Interface Http

    • Method Detail

      • getAdapter

        String getAdapter()
      • setAdapter

        void setAdapter​(String adapter)
      • getAuthPassThroughEnabled

        String getAuthPassThroughEnabled()
        Enable pass through of authentication from any front-end server
      • setAuthPassThroughEnabled

        void setAuthPassThroughEnabled​(String bool)
      • getChunkingEnabled

        String getChunkingEnabled()
      • setChunkingEnabled

        void setChunkingEnabled​(String enabled)
      • getCometSupportEnabled

        String getCometSupportEnabled()
        Enable comet support for this http instance. The default for this is false until enabling comet support but not using it can be verified as harmless. Currently it is unclear what the performance impact of enabling this feature is.
      • setCometSupportEnabled

        void setCometSupportEnabled​(String enable)
      • getCompressableMimeType

        String getCompressableMimeType()
      • setCompressableMimeType

        void setCompressableMimeType​(String type)
      • getCompression

        @Pattern(regexp="on|off|force|\\d+") String getCompression()
      • setCompression

        void setCompression​(String compression)
      • getCompressionLevel

        String getCompressionLevel()
      • setCompressionLevel

        void setCompressionLevel​(String level)
      • getCompressionStrategy

        @Pattern(regexp="Filtered|Default|Huffman Only|\\d+")
        @Pattern(regexp="Filtered|Default|Huffman Only|\\d+") String getCompressionStrategy()
      • setCompressionStrategy

        void setCompressionStrategy​(String compressionStrategy)
      • getCookieSameSiteValue

        @Pattern(regexp="Strict|Lax|None|\\d+") String getCookieSameSiteValue()
      • setCookieSameSiteValue

        void setCookieSameSiteValue​(String cookieSameSiteValue)
      • getCompressionMinSizeBytes

        String getCompressionMinSizeBytes()
      • setCompressionMinSizeBytes

        void setCompressionMinSizeBytes​(String size)
      • getConnectionUploadTimeoutMillis

        String getConnectionUploadTimeoutMillis()
      • setConnectionUploadTimeoutMillis

        void setConnectionUploadTimeoutMillis​(String timeout)
      • getDefaultResponseType

        String getDefaultResponseType()
        Setting the default response-type. Specified as a semi-colon delimited string consisting of content-type, encoding, language, charset
      • setDefaultResponseType

        void setDefaultResponseType​(String defaultResponseType)
      • getDefaultVirtualServer

        String getDefaultVirtualServer()
        The id attribute of the default virtual server for this particular connection group.
      • setDefaultVirtualServer

        void setDefaultVirtualServer​(String defaultVirtualServer)
      • getDnsLookupEnabled

        String getDnsLookupEnabled()
      • setDnsLookupEnabled

        void setDnsLookupEnabled​(String enable)
      • getEncodedSlashEnabled

        String getEncodedSlashEnabled()
      • setEncodedSlashEnabled

        void setEncodedSlashEnabled​(String enabled)
      • getFileCache

        @NotNull FileCache getFileCache()
        Gets the value of the fileCache property.
      • setFileCache

        void setFileCache​(FileCache value)
      • getForcedResponseType

        String getForcedResponseType()
        The response type to be forced if the content served cannot be matched by any of the MIME mappings for extensions. Specified as a semi-colon delimited string consisting of content-type, encoding, language, charset
      • setForcedResponseType

        void setForcedResponseType​(String forcedResponseType)
      • getHeaderBufferLengthBytes

        String getHeaderBufferLengthBytes()
        The size of the buffer used by the request processing threads for reading the request data
      • setHeaderBufferLengthBytes

        void setHeaderBufferLengthBytes​(String length)
      • getMaxConnections

        String getMaxConnections()
        Max number of connection in the Keep Alive mode
      • setMaxConnections

        void setMaxConnections​(String max)
      • getMaxFormPostSizeBytes

        String getMaxFormPostSizeBytes()
      • setMaxFormPostSizeBytes

        void setMaxFormPostSizeBytes​(String max)
      • getMaxPostSizeBytes

        String getMaxPostSizeBytes()
      • setMaxPostSizeBytes

        void setMaxPostSizeBytes​(String max)
      • getMaxSavePostSizeBytes

        String getMaxSavePostSizeBytes()
      • setMaxSavePostSizeBytes

        void setMaxSavePostSizeBytes​(String max)
      • getMaxSwallowingInputBytes

        String getMaxSwallowingInputBytes()
      • setMaxSwallowingInputBytes

        void setMaxSwallowingInputBytes​(String max)
      • getNoCompressionUserAgents

        String getNoCompressionUserAgents()
      • setNoCompressionUserAgents

        void setNoCompressionUserAgents​(String agents)
      • setRcmSupportEnabled

        void setRcmSupportEnabled​(String enable)
      • getRedirectPort

        String getRedirectPort()
        if the connector is supporting non-SSL requests and a request is received for which a matching security-constraint requires SSL transport catalina will automatically redirect the request to the port number specified here
      • setRedirectPort

