Class WSDLConfig

  • public class WSDLConfig
    extends Object
    This class is used by the deployment tool to set the required information for jaxrpc-config.xml that is passed as an argument to the wscompile tool. This class is to be used when the developer is using the deploytool to generate SEI from WSDL
    • Constructor Detail

      • WSDLConfig

        public WSDLConfig​(String wsName,
                          String wsdl,
                          String pkg)
        Constructor takes all required arguments and sets them appropriately
        wsName - Name of the webservice
        wsdl - the WSDL file location
        pkg - the package name where the SEI and its implementations are present
    • Method Detail

      • getWebServiceName

        public String getWebServiceName()
      • getWsdlLocation

        public String getWsdlLocation()
      • getPackageName

        public String getPackageName()