Class RestartServer

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    RestartDomainCommand, RestartInstanceInstanceCommand

    public class RestartServer
    extends Object
    For non-verbose mode: Stop this server, spawn a new JVM that will wait for this JVM to die. The new JVM then starts the server again. For verbose mode: We want the asadmin console itself to do the respawning -- so just return a special int from System.exit(). This tells asadmin to restart.
    Byron Nevins
    • Constructor Detail

      • RestartServer

        public RestartServer()
    • Method Detail

      • setDebug

        protected final void setDebug​(Boolean b)
      • setRegistry

        protected final void setRegistry​(com.sun.enterprise.module.ModulesRegistry registryIn)
      • setServerName

        protected final void setServerName​(String serverNameIn)
      • doExecute

        protected final void doExecute​(AdminCommandContext context)
        Restart of the application server : All running services are stopped. LookupManager is flushed. Client code that started us should notice the special return value and restart us.