Interface AttributeResolver

  • All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface AttributeResolver
    Interface implemented by MBeans which can resolve a variable to a value. Variable attributes are strings of the form ${...} and are returned as the values of certain Attributes. This interface is intended for use only with config MBeans.

    • Method Detail

      • resolveAttributeValue

        @Description("Resolve a (possible) ${...} attribute *value* to a real value")
        String resolveAttributeValue​(@Param(name="value")
                                     String value)
        Resolve an attribute value to a literal. The value should have been previously obtained from an Attribute of the same AMXConfig MBean.

        If the String is not a template string, return the string unchanged.

        If the String is a template string, resolve its value if it can be resolved, or 'null' if it cannot be resolved.


            "${com.sun.aas.installRoot}" => "/glassfish"
            "${does-not-exist}" => null
            "${com.myco.moonIsBlue}" => "true"
            "8080" => "8080"
            "hello" => "hello"
        value - any String
        resolved value
      • resolveBoolean

        @Description("Get and resolve a (possible)  ${...} attribute to a Boolean, returns null if not found")
        Boolean resolveBoolean​(@Param(name="attributeName")
                               String attributeName)
        Get the Attribute and resolve it to a Boolean or null
      • resolveLong

        @Description("Get and resolve a (possible)  ${...} attribute to a Long, returns null if not found")
        Long resolveLong​(@Param(name="attributeName")
                         String attributeName)
        Get the Attribute and resolve it to a Long or null
      • resolveAttributes

        @Description("Get and resolve attributes to values")
        AttributeList resolveAttributes​(@Param(name="attributeNames")
                                        String[] attributeNames)
        Calls getAttributes(), then returns all resolved values. If the attributes have been annotated with @ResolveTo, then the value is of the correct type (eg String, Boolean, Integer).