted into the message
        o2 - A parameter to be inserted into the message
        o3 - A parameter to be inserted into the message
      • finest

        public void finest​(String msg,
                           Object[] o)
        Log a FINEST message.

        If the logger is currently enabled for the FINEST message level then the given message is forwarded to all the registered output Handler objects.

        Specified by:
        finest in interface Logger
        msg - The string message (or a key in the message catalog)
        o - Objects to be inserted into the message
      • finest

        public void finest​(String msg,
                           Object o1)
        Log a FINEST message.

        If the logger is currently enabled for the FINEST message level then the given message is forwarded to all the registered output Handler objects.

        Specified by:
        finest in interface Logger
        msg - The string message (or a key in the message catalog)
        o1 - A parameter to be inserted into the message
      • finest

        public void finest​(String msg,
                           Object o1,
                           Object o2)
        Log a FINEST message.

        If the logger is currently enabled for the FINEST message level then the given message is forwarded to all the registered output Handler objects.

        Specified by:
        finest in interface Logger
        msg - The string message (or a key in the message catalog)
        o1 - A parameter to be inserted into the message
        o2 - A parameter to be inserted into the message
      • finest

        public void finest​(String msg,
                           Object o1,
                           Object o2,
                           Object o3)
        Log a FINEST message.

        If the logger is currently enabled for the FINEST message level then the given message is forwarded to all the registered output Handler objects.

        Specified by:
        finest in interface Logger
        msg - The string message (or a key in the message catalog)
        o1 - A parameter to be inserted into the message
        o2 - A parameter to be inserted into the message
        o3 - A parameter to be inserted into the message
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Prepare a printable version of this instance.
        toString in class Object
        the String representation of this object
      • log

        public void log​(int level,
                        String msg,
                        Object o1)
        Log a message.

        If the logger is currently enabled for the message level then the given message is forwarded to all the registered output Handler objects.

        Specified by:
        log in interface Logger
        level - The level for this message
        msg - The string message (or a key in the message catalog)
        o1 - A parameter to be inserted into the message
      • log

        public void log​(int level,
                        String msg,
                        Object o1,
                        Object o2)
        Log a message.

        If the logger is currently enabled for the message level then the given message is forwarded to all the registered output Handler objects.

        Specified by:
        log in interface Logger
        level - The level for this message
        msg - The string message (or a key in the message catalog)
        o1 - A parameter to be inserted into the message
        o2 - A parameter to be inserted into the message
      • log

        public void log​(int level,
                        String msg,
                        Object o1,
                        Object o2,
                        Object o3)
        Log a message.

        If the logger is currently enabled for the message level then the given message is forwarded to all the registered output Handler objects.

        Specified by:
        log in interface Logger
        level - The level for this message
        msg - The string message (or a key in the message catalog)
        o1 - A parameter to be inserted into the message
        o2 - A parameter to be inserted into the message
        o3 - A parameter to be inserted into the message
      • log

        public void log​(int level,
                        String msg,
                        Object[] o)
        Log a message.

        If the logger is currently enabled for the message level then the given message is forwarded to all the registered output Handler objects.

        Specified by:
        log in interface Logger
        level - The level for this message
        msg - The string message (or a key in the message catalog)
        o - Objects to be inserted into the message
      • log

        public void log​(int level,
                        String msg)
        Log a message.

        If the logger is currently enabled for the message level then the given message is forwarded to all the registered output Handler objects.

        Specified by:
        log in interface Logger
        level - The level for this message
        msg - The string message (or a key in the message catalog)
      • log

        public void log​(int level,
                        String msg,
                        Throwable thrown)
        Log a message.

        If the logger is currently enabled for the message level then the given message, and the exception dump, is forwarded to all the registered output Handler objects.

        Specified by:
        log in interface Logger
        level - The level for this message
        msg - The string message (or a key in the message catalog)
        thrown - The exception to log
      • isLoggable

        public boolean isLoggable​(int levelValue)
        Check if a message of the given level would actually be logged by this logger. This check is based on the Loggers effective level, which may be inherited from its parent.
        Specified by:
        isLoggable in interface Logger
        levelValue - the level to check
        true if the given message level is currently being logged.
      • convertLevel

        protected Level convertLevel​(int level)
        Convert an int level used by jdo logger to the Level instance used by JDK 1.4 logger. This is done to allow components to use logging outside the JDK 1.4 environment.
        level - the level to convert
        the Level instance corresponding to the int level
      • inferCaller

        protected void inferCaller()
        Method to infer the caller's class name and method name. The method analyses the current stack trace, to find the method that issued the logger call. It stores the callers class and method name into fields sourceClassName and sourceMethodName.
      • isLoggerClass

        protected boolean isLoggerClass​(String className)
        This method is a helper method for inferCaller(). It returns true if the specified class name denotes a logger class that should be ignored when analysing the stack trace to infer the caller of a log message.
        className - the class name to be checked.
        true if the specified name denotes a logger class; false otherwise.