        void setRedirectPort​(String redirectPort)
      • getRequestTimeoutSeconds

        String getRequestTimeoutSeconds()
        Time after which the request times out in seconds
      • setRequestTimeoutSeconds

        void setRequestTimeoutSeconds​(String timeout)
      • getRestrictedUserAgents

        String getRestrictedUserAgents()
      • setRestrictedUserAgents

        void setRestrictedUserAgents​(String agents)
      • getSendBufferSizeBytes

        String getSendBufferSizeBytes()
        Size of the buffer for response bodies in bytes
      • setSendBufferSizeBytes

        void setSendBufferSizeBytes​(String size)
      • getServerName

        String getServerName()
        Tells the server what to put in the host name section of any URLs it sends to the client. This affects URLs the server automatically generates; it doesn't affect the URLs for directories and files stored in the server. This name should be the alias name if your server uses an alias. If you append a colon and port number, that port will be used in URLs the server sends to the client.
      • setServerName

        void setServerName​(String serverName)
      • getTimeoutSeconds

        String getTimeoutSeconds()
        Keep Alive timeout, max time a connection can be deemed as idle and kept in the keep-alive state
      • setTimeoutSeconds

        void setTimeoutSeconds​(String timeout)
      • getWebsocketsTimeoutSeconds

        String getWebsocketsTimeoutSeconds()
        Max time a connection may be idle before being closed.
      • setWebsocketsTimeoutSeconds

        void setWebsocketsTimeoutSeconds​(String timeout)
      • getTraceEnabled

        String getTraceEnabled()
      • setTraceEnabled

        void setTraceEnabled​(String enabled)
      • getUploadTimeoutEnabled

        String getUploadTimeoutEnabled()
      • setUploadTimeoutEnabled

        void setUploadTimeoutEnabled​(String disable)
      • getUriEncoding

        String getUriEncoding()
      • setUriEncoding

        void setUriEncoding​(String encoding)
      • getScheme

        @Pattern(regexp="http|https") String getScheme()
        The HTTP scheme (http or https) to override HTTP request scheme picked up by Grizzly or web-container during HTTP request processing.
      • setScheme

        void setScheme​(String scheme)
      • getSchemeMapping

        String getSchemeMapping()
        Returns the HTTP request header name, whose value (if non-null) would be used to override default protocol scheme picked up by framework during request processing.
      • setSchemeMapping

        void setSchemeMapping​(String schemeMapping)
      • getRemoteUserMapping

        String getRemoteUserMapping()
        Returns the HTTP request header name, whose value (if non-null) would be used to set the name of the remote user that has been authenticated for HTTP Request.
      • setRemoteUserMapping

        void setRemoteUserMapping​(String remoteUserMapping)
      • getWebsocketsSupportEnabled

        String getWebsocketsSupportEnabled()
      • setWebsocketsSupportEnabled

        void setWebsocketsSupportEnabled​(String enabled)
      • getJkConfigurationFile

        String getJkConfigurationFile()
      • setJkConfigurationFile

        void setJkConfigurationFile​(String file)
      • getJkEnabled

        String getJkEnabled()
        If true, a jk listener is enabled
      • setJkEnabled

        void setJkEnabled​(String enabled)
      • getMaxRequestParameters

        String getMaxRequestParameters()
        Returns the maximum number of parameters allowed per request. If the value less than zero, then there will be no limit on parameters. If not explicitly configured, this returns 10000.
        the maximum number of parameters or 10000 if not explicitly configured.
      • setMaxRequestParameters

        void setMaxRequestParameters()
        Sets the maximum number of parameters allowed for a request. If the value is zero or less, then there will be no limit on parameters.
      • getMaxRequestHeaders

        String getMaxRequestHeaders()
        Returns the maximum number of headers allowed for a request.
      • setMaxRequestHeaders

        void setMaxRequestHeaders​(String maxRequestHeaders)
      • getMaxResponseHeaders

        String getMaxResponseHeaders()
        Returns the maximum number of headers allowed for a response.
      • setMaxResponseHeaders

        void setMaxResponseHeaders​(String maxRequestHeaders)
      • getXpoweredBy

        String getXpoweredBy()
        The Servlet 2.4 spec defines a special X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.4 header, which containers may add to servlet-generated responses. This is complemented by the JSP 2.0 spec, which defines a X-Powered-By: JSP/2.0 header to be added (on an optional basis) to responses utilizing JSP technology. The goal of these headers is to aid in gathering statistical data about the use of Servlet and JSP technology. If true, these headers will be added.
      • setXpoweredBy

        void setXpoweredBy​(String xpoweredBy)
      • getServerHeader

        String getServerHeader()
      • setServerHeader

        void setServerHeader​(String serverHeader)
      • getXframeOptions

        String getXframeOptions()
      • setXframeOptions

        void setXframeOptions​(String xframeOptions)
      • getCookieSameSiteEnabled

        String getCookieSameSiteEnabled()
      • setCookieSameSiteEnabled

        void setCookieSameSiteEnabled​(String enabled)
      • getAllowPayloadForUndefinedHttpMethods

