Interface EjbContainerAvailability

    • Method Detail

      • getAvailabilityEnabled

        String getAvailabilityEnabled()
        Gets the value of the availabilityEnabled property. This boolean flag controls whether availability is enabled for SFSB checkpointing (and potentially passivation). If this is "false", then all SFSB checkpointing is disabled for all j2ee apps and ejb modules If it is "true" (and providing that the global availability-enabled in availability-service is also "true", then j2ee apps and stand-alone ejb modules may be ha enabled. Finer-grained control exists at lower levels. If this attribute is missing, it inherits the value of the global availability-enabled under availability-service.
        possible object is String
      • getSfsbHaPersistenceType

        String getSfsbHaPersistenceType()
        Gets the value of the sfsbHaPersistenceType property. The persistence type used by the EJB Stateful Session Bean Container for checkpointing and passivating availability-enabled beans' state. Default is "ha".
        possible object is String
      • getSfsbPersistenceType

        String getSfsbPersistenceType()
        Gets the value of the sfsbPersistenceType property. Specifies the passivation mechanism for stateful session beans that do not have availability enabled. Default is "file".
        possible object is String
      • getSfsbCheckpointEnabled

        String getSfsbCheckpointEnabled()
        Gets the value of the sfsbCheckpointEnabled property. This attribute is deprecated, replaced by availability-enabled and will be ignored if present.
        possible object is String
      • getSfsbQuickCheckpointEnabled

        String getSfsbQuickCheckpointEnabled()
        Gets the value of the sfsbQuickCheckpointEnabled property. This attribute is deprecated and will be ignored if present.
        possible object is String
      • getSfsbStorePoolName

        String getSfsbStorePoolName()
        Gets the value of the sfsbStorePoolName property. This is the jndi-name for the JDBC Connection Pool used by the EJB Stateful Session Bean Container for use in checkpointing/passivation when persistence-type = "ha". See sfsb-ha-persistence-type and sfsb-persistence-type for more details. It will default to value of store-pool-name under availability-service (ultimately "jdbc/hastore").
        possible object is String