Interface HandlerProcessingResult

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface HandlerProcessingResult
    This interface defines the result of an annotation processing returned by an annotation handler. Annotation handlers are supposed to handle ONE annotation at a time. However, this simplistic approach does not always work as annotations on a element can have interdependencies. This could be resolved trough sophisticated caching in the context for instance but it is usually easier to notify the processor that a particular annotation handler has processed more than one annotation (which shouldn't be reprocessed subsequently...)
    Jerome Dochez
    • Method Detail

      • processedAnnotations

        Map<Class<? extends Annotation>,​ResultType> processedAnnotations()
        Returns a map of annotation types processed by this handler as keys and a ResultType as a value to communicate the result of the annotation processing for each processed annotation types.
        the map of processed annoation types and result.
      • getOverallResult

        ResultType getOverallResult()
        the overall result for this handler processing. Since handlers can process more than one annotation, this overall result will contain the most severe error the haandler encountered while processing the annotations.