Interface DownloadServlet.ContentSource

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    ClientStubsContentSource, LBConfigContentSource, LogFilesContentSource, LogViewerContentSource
    Enclosing class:

    public static interface DownloadServlet.ContentSource

    Implement this interface to provide an Object that is capable of providing data to DownloadServlet. ContentSource implementations must be thread safe. The DownloadServlet will reuse the same instance when 2 requests are made to the same ContentSource type. Instance variables, therefore, should not be used; you may use the context to store local information.

    • Method Detail

      • getId

        String getId()

        This method should return a unique string used to identify this ContentSource. This string must be specified in order to select the appropriate ContentSource when using the DownloadServlet.

      • cleanUp

        void cleanUp​(DownloadServlet.Context ctx)

        This method may be used to clean up any temporary resources. It will be invoked after the InputStream has been completely read.

      • getLastModified

        long getLastModified​(DownloadServlet.Context context)

        This method is responsible for returning the last modified date of the content, or -1 if not applicable. This information will be used for caching.