Class MetricUtils<T extends org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Metric>

  • public final class MetricUtils<T extends org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Metric>
    extends Object
    Unfortunately the MetricRegistry has no generic versions of the get or register methods for the different types of Metrics. Therefore this utility provides a generic API by mapping the generic methods to the type specific ones.
    Jan Bernitt
    • Method Detail

      • getOrRegisterByName

        public static <T extends org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Metric> T getOrRegisterByName​(org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricRegistry registry,
                                                                                                Class<T> metric,
                                                                                                String name)
      • getOrRegisterByNameAndTags

        public static <T extends org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Metric> T getOrRegisterByNameAndTags​(org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricRegistry registry,
                                                                                                       Class<T> metric,
                                                                                                       String name,
                                                                                                       org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Tag... tags)
      • getOrRegisterByMetadataAndTags

        public static <T extends org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Metric> T getOrRegisterByMetadataAndTags​(org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricRegistry registry,
                                                                                                           Class<T> metric,
                                                                                                           org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Metadata metadata,
                                                                                                           org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Tag... tags)
      • setScopeTagForMetric

        public static org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Tag[] setScopeTagForMetric​(String scope,
                                                                                  org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Tag... tags)
        This method will add the mp_scope to indicate scope of the metric if not available
        scope - the scope associated with the metric
        tags - current tags available for the metric
        array of tags including the mp_scope tag