Class HK2DomConfigTypesUtilities

  • public class HK2DomConfigTypesUtilities
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • HK2DomConfigTypesUtilities

        public HK2DomConfigTypesUtilities()
    • Method Detail

      • enableHK2DomConfigurationConfigTypes

        public static void enableHK2DomConfigurationConfigTypes​(org.glassfish.hk2.api.ServiceLocator locator)
        This method enables the HK2 Dom based XML configuration parsing for systems that do not use HK2 metadata files or use a non-default name for HK2 metadata files, along with support for the types provided in this module. This method is idempotent, so that if the services already are available in the locator they will not get added again
        locator - The non-null locator to add the hk2 dom based configuration services to
        loader - The loader to use to classload the services added
      • enableHK2DomConfigurationConfigTypes

        public static void enableHK2DomConfigurationConfigTypes​(org.glassfish.hk2.api.ServiceLocator locator,
                                                                org.glassfish.hk2.api.HK2Loader loader)
        This method enables the HK2 Dom based XML configuration parsing for systems that do not use HK2 metadata files or use a non-default name for HK2 metadata files, along with support for the types provided in this module. This method is idempotent, so that if the services already are available in the locator they will not get added again
        locator - The non-null locator to add the hk2 dom based configuration services to
        loader - The loader to use to classload the services added