A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z _
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All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages
- ABSTRACT - spoon.metamodel.ConceptKind
Types of the metamodel which represent abstract concepts of Spoon that cannot be directly instantiated.
- ABSTRACT - spoon.reflect.declaration.ModifierKind
The modifier abstract
- ABSTRACT - spoon.reflect.visitor.JavaIdentifiers
- AbstractAnnotationProcessor<A extends Annotation,E extends CtElement> - Class in spoon.processing
This class defines an abstract annotation processor to be subclassed by the user for defining new annotation processors including Java 8 annotations.
- AbstractAnnotationProcessor() - Constructor for class spoon.processing.AbstractAnnotationProcessor
Empty constructor only for all processors (invoked by Spoon).
- AbstractAssert<T extends AbstractAssert<T,A>,A> - Class in spoon.testing
Base contract for all assertion objects: the minimum functionality that any assertion object should provide.
- AbstractAssert(A, Class<?>) - Constructor for class spoon.testing.AbstractAssert
- AbstractCtElementAssert<T extends AbstractCtElementAssert<T>> - Class in spoon.testing
- AbstractCtElementAssert(CtElement, Class<?>) - Constructor for class spoon.testing.AbstractCtElementAssert
- AbstractCtPackageAssert<T extends AbstractCtPackageAssert<T>> - Class in spoon.testing
- AbstractCtPackageAssert(CtPackage, Class<?>) - Constructor for class spoon.testing.AbstractCtPackageAssert
- AbstractFileAssert<T extends AbstractFileAssert<T>> - Class in spoon.testing
- AbstractFileAssert(File, Class<?>) - Constructor for class spoon.testing.AbstractFileAssert
- AbstractFilter<T extends CtElement> - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
Defines an abstract filter based on matching on the element types.
- AbstractFilter() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.AbstractFilter
Creates a filter with the type computed by reflection from the matches method parameter
- AbstractFilter(Class<? super T>) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.AbstractFilter
Creates a filter with the type of the potentially matching elements.
- AbstractManualProcessor - Class in spoon.processing
This class defines an abstract processor to be subclassed by the user for defining new manual processors.
- AbstractManualProcessor() - Constructor for class spoon.processing.AbstractManualProcessor
Empty constructor only for all processors (invoked by Spoon).
- AbstractNode - Class in spoon.pattern.internal.node
Represents a parameterized Pattern ValueResolver, which can be used to generate a zero, one or more copies of model using provided parameters to match zero, one or more instances of model and deliver a matching parameters
- AbstractNode() - Constructor for class spoon.pattern.internal.node.AbstractNode
- AbstractParallelProcessor<E extends CtElement> - Class in spoon.processing
AbstractParallelProcessor allows using multiple threads for concurrent processing with
. - AbstractParallelProcessor(Iterable<Processor<E>>) - Constructor for class spoon.processing.AbstractParallelProcessor
Creates a new AbstractParallelProcessor from given iterable.
- AbstractParallelProcessor(Iterable<Processor<E>>, int) - Constructor for class spoon.processing.AbstractParallelProcessor
Creates a new AbstractParallelProcessor from given iterable.
- AbstractParallelProcessor(Consumer<E>, int) - Constructor for class spoon.processing.AbstractParallelProcessor
Creates a new AbstractParallelProcessor from given consumer.
- AbstractParameterInfo - Class in spoon.pattern.internal.parameter
- AbstractParameterInfo(ParameterInfo) - Constructor for class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.AbstractParameterInfo
- AbstractPathElement<P extends CtElement,T extends CtElement> - Class in spoon.reflect.path.impl
Partial implementation for CtPathElement
- AbstractPathElement() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.path.impl.AbstractPathElement
- AbstractProcessor<E extends CtElement> - Class in spoon.processing
This class defines an abstract processor to be subclassed by the user for defining new processors.
- AbstractProcessor() - Constructor for class spoon.processing.AbstractProcessor
Empty constructor only for all processors (invoked by Spoon).
- AbstractReferenceFilter<T extends CtReference> - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
This class defines an abstract reference filter that needs to be subclassed in order to define the matching criteria.
- AbstractReferenceFilter() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.AbstractReferenceFilter
Creates a filter with the type computed by reflection from the matches method parameter
- AbstractReferenceFilter(Class<? super T>) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.AbstractReferenceFilter
Creates a reference filter with the type of the potentially matching references.
- AbstractRenameRefactoring<T extends CtNamedElement> - Class in spoon.refactoring
abstract implementation of rename element refactoring
- AbstractRenameRefactoring(Pattern) - Constructor for class spoon.refactoring.AbstractRenameRefactoring
- AbstractTemplate<T extends CtElement> - Class in spoon.template
handles the well-formedness and helper methods of templates
- AbstractTemplate() - Constructor for class spoon.template.AbstractTemplate
- accept(CtImportVisitor) - Method in class spoon.experimental.CtUnresolvedImport
- accept(CtImportVisitor) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtImport
Accepts a
- accept(CtImportVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtImportImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.experimental.CtUnresolvedImport
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.ModuleFactory.CtUnnamedModule
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitable
Accepts a visitor
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtAnnotationFieldAccessImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtArrayReadImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtArrayWriteImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtAssertImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtAssignmentImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtBinaryOperatorImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtBlockImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtBreakImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCaseImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCatchImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCatchVariableImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCodeSnippetExpressionImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCodeSnippetStatementImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCommentImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtConditionalImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtConstructorCallImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtContinueImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtDoImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtExecutableReferenceExpressionImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtFieldReadImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtFieldWriteImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtForEachImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtForImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtIfImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtInvocationImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtJavaDocImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtJavaDocTagImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLambdaImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLiteralImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLocalVariableImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtNewArrayImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtNewClassImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtOperatorAssignmentImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtReturnImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtStatementListImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtSuperAccessImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtSwitchExpressionImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtSwitchImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtSynchronizedImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtTextBlockImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtThisAccessImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtThrowImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtTryImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtTryWithResourceImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtTypeAccessImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtTypePatternImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtUnaryOperatorImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtVariableReadImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtVariableWriteImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtWhileImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtYieldStatementImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationMethodImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationTypeImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutableImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtClassImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnitImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtConstructorImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtEnumImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtEnumValueImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtFieldImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtImportImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtInterfaceImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtMethodImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtModuleImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtModuleRequirementImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtPackageDeclarationImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtPackageExportImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtPackageImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtParameterImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtProvidedServiceImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtRecordComponentImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtRecordImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtUsedServiceImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtArrayTypeReferenceImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtCatchVariableReferenceImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReferenceImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtFieldReferenceImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtIntersectionTypeReferenceImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtLocalVariableReferenceImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtModuleReferenceImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtPackageReferenceImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtParameterReferenceImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeMemberWildcardImportReferenceImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeParameterReferenceImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtUnboundVariableReferenceImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtVariableReferenceImpl
- accept(CtVisitor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtWildcardReferenceImpl
- accept(T) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtConsumer
Implement this method to do something with object "t" passed as parameter
- acceptResult(CompilationResult) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.TreeBuilderRequestor
- ACCESSED_TYPE - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- AccessibleVariablesFinder - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor
Find local variables catch, parameters, fields, super fields
- AccessibleVariablesFinder(CtElement) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.AccessibleVariablesFinder
- Action - Class in spoon.support.modelobs.action
defines an action change on the model
- ActionBasedChangeListener - Interface in spoon.support.modelobs
notifies all change on the AST
- ActionBasedChangeListenerImpl - Class in spoon.support.modelobs
This listener will propagate the change to the listener
- ActionBasedChangeListenerImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.modelobs.ActionBasedChangeListenerImpl
- actual - Variable in class spoon.testing.AbstractAssert
- adaptMethod(CtMethod<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.adaption.TypeAdaptor
Adapts a given method to the context of this type adapter.
- adaptType(CtType<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.adaption.TypeAdaptor
Adapts a type from a supertype to the context of this adaptor.
- adaptType(CtTypeInformation) - Method in interface spoon.support.visitor.GenericTypeAdapter
adapts `type` to the
of the scope of thisGenericTypeAdapter
This mapping function is able to resolveCtTypeParameter
A) input type or any super class or any enclosing class of input type or it's super class
B) super interfaces of input type or super interfaces of it's super classes.
The type reference is adapted recursive including all it's actual type arguments and bounds. - adaptType(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.adaption.TypeAdaptor
Adapts a type from a supertype to the context of this adaptor.
- adaptTypeParameter(CtTypeParameter) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.ClassTypingContext
adapts `typeParam` to the
of scope of thisClassTypingContext
In can beCtTypeParameterReference
again - depending actual type arguments of thisClassTypingContext
. - adaptTypeParameter(CtTypeParameter) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.MethodTypingContext
Adapts `typeParam` to the
of scope of thisMethodTypingContext
In can beCtTypeParameterReference
again - depending actual type arguments of thisMethodTypingContext
. - add(int, E) - Method in class spoon.support.util.SortedList
- add(int, T) - Method in class spoon.support.util.ModelList
- add(E) - Method in class spoon.support.util.SortedList
- add(CtExecutable<?>) - Method in class spoon.refactoring.MethodCallState
Adds a CtExecutable to the methods invoking this method.
- add(CtType<?>) - Method in class spoon.refactoring.MethodCallState
Adds a CtType to the fields invoking this method.
- add(ElementSourceFragment) - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.ElementSourceFragment
adds `other`
into tree ofElementSourceFragment
s represented by this root element - add(T) - Method in class spoon.support.util.ModelList
- add(T) - Method in class spoon.support.util.ModelSet
- ADD_FIRST - spoon.metamodel.MMMethodKind
void addFirst(T)
- ADD_LAST - spoon.metamodel.MMMethodKind
void add(T)
- ADD_ON - spoon.metamodel.MMMethodKind
void addOn(int, T)
- AddAction<T> - Class in spoon.support.modelobs.action
- AddAction(Context, T) - Constructor for class spoon.support.modelobs.action.AddAction
- addActualTypeArgument(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtConstructorCall
Delegate to the executable reference of the constructor call.
- addActualTypeArgument(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtInvocation
Delegate to the executable reference of the invocation.
- addActualTypeArgument(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtNewClass
Delegate to the executable reference of the new class.
- addActualTypeArgument(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtActualTypeContainer
Adds a type argument.
- addActualTypeArgument(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtConstructorCallImpl
- addActualTypeArgument(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtInvocationImpl
- addActualTypeArgument(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReferenceImpl
- addActualTypeArgument(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeParameterReferenceImpl
- addActualTypeArgument(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class spoon.support.util.SortedList
- addAnnotation(CtAnnotation<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
Add an annotation for this element
- addAnnotation(CtAnnotation<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeMemberWildcardImportReference
- addAnnotation(CtAnnotation<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- addAnnotation(CtAnnotation<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeMemberWildcardImportReferenceImpl
- addAnnotation(CtAnnotation<Annotation>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.AnnotationRuntimeBuilderContext
- addAnnotation(CtAnnotation<Annotation>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.ExecutableRuntimeBuilderContext
- addAnnotation(CtAnnotation<Annotation>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.PackageRuntimeBuilderContext
- addAnnotation(CtAnnotation<Annotation>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.RecordComponentRuntimeBuilderContext
- addAnnotation(CtAnnotation<Annotation>) - Method in interface spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.RuntimeBuilderContext
- addAnnotation(CtAnnotation<Annotation>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.TypeReferenceRuntimeBuilderContext
- addAnnotation(CtAnnotation<Annotation>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.TypeRuntimeBuilderContext
- addAnnotation(CtAnnotation<Annotation>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.VariableRuntimeBuilderContext
- addAnonymousExecutable(CtAnonymousExecutable) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtClass
Add an anonymous block to this class.
- addAnonymousExecutable(CtAnonymousExecutable) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtClassImpl
- addArgument(String, String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.path.impl.AbstractPathElement
- addArgument(String, String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.path.impl.CtPathElement
Add a path argument.
- addArgument(CtExpression<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtAbstractInvocation
Adds an argument expression to the invocation.
- addArgument(CtExpression<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtConstructorCallImpl
- addArgument(CtExpression<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtInvocationImpl
- addArgumentAt(int, CtExpression<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtAbstractInvocation
Adds an argument expression to the invocation at the specified position.
- addArgumentAt(int, CtExpression<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtConstructorCallImpl
- addArgumentAt(int, CtExpression<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtInvocationImpl
- addBlockTag(String) - Method in class spoon.javadoc.internal.Javadoc
- addBlockTag(String, String, String) - Method in class spoon.javadoc.internal.Javadoc
For tags like "@return good things" where tagName is "return", and the rest is content.
- addBlockTag(JavadocBlockTag) - Method in class spoon.javadoc.internal.Javadoc
- addBound(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtIntersectionTypeReference
Adds a bound.
- addBound(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtIntersectionTypeReferenceImpl
- addCase(PrimitiveMatcher, RootNode) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.SwitchNode
Adds another case into this switch statement
- addCase(CtCase<? super S>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtAbstractSwitch
Adds a case;
- addCase(CtCase<? super S>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtSwitchExpressionImpl
- addCase(CtCase<? super S>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtSwitchImpl
- addCaseAt(int, CtCase<? super S>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtAbstractSwitch
Adds a case at the specified position.
- addCaseAt(int, CtCase<? super S>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtSwitchExpressionImpl
- addCaseAt(int, CtCase<? super S>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtSwitchImpl
- addCaseExpression(CtExpression<E>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCaseImpl
- addCaseExpression(CtExpression<S>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtCase
Adds case expression.
- addCatcher(CtCatch) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtTry
Adds a catch block.
- addCatcher(CtCatch) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtTryImpl
- addClassImport(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportScannerImpl
Adds a type to the classImports.
- addClone(Collection<T>, T) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.CloneHelper
clones an element and adds it's clone as value into targetCollection
- addClone(Map<String, T>, String, T) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.CloneHelper
clones a value and adds it's clone as value into targetMap under key
- addComment(CtComment) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
Add a comment to the current element
element.addComment(element.getFactory().Code().createComment("comment", CtComment.CommentType.INLINE)
- addComment(CtComment) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- addCompilationUnitFilter(CompilationUnitFilter) - Method in interface spoon.SpoonModelBuilder
. - addCompilationUnitFilter(CompilationUnitFilter) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- addConstructor(CtConstructor<?>) - Method in interface spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.RuntimeBuilderContext
- addConstructor(CtConstructor<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtClass
Adds a constructor to this class.
- addConstructor(CtConstructor<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtClassImpl
- addConsumedAnnotationType(Class<? extends A>) - Method in class spoon.processing.AbstractAnnotationProcessor
Adds a consumed annotation type (to be used in subclasses constructors).
- addDeclaredType(CtType<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnit
Add a type to the list of declared types.
- addDeclaredType(CtType<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnitImpl
- addDeclaredTypeReference(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnit
Add a type reference to the list of declared types
- addDeclaredTypeReference(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnitImpl
- addDefaultValueEnd(int) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.cu.position.DeclarationSourcePosition
returns a new position object enriched a default value declaration (immutability pattern)
- addDefaultValueEnd(int) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.cu.position.DeclarationSourcePositionImpl
- addDimensionExpression(CtExpression<Integer>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtNewArray
Adds a dimension expression.
- addDimensionExpression(CtExpression<Integer>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtNewArrayImpl
- addElement(JavadocDescriptionElement) - Method in class spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocDescription
- addElement(CtExpression<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtNewArray
Adds an element.
- addElement(CtExpression<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtNewArrayImpl
- addEnumValue(CtEnumValue<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtEnum
Adds an enum value.
- addEnumValue(CtEnumValue<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtEnumImpl
- addEnumValue(CtEnumValue<?>) - Method in interface spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.RuntimeBuilderContext
- addExecutable(CtExecutable<?>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.ExecutableReferenceFilter
Add next
s has to be matched - addExportedPackage(CtPackageExport) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModule
- addExportedPackage(CtPackageExport) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtModuleImpl
- addField(int, CtField<F>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType
add a field at a given position.
- addField(int, CtField<F>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- addField(int, CtField<F>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- addField(CtField<?>) - Method in interface spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.RuntimeBuilderContext
- addField(CtField<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.TypeRuntimeBuilderContext
- addField(CtField<F>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType
add a field at the end of the field list.
- addField(CtField<F>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- addField(CtField<F>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- addFieldAtTop(CtField<F>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType
Adds a field at the top of the type (before static block).
- addFieldAtTop(CtField<F>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameter
- addFieldAtTop(CtField<F>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- addFieldAtTop(CtField<F>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- addFieldImport(CtFieldReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportScannerImpl
- addFile(SpoonFile) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.SpoonFolder
Adds a file in this folder
- addFile(SpoonFile) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.FileSystemFolder
- addFile(SpoonFile) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.VirtualFolder
- addFile(SpoonFile) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.ZipFolder
- addFirst(CtPathElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.path.impl.CtPathImpl
- addFolder(SpoonFolder) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.SpoonFolder
Adds a sub folder in this folder
- addFolder(SpoonFolder) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.FileSystemFolder
- addFolder(SpoonFolder) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.VirtualFolder
- addFolder(SpoonFolder) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.ZipFolder
- addForInit(CtStatement) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtFor
Adds an init statement.
