Class AdminUtil

  • public class AdminUtil
    extends Object
    AdminUtil - Utility class for monitoring and administering jts. This class is used by admin utilities for performing monitoring and administration.
    Ajay Kumar
    • Constructor Detail

      • AdminUtil

        public AdminUtil()
    • Method Detail

      • freezeAll

        public static void freezeAll()
        freezeAll Freeze all transactional activity. Part of freezing functions that will be used to achive a transactional quiet period before taking any action or collecting any statistics. This call returns when all the activities are frozen. All the states would be allowed to complete before freezing on. For example a transaction in preparing state would be allowed to transition to next state - the prepared state.
      • unfreezeAll

        public static void unfreezeAll()
        unfreezeAll Unfreeze all transactional activity frozen by a freezeAll call. Part of freezing functions that will be used to achive a transactional quiet period before taking any action or collecting any statistics. This call returns almost immediately.
      • isFrozenAll

        public static boolean isFrozenAll()
        isFrozenAll Get the current state. Part of freezing functions that will be used to achive a transactional quiet period before taking any action or collecting any statistics. This call returns almost immediately.
      • startSampling

        public static void startSampling()
        startSampling Start the sampling window. The sample window determines the duration in which the data is collected. Start and stop calls demarcate the the window. The sampling data could be number of transactions committed ,rolledback etc and transient data like pending etc. It also resets various counters.
        See Also:
      • stopSampling

        public static void stopSampling()
        stopSampling Stop sampling the statitics values. This is used to indicate end of sampling window.
        See Also:
      • incrementRecoveryCommitedTransactionCount

        public static void incrementRecoveryCommitedTransactionCount()
        Increments the number of transactions that were commited as part of the recovery process.
      • incrementRecoveryAbortedTransactionCount

        public static void incrementRecoveryAbortedTransactionCount()
        Increments the number of transactions that were rolled back as part of the recovery process.
      • getCommitedTransactionCount

        public static long getCommitedTransactionCount()
        Return the committed transactions count.
      • getAbortedTransactionCount

        public static long getAbortedTransactionCount()
        Return the count of rolledback transactions.
      • getActiveTransactionCount

        public static long getActiveTransactionCount()
        Return the number of transactions that are active currently.
      • getPendingTransactionCount

        public static long getPendingTransactionCount()
        Return the count of transactions that are prepared - but not completed. This includes the total transactions that ever entered into prepared state minus ones which got committed, rolledback, taking care of ones that were rolledback without entering prepared state.
      • getRecoveryCommitedTransactionCount

        public static long getRecoveryCommitedTransactionCount()
        Return the count of transactions that were commited as part of the recovery process.
      • getRecoveryAbortedTransactionCount

        public static long getRecoveryAbortedTransactionCount()
        Return the number of transactions that were rolled back as part of the recovery process.
      • getSamplingStartTime

        public static long getSamplingStartTime()
        Returns the time in milliseconds, since the begining of time, when the sampling window was started.
      • getSamplingEndTime

        public static long getSamplingEndTime()
        Returns the time in millisecond , since the begining of time, when the sampling window was closed.
      • getSamplingDuration

        public static long getSamplingDuration()
        Returns the duration for which the last sampling window was open, in milliseconds. If the sampling window is still open, then the running duration is returned.
      • getAllTransactions

        public static Collection getAllTransactions()
        Returns the collection of existing coordinators.
      • getAllTIDs

        public static Enumeration getAllTIDs()
        Returned enumeration of globaltids of existing transactions.