Class PayaraTracingServices

  • public final class PayaraTracingServices
    extends Object
    This is a class hiding internal mechanism of lookup of HK2 services. The required services will be eagerly initialised using their service handles, and throwing an exception if the handle is available but not the service itself.
    David Matejcek
    • Constructor Detail

      • PayaraTracingServices

        public PayaraTracingServices()
        Initialise the tracing services if they are available.
        RuntimeException - if an exception occurs initialising the services.
    • Method Detail

      • isTracingAvailable

        public boolean isTracingAvailable()
        true if the Request Tracing services are available and have been initialised, or false if the services are not available.
      • getApplicationName

        public String getApplicationName()
        application name known to the actual InvocationManager, or null if no invocation manager can be found.
      • getActiveTracer

        public io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Tracer getActiveTracer()
        actually active Tracer for the current application, or null if the tracing service is not available.