- addForInit(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtForImpl
- addFormalCtTypeParameter(CtTypeParameter) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtFormalTypeDeclarer
Add a type parameter to this generic element.
- addFormalCtTypeParameter(CtTypeParameter) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtConstructorImpl
- addFormalCtTypeParameter(CtTypeParameter) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtMethodImpl
- addFormalCtTypeParameter(CtTypeParameter) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- addFormalCtTypeParameterAt(int, CtTypeParameter) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtFormalTypeDeclarer
Add a type parameter at a specific position.
- addFormalCtTypeParameterAt(int, CtTypeParameter) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtConstructorImpl
- addFormalCtTypeParameterAt(int, CtTypeParameter) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtMethodImpl
- addFormalCtTypeParameterAt(int, CtTypeParameter) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- addFormalType(CtTypeParameter) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.ExecutableRuntimeBuilderContext
- addFormalType(CtTypeParameter) - Method in interface spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.RuntimeBuilderContext
- addFormalType(CtTypeParameter) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.TypeReferenceRuntimeBuilderContext
- addFormalType(CtTypeParameter) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.TypeRuntimeBuilderContext
- addForUpdate(CtStatement) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtFor
Adds an update statement.
- addForUpdate(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtForImpl
- addGeneratedBy(boolean) - Method in class spoon.template.AbstractTemplate
- addImplementationType(CtTypeReference) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtProvidedService
- addImplementationType(CtTypeReference) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtProvidedServiceImpl
- addImplementingInterface(CtTypeInformation) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.LambdaFilter
Allows to search for lambdas implemented by different interfaces.
- addInput(Iterable<?>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQueryImpl
- addInput(Object...) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQueryImpl
adds list of elements which will be used as input of the query too
- addInputResource(String) - Method in class spoon.Launcher
- addInputResource(String) - Method in interface spoon.SpoonAPI
Adds an input resource to be processed by Spoon (either a file or a folder).
- addInputResource(SpoonResource) - Method in class spoon.Launcher
adds a resource to be parsed to build the spoon model
- addInputSource(File) - Method in interface spoon.SpoonModelBuilder
Adds a file/directory to be built.
- addInputSource(File) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- addInputSource(SpoonResource) - Method in interface spoon.SpoonModelBuilder
Adds a file/directory (as a
) to be built. - addInputSource(SpoonResource) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- addInputSources(List<SpoonResource>) - Method in interface spoon.SpoonModelBuilder
Adds a list of files/directories (as a
to be built. - addInputSources(List<SpoonResource>) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- addLast(CtPathElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.path.impl.CtPathImpl
- addMethod(CtMethod<?>) - Method in interface spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.RuntimeBuilderContext
- addMethod(CtMethod<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.TypeRuntimeBuilderContext
- addMethod(CtMethod<M>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationType
Adds a method to this type.
- addMethod(CtMethod<M>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType
Adds a method to this type.
- addMethod(CtMethod<M>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameter
- addMethod(CtMethod<M>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationTypeImpl
- addMethod(CtMethod<M>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- addMethod(CtMethod<M>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- addMethodImport(CtExecutableReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportScannerImpl
- addModifier(ModifierKind) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModifiable
add a modifier
- addModifier(ModifierKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCatchVariableImpl
- addModifier(ModifierKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLocalVariableImpl
- addModifier(ModifierKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.CtModifierHandler
- addModifier(ModifierKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutableImpl
- addModifier(ModifierKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtConstructorImpl
- addModifier(ModifierKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtFieldImpl
- addModifier(ModifierKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtMethodImpl
- addModifier(ModifierKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtParameterImpl
- addModifier(ModifierKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtRecordImpl
- addModifier(ModifierKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- addModifier(ModifierKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- addModule(CtModule) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.ModuleFactory.CtUnnamedModule
- addModuleDirective(CtModuleDirective) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModule
- addModuleDirective(CtModuleDirective) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtModuleImpl
- addModuleDirectiveAt(int, CtModuleDirective) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModule
- addModuleDirectiveAt(int, CtModuleDirective) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtModuleImpl
- addMultiType(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtMultiTypedElement
Adds a type for the element.
- addMultiType(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCatchVariableImpl
- addNamedElement(CtNamedElement) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.LexicalScope
adds an element to the scope
- addNestedType(CtType<N>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType
Add a nested type.
- addNestedType(CtType<N>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameter
- addNestedType(CtType<N>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtInterfaceImpl
- addNestedType(CtType<N>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- addNestedType(CtType<N>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- addOpenedPackage(CtPackageExport) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModule
- addOpenedPackage(CtPackageExport) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtModuleImpl
- addPackage(CtPackage) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtPackage
add a subpackage
- addPackage(CtPackage) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtPackageImpl
- addPackage(CtPackage) - Method in interface spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.RuntimeBuilderContext
- addPackage(CtPackage) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.TypeReferenceRuntimeBuilderContext
- addPackage(CtPackage) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.TypeRuntimeBuilderContext
- addParameter(CtParameter) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutableImpl
- addParameter(CtParameter) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.ExecutableRuntimeBuilderContext
- addParameter(CtParameter) - Method in interface spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.RuntimeBuilderContext
- addParameter(CtParameter<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutable
- addParameter(CtParameter<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtExecutable
Add a parameter for this executable
- addParameter(CtParameter<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLambdaImpl
- addParameter(CtParameter<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtExecutableImpl
- addParameterAt(int, CtParameter) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutableImpl
- addParameterAt(int, CtParameter<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutable
- addParameterAt(int, CtParameter<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtExecutable
Add a parameter at a specific position in the executable.
- addParameterAt(int, CtParameter<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLambdaImpl
- addParameterAt(int, CtParameter<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtExecutableImpl
- addPermittedType(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtEnum
- addPermittedType(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtRecord
- addPermittedType(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtSealable
Adds a permitted type to this type.
- addPermittedType(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtClassImpl
- addPermittedType(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtEnumImpl
- addPermittedType(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtInterfaceImpl
- addPermittedType(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtRecordImpl
- addProcessedAnnotationType(Class<? extends A>) - Method in class spoon.processing.AbstractAnnotationProcessor
Adds a processed annotation type (to be used in subclasses constructors).
- addProcessedElementType(Class<? extends CtElement>) - Method in class spoon.processing.AbstractManualProcessor
Invalid method in this context.
- addProcessedElementType(Class<? extends CtElement>) - Method in class spoon.processing.AbstractProcessor
Adds a processed element type.
- addProcessor(Class<? extends Processor<?>>) - Method in interface spoon.processing.ProcessingManager
Adds a processor by instantiating its type (a class that must define an empty constructor).
- addProcessor(Class<? extends Processor<?>>) - Method in class spoon.support.QueueProcessingManager
- addProcessor(Class<? extends Processor<?>>) - Method in class spoon.support.RuntimeProcessingManager
- addProcessor(String) - Method in class spoon.Launcher
- addProcessor(String) - Method in interface spoon.processing.ProcessingManager
Adds a processor by instantiating its type (a class that must define an empty constructor and implement
). - addProcessor(String) - Method in interface spoon.SpoonAPI
Adds a processor (fully qualified name).
- addProcessor(String) - Method in class spoon.support.QueueProcessingManager
- addProcessor(String) - Method in class spoon.support.RuntimeProcessingManager
- addProcessor(Processor<?>) - Method in interface spoon.processing.ProcessingManager
Adds a processor.
- addProcessor(Processor<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.QueueProcessingManager
- addProcessor(Processor<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.RuntimeProcessingManager
- addProcessor(Processor<T>) - Method in class spoon.Launcher
- addProcessor(Processor<T>) - Method in interface spoon.SpoonAPI
Adds an instance of a processor.
- addProvidedService(CtProvidedService) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModule
- addProvidedService(CtProvidedService) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtModuleImpl
- addRecordComponent(CtRecordComponent) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtRecord
- addRecordComponent(CtRecordComponent) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtRecordImpl
- addRecordComponent(CtRecordComponent) - Method in interface spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.RuntimeBuilderContext
- addRequiredModule(CtModuleRequirement) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModule
- addRequiredModule(CtModuleRequirement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtModuleImpl
- addResource(CtResource<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtTryWithResource
Adds a resource.
- addResource(CtResource<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtTryWithResourceImpl
- addResult(T) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.ResultHolder
adds a result into this result holder
- addResult(T) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.ResultHolder.Multiple
- addResult(T) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.ResultHolder.Single
- addStatement(int, CtStatement) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtStatementList
Inserts the given statement at a specific position in the list of statements Shifts the statement currently at that position (if any) and any subsequent statements to the right (adds one to their indices).
- addStatement(int, CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtBlockImpl
- addStatement(int, CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCaseImpl
- addStatement(int, CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtStatementListImpl
- addStatement(CtStatement) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtStatementList
Adds a statement at the end of the list.
- addStatement(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtBlockImpl
- addStatement(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCaseImpl
- addStatement(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtStatementListImpl
- addSuperInterface(CtTypeReference<S>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType
- addSuperInterface(CtTypeReference<S>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameter
- addSuperInterface(CtTypeReference<S>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- addSuperInterface(CtTypeReference<S>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- addSuperType(CtTypeInformation) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.SubInheritanceHierarchyResolver
Add another super type to this mapping function.
- addTag(int, CtJavaDocTag) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtJavaDoc
Add a new tag at the index position
- addTag(int, CtJavaDocTag) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtJavaDocImpl
- addTag(CtJavaDocTag) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtJavaDoc
Add a new tag at the end of the list
- addTag(CtJavaDocTag) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtJavaDocImpl
- addTargetExport(CtModuleReference) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtPackageExport
- addTargetExport(CtModuleReference) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtPackageExportImpl
- addTemplateResource(SpoonResource) - Method in class spoon.Launcher
- addTemplateSource(File) - Method in interface spoon.SpoonModelBuilder
Adds a file/directory to be used to build templates.
- addTemplateSource(File) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- addTemplateSource(SpoonResource) - Method in interface spoon.SpoonModelBuilder
Adds a file/directory (as a
) to be used to build templates. - addTemplateSource(SpoonResource) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- addTemplateSources(List<SpoonResource>) - Method in interface spoon.SpoonModelBuilder
Adds a list of files/directories (as a CtResource) to be used to build templates.
- addTemplateSources(List<SpoonResource>) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- addThrownType(CtTypeReference) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutableImpl
- addThrownType(CtTypeReference<? extends Throwable>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutable
- addThrownType(CtTypeReference<? extends Throwable>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtExecutable
add a thrown type.
- addThrownType(CtTypeReference<? extends Throwable>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLambdaImpl
- addThrownType(CtTypeReference<? extends Throwable>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtExecutableImpl
- addType(CtType) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CompilationUnitFactory
add a new type to be pretty-printed
- addType(CtType<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtPackage
Adds a type to this package.
- addType(CtType<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtPackageImpl
- addType(CtType<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.PackageRuntimeBuilderContext
- addType(CtType<?>) - Method in interface spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.RuntimeBuilderContext
- addType(CtType<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.TypeRuntimeBuilderContext
- addTypeCast(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtExpression
Adds a type cast.
- addTypeCast(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtTypePattern
- addTypeCast(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtAssignmentImpl
- addTypeCast(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtExpressionImpl
- addTypeMember(CtTypeMember) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType
Adds a type member at the end of all type member of the type.
- addTypeMember(CtTypeMember) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
Adds a type member.
- addTypeMemberAt(int, CtTypeMember) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType
Adds a type member at a given position.
- addTypeMemberAt(int, CtTypeMember) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtRecordImpl
- addTypeMemberAt(int, CtTypeMember) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- addTypeReference(CtRole, CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.AnnotationRuntimeBuilderContext
- addTypeReference(CtRole, CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.ExecutableRuntimeBuilderContext
- addTypeReference(CtRole, CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.RecordComponentRuntimeBuilderContext
- addTypeReference(CtRole, CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in interface spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.RuntimeBuilderContext
- addTypeReference(CtRole, CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.TypeReferenceRuntimeBuilderContext
- addTypeReference(CtRole, CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.TypeRuntimeBuilderContext
- addTypeReference(CtRole, CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.VariableRuntimeBuilderContext
- addUsedService(CtUsedService) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModule
- addUsedService(CtUsedService) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtModuleImpl
- addValue(String, Object) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotation
Adds a new key-value pair for this annotation
- addValue(String, Object) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationImpl
- addValue(String, CtFieldAccess<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotation
Adds a new key-field access pair for this annotation.
- addValue(String, CtFieldAccess<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationImpl
- addValue(String, CtLiteral<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotation
Adds a new key-literal pair for this annotation.
- addValue(String, CtLiteral<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationImpl
- addValue(String, CtNewArray<? extends CtExpression>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotation
Adds a new key-array pair for this annotation.
- addValue(String, CtNewArray<? extends CtExpression>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationImpl
- addValue(String, CtAnnotation<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotation
Adds a new key-annotation pair for this annotation.
- addValue(String, CtAnnotation<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationImpl
- addValueAs(Object, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.AbstractParameterInfo
takes existing item value from the `container`, sends it as parameter into `merger` and get's new to be stored value stores that value into new `container` and returns it
- addValueAs(Object, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.ComputedParameterInfo
- addValueAs(Object, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.ListParameterInfo
- addValueAs(Object, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.MapParameterInfo
- addValueAs(Object, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.SetParameterInfo
- addValueAs(ImmutableMap, Object) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.AbstractParameterInfo
- addValueAs(ImmutableMap, Object) - Method in interface spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.ParameterInfo
Matches `value` into `parameters` under the name/structure defined by this ParameterInfo.
- addValueToContainer(Object, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.AbstractParameterInfo
- adjustEndPosition(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrinterHelper
writes as many newlines as needed for the current line to match the end line of the passed element
- adjustStartPosition(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrinterHelper
writes as many newlines as needed to align the line number again between the element position and the current line number
- advancedOptions(AdvancedOptions<?>) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.builder.JDTBuilder
Advanced options for the compiler.
- advancedOptions(AdvancedOptions<?>) - Method in class spoon.compiler.builder.JDTBuilderImpl
- AdvancedOptions<T extends AdvancedOptions<T>> - Class in spoon.compiler.builder
- AdvancedOptions() - Constructor for class spoon.compiler.builder.AdvancedOptions
- AFTER - spoon.reflect.visitor.printer.CommentOffset
- ALL - spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.AllTypeMembersFunction.Mode
Returns all type members - including private
- ALL - spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.SiblingsFunction.Mode
- ALL_DIR_FILTER - Static variable in class spoon.Launcher
- ALL_SOURCE - spoon.MavenLauncher.SOURCE_TYPE
- ALL_STATIC_MEMBERS - spoon.reflect.declaration.CtImportKind
- ALL_TYPES - spoon.reflect.declaration.CtImportKind
- AllMethodsSameSignatureFunction - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
Returns all methods/lambdas with same signature in related inheritance hierarchies.
- AllMethodsSameSignatureFunction() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.AllMethodsSameSignatureFunction
- AllTypeMembersFunction - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
as input and produces allCtTypeMember
s declared in input class or any super class or super interface. - AllTypeMembersFunction() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.AllTypeMembersFunction
returns all type members
- AllTypeMembersFunction(Class<?>) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.AllTypeMembersFunction
returns all type members which are instance of `memberClass`.
CtField allFields = ctType.map(new AllTypeMembersFunction(CtField.class)).list();
- AllTypeMembersFunction.Mode - Enum in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
- ALSO_PRINT_DIAMOND_OPERATOR - spoon.reflect.visitor.ElementPrinterHelper.PrintTypeArguments
Print explicit type arguments, but also print a diamond operator if implicit type arguments were used.
- AND - spoon.reflect.code.BinaryOperatorKind
Logical and.
- ANNONYMOUS_EXECUTABLE - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- annotate(CtElement, Class<A>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.AnnotationFactory
Adds an annotation to an element.
- annotate(CtElement, Class<A>, String, Object) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.AnnotationFactory
Creates/updates an element's annotation value.
- annotate(CtElement, CtTypeReference<A>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.AnnotationFactory
Adds an annotation to an element.
- annotate(CtElement, CtTypeReference<A>, String, Object) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.AnnotationFactory
Creates/updates an element's annotation value.
- Annotation() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
Access to
subfactory - Annotation() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
sub-factory. - ANNOTATION - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- ANNOTATION_TYPE - spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotatedElementType
Annotation type declaration
- ANNOTATION_TYPE - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- AnnotationFactory - Class in spoon.reflect.factory
sub-factory. - AnnotationFactory(Factory) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.factory.AnnotationFactory
Creates an annotation sub-factory.
- AnnotationFilter<E extends CtElement> - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
This filter matches all the elements annotated with a given annotation type.
- AnnotationFilter(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.AnnotationFilter
Creates the filter.
- AnnotationFilter(Class<E>, Class<? extends Annotation>) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.AnnotationFilter
Creates a new annotation filter.
