Class QueryPlan

    • Method Detail

      • addQueryTable

        public QueryTable addQueryTable​(org.netbeans.modules.dbschema.TableElement tableElement,
                                        ClassDesc persistenceConfig)
        Identifies a database table which will become part of this query plan. We will build a QueryTable object describing its use and return it. Note: No join is constructed at this point for the table added.
        tableElement - Identifies which table is being added.
        persistenceConfig - If we are adding a foreign table the persistenceConfig parameter holds the PersistenceConfig for the foreign Persistence Class.
      • addQueryTables

        public void addQueryTables​(ArrayList queryTables)
        Add all the tables from queryTables to the current query plan. Useful when transfering tables when joining query plans together.
        queryTables - Query tables from the foreign plan to be added.
      • findQueryTable

        public QueryTable findQueryTable​(org.netbeans.modules.dbschema.TableElement tableElement)
        Finds the QueryTable object that this query plan is using to describe the TableElement indicated by the tableElement parameter.
      • findQueryTable

        public QueryTable findQueryTable​(TableDesc tableDesc)
        Finds the QueryTable object that this query plan is using to describe the TableDesc indicated by the tableDesc parameter.
      • getStatements

        public ArrayList getStatements()
      • newStatement

        protected abstract Statement newStatement()
      • build

        public abstract void build()
      • processStatements

        protected void processStatements()
        This method goes through the statement list and tries to set up relationship between statements based on secondary table keys.
      • getAction

        public int getAction()