ApplicationClassLoadingPostProcessor |
If there has been no other PopulatorPostProcessor that has set the descriptors
HK2Loader then this one will set it to an appropriate loader for the application,
using the application classloader
ApplicationDescriptorFileFinder |
This DescriptorFileFinder is used to find all of the META-INF/hk2-locator/application files
in the application
ApplicationInfo |
Information about a running application.
ApplicationRegistry |
Registry for deployed Applications
TODO : dochez
this class needs to go, I think we should use the configured tree (applications)
to store this list.
ContainerRegistry |
The container Registry holds references to the currently running containers.
EngineInfo<T extends Container,U extends ApplicationContainer> |
This class holds information about a particular container such as a reference
to the sniffer, the container itself and the list of applications deployed in
that container.
EngineRef |
When a module is attached to a LoadedEngine, it creates an Engine reference.
ModuleInfo |
Each module of an application has an associated module info instance keeping
the list of engines in which that module is loaded.
ProgressTracker |
Simple tracker objects to remember what operations were performed