Class EJBSecurityManager

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class EJBSecurityManager
    extends Object
    implements SecurityManager
    This class is used by the EJB server to manage security. All the container object only call into this object for managing security. This class cannot be subclassed.

    An instance of this class should be created per deployment unit.

    Harpreet Singh, monzillo
    • Method Detail

      • preInvoke

        public void preInvoke​(ComponentInvocation inv)
        This method is used by MDB Container - Invocation Manager to setup the run-as identity information. It has to be coupled with the postSetRunAsIdentity method. This method is called for EJB/MDB Containers
        Specified by:
        preInvoke in interface SecurityManager
      • postInvoke

        public void postInvoke​(ComponentInvocation inv)
        This method is used by Message Driven Bean Container to remove the run-as identity information that was set up using the preSetRunAsIdentity method
        Specified by:
        postInvoke in interface SecurityManager
      • getUsesCallerIdentity

        public boolean getUsesCallerIdentity()
      • authorize

        public boolean authorize​(ComponentInvocation componentInvocation)
        This method is called by the EJB container to decide whether or not a method specified in the Invocation should be allowed.
        Specified by:
        authorize in interface SecurityManager
        componentInvocation - invocation object that contains all the details of the invocation.
        A boolean value indicating if the client should be allowed to invoke the EJB.
      • isCallerInRole

        public boolean isCallerInRole​(String role)
        This method returns a boolean value indicating whether or not the caller is in the specified role.
        Specified by:
        isCallerInRole in interface SecurityManager
        role - role name in the form of java.lang.String
        A boolean true/false depending on whether or not the caller has the specified role.
      • invoke

        public Object invoke​(Method beanClassMethod,
                             boolean isLocal,
                             Object beanObject,
                             Object[] parameters)
                      throws Throwable
        This method is similiar to the runMethod, except it keeps the semantics same as the one in reflection. On failure, if the exception is caused due to reflection, it returns the InvocationTargetException. This method is called from the containers for ejbTimeout, WebService and MDBs.
        Specified by:
        invoke in interface SecurityManager
        beanClassMethod - , the bean class method to be invoked
        isLocal - , true if this invocation is through the local EJB view
        beanObject - the object on which this method is to be invoked in this case the ejb,
        parameters - the parameters for the method,
        c - , the container instance can be a null value, where in the container will be queried to find its security manager.
        Object, the result of the execution of the method.
      • getCallerPrincipal

        public Principal getCallerPrincipal()
        This method returns the Client Principal who initiated the current Invocation.
        Specified by:
        getCallerPrincipal in interface SecurityManager
        A Principal object of the client who made this invocation. or null if the SecurityContext has not been established by the client.
      • destroy

        public void destroy()
        Description copied from interface: SecurityManager
        Call this method to clean up all the bookeeping data-structures in the SM.
        Specified by:
        destroy in interface SecurityManager
      • getCurrentSubject

        public Subject getCurrentSubject()
        This will return the subject associated with the current call. If the run as subject is in effect. It will return that subject. This is done to support the JACC specification which says if the runas principal is in effect, that principal should be used for making a component call.
        Specified by:
        getCurrentSubject in interface SecurityManager
        Subject the current subject. Null if this is not the run-as case
      • runMethod

        public Object runMethod​(Method beanClassMethod,
                                Object beanObject,
                                Object[] parameters)
                         throws Throwable
        Runs a business method of an EJB within the bean's policy context. The original policy context is restored after method execution. This method should only be used by
        beanClassMethod - the EJB business method
        beanObject - the EJB bean instance
        parameters - parameters passed to beanClassMethod
        return value from beanClassMethod
        InvocationTargetException - if the underlying method throws an exception
        Throwable - other throwables in other cases