Class JVMThreadSystemStatsProvider

  • @AMXMetadata(type="thread-system-mon",
    @Description("JVM Thread System Statistics")
    public class JVMThreadSystemStatsProvider
    extends Object
    Base class providing the MBean to monitor JVM thread system statistics

    The MBean will of the format amx:pp=/mon/server-mon[server],type=thread-system-mon,name=jvm/thread-system and can be enabled by turning the Jvm monitoring level in the admin console to LOW

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      org.glassfish.external.statistics.StringStatistic getAllThreadIds()
      Returns all live thread IDs
      org.glassfish.external.statistics.CountStatistic getCpuUsage()  
      org.glassfish.external.statistics.CountStatistic getCurrentThreadCpuTime()
      Returns the total CPU time for the current thread in nanoseconds
      org.glassfish.external.statistics.CountStatistic getCurrentThreadUserTime()
      Returns the CPU time that the current thread has executed in user mode in nanoseconds
      org.glassfish.external.statistics.CountStatistic getDaemonThreadCount()
      Returns the current number of live daemon threads
      org.glassfish.external.statistics.StringStatistic getDeadlockedThreads()
      Finds cycles of threads that are in deadlock waiting to acquire object monitors or ownable synchronizers
      org.glassfish.external.statistics.StringStatistic getMonitorDeadlockedThreads()
      Finds cycles of threads that are in deadlock waiting to acquire object monitors
      org.glassfish.external.statistics.CountStatistic getPeakThreadCount()
      Returns the peak live thread count since the Java virtual machine started or peak was reset
      org.glassfish.external.statistics.CountStatistic getThreadCount()
      Returns the current number of live threads including both daemon and non-daemon threads
      org.glassfish.external.statistics.CountStatistic getTotalStartedThreadCount()
      Returns the total number of threads created and also started since the Java virtual machine started
    • Constructor Detail

      • JVMThreadSystemStatsProvider

        public JVMThreadSystemStatsProvider()
    • Method Detail

      • getAllThreadIds

        @Description("Returns all live thread IDs")
        public org.glassfish.external.statistics.StringStatistic getAllThreadIds()
        Returns all live thread IDs
        a StringStatistic with a comma separated list of all live thread IDs
      • getCurrentThreadCpuTime

        @Description("Returns the total CPU time for the current thread in nanoseconds")
        public org.glassfish.external.statistics.CountStatistic getCurrentThreadCpuTime()
        Returns the total CPU time for the current thread in nanoseconds
        a CountStatistic with the time in nanoseconds
      • getCurrentThreadUserTime

        @Description("Returns the CPU time that the current thread has executed in user mode in nanoseconds")
        public org.glassfish.external.statistics.CountStatistic getCurrentThreadUserTime()
        Returns the CPU time that the current thread has executed in user mode in nanoseconds
        a CountStatistic with the time in nanoseconds
      • getDaemonThreadCount

        @Description("Returns the current number of live daemon threads")
        public org.glassfish.external.statistics.CountStatistic getDaemonThreadCount()
        Returns the current number of live daemon threads
        a CountStatistic with thenumber of threads
      • getDeadlockedThreads

        @Description("Finds cycles of threads that are in deadlock waiting to acquire object monitors or ownable synchronizers")
        public org.glassfish.external.statistics.StringStatistic getDeadlockedThreads()
        Finds cycles of threads that are in deadlock waiting to acquire object monitors or ownable synchronizers
        A StringStatistic with a comma separated list of deadlocked threads or the string "None of the threads are deadlocked." if there are no deadlocked threads
      • getMonitorDeadlockedThreads

        @Description("Finds cycles of threads that are in deadlock waiting to acquire object monitors")
        public org.glassfish.external.statistics.StringStatistic getMonitorDeadlockedThreads()
        Finds cycles of threads that are in deadlock waiting to acquire object monitors
        A StringStatistic with a comma separated list of deadlocked threads or the string "None of the threads are monitor deadlocked." if there are no deadlocked threads
      • getPeakThreadCount

        @Description("Returns the peak live thread count since the Java virtual machine started or peak was reset")
        public org.glassfish.external.statistics.CountStatistic getPeakThreadCount()
        Returns the peak live thread count since the Java virtual machine started or peak was reset
        a CountStatistic with the highest number of threads
      • getThreadCount

        @Description("Returns the current number of live threads including both daemon and non-daemon threads")
        public org.glassfish.external.statistics.CountStatistic getThreadCount()
        Returns the current number of live threads including both daemon and non-daemon threads
        A CountStatistic with the current number of threads
      • getTotalStartedThreadCount

        @Description("Returns the total number of threads created and also started since the Java virtual machine started")
        public org.glassfish.external.statistics.CountStatistic getTotalStartedThreadCount()
        Returns the total number of threads created and also started since the Java virtual machine started
        a CountStatistic with the total number of threads
      • getCpuUsage

        @Description("Returns the CPU usage in percent.")
        public org.glassfish.external.statistics.CountStatistic getCpuUsage()