Class XMLContentActionReporter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class XMLContentActionReporter
    extends ActionReporter
    Represents the action report as XML like this:

    <action-report description="xxx" exit-code="xxx" [failure-cause="xxx"]>
      <message-part message="">
        <property name="xxx" value="xxx"/>
        <child-type property="value"/>
    Currently this is used to return the metadata for a command, although it could be used more generally to return XML content. In the general case the action-report and message-part elements ought to be removed.
    tjquinn, Bill Shannon
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • XMLContentActionReporter

        public XMLContentActionReporter()
    • Method Detail

      • writeReport

        public void writeReport​(OutputStream os)
        Description copied from class: ActionReport
        Outputs the formatted information
        Specified by:
        writeReport in class ActionReport
        os - The OutputStream to which the information is sent to
      • getContentType

        public String getContentType()
        Description copied from class: ActionReporter
        Returns the content type to be used in sending the response back to the client/caller.

        This is the default type. Specific subclasses of ActionReporter might override the method to return a different valid type.

        getContentType in class ActionReporter
        content type to be used in formatting the command response to the client