- annotationProcessingOptions(AnnotationProcessingOptions<?>) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.builder.JDTBuilder
Annotation processing options for the compiler.
- annotationProcessingOptions(AnnotationProcessingOptions<?>) - Method in class spoon.compiler.builder.JDTBuilderImpl
- AnnotationProcessingOptions<T extends AnnotationProcessingOptions<T>> - Class in spoon.compiler.builder
- AnnotationProcessingOptions() - Constructor for class spoon.compiler.builder.AnnotationProcessingOptions
- AnnotationProcessor<A extends Annotation,E extends CtElement> - Interface in spoon.processing
This interface defines an annotation processor.
- AnnotationRuntimeBuilderContext - Class in spoon.support.visitor.java.internal
- AnnotationRuntimeBuilderContext(CtAnnotation<Annotation>) - Constructor for class spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.AnnotationRuntimeBuilderContext
- ANNOTATIONS_CONTAINER_DEFAULT_CAPACITY - Static variable in class spoon.reflect.ModelElementContainerDefaultCapacities
- ANONYMOUS_EXECUTABLES_CONTAINER_DEFAULT_CAPACITY - Static variable in class spoon.reflect.ModelElementContainerDefaultCapacities
- APP_SOURCE - spoon.MavenLauncher.SOURCE_TYPE
- APPEND - spoon.pattern.ConflictResolutionMode
Add new
after existing nodes - apply(CtCatchVariable<?>, CtConsumer<Object>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.CatchVariableScopeFunction
- apply(CtLocalVariable<?>, CtConsumer<Object>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.LocalVariableScopeFunction
- apply(CtElement, CtConsumer<Object>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.CtScannerFunction
- apply(CtElement, CtConsumer<Object>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.FieldReferenceFunction
- apply(CtElement, CtConsumer<Object>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.LocalVariableReferenceFunction
- apply(CtElement, CtConsumer<Object>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.ParentFunction
- apply(CtElement, CtConsumer<Object>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.PotentialVariableDeclarationFunction
- apply(CtElement, CtConsumer<Object>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.SiblingsFunction
- apply(CtElement, CtConsumer<Object>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.VariableReferenceFunction
- apply(CtExecutable<?>, CtConsumer<Object>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.AllMethodsSameSignatureFunction
- apply(CtField<?>, CtConsumer<Object>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.FieldScopeFunction
- apply(CtMethod<?>, CtConsumer<Object>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.OverriddenMethodQuery
- apply(CtParameter<?>, CtConsumer<Object>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.ParameterScopeFunction
- apply(CtType<?>) - Method in class spoon.template.BlockTemplate
- apply(CtType<?>) - Method in class spoon.template.ExpressionTemplate
- apply(CtType<?>) - Method in class spoon.template.ExtensionTemplate
- apply(CtType<?>) - Method in class spoon.template.StatementTemplate
- apply(CtType<?>) - Method in interface spoon.template.Template
Returns the code which results from applying the template.
- apply(CtTypeInformation, CtConsumer<Object>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.AllTypeMembersFunction
- apply(CtTypeInformation, CtConsumer<Object>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.SubInheritanceHierarchyFunction
- apply(CtTypeInformation, CtConsumer<Object>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.SuperInheritanceHierarchyFunction
- apply(CtVariable<?>, CtConsumer<Object>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.VariableScopeFunction
- apply(T) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtFunction
Implement this method to transform the input typed by T into an object of type R
- apply(T, CtConsumer<Object>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtConsumableFunction
Evaluates the function on the given input.
- applyGeneratedBy(CtElement, String) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.DefaultGenerator
Adds a Generated by comment to the javadoc of generatedElement
- applyPreProcessors(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
Warning, this may change the state of the object
- ARGUMENT - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- ARGUMENT_END - Static variable in class spoon.reflect.path.impl.AbstractPathElement
- ARGUMENT_NAME_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class spoon.reflect.path.impl.AbstractPathElement
- ARGUMENT_START - Static variable in class spoon.reflect.path.impl.AbstractPathElement
- ARGUMENT_TYPE - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- ARROW - spoon.reflect.code.CaseKind
- asCollection(T) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.meta.RoleHandler
- asCtIntersectionTypeReference() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeReference
Casts the type reference in
. - asCtIntersectionTypeReference() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- asIterable() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
Returns an Iterable instance of this CtElement, allowing for dfs traversal of its descendants.
- asIterable() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- asJavaDoc() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtComment
Utility method to for casting the object, throws an exception if not of the correct type
- asJavaDoc() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCommentImpl
- asList(T) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.meta.RoleHandler
- asMap() - Method in interface spoon.support.util.ImmutableMap
- asMap() - Method in class spoon.support.util.ImmutableMapImpl
- asMap(T) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.meta.RoleHandler
- Assert - Class in spoon.testing
Entry point for assertion methods for different data types.
- ASSERT - spoon.reflect.visitor.JavaIdentifiers
- assertCtElementEquals(CtElement, CtElement) - Static method in class spoon.testing.utils.Check
if ct1 is not equals to ct2, tells the exact difference
- assertExists(T) - Static method in class spoon.testing.utils.Check
- assertIsSame(A, E) - Static method in class spoon.testing.utils.Check
- assertNotNull(String, T) - Static method in class spoon.testing.utils.Check
throws AssertionError if "reference" is null
- assertNotNull(T) - Static method in class spoon.testing.utils.Check
- assertThat(File) - Static method in class spoon.testing.Assert
Create a new instance of
- assertThat(String) - Static method in class spoon.testing.Assert
Create a new instance of
- assertThat(CtElement) - Static method in class spoon.testing.Assert
Create a new instance of
- assertThat(CtPackage) - Static method in class spoon.testing.Assert
Create a new instance of
- asSet(T) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.meta.RoleHandler
- ASSIGNED - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- ASSIGNMENT - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- ASTPair - Class in spoon.support.compiler.jdt
- ASTPair(CtElement, ASTNode) - Constructor for class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ASTPair
- AstParentConsistencyChecker - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor
- AstParentConsistencyChecker() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.AstParentConsistencyChecker
- attachTo(Environment) - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.ChangeCollector
- AUTHOR - spoon.reflect.code.CtJavaDocTag.TagType
- AUTOIMPORT - spoon.compiler.Environment.PRETTY_PRINTING_MODE
autoimport mode, adds as many imports as possible
- autoImports(boolean) - Method in class spoon.FluentLauncher
Tell to the Java printer to automatically generate imports and use simple names instead of fully-qualified name.
- autoWriteTabs() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrinterHelper
- BEFORE - spoon.reflect.visitor.printer.CommentOffset
- binaries(File) - Method in class spoon.compiler.builder.ClasspathOptions
- binaries(String) - Method in class spoon.compiler.builder.ClasspathOptions
- BINARY - spoon.reflect.code.LiteralBase
- BinaryOperatorKind - Enum in spoon.reflect.code
This enumeration defines all the kinds of binary operators.
- biScan(CtElement, CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractBiScanner
This method is called to compare `element` and `other` when traversing two trees in parallel.
- biScan(CtElement, CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- biScan(CtElement, CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.EqualsVisitor
- biScan(CtRole, Collection<? extends CtElement>, Collection<? extends CtElement>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- biScan(CtRole, Collection<? extends CtElement>, Collection<? extends CtElement>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.EqualsVisitor
- biScan(CtRole, CtElement, CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractBiScanner
This method is called to compare `element` and `other` according to the role when traversing two trees in parallel.
- biScan(CtRole, CtElement, CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- biScan(CtRole, CtElement, CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.EqualsVisitor
- BITAND - spoon.reflect.code.BinaryOperatorKind
Bit to bit and.
- BITOR - spoon.reflect.code.BinaryOperatorKind
Bit to bit or.
- BITXOR - spoon.reflect.code.BinaryOperatorKind
Bit to bit xor.
- block() - Method in class spoon.template.BlockTemplate
This method must be implemented to define the template block.
- BLOCK - spoon.reflect.code.CtComment.CommentType
Block comment (/* *\/)
- BLOCK_COMMENT_END - Static variable in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
The end of a block/JavaDoc comment
- BLOCK_COMMENT_START - Static variable in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
The beginning of a block comment
- BLOCK_STATEMENTS_CONTAINER_DEFAULT_CAPACITY - Static variable in class spoon.reflect.ModelElementContainerDefaultCapacities
- BlockTemplate - Class in spoon.template
This class represents a template parameter that defines a void block statement directly expressed in Java (no returns).
- BlockTemplate() - Constructor for class spoon.template.BlockTemplate
Creates a new block template parameter.
- BODY - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- BodyHolderSourcePosition - Interface in spoon.reflect.cu.position
This interface represents the position of a Method or Type declaration in a source file.
- BodyHolderSourcePositionImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.cu.position
This class represents the position of a Java program element in a source file.
- BodyHolderSourcePositionImpl(CompilationUnit, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int[]) - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.cu.position.BodyHolderSourcePositionImpl
- BOOLEAN - Variable in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
- BOOLEAN_PRIMITIVE - Variable in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
- booleanPrimitiveType() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Returns a reference on the boolean primitive type.
- booleanType() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Returns a reference on the boolean type.
- bootclasspath(String) - Method in class spoon.compiler.builder.ClasspathOptions
- bootclasspath(String...) - Method in class spoon.compiler.builder.ClasspathOptions
- BOTTOM_FILE - spoon.reflect.visitor.printer.CommentOffset
- BOUND - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- BOUNDING_TYPE - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- box() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeReference
Returns the corresponding non-primitive type for a primitive type (the same type otherwise).
- box() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- BREAK - spoon.reflect.visitor.JavaIdentifiers
- build() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.builder.JDTBuilder
Builds arguments.
- build() - Method in class spoon.compiler.builder.JDTBuilderImpl
- build() - Method in class spoon.compiler.builder.Options
- build() - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternBuilder
Builds a Pattern and returns it
- build() - Method in class spoon.reflect.path.CtPathBuilder
Build the CtPath
- build() - Method in interface spoon.SpoonModelBuilder
Builds the program's model with this compiler's factory and stores the result into this factory.
- build() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- build() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTCommentBuilder
Start the build process
- build() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTSnippetCompiler
- build(File...) - Static method in class spoon.testing.utils.ModelUtils
Builds the Spoon mode of the `filesToBuild` given as parameter
- build(Class<?>...) - Static method in class spoon.testing.utils.ModelUtils
Utility method for testing: creates the model of the given `classesToBuild` from src/test/java and returns the factory
- build(String, String) - Static method in class spoon.testing.utils.ModelUtils
Utility method for testing: creates the model of `packageName` from src/test/java and returns the CtType corresponding to `className`
- build(String, String, Factory) - Static method in class spoon.testing.utils.ModelUtils
Utility method for testing: creates the model of `packageName` and the factory from src/test/java and returns the CtType corresponding to `className`
- build(Consumer<Launcher>, Class<?>...) - Static method in class spoon.testing.utils.ModelUtils
Utility method for testing: creates the model of the given `classesToBuild` from src/test/java and returns the factory and allows to configure the Launcher first using `config`
- build(JDTBuilder) - Method in interface spoon.SpoonModelBuilder
Builds the program's model with this compiler's factory and stores the result into this factory.
- build(JDTBuilder) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- build(JDTBuilder) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTSnippetCompiler
- build(CloneBuilder, CtElement, CtElement) - Static method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneBuilder
- buildClass(Class<T>) - Static method in class spoon.testing.utils.ModelUtils
- buildClass(Class<T>, boolean) - Static method in class spoon.testing.utils.ModelUtils
Builds and returns the Spoon model of `` classToBuild
- buildClass(Consumer<Launcher>, Class<T>) - Static method in class spoon.testing.utils.ModelUtils
- buildClassPath(String, MavenLauncher.SOURCE_TYPE, Logger, boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.SpoonPom
Call maven invoker to generate the classpath.
- buildClassPath(String, MavenLauncher.SOURCE_TYPE, Logger, boolean, SpoonPom.MavenOptions) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.SpoonPom
Call maven invoker to generate the classpath.
- buildModel() - Method in class spoon.FluentLauncher
Builds the model
- buildModel() - Method in class spoon.Launcher
- buildModel() - Method in interface spoon.SpoonAPI
Builds the model
- buildModel(CompilationUnitDeclaration[], Factory) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- buildNoClasspath(Class<?>...) - Static method in class spoon.testing.utils.ModelUtils
Utility method for testing: creates the noclasspath model of the given `classesToBuild` from src/test/java and returns the factory
- buildSources(JDTBuilder) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- buildSources(JDTBuilder) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTSnippetCompiler
- buildTemplates(JDTBuilder) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- buildUnits(JDTBuilder, SpoonFolder, String[], String) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
Build the CompilationUnit found in the source folder
- buildUnitsAndModel(JDTBuilder, SpoonFolder, String[], String) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
Get the units from the given source folder and build the Spoon Model.
- byCondition(Class<T>, Predicate<T>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternParameterConfigurator
- byElement(CtElement...) - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternParameterConfigurator
Elements will be substituted by parameter value
- byFieldAccessOnVariable(String) - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternParameterConfigurator
Add parameters for each field reference to variable named `variableName` For example this pattern model class Params { int paramA; int paramB; } void matcher(Params p) { return p.paramA + p.paramB; } called with `byFieldRefOfVariable("p")` will create pattern parameters: `paramA` and `paramB`
- byFilter(Filter<?>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternParameterConfigurator
All elements matched by
will be substituted by parameter value - byInvocation(CtMethod<?>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternParameterConfigurator
each invocation of `method` will be replaces by parameter value
- byLocalType(CtType<?>, String) - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternParameterConfigurator
Searches for a type visible in scope `templateType`, whose simple name is equal to `localTypeSimpleName`
- byNamedElement(String) - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternParameterConfigurator
Any named element by it's simple name
- byParameterValues(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternParameterConfigurator
Creates pattern parameter for each key of parameterValues
. - byReferenceName(String) - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternParameterConfigurator
Any reference identified by it's simple name.
- byRole(CtRole, CtElement...) - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternParameterConfigurator
Attribute defined by `role` of `element` will be substituted by parameter value
- byRole(CtRole, Filter<?>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternParameterConfigurator
Attribute defined by `role` of all elements matched by
will be substituted by parameter value - byString(String) - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternParameterConfigurator
All spoon model string attributes whose value is equal to `stringMarker` are subject for substitution by current parameter
- bySubstring(String) - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternParameterConfigurator
All spoon model string attributes whose value contains whole string or a substring equal to `stringMarker` are subject for substitution by current parameter.
- BYTE - Variable in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
- BYTE_PRIMITIVE - Variable in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
- byTemplateParameter() - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternParameterConfigurator
Creates pattern parameter for each field of type
- byTemplateParameter(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternParameterConfigurator
Creates pattern parameter for each field of type
Note: This method is here for compatibility with obsolete legacyTemplate
based concept. - byTemplateParameterReference(CtVariable<?>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternParameterConfigurator
variable read/write of `variable` of type
- bytePrimitiveType() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Returns a reference on the byte primitive type.
- ByteSerialization - Class in spoon.support.util
- byteType() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Returns a reference on the byte type.
- byType(Class<?>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternParameterConfigurator
`type` itself and all the references to the `type` are subject for substitution by current parameter
- byType(String) - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternParameterConfigurator
type identified by `typeQualifiedName` itself and all the references (with arbitrary actual type arguments) to that type are subject for substitution by current parameter
- byType(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternParameterConfigurator
type referred by
`type` and all the references (with same actual type arguments) to that type are subject for substitution by current parameter - byVariable(String) - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternParameterConfigurator
variable read/write of `variable`
- byVariable(CtVariable<?>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternParameterConfigurator
variable read/write of `variable`
- BZIP2 - spoon.support.CompressionType
- CacheBasedConflictFinder - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor
Caches some field and nested type names
- calculate(CtCompilationUnit, List<CtType<?>>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- calculate(CtCompilationUnit, List<CtType<?>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.PrettyPrinter
Calculates the resulting source file for a list of types.
- calculate(CtCompilationUnit, List<CtType<?>>) - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.SniperJavaPrettyPrinter
- canAccess(CtTypeMember) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeReference
- canAccess(CtTypeMember) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- canAccess(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeReference
Checks visibility based on public, protected, package protected and private modifiers of type
- canAccess(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- canBeBuilt(File, int) - Static method in class spoon.testing.utils.ModelUtils
checks that the file `outputDirectoryFile` can be parsed with Spoon , given a compliance level.
- canBeBuilt(File, int, boolean) - Static method in class spoon.testing.utils.ModelUtils
checks that the file `outputDirectoryFile` can be parsed with Spoon , given a compliance level and the noclasspath option.
- canBeBuilt(String, int) - Static method in class spoon.testing.utils.ModelUtils
checks that the file at path `outputDirectory` can be parsed with Spoon , given a compliance level.
- canBeBuilt(String, int, boolean) - Static method in class spoon.testing.utils.ModelUtils
checks that the file at path `outputDirectory` can be parsed with Spoon , given a compliance level and noclasspath option.