        String getAllowPayloadForUndefinedHttpMethods()
        true, if payload will be allowed for HTTP methods, for which spec doesn't state explicitly if payload allowed or not.
      • setAllowPayloadForUndefinedHttpMethods

        void setAllowPayloadForUndefinedHttpMethods​(String allowPayloadForUndefinedHttpMethods)
      • getHttp2Enabled

        String getHttp2Enabled()
        Controls whether or not HTTP/2 is enabled. The default is true.
      • setHttp2Enabled

        void setHttp2Enabled​(String http2Enabled)
      • getHttp2MaxConcurrentStreams

        String getHttp2MaxConcurrentStreams()
        Configures the number of concurrent streams allowed per HTTP2 connection. The default is 100.
      • setHttp2MaxConcurrentStreams

        void setHttp2MaxConcurrentStreams​(String maxConcurrentStreams)
      • getHttp2InitialWindowSizeInBytes

        String getHttp2InitialWindowSizeInBytes()
        Configures the initial window size in bytes. The default is 64K - 1.
      • setHttp2InitialWindowSizeInBytes

        void setHttp2InitialWindowSizeInBytes​(String initialWindowSizeInBytes)
      • getHttp2MaxFramePayloadSizeInBytes

        String getHttp2MaxFramePayloadSizeInBytes()
        Configures the maximum size of the HTTP2 frame payload to be accepted. The default is 2^24 - 1.
      • setHttp2MaxFramePayloadSizeInBytes

        void setHttp2MaxFramePayloadSizeInBytes​(String maxFramePayloadSizeInBytes)
      • getHttp2MaxHeaderListSizeInBytes

        String getHttp2MaxHeaderListSizeInBytes()
        Configures the maximum size, in bytes, of the header list. The default is 4096.
      • setHttp2MaxHeaderListSizeInBytes

        void setHttp2MaxHeaderListSizeInBytes​(String maxHeaderListSizeInBytes)
      • getHttp2StreamsHighWaterMark

                 message="Must be a valid float between 0 and 1")
        @Pattern(regexp="[01](?:(?=\\.)\\.\\d+f?|f?)",message="Must be a valid float between 0 and 1") String getHttp2StreamsHighWaterMark()
        Streams are periodically cleaned when the stream count exceeds this value, as a proportion of the HTTP2_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS. The default is 0.5.
      • setHttp2StreamsHighWaterMark

        void setHttp2StreamsHighWaterMark​(String streamsHighWaterMark)
      • getHttp2CleanPercentage

                 message="Must be a valid float between 0 and 1")
        @Pattern(regexp="[01](?:(?=\\.)\\.\\d+f?|f?)",message="Must be a valid float between 0 and 1") String getHttp2CleanPercentage()
        The number of streams to process when the HTTP2_STREAMS_HIGH_WATER_MARK is exceeded. Only closed streams will be removed. The default is 0.5.
      • setHttp2CleanPercentage

        void setHttp2CleanPercentage​(String cleanPercentage)
      • getHttp2CleanFrequencyCheck

        String getHttp2CleanFrequencyCheck()
        The number of streams that must be closed before checking if the number of streams exceeds the HTTP2_STREAMS_HIGH_WATER_MARK. The default is 50.
      • setHttp2CleanFrequencyCheck

        void setHttp2CleanFrequencyCheck​(String cleanFrequencyCheck)
      • getHttp2DisableCipherCheck

        String getHttp2DisableCipherCheck()
        Controls whether or not insecure cipher suites are allowed to establish TLS connections. The default is false.
      • setHttp2DisableCipherCheck

        void setHttp2DisableCipherCheck​(String disableCipherCheck)
      • getHttp2PushEnabled

        String getHttp2PushEnabled()
        Controls whether or not push is allowed by the server endpoints. The default is true.
      • setHttp2PushEnabled

        void setHttp2PushEnabled​(String pushEnabled)
      • getParent

        Protocol getParent()
        Description copied from interface: ConfigBeanProxy
        Returns the parent element of this configuration element. It is possible to return a not null parent while the parent knows nothing of this child element. This could happen when the child element was removed from the configuration tree, yet it's parent would not have been reset.
        Specified by:
        getParent in interface ConfigBeanProxy
        the parent configuration node.