Class HK2DomConfigUtilities

  • public class HK2DomConfigUtilities
    extends Object
    Utilities for working with HK2 config
    • Constructor Detail

      • HK2DomConfigUtilities

        public HK2DomConfigUtilities()
    • Method Detail

      • enableHK2DomConfiguration

        public static void enableHK2DomConfiguration​(org.glassfish.hk2.api.ServiceLocator locator,
                                                     org.glassfish.hk2.api.HK2Loader loader)
        This method enables HK2 Dom based XML configuration parsing for systems that do not use HK2 metadata files or use a non-default name for HK2 metadata files. This method is idempotent, so that if the services already are available in the locator they will not get added again
        locator - The non-null locator to add the hk2 dom based configuration services to
      • enableHK2DomConfiguration

        public static void enableHK2DomConfiguration​(org.glassfish.hk2.api.ServiceLocator locator)
        This method enables HK2 Dom based XML configuration parsing for systems that do not use HK2 metadata files or use a non-default name for HK2 metadata files. This method is idempotent, so that if the services already are available in the locator they will not get added again
        locator - The non-null locator to add the hk2 dom based configuration services to