Class ClassFileAppClientInfo

  • public class ClassFileAppClientInfo
    extends AppClientInfo
    Represents an app client specified by a .class file on the command line.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ClassFileAppClientInfo

        protected ClassFileAppClientInfo​(boolean isJWS,
                                         Logger logger,
                                         String mainClassFromCommandLine,
                                         String classFileFromCommandLine)
        Creates a new instance of the class file app client info.
        isJWS - whether Java Web Start was used to launch the app client
        logger - the Logger available for writing log messages
        archive - the archive containing the app client (and perhaps other files as well)
        archivist - the archivist appropriate to the type of archive being processed
        mainClassFromCommandLine - the main class command-line argument value
        classFileFromCommandLine - the class file name from the command line arguments