Class ErrorDisplayDialog

  • public class ErrorDisplayDialog
    extends Object
    Displays errors detected after Java Web Start has launched the Java Web Start-aware ACC but before the developer's client has launched. Such errors would normally go to the Java Web Start trace file or the Java Console (if either is enabled) but by default neither of those is turned on, with the result that the end-user has no information about such errors. The client would simply never start.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ErrorDisplayDialog

        public ErrorDisplayDialog()
    • Method Detail

      • showUserError

        public static void showUserError​(UserError ue,
                                         ResourceBundle rb)
        Displays a kinder, gentler display for user errors - ones that normally a user could correct. This is not typically user-fixable in a Java Web Start launch environment, but the nature of the error still does not call for a stack trace.
        ue - UserError to be displayed
        rb - ResourceBundle from which to retrieve i18n strings
      • showErrors

        public static void showErrors​(Throwable t,
                                      ResourceBundle rb)
        Displays a dialog box reporting an error, listing the stack trace in a text box and allowing the user to copy the stack trace to the platform's clipboard before dismissing the dialog box.
        t - the Throwable error detected and being reported
        rb - a ResourceBundle containing localizable strings