- canRemoveExpression(CtExpression<?>) - Method in class spoon.refactoring.CtParameterRemoveRefactoring
Detects whether `toBeRemovedExpression` can be safely removed during the refactoring
- CASE - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- CASE - spoon.reflect.visitor.JavaIdentifiers
- CASE_EXPRESSIONS_CONTAINER_DEFAULT_CAPACITY - Static variable in class spoon.reflect.ModelElementContainerDefaultCapacities
- CASE_KIND - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- CASE_STATEMENTS_CONTAINER_DEFAULT_CAPACITY - Static variable in class spoon.reflect.ModelElementContainerDefaultCapacities
- CaseKind - Enum in spoon.reflect.code
- CAST - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- CastInfo() - Constructor for class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ContextBuilder.CastInfo
- CASTS_CONTAINER_DEFAULT_CAPACITY - Static variable in class spoon.reflect.ModelElementContainerDefaultCapacities
- castTo(Object, Class<T>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.AbstractParameterInfo
- castTo(Object, Class<T>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.ListParameterInfo
- castTo(Object, Class<T>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.MapParameterInfo
- castTo(Object, Class<T>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.SetParameterInfo
- CATCH - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- CATCH - spoon.reflect.visitor.JavaIdentifiers
- CATCH_CASES_CONTAINER_DEFAULT_CAPACITY - Static variable in class spoon.reflect.ModelElementContainerDefaultCapacities
- CATCH_VARIABLE_MULTI_TYPES_CONTAINER_DEFAULT_CAPACITY - Static variable in class spoon.reflect.ModelElementContainerDefaultCapacities
- CatchVariableReferenceFunction - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
This Query expects a
as input and returns allCtCatchVariableReference
s, which refers this input. - CatchVariableReferenceFunction() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.CatchVariableReferenceFunction
- CatchVariableReferenceFunction(CtCatchVariable<?>) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.CatchVariableReferenceFunction
- CatchVariableScopeFunction - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
This Query expects a
as input and returns all CtElements, which are in visibility scope of that catch variable. - CatchVariableScopeFunction() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.CatchVariableScopeFunction
- CatchVariableScopeFunction(CtScannerListener) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.CatchVariableScopeFunction
- ChainOfMatchersImpl - Class in spoon.pattern.internal.matcher
Chain of
s. - ChangeCollector - Class in spoon.support.modelobs
Listens on changes on the spoon model and remembers them
- ChangeCollector() - Constructor for class spoon.support.modelobs.ChangeCollector
- changeLocalVariableName(CtLocalVariable<?>, String) - Static method in class spoon.refactoring.Refactoring
Changes name of a
. - changeMethodName(CtMethod<?>, String) - Static method in class spoon.refactoring.Refactoring
Changes name of a method, propagates the change in the executable references of the model.
- ChangeResolver - Class in spoon.support.sniper.internal
Helper which provides details about changes on provided `element`
- ChangeResolver(ChangeCollector, CtElement) - Constructor for class spoon.support.sniper.internal.ChangeResolver
- changesPresent() - Method in class spoon.IncrementalLauncher
Returns true, if any source code changes after previous build are present, and false otherwise.
- changeTypeName(CtType<?>, String) - Static method in class spoon.refactoring.Refactoring
Changes name of a type element.
- CHARACTER - Variable in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
- CHARACTER_PRIMITIVE - Variable in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
- characterPrimitiveType() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Returns a reference on the character primitive type.
- characterType() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Returns a reference on the character type.
- Check - Class in spoon.testing.utils
- checkArgsAreAscending(int...) - Static method in class spoon.support.reflect.cu.position.SourcePositionImpl
fails when `values` are not sorted ascending It is used to check whether start/end values of SourcePosition are consistent
- checkAssignmentContracts() - Method in class spoon.ContractVerifier
checks that all assignments are aither a CtFieldWrite, a CtVariableWrite or a CtArrayWrite
- checkBoundAndUnboundTypeReference() - Method in class spoon.ContractVerifier
- checkCallState() - Method in class spoon.refactoring.MethodCallState
Checks the call state for the method.
- checkContractCtScanner() - Method in class spoon.ContractVerifier
verifies the core scanning contracts (enter implies exit, etc)
- checkElementIsContainedInAttributeOfItsParent() - Method in class spoon.ContractVerifier
contract: element is contained in attribute of element's parent
- checkElementToPathToElementEquivalence() - Method in class spoon.ContractVerifier
checks that for all elements, the path can be obtained, parsed, and give the same element when evaluated
- checkEquals(CtElement, CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.EqualsVisitor
- checker - Variable in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.EqualsVisitor
- checkGenericContracts() - Method in class spoon.ContractVerifier
- checkJavaIdentifiers() - Method in class spoon.ContractVerifier
checks that the identifiers are valid
- checkModelIsTree() - Method in class spoon.ContractVerifier
contract: each element is used only once in the model
- checkModifiers() - Method in class spoon.ContractVerifier
verifies that the explicit modifier should be present in the original source code
- checkNewNameIsValid() - Method in class spoon.refactoring.AbstractRenameRefactoring
client may implement this method to check whether
is valid - checkParentConsistency() - Method in class spoon.ContractVerifier
checks that the scanner behavior and the parents correspond
- checkParentConsistency(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.ContractVerifier
public modifier for testing purpose only, not in the public API
- checkParentContract() - Method in class spoon.ContractVerifier
checks that there is always one parent, corresponding to the scanning order
- checkpoint() - Method in interface spoon.support.util.ImmutableMap
- checkpoint() - Method in class spoon.support.util.ImmutableMapImpl
- checkRoleInParent() - Method in class spoon.ContractVerifier
- checksAreSkipped() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Tells whether Spoon does no checks at all.
- checksAreSkipped() - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- checkShadow() - Method in class spoon.ContractVerifier
check that we have all shadow elements, and that they are correctly isShadow
- Child - Annotation Type in spoon.reflect.visitor
This annotation defines a method that contains children of an element of the meta model.
- Class() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
Access to
subfactory - Class() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
sub-factory. - CLASS - spoon.reflect.visitor.JavaIdentifiers
- CLASSES - spoon.OutputType
One file per top-level class.
- ClassFactory - Class in spoon.reflect.factory
sub-factory. - ClassFactory(Factory) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.factory.ClassFactory
Creates a class sub-factory.
- classImports - Variable in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportScannerImpl
- classNamePresentInJavaLang(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportScannerImpl
- classpath(String) - Method in class spoon.compiler.builder.ClasspathOptions
- classpath(String...) - Method in class spoon.compiler.builder.ClasspathOptions
- classpathOptions(ClasspathOptions<?>) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.builder.JDTBuilder
Classpath options for the compiler.
- classpathOptions(ClasspathOptions<?>) - Method in class spoon.compiler.builder.JDTBuilderImpl
- ClasspathOptions<T extends ClasspathOptions<T>> - Class in spoon.compiler.builder
- ClasspathOptions() - Constructor for class spoon.compiler.builder.ClasspathOptions
- ClassTypingContext - Class in spoon.support.visitor
Helper class created from type X or reference to X.
- ClassTypingContext(CtType<?>) - Constructor for class spoon.support.visitor.ClassTypingContext
- ClassTypingContext(CtTypeReference<?>) - Constructor for class spoon.support.visitor.ClassTypingContext
- cleanComment(String) - Static method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTCommentBuilder
- clear() - Method in class spoon.support.util.EmptyClearableList
- clear() - Method in class spoon.support.util.EmptyClearableSet
- clear() - Method in class spoon.support.util.internal.ElementNameMap
- clear() - Method in class spoon.support.util.ModelList
- clear() - Method in class spoon.support.util.ModelSet
- clearConsumedAnnotationTypes() - Method in class spoon.processing.AbstractAnnotationProcessor
Clears the consumed annotation types.
- clearProcessedAnnotationTypes() - Method in class spoon.processing.AbstractAnnotationProcessor
Clears the processed annotation types.
- clearProcessedElementType() - Method in class spoon.processing.AbstractProcessor
Clears the processed element types.
- clone() - Method in class spoon.experimental.CtUnresolvedImport
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtAnnotationFieldAccess
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtArrayAccess
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtArrayRead
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtArrayWrite
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtAssert
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtAssignment
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtBinaryOperator
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtBlock
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtBreak
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtCase
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtCatch
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtCatchVariable
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtCodeElement
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtCodeSnippetExpression
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtCodeSnippetStatement
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtComment
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtConditional
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtConstructorCall
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtContinue
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtDo
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtExecutableReferenceExpression
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtExpression
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtFieldAccess
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtFieldRead
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtFieldWrite
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtFor
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtForEach
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtIf
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtInvocation
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtJavaDoc
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtJavaDocTag
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtLambda
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtLiteral
Overriding return type, a clone of a CtLiteral returns a CtLiteral
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtLocalVariable
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtLoop
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtNewArray
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtNewClass
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtOperatorAssignment
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtReturn
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtStatement
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtStatementList
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtSuperAccess
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtSwitch
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtSwitchExpression
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtSynchronized
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtTargetedExpression
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtTextBlock
Overriding return type, a clone of a CtTextBlock returns a CtTextBlock
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtThisAccess
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtThrow
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtTry
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtTryWithResource
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtTypeAccess
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtTypePattern
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtUnaryOperator
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtVariableAccess
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtVariableRead
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtVariableWrite
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtWhile
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtYieldStatement
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotation
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationMethod
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationType
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutable
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtClass
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnit
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtConstructor
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
Clone the element which calls this method in a new object.
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtEnum
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtEnumValue
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtExecutable
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtField
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtImport
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtInterface
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtMethod
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModule
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModuleRequirement
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtNamedElement
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtPackage
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtPackageDeclaration
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtPackageExport
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtParameter
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtProvidedService
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtRecord
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtRecordComponent
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameter
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtUsedService
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtArrayTypeReference
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtCatchVariableReference
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReference
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtFieldReference
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtIntersectionTypeReference
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtLocalVariableReference
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtModuleReference
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtPackageReference
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtParameterReference
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtReference
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeMemberWildcardImportReference
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeParameterReference
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeReference
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtUnboundVariableReference
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtVariableReference
- clone() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtWildcardReference
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtAnnotationFieldAccessImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtArrayAccessImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtArrayReadImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtArrayWriteImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtAssertImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtAssignmentImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtBinaryOperatorImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtBlockImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtBreakImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCaseImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCatchImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCatchVariableImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCodeElementImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCodeSnippetExpressionImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCodeSnippetStatementImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCommentImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtConditionalImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtConstructorCallImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtContinueImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtDoImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtExecutableReferenceExpressionImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtExpressionImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtFieldAccessImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtFieldReadImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtFieldWriteImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtForEachImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtForImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtIfImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtInvocationImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtJavaDocImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtJavaDocTagImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLambdaImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLiteralImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLocalVariableImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLoopImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtNewArrayImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtNewClassImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtOperatorAssignmentImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtReturnImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtStatementImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtStatementListImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtSuperAccessImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtSwitchExpressionImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtSwitchImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtSynchronizedImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtTargetedExpressionImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtTextBlockImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtThisAccessImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtThrowImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtTryImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtTryWithResourceImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtTypeAccessImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtTypePatternImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtUnaryOperatorImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtVariableAccessImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtVariableReadImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtVariableWriteImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtWhileImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtYieldStatementImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationMethodImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationTypeImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutableImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtClassImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnitImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtConstructorImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtEnumImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtEnumValueImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtExecutableImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtFieldImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtImportImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtInterfaceImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtMethodImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtModuleImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtModuleRequirementImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtNamedElementImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtPackageDeclarationImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtPackageExportImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtPackageImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtParameterImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtProvidedServiceImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtRecordComponentImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtRecordImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtUsedServiceImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtArrayTypeReferenceImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtCatchVariableReferenceImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReferenceImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtFieldReferenceImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtIntersectionTypeReferenceImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtLocalVariableReferenceImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtModuleReferenceImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtPackageReferenceImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtParameterReferenceImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtReferenceImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeMemberWildcardImportReferenceImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeParameterReferenceImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtUnboundVariableReferenceImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtVariableReferenceImpl
- clone() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtWildcardReferenceImpl
- clone(Collection<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.CloneHelper
- clone(List<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.CloneHelper
- clone(Map<String, T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.CloneHelper
- clone(Set<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.CloneHelper
clones a Set of elements
- clone(T) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Recursively clones a given element of the metamodel and all its child elements.
- clone(T) - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- clone(T) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.CloneHelper
- CloneBuilder - Class in spoon.support.visitor.clone
Used to set all data in the cloned element.
- CloneBuilder() - Constructor for class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneBuilder
- CloneHelper - Class in spoon.support.visitor.equals
is responsible for creating clones ofCtElement
AST nodes including the whole subtree. - CloneHelper() - Constructor for class spoon.support.visitor.equals.CloneHelper
- cloneIfNeeded(T) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.ValueConvertorImpl
- CloneVisitor - Class in spoon.support.visitor.clone
Used to clone a given element.
- CloneVisitor(CloneHelper) - Constructor for class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- close() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ListPrinter
- close() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrintingContext.Writable
- Code() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
Access to
subfactory - Code() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
sub-factory. - CODE - spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocInlineTag.Type
- CODE_SNIPPET - spoon.support.sniper.internal.TokenType
- CodeFactory - Class in spoon.reflect.factory
This sub-factory contains utility methods to create code elements.
- CodeFactory(Factory) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.factory.CodeFactory
Creates a
sub-factory. - COLLECTION - Variable in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
- CollectionContext<T extends Collection<?>> - Class in spoon.support.modelobs.context
- CollectionContext(CtElement, CtRole, T) - Constructor for class spoon.support.modelobs.context.CollectionContext
- CollectionSourceFragment - Class in spoon.support.sniper.internal
of List or Set ofElementSourceFragment
s which belong to collection role. - CollectionSourceFragment(List<SourceFragment>) - Constructor for class spoon.support.sniper.internal.CollectionSourceFragment
- COLON - spoon.reflect.code.CaseKind
- columnsName - Static variable in class spoon.support.gui.SpoonObjectFieldsTable
- comment() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtBlock
If the block is a method body, then all statements inside the body are commented out.
- comment() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtStatement
Comments the statement (eg `// call()`).
- comment() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtBlockImpl
- comment() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
Replace the statement with a CtComment having the statement as text
- COMMENT - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- COMMENT - spoon.support.compiler.SpoonProgress.Process
- COMMENT - spoon.support.sniper.internal.TokenType
- COMMENT_CONTAINER_DEFAULT_CAPACITY - Static variable in class spoon.reflect.ModelElementContainerDefaultCapacities
- COMMENT_CONTENT - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- COMMENT_LINKING - spoon.support.compiler.SpoonProgress.Process
- COMMENT_STAR - Static variable in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
The star at the beginning of a block/JavaDoc comment line
- COMMENT_TAG - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- COMMENT_TYPE - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- CommentHelper - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor
Computes source code representation of the Comment literal
- CommentOffset - Enum in spoon.reflect.visitor.printer
- COMPACT_CONSTRUCTOR - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- compare(CompilationUnitDeclaration, CompilationUnitDeclaration) - Method in class spoon.support.comparator.FixedOrderBasedOnFileNameCompilationUnitComparator
- compare(CtElement, CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.comparator.CtLineElementComparator
Returns 0 if o1 has the same position as o2, or both positions are invalid and o1.equals(o2).
- compare(CtElement, CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.comparator.DeepRepresentationComparator
- compare(CtElement, CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.comparator.QualifiedNameComparator
- compare(CtElement, CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.comparator.SignatureComparator
- compare(CtImport, CtImport) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultImportComparator
- COMPILATION_UNIT_DECLARED_TYPES_CONTAINER_DEFAULT_CAPACITY - Static variable in class spoon.reflect.ModelElementContainerDefaultCapacities
- COMPILATION_UNIT_IMPORTS_CONTAINER_DEFAULT_CAPACITY - Static variable in class spoon.reflect.ModelElementContainerDefaultCapacities
- COMPILATION_UNITS - spoon.OutputType
Follows the compilation units given by the input.
- CompilationUnit - Interface in spoon.reflect.cu
- CompilationUnit() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
Access to
subfactory - CompilationUnit() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
sub-factory. - CompilationUnitFactory - Class in spoon.reflect.factory
A factory to create some evaluation utilities on the Spoon metamodel.
- CompilationUnitFactory(Factory) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.factory.CompilationUnitFactory
Creates the evaluation factory.
- CompilationUnitFilter - Interface in spoon.support.compiler.jdt
This interface is used by instances of
to exclude particularCompilationUnit
s while generating aCtModel
. - compilationUnitFilters - Variable in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- CompilationUnitImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.cu
Implements a compilation unit.
- CompilationUnitImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.cu.CompilationUnitImpl
- compilationUnits - Variable in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBatchCompiler
- compile() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtCodeSnippetExpression
Compiles this expression snippet to produce the corresponding AST expression.
- compile() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtCodeSnippetStatement
Compiles this statement code snippet to produce the corresponding AST statement.
