Interface DeploymentFacility

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    AbstractDeploymentFacility, RemoteDeploymentFacility

    public interface DeploymentFacility
    This interface defines basic deployment related facilities such as deploying any j2ee modules on a Domain Admin Server or target servers as well as retrieving non portable artifacts for successful runs in a client mode configuration.
    Jerome Dochez
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.TargetModuleID[] _listAppRefs​(String[] targets)
      list all application refs that are present in the provided list of targets
      javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.TargetModuleID[] _listAppRefs​(String[] targets, String state)
      list all application refs that are present in the provided list of targets with the specified state
      javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.TargetModuleID[] _listAppRefs​(String[] targets, String state, String type)
      list all application refs that are present in the provided list of targets with the specified state and specified type
      javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.TargetModuleID[] _listAppRefs​(javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.Target[] targets, String state, String type)
      list all application refs that are present in the provided list of targets with the specified state and specified type
      boolean connect​(ServerConnectionIdentifier targetDAS)
      Connects to a particular instance of the domain adminstration server using the provided connection information
      DFProgressObject createAppRef​(javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.Target[] targets, String moduleID, Map options)
      Add an application ref on the selected targets
      javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.Target[] createTargets​(String[] targets)
      Creates an array of Target objects corresponding to the list of target names.
      DFProgressObject deleteAppRef​(javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.Target[] targets, String moduleID, Map options)
      remove the application ref for the provided list of targets.
      DFProgressObject deploy​(javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.Target[] targets, URI source, URI deploymentPlan, Map deploymentOptions)
      Initiates a deployment operation on the server, using a source archive abstraction and an optional deployment plan if the server specific information is not embedded in the source archive.
      DFProgressObject deploy​(javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.Target[] targets, ReadableArchive source, ReadableArchive deploymentPlan, Map deploymentOptions)  
      DFProgressObject disable​(javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.Target[] targets, String moduleID)
      Disables a deployed component on the provided list of targets
      boolean disconnect()
      Disconnects from a domain administration server and releases all associated resouces.
      String downloadFile​(File location, String moduleID, String moduleURI)
      Downloads a particular file from the server repository.
      DFProgressObject enable​(javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.Target[] targets, String moduleID)
      Enables a deployed component on the provided list of targets.
      void getClientStubs​(String location, String moduleID)
      Downloads the client stubs from the server repository.
      String getContextRoot​(String moduleName)
      Get context root for the module
      HostAndPort getHostAndPort​(String target)
      get the host and port information
      HostAndPort getHostAndPort​(String target, boolean securityEnabled)
      get the host and port information with security enabled attribute
      HostAndPort getHostAndPort​(String target, String modID, boolean securityEnabled)
      get the host and port information with the specified module id and security enabled attribute
      javax.enterprise.deploy.shared.ModuleType getModuleType​(String moduleName)
      Get module type for the module
      List<String> getSubModuleInfoForJ2EEApplication​(String appName)
      Get sub module info for ear
      HostAndPort getVirtualServerHostAndPort​(String target, String virtualServer, boolean securityEnabled)
      get the host and port information with the specified virtual server and security enabled attribute
      boolean isConnected()  
      javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.TargetModuleID[] listAppRefs​(String[] targets)
      list all application refs that are present in the provided list of targets
      javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.Target[] listReferencedTargets​(String appName)
      list the referenced targets for application
      javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.Target[] listTargets()
      list all targets
      DFProgressObject undeploy​(javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.Target[] targets, String moduleID)  
      DFProgressObject undeploy​(javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.Target[] targets, String moduleID, Map options)
      Initiates an undeployment operation of the specified module affecting the selected targets.
      DFDeploymentStatus waitFor​(DFProgressObject po)
      Wait for a progress object to be in a completed state (sucessful or failed) and return the DeploymentStatus for this progress object.
    • Method Detail

      • connect

        boolean connect​(ServerConnectionIdentifier targetDAS)
        Connects to a particular instance of the domain adminstration server using the provided connection information

        Most other methods require that connect be invoked first.

        targetDAS - the ServerConnectionIdentifier that specifies which DAS to connect to
        whether or not the connection attempt succeeded
      • isConnected

        boolean isConnected()
        true if we are connected to a domain adminstration server
      • disconnect

        boolean disconnect()
        Disconnects from a domain administration server and releases all associated resouces.
      • deploy

        DFProgressObject deploy​(javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.Target[] targets,
                                URI source,
                                URI deploymentPlan,
                                Map deploymentOptions)
        Initiates a deployment operation on the server, using a source archive abstraction and an optional deployment plan if the server specific information is not embedded in the source archive. The deploymentOptions is a key-value pair map of deployment options for this operation.

