Class Artifacts.FullAndPartURIs

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class Artifacts.FullAndPartURIs
    extends Object
    Represents a file to be tracked (the full URI) and a relative URI to be associated with that file if is to be downloaded (e.g., as a part in a Payload).
    • Constructor Detail

      • FullAndPartURIs

        public FullAndPartURIs​(URI full,
                               URI part)
      • FullAndPartURIs

        public FullAndPartURIs​(URI full,
                               String part)
      • FullAndPartURIs

        public FullAndPartURIs​(URI full,
                               String part,
                               boolean isTemporary)
      • FullAndPartURIs

        public FullAndPartURIs​(URI full,
                               URI part,
                               boolean isTemporary)
    • Method Detail

      • getFull

        public URI getFull()
      • getPart

        public URI getPart()
      • isTemporary

        public boolean isTemporary()
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object