- compile() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCodeSnippetExpressionImpl
- compile() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCodeSnippetStatementImpl
- compile(SpoonModelBuilder.InputType...) - Method in interface spoon.SpoonModelBuilder
Generates the bytecode associated to the classes stored in this compiler's factory.
- compile(SpoonModelBuilder.InputType...) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- COMPILE - spoon.support.compiler.SpoonProgress.Process
- compileAndReplaceSnippets() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType
Replace all the code snippets that are found in this type by the corresponding Spoon AST.
- compileAndReplaceSnippets() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- compileAndReplaceSnippetsIn(CtType<?>) - Static method in class spoon.support.compiler.SnippetCompilationHelper
Takes the class given as parameter, pretty-prints it, get the JDT'ast and the corrspondong Spoon AST and finally replace all children of initialClass by the the fresh ones.
- compileExpression(CtCodeSnippetExpression<T>) - Static method in class spoon.support.compiler.SnippetCompilationHelper
- compileProcessors() - Method in class spoon.compiler.builder.AnnotationProcessingOptions
- compileStatement(CtCodeSnippetStatement) - Static method in class spoon.support.compiler.SnippetCompilationHelper
- compileStatement(CtCodeSnippetStatement, CtTypeReference) - Static method in class spoon.support.compiler.SnippetCompilationHelper
- COMPL - spoon.reflect.code.UnaryOperatorKind
Binary complement.
- compliance(int) - Method in class spoon.compiler.builder.ComplianceOptions
- complianceLevel(int) - Method in class spoon.FluentLauncher
Sets the Java version compliance level.
- complianceOptions(ComplianceOptions<?>) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.builder.JDTBuilder
Compliance options for the compiler.
- complianceOptions(ComplianceOptions<?>) - Method in class spoon.compiler.builder.JDTBuilderImpl
- ComplianceOptions<T extends ComplianceOptions<T>> - Class in spoon.compiler.builder
- ComplianceOptions() - Constructor for class spoon.compiler.builder.ComplianceOptions
- CompositeFilter<T extends CtElement> - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
This class defines a composite filter, which can compose several filters together by using
. - CompositeFilter(FilteringOperator, Filter<T>...) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.CompositeFilter
Creates a new composite filter.
- CompoundSourcePosition - Interface in spoon.reflect.cu.position
This interface represents the position of a program element like an expression in a source file.
- CompoundSourcePositionImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.cu.position
This class represents the position of a named Java program element in a source file.
- CompoundSourcePositionImpl(CompilationUnit, int, int, int, int, int[]) - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.cu.position.CompoundSourcePositionImpl
- CompressionType - Enum in spoon.support
Different types of compressions used, e.g.
- ComputedParameterInfo - Class in spoon.pattern.internal.parameter
Represents a parameter which is related to a value of another parameter.
- ComputedParameterInfo(ParameterComputer, ParameterInfo) - Constructor for class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.ComputedParameterInfo
- computeImports(CtElement) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportScanner
Computes import of a
- computeImports(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportScannerImpl
- computeValue(ResultHolder<Object>, ResultHolder<?>) - Method in interface spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.ParameterComputer
- computeValue(ResultHolder<Object>, ResultHolder<?>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.SimpleNameOfTypeReferenceParameterComputer
- ConceptKind - Enum in spoon.metamodel
Represents categories of metamodel types
- CONDITION - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- configureInlineStatements(Consumer<InlinedStatementConfigurator>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternBuilder
Configures inlined statements For example if the `for` statement in this pattern model
- configurePatternParameters() - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternBuilder
All the variable references, whose variables are out of the template model are automatically marked as pattern parameters
- configurePatternParameters(Consumer<PatternParameterConfigurator>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternBuilder
Configure pattern parameters with a
- ConflictResolutionMode - Enum in spoon.pattern
Defines what happens when a
has to be replaced by anotherRootNode
, default inConflictResolutionMode.FAIL
. - ConstantNode<T> - Class in spoon.pattern.internal.node
Generates/Matches a copy of single template object
- ConstantNode(T) - Constructor for class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ConstantNode
- Constructor() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
Access to
subfactory - Constructor() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
sub-factory. - CONSTRUCTOR - spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotatedElementType
Constructor declaration
- CONSTRUCTOR - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- CONSTRUCTOR_CALL_TYPE_PARAMETERS_CONTAINER_DEFAULT_CAPACITY - Static variable in class spoon.reflect.ModelElementContainerDefaultCapacities
- CONSTRUCTOR_NAME - Static variable in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReference
- CONSTRUCTOR_TYPE_PARAMETERS_CONTAINER_DEFAULT_CAPACITY - Static variable in class spoon.reflect.ModelElementContainerDefaultCapacities
- ConstructorFactory - Class in spoon.reflect.factory
sub-factory. - ConstructorFactory(Factory) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.factory.ConstructorFactory
Creates a new constructor sub-factory.
- CONTAINED_TYPE - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- ContainerKind - Enum in spoon.reflect.meta
Represents a kind of data, which is used in an field or in a role in the Spoon metamodel.
- contains(Object) - Method in class spoon.support.util.EmptyClearableList
- contains(Object) - Method in class spoon.support.util.EmptyClearableSet
- contains(Object) - Method in class spoon.support.util.ModelList
- contains(Object) - Method in class spoon.support.util.ModelSet
- contains(CtExecutable<?>) - Method in class spoon.refactoring.MethodCallState
- contains(CtType<?>) - Method in class spoon.refactoring.MethodCallState
- containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.util.EmptyClearableList
- containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.util.EmptyClearableSet
- containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.util.ModelList
- containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.util.ModelSet
- containsKey(Object) - Method in class spoon.support.util.internal.ElementNameMap
- content - Variable in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCommentImpl
- Context - Class in spoon.support.modelobs.context
defines the context of an action
- Context(CtElement, CtRole) - Constructor for class spoon.support.modelobs.context.Context
- ContextBuilder - Class in spoon.support.compiler.jdt
- ContextBuilder.CastInfo - Class in spoon.support.compiler.jdt
- CONTINUE - spoon.reflect.visitor.JavaIdentifiers
- continueExecution() - Method in class spoon.compiler.builder.AdvancedOptions
- ContractVerifier - Class in spoon
Verifies all contracts that should hold on any AST.
- ContractVerifier() - Constructor for class spoon.ContractVerifier
use at your own risk, not part of the public API
- ContractVerifier(CtPackage) - Constructor for class spoon.ContractVerifier
- convertElementToRuntimeObject(CtElement) - Static method in class spoon.support.reflect.eval.EvalHelper
Evaluates and converts CtExpression to their equivalent runtime objects eg "CtLiteral(3) + CtLiteral(4)" -> 7
- convertSingleValue(Factory, Object, Class<T>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.AbstractParameterInfo
- convertValue(Factory, ResultHolder<T>, Object) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.AbstractParameterInfo
- copy(CtElement, CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneBuilder
- copyAndSet(ParameterInfo) - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternParameterConfigurator.ParameterElementPair
- copyAndSet(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternParameterConfigurator.ParameterElementPair
- copyAndSetParams(ImmutableMap) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.matcher.TobeMatched
Makes a copy of this match context with the same targets, but with new `parameters`
- copyMethod() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtMethod
Copy the method, where copy means cloning + porting all the references of the old method to the new method (important for recursive methods).
- copyMethod() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtMethodImpl
- copyMethod(CtMethod<?>) - Static method in class spoon.refactoring.Refactoring
See doc in
- copyOfTheCollection - Variable in class spoon.support.modelobs.context.CollectionContext
- copyType() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType
Copy the type, where copy means cloning + porting all the references in the clone from the old type to the new type.
- copyType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- copyType(CtType<?>) - Static method in class spoon.refactoring.Refactoring
See doc in
- Core() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
Access to
subfactory - Core() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
The core factory.
- CoreFactory - Interface in spoon.reflect.factory
This interface defines the core creation methods for the meta-model (to be implemented so that Spoon can manipulate other meta-model implementations).
- create() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CompilationUnitFactory
Creates a compilation unit with no associated files.
- create(Class<? extends CtElement>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates an instance of the concrete metamodel class given as parameter.
- create(Class<? extends CtElement>) - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- create(Method) - Static method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.reflect.RtMethod
- create(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.AnnotationFactory
Creates an annotation type.
- create(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.ClassFactory
Creates a class from its qualified name.
- create(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.EnumFactory
Creates an enum from its qualified name.
- create(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.InterfaceFactory
Creates an interface from its qualified name.
- create(List<?>, Map<CtElement, RootNode>) - Static method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ElementNode
Same like
ElementNode.create(CtElement, Map)
but withList
of elements or primitive objects - create(List<? extends RootNode>, Matchers) - Static method in class spoon.pattern.internal.matcher.ChainOfMatchersImpl
- create(List<? extends CtElement>) - Static method in class spoon.pattern.PatternBuilder
Creates a
from the List of template elements - create(Map<String, ?>, Map<CtElement, RootNode>) - Static method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ElementNode
Same like
ElementNode.create(CtElement, Map)
but withMap
of String to elements or primitive objects - create(Set<?>, Map<CtElement, RootNode>) - Static method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ElementNode
Same like
ElementNode.create(CtElement, Map)
but withSet
of elements or primitive objects - create(CtClass<?>, String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.ClassFactory
Creates an inner class.
- create(CtClass<?>, Set<ModifierKind>, CtTypeReference<R>, String, List<CtParameter<?>>, Set<CtTypeReference<? extends Throwable>>, CtBlock<B>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.MethodFactory
Creates a method.
- create(CtClass<T>, Set<ModifierKind>, List<CtParameter<?>>, Set<CtTypeReference<? extends Throwable>>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.ConstructorFactory
Creates an empty constructor.
- create(CtClass<T>, Set<ModifierKind>, List<CtParameter<?>>, Set<CtTypeReference<? extends Throwable>>, CtBlock<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.ConstructorFactory
Creates a constructor.
- create(CtClass<T>, CtConstructor<?>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.ConstructorFactory
Copies a constructor into a target class.
- create(CtClass<T>, CtMethod<?>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.ConstructorFactory
Creates a constructor into a target class by copying it from a source method.
- create(CtElement...) - Static method in class spoon.pattern.PatternBuilder
- create(CtElement, Map<CtElement, RootNode>) - Static method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ElementNode
Creates an implicit
, which contains all non derived attributes of `element` and all it's children - create(CtPackage, String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.AnnotationFactory
Creates an annotation type.
- create(CtPackage, String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.ClassFactory
Creates a top-level class.
- create(CtPackage, String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.EnumFactory
Creates a new enumeration type
- create(CtPackage, String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.InterfaceFactory
Creates an interface.
- create(CtPackage, String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.PackageFactory
Creates a new package (see also
). - create(CtType<?>, Set<ModifierKind>, CtTypeReference<T>, String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FieldFactory
Creates a field.
- create(CtType<?>, Set<ModifierKind>, CtTypeReference<T>, String, List<CtParameter<?>>, Set<CtTypeReference<? extends Throwable>>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.MethodFactory
Creates an empty method.
- create(CtType<?>, Set<ModifierKind>, CtTypeReference<T>, String, CtExpression<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FieldFactory
Creates a field.
- create(CtType<?>, CtField<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FieldFactory
Creates a field by copying an existing field.
- create(CtType<?>, CtMethod<T>, boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.MethodFactory
Creates a method by copying an existing method.
- create(CtType<T>, String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.InterfaceFactory
Creates an inner interface
- create(ImmutableMap, ContainerKind, Object) - Static method in class spoon.pattern.internal.matcher.TobeMatched
- createAnnotation() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates an annotation.
- createAnnotation() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createAnnotation() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createAnnotation() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createAnnotation(CtTypeReference<A>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CodeFactory
Creates an annotation.
- createAnnotation(CtTypeReference<A>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createAnnotation(CtTypeReference<A>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createAnnotationFieldAccess() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Create an access to annotation value
- createAnnotationFieldAccess() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createAnnotationFieldAccess() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createAnnotationFieldAccess() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createAnnotationMethod() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates an annotation method.
- createAnnotationMethod() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createAnnotationMethod() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createAnnotationMethod() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createAnnotationType() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates an annotation type.
- createAnnotationType() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createAnnotationType() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createAnnotationType() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createAnnotationType(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createAnnotationType(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createAnnotationType(CtPackage, String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createAnnotationType(CtPackage, String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createAnonymous(CtClass<?>, CtBlock<Void>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.ExecutableFactory
Creates an anonymous executable (initializer block) in a target class).
- createAnonymous(CtClass<?>, CtBlock<Void>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createAnonymous(CtClass<?>, CtBlock<Void>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createAnonymousExecutable() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates an anonymous executable.
- createAnonymousExecutable() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createAnonymousExecutable() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createAnonymousExecutable() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createArrayRead() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates an array read access expression.
- createArrayRead() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createArrayRead() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createArrayRead() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createArrayReference(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createArrayReference(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createArrayReference(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Creates a reference to an array of given type.
- createArrayReference(CtType<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createArrayReference(CtType<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createArrayReference(CtType<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Creates a reference to an array of given type.
- createArrayReference(CtTypeReference<?>, int) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createArrayReference(CtTypeReference<?>, int) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createArrayReference(CtTypeReference<?>, int) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Creates a reference to a n-dimension array of given type.
- createArrayReference(CtTypeReference<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createArrayReference(CtTypeReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createArrayReference(CtTypeReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Creates a reference to a one-dimension array of given type.
- createArrayTypeReference() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates an array type reference.
- createArrayTypeReference() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createArrayTypeReference() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createArrayTypeReference() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createArrayWrite() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates an array write access expression.
- createArrayWrite() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createArrayWrite() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createArrayWrite() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createAssert() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates an
statement. - createAssert() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createAssert() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createAssert() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createAssignment() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates an assignment expression.
- createAssignment() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createAssignment() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createAssignment() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createBatchCompiler() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- createBatchCompiler(SpoonModelBuilder.InputType...) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- createBinaryOperator() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a binary operator.
- createBinaryOperator() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createBinaryOperator() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createBinaryOperator() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createBinaryOperator(CtExpression<?>, CtExpression<?>, BinaryOperatorKind) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CodeFactory
Creates a binary operator.
- createBinaryOperator(CtExpression<?>, CtExpression<?>, BinaryOperatorKind) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createBinaryOperator(CtExpression<?>, CtExpression<?>, BinaryOperatorKind) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createBlock() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a block.
- createBlock() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createBlock() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createBlock() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createBodyHolderSourcePosition(CompilationUnit, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int[]) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a body holder source position.
- createBodyHolderSourcePosition(CompilationUnit, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int[]) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createBodyHolderSourcePosition(CompilationUnit, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int[]) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createBodyHolderSourcePosition(CompilationUnit, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int[]) - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createBreak() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a
statement. - createBreak() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createBreak() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createBreak() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createCase() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a
clause. - createCase() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createCase() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createCase() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createCatch() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a
clause. - createCatch() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createCatch() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createCatch() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createCatchVariable() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a catch variable declaration statement.
- createCatchVariable() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createCatchVariable() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createCatchVariable() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createCatchVariable(CtTypeReference<T>, String, ModifierKind...) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CodeFactory
Creates a catch variable declaration.
- createCatchVariable(CtTypeReference<T>, String, ModifierKind...) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createCatchVariable(CtTypeReference<T>, String, ModifierKind...) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createCatchVariableReference() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a catch variable reference.
- createCatchVariableReference() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createCatchVariableReference() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createCatchVariableReference() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createCatchVariableReference(CtCatchVariable<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CodeFactory
Creates a catch variable reference that points to an existing catch variable (strong referencing).
- createCatchVariableReference(CtCatchVariable<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createCatchVariableReference(CtCatchVariable<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createClass() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a class.
- createClass() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createClass() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createClass() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createClass(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createClass(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createClass(CtClass<?>, String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createClass(CtClass<?>, String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createClass(CtPackage, String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createClass(CtPackage, String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createClassAccess(CtTypeReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CodeFactory
Creates a class access expression of the form
. - createClassAccess(CtTypeReference<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createClassAccess(CtTypeReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createCodeSnippetExpression() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a code snippet expression.
- createCodeSnippetExpression() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createCodeSnippetExpression() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createCodeSnippetExpression() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createCodeSnippetExpression(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CodeFactory
Creates a Code Snippet expression.
- createCodeSnippetExpression(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createCodeSnippetExpression(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createCodeSnippetStatement() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a code snippet statement.
- createCodeSnippetStatement() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createCodeSnippetStatement() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createCodeSnippetStatement() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createCodeSnippetStatement(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CodeFactory
Creates a Code Snippet statement.
- createCodeSnippetStatement(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createCodeSnippetStatement(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createComment() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a comment.
- createComment() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createComment() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createComment() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createComment(String, CtComment.CommentType) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CodeFactory
Creates a comment
- createComment(String, CtComment.CommentType) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createComment(String, CtComment.CommentType) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createCompilationUnit() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a compilation unit.
- createCompilationUnit() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createCompilationUnit() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createCompilationUnit() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createCompiler() - Method in class spoon.Launcher
- createCompiler() - Method in interface spoon.SpoonAPI
Creates a new Spoon compiler (for building the model)
- createCompiler(List<SpoonResource>) - Method in class spoon.Launcher
Creates a new Spoon Java compiler with a default factory and a list of input sources.
- createCompiler(Factory) - Method in class spoon.Launcher
Creates a new Spoon Java compiler in order to process and compile Java source code.
- createCompiler(Factory, List<SpoonResource>) - Method in class spoon.Launcher
- createCompiler(Factory, List<SpoonResource>, List<SpoonResource>) - Method in class spoon.Launcher
Creates a new Spoon Java compiler in order to process and compile Java source code.
- createCompoundSourcePosition(CompilationUnit, int, int, int, int, int[]) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a compound source position.
- createCompoundSourcePosition(CompilationUnit, int, int, int, int, int[]) - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createConditional() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a conditional expression (
). - createConditional() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createConditional() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createConditional() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createConstructor() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a constructor.
- createConstructor() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createConstructor() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createConstructor() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createConstructor(CtClass, Set<ModifierKind>, List<CtParameter<?>>, Set<CtTypeReference<? extends Throwable>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createConstructor(CtClass, Set<ModifierKind>, List<CtParameter<?>>, Set<CtTypeReference<? extends Throwable>>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createConstructor(CtClass, Set<ModifierKind>, List<CtParameter<?>>, Set<CtTypeReference<? extends Throwable>>, CtBlock) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createConstructor(CtClass, Set<ModifierKind>, List<CtParameter<?>>, Set<CtTypeReference<? extends Throwable>>, CtBlock) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createConstructor(CtClass, CtConstructor<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createConstructor(CtClass, CtConstructor<?>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createConstructor(CtClass, CtMethod<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createConstructor(CtClass, CtMethod<?>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createConstructorCall() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a constructor call expression.
- createConstructorCall() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createConstructorCall() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createConstructorCall() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createConstructorCall(CtTypeReference<T>, CtExpression<?>...) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CodeFactory
Creates a constructor call.
- createConstructorCall(CtTypeReference<T>, CtExpression<?>...) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createConstructorCall(CtTypeReference<T>, CtExpression<?>...) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createContinue() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a
statement. - createContinue() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createContinue() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createContinue() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createCtBlock(T) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CodeFactory
Creates a block.
- createCtBlock(T) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createCtBlock(T) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createCtCatch(String, Class<? extends Throwable>, CtBlock<?>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CodeFactory
Creates a catch element.
- createCtCatch(String, Class<? extends Throwable>, CtBlock<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createCtCatch(String, Class<? extends Throwable>, CtBlock<?>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createCtField(String, CtTypeReference<T>, String, ModifierKind...) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CodeFactory
Creates a field.
- createCtField(String, CtTypeReference<T>, String, ModifierKind...) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createCtField(String, CtTypeReference<T>, String, ModifierKind...) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createCtPackageReference(Package) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CodeFactory
Creates a package reference.
- createCtPackageReference(Package) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createCtPackageReference(Package) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createCtThrow(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CodeFactory
Creates a throw.
- createCtThrow(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createCtThrow(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createCtTypeReference(Class<?>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CodeFactory
Creates a type reference.
- createCtTypeReference(Class<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createCtTypeReference(Class<?>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createDeclarationSourcePosition(CompilationUnit, int, int, int, int, int, int, int[]) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a declaration source position.
- createDeclarationSourcePosition(CompilationUnit, int, int, int, int, int, int, int[]) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createDeclarationSourcePosition(CompilationUnit, int, int, int, int, int, int, int[]) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createDeclarationSourcePosition(CompilationUnit, int, int, int, int, int, int, int[]) - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createDefault(CtClass<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.ConstructorFactory
Create the default empty constructor.
- createDefault(CtClass<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createDefault(CtClass<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createDo() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a
loop. - createDo() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createDo() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createDo() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createElement(Class<? extends CtElement>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createElement(Class<? extends CtElement>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createEnclosingHierarchy(CtType<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.ClassTypingContext
might be used to create custom chain of super type hierarchies
- createEnclosingHierarchy(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.ClassTypingContext
might be used to create custom chain of super type hierarchies
- createEnum() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates an enum.
- createEnum() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createEnum() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createEnum() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createEnum(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createEnum(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createEnum(CtPackage, String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createEnum(CtPackage, String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createEnumValue() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates an enum value.
- createEnumValue() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createEnumValue() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createEnumValue() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createEnvironment() - Method in class spoon.Launcher
- createEnvironment() - Method in interface spoon.SpoonAPI
Creates a new Spoon environment (may be overridden)
- createExecutableReference() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates an executable reference.
- createExecutableReference() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createExecutableReference() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createExecutableReference() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createExecutableReferenceExpression() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a new executable reference expression.
- createExecutableReferenceExpression() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createExecutableReferenceExpression() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createExecutableReferenceExpression() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createExpressionCannotBeRemovedIssue(CtInvocation<?>, CtExpression<?>) - Method in class spoon.refactoring.CtParameterRemoveRefactoring
Override this method to get access to details about this refactoring issue.
- createFactory() - Method in class spoon.Launcher
- createFactory() - Method in interface spoon.SpoonAPI
Creates a new Spoon factory (may be overridden)
- createFactory() - Static method in class spoon.testing.utils.ModelUtils
- createField() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a field.
- createField() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createField() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createField() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createField(CtType<?>, Set<ModifierKind>, CtTypeReference, String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createField(CtType<?>, Set<ModifierKind>, CtTypeReference, String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createField(CtType<?>, Set<ModifierKind>, CtTypeReference, String, CtExpression) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createField(CtType<?>, Set<ModifierKind>, CtTypeReference, String, CtExpression) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createField(CtType<?>, CtField) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createField(CtType<?>, CtField) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createFieldAccess(CtVariableReference<T>, CtExpression<?>, boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilderHelper
Creates variable access from a
. - createFieldRead() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a field read access.
- createFieldRead() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createFieldRead() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createFieldRead() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createFieldReference() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a field reference.
- createFieldReference() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createFieldReference() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createFieldReference() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createFieldWrite() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a field write access.
- createFieldWrite() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createFieldWrite() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createFieldWrite() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createFile(File) - Static method in class spoon.compiler.SpoonResourceHelper
Creates the
corresponding to the given file. - createFolder(File) - Static method in class spoon.compiler.SpoonResourceHelper
Creates the
corresponding to the given file. - createFor() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a
loop. - createFor() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createFor() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createFor() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createForEach() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a
loop. - createForEach() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createForEach() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createForEach() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createIf() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates an
statement. - createIf() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createIf() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createIf() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createImport() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates an import.
- createImport() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createImport(CtReference) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createImport(CtReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createImport(CtReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Creates an import declaration.
- createInlineComment(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CodeFactory
Creates an inline comment
- createInlineComment(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createInlineComment(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createInputHolder() - Method in interface spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.ParameterComputer
- createInputHolder() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.SimpleNameOfTypeReferenceParameterComputer
- createInterface() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates an interface.
- createInterface() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createInterface() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createInterface() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createInterface(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createInterface(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createInterface(CtPackage, String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createInterface(CtPackage, String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createInterface(CtType, String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createInterface(CtType, String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createIntersectionTypeReference() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates an intersection type reference.
- createIntersectionTypeReference() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createIntersectionTypeReference() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createIntersectionTypeReference() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createIntersectionTypeReferenceWithBounds(List<CtTypeReference<?>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createIntersectionTypeReferenceWithBounds(List<CtTypeReference<?>>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createIntersectionTypeReferenceWithBounds(List<CtTypeReference<?>>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Creates an intersection type reference.
- createInvisibleArrayConstructor() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates an invisible array constructor.
- createInvisibleArrayConstructor() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createInvisibleArrayConstructor() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createInvisibleArrayConstructor() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createInvocation() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates an invocation expression.
- createInvocation() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createInvocation() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createInvocation() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createInvocation(CtExpression<?>, CtExecutableReference<T>, List<CtExpression<?>>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CodeFactory
Creates an invocation (can be a statement or an expression).
- createInvocation(CtExpression<?>, CtExecutableReference<T>, List<CtExpression<?>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createInvocation(CtExpression<?>, CtExecutableReference<T>, List<CtExpression<?>>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createInvocation(CtExpression<?>, CtExecutableReference<T>, CtExpression<?>...) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CodeFactory
Creates an invocation (can be a statement or an expression).
- createInvocation(CtExpression<?>, CtExecutableReference<T>, CtExpression<?>...) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createInvocation(CtExpression<?>, CtExecutableReference<T>, CtExpression<?>...) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createJavaDoc() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a javadoc comment.
- createJavaDoc() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createJavaDoc() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createJavaDoc() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createJavaDocTag() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a javadoc tag.
- createJavaDocTag() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createJavaDocTag() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createJavaDocTag() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createJavaDocTag(String, CtJavaDocTag.TagType) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CodeFactory
Creates a javadoc tag
- createJavaDocTag(String, CtJavaDocTag.TagType) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createJavaDocTag(String, CtJavaDocTag.TagType) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createJavaDocTag(String, CtJavaDocTag.TagType, String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CodeFactory
Creates a javadoc tag
- createJavaDocTag(String, CtJavaDocTag.TagType, String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createJavaDocTag(String, CtJavaDocTag.TagType, String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createJavaFile(CtType<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.JavaOutputProcessor
Creates the Java file associated to the given element.
- createLambda() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a new anonymous method expression.
- createLambda() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createLambda() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createLambda() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createLiteral() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a literal expression.
- createLiteral() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createLiteral() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createLiteral() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createLiteral(T) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CodeFactory
Creates a literal with a given value.
- createLiteral(T) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createLiteral(T) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createLiteralArray(T[]) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CodeFactory
Creates a one-dimension array that must only contain literals.
- createLiteralArray(T[]) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createLiteralArray(T[]) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createLocalVariable() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a local variable declaration statement.
- createLocalVariable() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createLocalVariable() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createLocalVariable() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createLocalVariable(CtTypeReference<T>, String, CtExpression<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CodeFactory
Creates a local variable declaration.
- createLocalVariable(CtTypeReference<T>, String, CtExpression<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createLocalVariable(CtTypeReference<T>, String, CtExpression<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createLocalVariableReference() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a local variable reference.
- createLocalVariableReference() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createLocalVariableReference() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createLocalVariableReference() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createLocalVariableReference(CtLocalVariable<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CodeFactory
Creates a local variable reference that points to an existing local variable (strong referencing).
- createLocalVariableReference(CtLocalVariable<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createLocalVariableReference(CtLocalVariable<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createLocalVariableReference(CtTypeReference<T>, String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CodeFactory
Creates a local variable reference with its name an type (weak referencing).
- createLocalVariableReference(CtTypeReference<T>, String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createLocalVariableReference(CtTypeReference<T>, String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createMethod() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a method.
- createMethod() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createMethod() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createMethod() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createMethod(CtClass<?>, Set<ModifierKind>, CtTypeReference, String, List<CtParameter<?>>, Set<CtTypeReference<? extends Throwable>>, CtBlock) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createMethod(CtClass<?>, Set<ModifierKind>, CtTypeReference, String, List<CtParameter<?>>, Set<CtTypeReference<? extends Throwable>>, CtBlock) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createMethod(CtType<?>, Set<ModifierKind>, CtTypeReference, String, List<CtParameter<?>>, Set<CtTypeReference<? extends Throwable>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createMethod(CtType<?>, Set<ModifierKind>, CtTypeReference, String, List<CtParameter<?>>, Set<CtTypeReference<? extends Throwable>>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createMethod(CtType<?>, CtMethod, boolean) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createMethod(CtType<?>, CtMethod, boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createModule() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a Java 9 module
- createModule() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createModule(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createModule(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createModuleReference() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a reference to a Java 9 module
- createModuleReference() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createModuleReference(CtModule) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createModuleReference(CtModule) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createModuleRequirement() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a "requires" directive for a Java 9 module file
- createModuleRequirement() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createModuleRequirement(CtModuleReference) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createModuleRequirement(CtModuleReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createModuleRequirement(CtModuleReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.ModuleFactory
- createNameConflictIssue(CtVariable<?>) - Method in class spoon.refactoring.CtRenameLocalVariableRefactoring
Override this method to get access to details about this refactoring issue
- createNameConflictIssue(CtVariable<?>, CtVariableReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.refactoring.CtRenameLocalVariableRefactoring
Override this method to get access to details about this refactoring issue
- createNewArray() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a new array expression.
- createNewArray() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createNewArray() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createNewArray() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createNewClass() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a new anonymous class expression.
- createNewClass() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createNewClass() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createNewClass() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createNewClass(CtType<?>, CtExpression<?>...) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
Creates an anonymous class
- createNewClass(CtType<?>, CtExpression<?>...) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createNewClass(CtType<T>, CtExpression<?>...) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CodeFactory
Creates a new anonymous class.
- createOperatorAssignment() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a new operator assignment (like +=).
- createOperatorAssignment() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createOperatorAssignment() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createOperatorAssignment() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createOutputWriter() - Method in class spoon.Launcher
- createPackage() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a package.
- createPackage() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createPackage() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createPackage() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createPackage(CtPackage, String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createPackage(CtPackage, String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createPackageDeclaration() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a package declaration.
- createPackageDeclaration() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createPackageDeclaration(CtPackageReference) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createPackageDeclaration(CtPackageReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createPackageDeclaration(CtPackageReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.PackageFactory
Creates a package declaration of a package.
- createPackageExport() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a "export" directive for a Java 9 module file
- createPackageExport() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createPackageExport(CtPackageReference) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createPackageExport(CtPackageReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createPackageExport(CtPackageReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.ModuleFactory
- createPackageReference() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a package reference.
- createPackageReference() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createPackageReference() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createPackageReference() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createParameter() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a parameter.
- createParameter() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createParameter() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createParameter() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createParameter(CtExecutable<?>, CtTypeReference<T>, String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.ExecutableFactory
Creates a new parameter.
- createParameter(CtExecutable<?>, CtTypeReference<T>, String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createParameter(CtExecutable<?>, CtTypeReference<T>, String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createParameterReference() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a parameter reference.
- createParameterReference() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createParameterReference() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createParameterReference() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createParameterReference(CtParameter<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.ExecutableFactory
Creates a parameter reference from an existing parameter.
- createParameterReference(CtParameter<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createParameterReference(CtParameter<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createParameterUsedIssue(CtParameter<?>, CtParameterReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.refactoring.CtParameterRemoveRefactoring
Override this method to get access to details about this refactoring issue
- createPartialEvaluator() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.EvalFactory
Creates a partial evaluator on the Spoon meta-model.
- createPartialEvaluator() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createPartialEvaluator() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createPartialSourcePosition(CompilationUnit) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a source position that points to the given compilation unit
- createPartialSourcePosition(CompilationUnit) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createPartialSourcePosition(CompilationUnit) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createPartialSourcePosition(CompilationUnit) - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createPrettyPrinter() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Creates the default pretty-printer.
- createPrettyPrinter() - Method in class spoon.Launcher
- createPrettyPrinter() - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- createPrettyPrinterAutoImport() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Creates a pretty-printer that automatically imports used types and turns fully qualified type names into simply qualified names.
- createPrettyPrinterAutoImport() - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- createProvidedService() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a "provides" directive for a Java 9 module file
- createProvidedService() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createProvidedService(CtTypeReference) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createProvidedService(CtTypeReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createProvidedService(CtTypeReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.ModuleFactory
- createQuery() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createQuery() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createQuery() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.QueryFactory
Creates a unbound query.
- createQuery(Iterable<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createQuery(Iterable<?>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createQuery(Iterable<?>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.QueryFactory
Creates a bound query.
- createQuery(Object) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createQuery(Object) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createQuery(Object) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.QueryFactory
Creates a bound query.
- createQuery(Object...) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createQuery(Object[]) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createQuery(Object...) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.QueryFactory
Creates a bound query with an optional number of inputs elements to the query (see
) - createRecord() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a record.
- createRecord() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createRecord() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createRecord() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createRecordComponent() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a record component.
- createRecordComponent() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createRecordComponent() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createRecordComponent() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createReference(Class<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
- createReference(Class<T>, boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Creates a reference to a simple type
- createReference(Package) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.PackageFactory
Creates a reference to a package by using its Java runtime representation.
- createReference(Constructor<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.ConstructorFactory
Creates a constructor reference from an actual constructor.
- createReference(Field) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FieldFactory
Creates a field reference from a
field. - createReference(Method) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.MethodFactory
Creates a method reference from an actual method.
- createReference(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.ExecutableFactory
Creates an executable reference from its signature, as defined by the executable reference's toString.
- createReference(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createReference(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createReference(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FieldFactory
Creates a field reference from its signature, as defined by the field reference's toString.
- createReference(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.PackageFactory
Creates a reference to a package.
- createReference(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Create a reference to a simple type
- createReference(CtConstructor<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.ConstructorFactory
Creates a constructor reference from an existing constructor.
- createReference(CtExecutable<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.ExecutableFactory
Creates an executable reference from an existing executable.
- createReference(CtField<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FieldFactory
Creates a field reference from an existing field.
- createReference(CtMethod<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.MethodFactory
Creates a method reference.
