Class PersistenceUnitNode

    • Constructor Detail

      • PersistenceUnitNode

        public PersistenceUnitNode()
        This is the default constructor which is also called from other constructors of this class. Inside this constructor, we clear the handlers set up by super classes' constructors because they are not applicable in the context of PersistenceNode because unlike standard Java EE schemas, persistence.xsd does not include javaee_5.xsd for things like description, version etc.
    • Method Detail

      • getDispatchTable

        protected Map<String,​String> getDispatchTable()
        This returns the dispatch table for this node. Please note, unlike Java EE schemas persistence.xsd does not include standard elements or attributes (e.g. version, descriptionGroupRef etc.) from javaee_5.xsd, we don't use super classes' dispatch table.
        getDispatchTable in class DeploymentDescriptorNode
        map of element names to method names in PersistenceUnitDescriptor
        See Also: