Class ConsolePluginService

    • Constructor Detail

      • ConsolePluginService

        public ConsolePluginService()

        Default constructor.

    • Method Detail

      • getHelpTOC

        public TOC getHelpTOC​(String locale)

        This method returns a merged Table Of Contents for all found help sets for the given locale.

      • getHelpIndex

        public Index getHelpIndex​(String locale)

        This method returns a merged Table Of Contents for all found help sets for the given locale.

      • getResources

        public Map<String,​List<URL>> getResources​(String name)

        This method searches the classpath of all plugins for the requested resource and returns all instances of it (if any). This method will NOT return null, but may return an empty List.

      • getModuleClassLoader

        public ClassLoader getModuleClassLoader​(String moduleName)

        This method returns the ClassLoader associated with the requested module. If the requested module does not exist, has not been initialized, or does not contain any admin console extensions, this method will return null.

        moduleName - The name of the module.
        null, or the module's ClassLoader.