Interface MdbContainer

    • Method Detail

      • getSteadyPoolSize

        @Min(0L) String getSteadyPoolSize()
        Gets the value of the steadyPoolSize property. Minimum and initial number of message driven beans in pool. An integer in the range [0, max-pool-size].
        possible object is String
      • getPoolResizeQuantity

        @Min(0L) String getPoolResizeQuantity()
        Gets the value of the poolResizeQuantity property. Quantum of increase/decrease, when the size of pool grows/shrinks. An integer in the range [0, max-pool-size].
        possible object is String
      • getMaxPoolSize

        @Min(0L) String getMaxPoolSize()
        Gets the value of the maxPoolSize property. maximum size, pool can grow to. A non-negative integer.
        possible object is String
      • getIdleTimeoutInSeconds

        @Min(0L) String getIdleTimeoutInSeconds()
        Gets the value of the idleTimeoutInSeconds property. Idle bean instance in pool becomes a candidate for deletion, when this timeout expires
        possible object is String