        Once the deployment is successful, the TargetModuleID objects representing where the application now resides are available using the ProgressObject.getResultTargetModuleIDs() method.

        targets - the Target objects to which to deploy the application - an empty array indicates a request to deploy to the default server
        source - URI to the Java EE module abstraction (with or without the server specific artifacts).
        deploymentPlan - URI to the optional deployment plan if the source archive is portable.
        deploymentOptions - deployment options
        a DFProgressObject to receive deployment events and status
        IllegalStateException - if the client has not invoked connect yet
      • undeploy

        DFProgressObject undeploy​(javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.Target[] targets,
                                  String moduleID,
                                  Map options)
        Initiates an undeployment operation of the specified module affecting the selected targets.

        After the undeployment operation completes successfully use the ProgressObject.getResultTargetModuleIDs() method to retrieve the TargetModuleID objects representing the targets from which the module has been undeployed.

        targets - the Target objects indicating which targets from which to undeploy the application; an empty targets array is a request to undeploy from the default server
        moduleID - identifies the module to undeploy
        a DFProgressObject to receive undeployment events and completion status
        IllegalStateException - if the deployment facility has not been connected to the back-end
      • enable

        DFProgressObject enable​(javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.Target[] targets,
                                String moduleID)
        Enables a deployed component on the provided list of targets.
      • disable

        DFProgressObject disable​(javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.Target[] targets,
                                 String moduleID)
        Disables a deployed component on the provided list of targets
      • createAppRef

        DFProgressObject createAppRef​(javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.Target[] targets,
                                      String moduleID,
                                      Map options)
        Add an application ref on the selected targets
      • deleteAppRef

        DFProgressObject deleteAppRef​(javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.Target[] targets,
                                      String moduleID,
                                      Map options)
        remove the application ref for the provided list of targets.
      • getVirtualServerHostAndPort

        HostAndPort getVirtualServerHostAndPort​(String target,
                                                String virtualServer,
                                                boolean securityEnabled)
                                         throws IOException
        get the host and port information with the specified virtual server and security enabled attribute
      • getHostAndPort

        HostAndPort getHostAndPort​(String target,
                                   String modID,
                                   boolean securityEnabled)
                            throws IOException
        get the host and port information with the specified module id and security enabled attribute
      • listAppRefs

        javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.TargetModuleID[] listAppRefs​(String[] targets)
                                                          throws IOException
        list all application refs that are present in the provided list of targets
      • _listAppRefs

        javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.TargetModuleID[] _listAppRefs​(String[] targets)
                                                           throws IOException
        list all application refs that are present in the provided list of targets
      • _listAppRefs

        javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.TargetModuleID[] _listAppRefs​(String[] targets,
                                                                  String state)
                                                           throws IOException
        list all application refs that are present in the provided list of targets with the specified state
      • _listAppRefs

        javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.TargetModuleID[] _listAppRefs​(String[] targets,
                                                                  String state,
                                                                  String type)
                                                           throws IOException
        list all application refs that are present in the provided list of targets with the specified state and specified type
      • _listAppRefs

        javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.TargetModuleID[] _listAppRefs​(javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.Target[] targets,
                                                                  String state,
                                                                  String type)
                                                           throws IOException
        list all application refs that are present in the provided list of targets with the specified state and specified type
      • getModuleType

        javax.enterprise.deploy.shared.ModuleType getModuleType​(String moduleName)
                                                         throws IOException
        Get module type for the module
      • listTargets

        javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.Target[] listTargets()
                                                  throws IOException
        list all targets
      • listReferencedTargets

        javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.Target[] listReferencedTargets​(String appName)
                                                            throws IOException
        list the referenced targets for application
      • downloadFile

        String downloadFile​(File location,
                            String moduleID,
                            String moduleURI)
                     throws IOException
        Downloads a particular file from the server repository. The filePath is a relative path from the root directory of the deployed component identified with the moduleID parameter. The resulting downloaded file should be placed in the location directory keeping the relative path constraint.
        location - is the root directory where to place the downloaded file
        moduleID - is the moduleID of the deployed component to download the file from
        moduleURI - is the relative path to the file in the repository or STUBS_JARFILENAME to download the appclient jar file.
        the downloaded local file absolute path.
      • getClientStubs

        void getClientStubs​(String location,
                            String moduleID)
                     throws IOException
        Downloads the client stubs from the server repository.
        location - is the root path where to place the downloaded stubs
        moduleID - is the moduleID of the deployed component to download the stubs for
      • waitFor

        DFDeploymentStatus waitFor​(DFProgressObject po)
        Wait for a progress object to be in a completed state (sucessful or failed) and return the DeploymentStatus for this progress object.
        the - progress object to wait for completion
        the deployment status
      • createTargets

        javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.Target[] createTargets​(String[] targets)
        Creates an array of Target objects corresponding to the list of target names.
        targets - the names of the targets of interest
        an array of Target objects for the selected target names