- createReference(CtModule) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.ModuleFactory
- createReference(CtPackage) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.PackageFactory
Creates a reference to an existing package.
- createReference(CtType<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Create a reference to a simple type
- createReference(CtType<T>, boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
- createReference(CtTypeParameter) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Create a reference to a simple type
- createReference(CtTypeReference<?>, boolean, CtTypeReference<T>, String, List<CtTypeReference<?>>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.ExecutableFactory
Creates an executable reference.
- createReference(CtTypeReference<?>, boolean, CtTypeReference<T>, String, CtTypeReference<?>...) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.ExecutableFactory
Creates an executable reference.
- createReference(CtTypeReference<?>, CtTypeReference<T>, String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FieldFactory
Creates a field reference.
- createReference(CtTypeReference<?>, CtTypeReference<T>, String, List<CtTypeReference<?>>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.ExecutableFactory
Creates an executable reference.
- createReference(CtTypeReference<?>, CtTypeReference<T>, String, CtTypeReference<?>...) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.ExecutableFactory
Creates an executable reference.
- createReference(CtTypeReference<T>, CtExpression<?>...) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.ConstructorFactory
Creates a constructor reference.
- createReferences(List<Class<?>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createReferences(List<Class<?>>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createReferences(List<Class<?>>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Creates a collection of type references from a collection of classes.
- createResource(File) - Static method in class spoon.compiler.SpoonResourceHelper
Creates the
corresponding to the given file. - createReturn() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a
statement. - createReturn() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createReturn() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createReturn() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createScanner() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ForceFullyQualifiedProcessor
- createScanner() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ForceImportProcessor
- createScanner() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportCleaner
- createScanner() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportConflictDetector
- createSimplyQualifiedReference(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createSimplyQualifiedReference(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createSimplyQualifiedReference(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Create a reference to a simple type, setting the beginning of its fully qualified name as implicit
- createSourceFragmentsFrom(CtElement) - Static method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.ElementSourceFragment
Builds a tree of source fragments for `element` and all its children, based on the source positions of each element
- createSourcePosition(CompilationUnit, int, int, int[]) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a source position.
- createSourcePosition(CompilationUnit, int, int, int[]) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createSourcePosition(CompilationUnit, int, int, int[]) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createSourcePosition(CompilationUnit, int, int, int[]) - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createStatementList() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a statement list.
- createStatementList() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createStatementList() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createStatementList() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createStatementList(CtBlock<R>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CodeFactory
Creates a new statement list from an existing block.
- createStatementList(CtBlock<R>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createStatementList(CtBlock<R>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createSuperAccess() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates an access expression to super.
- createSuperAccess() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createSuperAccess() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createSuperAccess() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createSwitch() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a
statement. - createSwitch() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createSwitch() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createSwitch() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createSwitchExpression() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a
expression. - createSwitchExpression() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createSwitchExpression() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createSwitchExpression() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createSynchronized() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a
statement. - createSynchronized() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createSynchronized() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createSynchronized() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createTextBlock() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a TextBlock String Literal
- createTextBlock() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createTextBlock() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createTextBlock() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createTextBlock(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CodeFactory
Creates a TextBlock with the given string value.
- createTextBlock(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createTextBlock(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createThisAccess() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates an access expression to this.
- createThisAccess() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createThisAccess() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createThisAccess() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createThisAccess(CtTypeReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CodeFactory
Creates an explicit access to a
variable (of the formtype.this
). - createThisAccess(CtTypeReference<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createThisAccess(CtTypeReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createThisAccess(CtTypeReference<T>, boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CodeFactory
Creates an access to a
variable (of the formtype.this
). - createThisAccess(CtTypeReference<T>, boolean) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createThisAccess(CtTypeReference<T>, boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createThrow() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a
statement. - createThrow() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createThrow() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createThrow() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createTry() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a
block. - createTry() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createTry() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createTry() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createTryWithResource() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a
with resource block. - createTryWithResource() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createTryWithResource() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createTryWithResource() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createTypeAccess() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a type access expression.
- createTypeAccess() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createTypeAccess() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createTypeAccess() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createTypeAccess(CtTypeReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CodeFactory
Creates a accessed type.
- createTypeAccess(CtTypeReference<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createTypeAccess(CtTypeReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createTypeAccess(CtTypeReference<T>, boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CodeFactory
Creates a accessed type.
- createTypeAccess(CtTypeReference<T>, boolean) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createTypeAccess(CtTypeReference<T>, boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createTypeAccessWithoutCloningReference(CtTypeReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CodeFactory
Creates a accessed type, see
for details. - createTypeAccessWithoutCloningReference(CtTypeReference<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createTypeAccessWithoutCloningReference(CtTypeReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createTypeAdapter(CtFormalTypeDeclarer) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createTypeAdapter(CtFormalTypeDeclarer) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createTypeAdapter(CtFormalTypeDeclarer) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Create a
for adapting of formal type parameters from any compatible context to the context of provided `formalTypeDeclarer` - createTypeFromTemplate(String, CtType<?>, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class spoon.template.Substitution
Generates a type (class, interface, enum, ...) from the template model `templateOfType` by by substituting all the template parameters by their values.
- createTypeMemberWildcardImportReference() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Create a wildcard reference to a type member, used in a static import
- createTypeMemberWildcardImportReference() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createTypeMemberWildcardImportReference(CtTypeReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createTypeMemberWildcardImportReference(CtTypeReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Create a wildcard reference to a simple type
- createTypeMemberWildcardImportReference(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createTypeParameter() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a type parameter declaration.
- createTypeParameter() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createTypeParameter() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createTypeParameter() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createTypeParameterReference() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a type parameter reference.
- createTypeParameterReference() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createTypeParameterReference() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createTypeParameterReference() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createTypeParameterReference(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createTypeParameterReference(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createTypeParameterReference(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Creates a type parameter reference with no bounds.
- createTypePattern() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a Type Pattern
- createTypePattern() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createTypeReference() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a type reference.
- createTypeReference() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createTypeReference() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createTypeReference() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createUnaryOperator() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a unary operator expression.
- createUnaryOperator() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createUnaryOperator() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createUnaryOperator() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createUnboundVariableReference() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates an unbound variable used in noclasspath.
- createUnboundVariableReference() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createUnboundVariableReference() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createUnboundVariableReference() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createUnresolvedImport() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates an unresolved import.
- createUnresolvedImport() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createUnresolvedImport(String, boolean) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createUnresolvedImport(String, boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createUnresolvedImport(String, boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
- createUsedService() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a "uses" directive for a Java 9 module file
- createUsedService() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createUsedService(CtTypeReference) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createUsedService(CtTypeReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createUsedService(CtTypeReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.ModuleFactory
- createVariableAccess(CtVariableReference<T>, boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilderHelper
Creates variable access from a
. - createVariableAssignment(CtVariableReference<A>, boolean, CtExpression<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CodeFactory
Creates a variable assignment (can be an expression or a statement).
- createVariableAssignment(CtVariableReference<A>, boolean, CtExpression<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createVariableAssignment(CtVariableReference<A>, boolean, CtExpression<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createVariableAssignments(List<? extends CtVariable<T>>, List<? extends CtExpression<T>>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CodeFactory
Creates a list of statements that contains the assignments of a set of variables.
- createVariableAssignments(List<? extends CtVariable<T>>, List<? extends CtExpression<T>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createVariableAssignments(List<? extends CtVariable<T>>, List<? extends CtExpression<T>>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createVariableRead() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a variable read expression.
- createVariableRead() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createVariableRead() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createVariableRead() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createVariableRead(CtVariableReference<T>, boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CodeFactory
Creates a variable access for read.
- createVariableRead(CtVariableReference<T>, boolean) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createVariableRead(CtVariableReference<T>, boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createVariableReads(List<? extends CtVariable<?>>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CodeFactory
Creates a list of variable accesses for read.
- createVariableReads(List<? extends CtVariable<?>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createVariableReads(List<? extends CtVariable<?>>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createVariableWrite() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a variable write expression.
- createVariableWrite() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createVariableWrite() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createVariableWrite() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createVariableWrite(CtVariableReference<T>, boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CodeFactory
Creates a variable access for write.
- createVariableWrite(CtVariableReference<T>, boolean) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createVariableWrite(CtVariableReference<T>, boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createWhile() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a
loop. - createWhile() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createWhile() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createWhile() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createWildcardReference() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a wildcard reference.
- createWildcardReference() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createWildcardReference() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- createWildcardReference() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createYieldStatement() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Creates a
statement - createYieldStatement() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- createYieldStatement(boolean) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
- createYieldStatement(boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- CtAbstractBiScanner - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor
Defines the core bi-scan responsibility.
- CtAbstractBiScanner() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractBiScanner
- CtAbstractImportVisitor - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor
Provides an empty implementation of
. - CtAbstractImportVisitor() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractImportVisitor
- CtAbstractInvocation<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element defines an abstract invocation on a
. - CtAbstractSwitch<S> - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element defines an abstract switch (either switch statement or switch expression).
- CtAbstractVisitor - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor
Provides an empty implementation of CtVisitor.
- CtAbstractVisitor() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- CtActualTypeContainer - Interface in spoon.reflect.reference
This interface defines the capability related to binding generics (aka type parameters).
- CtAnnotatedElementType - Enum in spoon.reflect.declaration
This enum specifies the element type which is annotated by the annotation
- CtAnnotation<A extends Annotation> - Interface in spoon.reflect.declaration
This element represents an annotation on an element.
- CtAnnotationFieldAccess<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element defines an access to a annotation parameter variable.
- CtAnnotationFieldAccessImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtAnnotationFieldAccessImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtAnnotationFieldAccessImpl
- CtAnnotationImpl<A extends Annotation> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.declaration
The implementation for
. - CtAnnotationImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationImpl
- CtAnnotationMethod<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.declaration
This element defines an annotation method declared in an annotation type.
- CtAnnotationMethodImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.declaration
The implementation for
. - CtAnnotationMethodImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationMethodImpl
- CtAnnotationType<T extends Annotation> - Interface in spoon.reflect.declaration
This element defines an annotation type.
- CtAnnotationTypeImpl<T extends Annotation> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.declaration
The implementation for
. - CtAnnotationTypeImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationTypeImpl
- CtAnonymousExecutable - Interface in spoon.reflect.declaration
This element defines an anonymous executable block declaration in a class.
- CtAnonymousExecutableImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.declaration
- CtAnonymousExecutableImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutableImpl
- CtArrayAccess<T,E extends CtExpression<?>> - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element defines a one-dimensional array access.
- CtArrayAccessImpl<T,V extends CtExpression<?>> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtArrayAccessImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtArrayAccessImpl
- CtArrayRead<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element defines a read access to an array.
- CtArrayReadImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtArrayReadImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtArrayReadImpl
- CtArrayTypeReference<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.reference
This interface defines a reference to an array.
- CtArrayTypeReferenceImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.reference
- CtArrayTypeReferenceImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtArrayTypeReferenceImpl
- CtArrayTypeReferenceImpl.DeclarationKind - Enum in spoon.support.reflect.reference
- CtArrayWrite<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element defines a write access to an array.
- CtArrayWriteImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtArrayWriteImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtArrayWriteImpl
- CtAssert<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element defines an assert clause.
- CtAssertImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtAssertImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtAssertImpl
- CtAssignment<T,A extends T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element defines an assignment.
- CtAssignmentImpl<T,A extends T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtAssignmentImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtAssignmentImpl
- CtBFSIterator - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor
A class to be able to iterate over the children elements in the tree of a given node, in breadth-first order.
- CtBFSIterator(CtElement) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBFSIterator
CtIterator constructor, prepares the iterator from the @root node
- CtBinaryOperator<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This interface defines a binary operator.
- CtBinaryOperatorImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtBinaryOperatorImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtBinaryOperatorImpl
- CtBiScannerDefault - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor
This visitor implements a deep-search scan on the model for 2 elements.
- CtBiScannerDefault() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- CtBlock<R> - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element represents a block of code, that is to say a list of statements enclosed in curly brackets.
- CtBlockImpl<R> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtBlockImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtBlockImpl
- CtBodyHolder - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This abstract code element defines an element, which contains a body
- CtBreak - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element defines a break statement.
- CtBreakImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtBreakImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtBreakImpl
- CtCase<S> - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element defines a case within a switch-case.
- CtCaseImpl<E> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtCaseImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCaseImpl
- CtCatch - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element defines a
of atry
. - CtCatchImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtCatchImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCatchImpl
- CtCatchVariable<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element defines an exception variable in a catch.
- CtCatchVariableImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtCatchVariableImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCatchVariableImpl
- CtCatchVariableReference<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.reference
This interface defines a reference to
. - CtCatchVariableReferenceImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.reference
- CtCatchVariableReferenceImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtCatchVariableReferenceImpl
- CtCFlowBreak - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This abstract code element represents all the statements that break the control flow of the program.
- CtClass<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.declaration
This element represents a class declaration.
- CtClassImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.declaration
The implementation for
. - CtClassImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtClassImpl
- CtCodeElement - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This interface is the root interface of the code elements.
- CtCodeElementImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtCodeElementImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCodeElementImpl
- CtCodeSnippet - Interface in spoon.reflect.declaration
This interface represents snippets of source code that can be used in the AST to represent complex code without having to build the corresponding program model structure.
- CtCodeSnippetExpression<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This element is a code snippet that must represent an expression and can thus be inserted in the program's model as is.
- CtCodeSnippetExpressionImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtCodeSnippetExpressionImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCodeSnippetExpressionImpl
- CtCodeSnippetStatement - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This element is a code snippet that must represent a statement and can thus be inserted in the program's model as is.
- CtCodeSnippetStatementImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtCodeSnippetStatementImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCodeSnippetStatementImpl
- CtComment - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element defines a comment Example:
int x = 0; // a comment
- CtComment.CommentType - Enum in spoon.reflect.code
- CtCommentImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtCommentImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCommentImpl
- CtCommentImpl(CtComment.CommentType) - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCommentImpl
- CtCompilationUnit - Interface in spoon.reflect.declaration
Defines a compilation unit.
- CtCompilationUnit.UNIT_TYPE - Enum in spoon.reflect.declaration
- CtCompilationUnitImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.declaration
Implements a compilation unit.
- CtCompilationUnitImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnitImpl
- CtConditional<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element defines conditional expressions using the ? (ternary expressions).
- CtConditionalImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtConditionalImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtConditionalImpl
- CtConstructor<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.declaration
This element defines a constructor declaration.
- CtConstructorCall<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element represents a constructor call.
- CtConstructorCallImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtConstructorCallImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtConstructorCallImpl
- CtConstructorImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.declaration
- CtConstructorImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtConstructorImpl
- CtConsumableFunction<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.visitor.chain
Represents a function, as
. - CtConsumer<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.visitor.chain
The functional interface used to receive objects.
- CtContinue - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element defines the continue statement.
- CtContinueImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtContinueImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtContinueImpl
- CtDeprecatedRefactoring - Class in spoon.refactoring
- CtDeprecatedRefactoring() - Constructor for class spoon.refactoring.CtDeprecatedRefactoring
- CtDequeScanner - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor
This class defines a scanner that maintains a scanning stack for contextual awareness.
- CtDequeScanner() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtDequeScanner
Default constructor.
- CtDo - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element defines a
loop. - CtDoImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtDoImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtDoImpl
- CtElement - Interface in spoon.reflect.declaration
This interface is the root interface for the metamodel elements (any program element).
- CtElementAssert - Class in spoon.testing
- CtElementAssert(CtElement) - Constructor for class spoon.testing.CtElementAssert
- CtElementImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.declaration
Contains the default implementation of most CtElement methods.
- CtElementImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- CtElementPathBuilder - Class in spoon.reflect.path
This builder allow to create some CtPath from CtElements Created by nharrand on 21/02/2018.
- CtElementPathBuilder() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.path.CtElementPathBuilder
- CtEnum<T extends Enum<?>> - Interface in spoon.reflect.declaration
This element represents an enumeration declaration.
- CtEnumImpl<T extends Enum<?>> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.declaration
- CtEnumImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtEnumImpl
- CtEnumValue<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.declaration
Corresponds to one enum value specified in an enumeration.
- CtEnumValueImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.declaration
- CtEnumValueImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtEnumValueImpl
- CtExecutable<R> - Interface in spoon.reflect.declaration
This element represents an executable element such as a method, a constructor, or an anonymous block.
- CtExecutableImpl<R> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.declaration
The implementation for
. - CtExecutableImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtExecutableImpl
- CtExecutableReference<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.reference
This interface defines a reference to a
. - CtExecutableReferenceExpression<T,E extends CtExpression<?>> - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This abstract code element defines an expression which represents an executable reference.
- CtExecutableReferenceExpressionImpl<T,E extends CtExpression<?>> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtExecutableReferenceExpressionImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtExecutableReferenceExpressionImpl
- CtExecutableReferenceImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.reference
- CtExecutableReferenceImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReferenceImpl
- CtExpression<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This abstract code element defines a typed expression.
- CtExpressionImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtExpressionImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtExpressionImpl
- CtExtendedModifier - Class in spoon.support.reflect
Represents a modifier (eg "public").
- CtExtendedModifier(ModifierKind) - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.CtExtendedModifier
to create an explicit modifier. - CtExtendedModifier(ModifierKind, boolean) - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.CtExtendedModifier
Creates a new extended modifier of the given kind with the given implicitness.
- CtField<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.declaration
This element defines a field declaration.
- CtFieldAccess<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element defines an access to a field variable (read and write)
- CtFieldAccessImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtFieldAccessImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtFieldAccessImpl
- CtFieldImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.declaration
The implementation for
. - CtFieldImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtFieldImpl
- CtFieldRead<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element defines a read access to a field.
- CtFieldReadImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtFieldReadImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtFieldReadImpl
- CtFieldReference<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.reference
This interface defines a reference to a
. - CtFieldReferenceImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.reference
- CtFieldReferenceImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtFieldReferenceImpl
- CtFieldWrite<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element defines a write access to a field.
- CtFieldWriteImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtFieldWriteImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtFieldWriteImpl
- CtFor - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element defines a for loop.
- CtForEach - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element defines a foreach statement.
- CtForEachImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtForEachImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtForEachImpl
- CtForImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtForImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtForImpl
- CtFormalTypeDeclarer - Interface in spoon.reflect.declaration
This abstract element defines a declaration that accepts formal type parameters (aka generics), such as a CtType (
class A<E>
), CtMethod or CtConstructor. - CtFunction<T,R> - Interface in spoon.reflect.visitor.chain
Abstraction for functions in the Spoon realm.
- CtIf - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element represents an
statement. - CtIfImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtIfImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtIfImpl
- CtImport - Interface in spoon.reflect.declaration
This element represents an import declaration.
- CtImportImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.declaration
- CtImportImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtImportImpl
- CtImportKind - Enum in spoon.reflect.declaration
- CtImportVisitor - Interface in spoon.reflect.visitor
This interface defines the visitor for the different types of CtImport
- CtInheritanceScanner - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor
This class provides an abstract implementation of the visitor that allows its subclasses to scan the metamodel elements by recursively using their (abstract) supertype scanning methods.
- CtInheritanceScanner() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
Default constructor.
- CtInterface<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.declaration
This element defines an interface declaration.
- CtInterfaceImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.declaration
- CtInterfaceImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtInterfaceImpl
- CtIntersectionTypeReference<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.reference
This interface defines a reference to an intersection type in generics or in casts.
- CtIntersectionTypeReferenceImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.reference
- CtIntersectionTypeReferenceImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtIntersectionTypeReferenceImpl
- CtInvocation<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element defines a concrete invocation.
- CtInvocationImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtInvocationImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtInvocationImpl
- CtIterator - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor
A class to be able to iterate over the children elements in the tree of a given node, in depth-first order.
- CtIterator(CtElement) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtIterator
CtIterator constructor, prepares the iterator from the @root node
- CtJavaDoc - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element defines a javadoc comment Example:
- CtJavaDocImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtJavaDocImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtJavaDocImpl
- CtJavaDocTag - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element defines a javadoc tag Example:
- CtJavaDocTag.TagType - Enum in spoon.reflect.code
Define the possible type for a tag
- CtJavaDocTagImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtJavaDocTagImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtJavaDocTagImpl
- CtLabelledFlowBreak - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This abstract code element represents all the statements that break the control flow of the program and which can support a label.
- CtLambda<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element represents the creation of a lambda.
- CtLambdaImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtLambdaImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLambdaImpl
- CtLineElementComparator - Class in spoon.support.comparator
Comparator of compile-time elements.
- CtLineElementComparator() - Constructor for class spoon.support.comparator.CtLineElementComparator
- CtLiteral<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element defines a literal value (an int, a string, etc).
- CtLiteralImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtLiteralImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLiteralImpl
- CtLocalVariable<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element defines a local variable definition (within an executable body).
- CtLocalVariableImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtLocalVariableImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLocalVariableImpl
- CtLocalVariableReference<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.reference
This interface defines a reference to
. - CtLocalVariableReferenceImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.reference
An implementation for
. - CtLocalVariableReferenceImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtLocalVariableReferenceImpl
Default constructor.
- CtLoop - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This abstract code element defines a loop.
- CtLoopImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtLoopImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLoopImpl
- CtMethod<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.declaration
This element defines a method declaration.
- CtMethodImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.declaration
The implementation for
. - CtMethodImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtMethodImpl
- CtModel - Interface in spoon.reflect
represents a Java program, modeled by a set of compile-time (Ct) objects where each object is a program element (for instance, a CtClass represents a class).
- CtModelImpl - Class in spoon.reflect
- CtModelImpl(Factory) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.CtModelImpl
- CtModelImpl.CtRootPackage - Class in spoon.reflect
- CtModifiable - Interface in spoon.reflect.declaration
This interface defines an element that accepts modifiers.
- CtModifierHandler - Class in spoon.support.reflect
- CtModifierHandler(CtElement) - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.CtModifierHandler
- CtModule - Interface in spoon.reflect.declaration
Represents a Java module as defined in Java 9.
- CtModuleDirective - Interface in spoon.reflect.declaration
Represents a directive of a
The directives of a module declaration specify the module's dependences on other modulesCtModuleRequirement
, the packages it makes available to other modulesCtPackageExport
, the services it consumesCtUsedService
, and the services it providesCtProvidedService
. - CtModuleImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.declaration
- CtModuleImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtModuleImpl
- CtModuleReference - Interface in spoon.reflect.reference
Represents a reference to a
- CtModuleReferenceImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.reference
- CtModuleReferenceImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtModuleReferenceImpl
- CtModuleRequirement - Interface in spoon.reflect.declaration
Represents a require module in a Java module definition The requires directive specifies the name of a module on which the current module has a dependence.
- CtModuleRequirement.RequiresModifier - Enum in spoon.reflect.declaration
- CtModuleRequirementImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.declaration
- CtModuleRequirementImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtModuleRequirementImpl
- CtMultiTypedElement - Interface in spoon.reflect.declaration
Defined an element with several types.
- CtNamedElement - Interface in spoon.reflect.declaration
Declares an element that has a name (a class, a method, a variable, etc).
- CtNamedElementImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.declaration
- CtNamedElementImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtNamedElementImpl
- CtNamedPathElement - Class in spoon.reflect.path.impl
A CtPathElement that match on CtNamedElement#getSimpleName
- CtNamedPathElement(String) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.path.impl.CtNamedPathElement
- CtNamedPathElement(String, boolean) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.path.impl.CtNamedPathElement
- CtNewArray<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element defines the inline creation of a new array.
- CtNewArrayImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtNewArrayImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtNewArrayImpl
- CtNewClass<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element represents the creation of a anonymous class.
- CtNewClassImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtNewClassImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtNewClassImpl
- CtOperatorAssignment<T,A extends T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element defines an self-operated assignment such as += or *=.
- CtOperatorAssignmentImpl<T,A extends T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtOperatorAssignmentImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtOperatorAssignmentImpl
- CtPackage - Interface in spoon.reflect.declaration
This element defines a package declaration.
- CtPackageAssert - Class in spoon.testing
- CtPackageAssert(CtPackage) - Constructor for class spoon.testing.CtPackageAssert
- CtPackageDeclaration - Interface in spoon.reflect.declaration
This element represents an package declaration.
- CtPackageDeclarationImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.declaration
- CtPackageDeclarationImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtPackageDeclarationImpl
- CtPackageExport - Interface in spoon.reflect.declaration
Represents an exported or opened package in a Java module The exports directive specifies the name of a package to be exported by the current module.
- CtPackageExportImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.declaration
- CtPackageExportImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtPackageExportImpl
- CtPackageImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.declaration
The implementation for
. - CtPackageImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtPackageImpl
- CtPackageReference - Interface in spoon.reflect.reference
This interface defines a reference to a
. - CtPackageReferenceImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.reference
- CtPackageReferenceImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtPackageReferenceImpl
- CtParameter<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.declaration
This element defines an executable parameter declaration.
- CtParameterImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.declaration
The implementation for
. - CtParameterImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtParameterImpl
- CtParameterReference<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.reference
This interface defines a reference to a
of a method. - CtParameterReferenceImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.reference
- CtParameterReferenceImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtParameterReferenceImpl
- CtParameterRemoveRefactoring - Class in spoon.refactoring
Removes target
from the parent targetCtExecutable
and from all overriding/overridden methods of related type hierarchies and from all lambda expressions (if any) implementing the modified interface. - CtParameterRemoveRefactoring() - Constructor for class spoon.refactoring.CtParameterRemoveRefactoring
- CtPath - Interface in spoon.reflect.path
A CtPath allows to define the path to a CtElement in the Spoon model, eg ".spoon.test.path.Foo.foo#body#statement[index=0]"
- CtPathBuilder - Class in spoon.reflect.path
This builder allow to create some CtPath.
- CtPathBuilder() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.path.CtPathBuilder
- CtPathElement<P extends CtElement,T extends CtElement> - Interface in spoon.reflect.path.impl
A single path element from a CtPath.
- CtPathException - Exception in spoon.reflect.path
This exception is throw when there are errors during a CtPath building or evaluation.
- CtPathException() - Constructor for exception spoon.reflect.path.CtPathException
- CtPathException(String) - Constructor for exception spoon.reflect.path.CtPathException
- CtPathException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception spoon.reflect.path.CtPathException
- CtPathImpl - Class in spoon.reflect.path.impl
Default implementation for a CtPath
- CtPathImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.path.impl.CtPathImpl
- CtPathStringBuilder - Class in spoon.reflect.path
Created by nicolas on 27/08/2015.
- CtPathStringBuilder() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.path.CtPathStringBuilder
- CtPattern - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This interface represents a common super type for different patterns implemented in the Java language.
- CtProvidedService - Interface in spoon.reflect.declaration
Represents a provided service in a
. - CtProvidedServiceImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.declaration
- CtProvidedServiceImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtProvidedServiceImpl
- CtQuery - Interface in spoon.reflect.visitor.chain
CtQuery represents a query, which can be used to traverse a spoon model and collect children elements in several ways.
- CtQueryable - Interface in spoon.reflect.visitor.chain
Represents an object on which one can make queries.
- CtQueryAware - Interface in spoon.reflect.visitor.chain
Expert-only capability interface so as to write advanced
that need to access the state of the top-levelCtQuery
instance containing the function to be evaluated. - CtQueryImpl - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor.chain
- CtQueryImpl(Object...) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQueryImpl
- CtRecord - Interface in spoon.reflect.declaration
This element represents a record declaration.
- CtRecordComponent - Interface in spoon.reflect.declaration
This element represents a record component.
- CtRecordComponentImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.declaration
- CtRecordComponentImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtRecordComponentImpl
- CtRecordImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.declaration
- CtRecordImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtRecordImpl
- CtRefactoring - Interface in spoon.refactoring
Defines basic contract of all refactoring implementations.
Contract: to process a required refactoring.
Usage: - CtReference - Interface in spoon.reflect.reference
This is the root interface for named program element references.
- CtReferenceImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.reference
- CtReferenceImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtReferenceImpl
- CtRenameGenericVariableRefactoring - Class in spoon.refactoring
Spoon model that can refactor any type of variable (method parameters, local variables, field variables.
- CtRenameGenericVariableRefactoring() - Constructor for class spoon.refactoring.CtRenameGenericVariableRefactoring
- CtRenameLocalVariableRefactoring - Class in spoon.refactoring
Spoon model refactoring function which renames `target` local variable to `newName`
This refactoring will throwRefactoringException
if the model would be not consistent after rename to new name. - CtRenameLocalVariableRefactoring() - Constructor for class spoon.refactoring.CtRenameLocalVariableRefactoring
- CtRenameRefactoring<T extends CtNamedElement> - Interface in spoon.refactoring
The kind of refactoring, which renames a `target` element to the `newName`
Usage: - CtResource<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element defines a resource used in the try-with-resource statement.
- CtReturn<R> - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element represents a
statement. - CtReturnImpl<R> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtReturnImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtReturnImpl
- CtRHSReceiver<A> - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
- CtRole - Enum in spoon.reflect.path
Identifies the roles of attributes of spoon model.
- CtRolePathElement - Class in spoon.reflect.path.impl
A CtPathElement that define some roles for matching.
- CtRolePathElement(CtRole) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.path.impl.CtRolePathElement
- CtRootPackage() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.CtModelImpl.CtRootPackage
- CtScanner - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor
This visitor implements a deep-search scan on the model.
- CtScanner() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
Default constructor.
- CtScannerFunction - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
Returns all children of an element.
- CtScannerFunction() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.CtScannerFunction
- CtScannerListener - Interface in spoon.reflect.visitor.chain
Responsible for performing an action when a scanner enters/exits a node while scanning the AST.
- CtSealable - Interface in spoon.reflect.declaration
This interface represents any type that can be sealed.
- CtShadowable - Interface in spoon.reflect.declaration
A shadow element is an element that is in the Spoon model, but does not exist in the actual source code.
- CtStatement - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This abstract code element represents all the statements, which can be part of a block.
- CtStatementImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtStatementImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtStatementImpl
- CtStatementList - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element represents a list of statements.
- CtStatementListImpl<R> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtStatementListImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtStatementListImpl
- CtSuperAccess<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element defines an access to super.
- CtSuperAccessImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtSuperAccessImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtSuperAccessImpl
- CtSwitch<S> - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element defines a switch statement.
- CtSwitchExpression<T,S> - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element defines a switch expression.
- CtSwitchExpressionImpl<T,S> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtSwitchExpressionImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtSwitchExpressionImpl
- CtSwitchImpl<S> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtSwitchImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtSwitchImpl
- CtSynchronized - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element defines a
statement. - CtSynchronizedImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtSynchronizedImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtSynchronizedImpl
- CtTargetedExpression<T,E extends CtExpression<?>> - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This abstract code element defines an expression which contains a target expression.
- CtTargetedExpressionImpl<E,T extends CtExpression<?>> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtTargetedExpressionImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtTargetedExpressionImpl
- CtTextBlock - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element defines a Text Block String Literal.
- CtTextBlockImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtTextBlockImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtTextBlockImpl
- CtThisAccess<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element defines an access to this.
- CtThisAccessImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtThisAccessImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtThisAccessImpl
- CtThrow - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element defines a
statement. - CtThrowImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtThrowImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtThrowImpl
- CtTry - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element defines a
statement. - CtTryImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtTryImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtTryImpl
- CtTryWithResource - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element defines a
with resource statement. - CtTryWithResourceImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtTryWithResourceImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtTryWithResourceImpl
- CtType<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.declaration
This abstract element defines a super-type for classes and interfaces, which can declare methods.
- CtTypeAccess<A> - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element represents a type reference usable as an expression.
- CtTypeAccessImpl<A> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtTypeAccessImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtTypeAccessImpl
- CtTypedElement<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.declaration
This abstract element defines a typed element.
- CtTypedNameElement<P extends CtElement,T extends CtElement> - Class in spoon.reflect.path.impl
spoon.reflect.path.impl.CtPathElement that match on CtNamedElement
- CtTypedNameElement(Class<T>) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.path.impl.CtTypedNameElement
- CtTypeImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.declaration
The implementation for
. - CtTypeImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- CtTypeInformation - Interface in spoon.reflect.declaration
Returns information that can be obtained both at compile-time and run-time For CtElement, the compile-time information is given For CtTypeReference, the runtime information is given (using the Reflection API)
- CtTypeMember - Interface in spoon.reflect.declaration
This interface represents a member of a class (field, method, nested class or static/instance initializer).
- CtTypeMemberWildcardImportReference - Interface in spoon.reflect.reference
This interface defines a import reference to all static type members of a type.
- CtTypeMemberWildcardImportReferenceImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.reference
This class intends to be used only to represent the reference of a static import of all members of a type: import static org.junit.Assert.*;
- CtTypeMemberWildcardImportReferenceImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeMemberWildcardImportReferenceImpl
- CtTypeParameter - Interface in spoon.reflect.declaration
This element defines a declaration of a type parameter (aka generics).
- CtTypeParameterImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.declaration
- CtTypeParameterImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- CtTypeParameterReference - Interface in spoon.reflect.reference
This interface defines a reference to a type parameter (aka generics).
- CtTypeParameterReferenceImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.reference
- CtTypeParameterReferenceImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeParameterReferenceImpl
- CtTypePattern - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element defines a type pattern, introduced in Java 16 by JEP 394.
- CtTypePatternImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtTypePatternImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtTypePatternImpl
- CtTypeReference<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.reference
This interface defines a reference to a
or sub-type. - CtTypeReferenceImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.reference
- CtTypeReferenceImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- CTTYPES - Static variable in interface spoon.SpoonModelBuilder.InputType
- CtUnaryOperator<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element represents a unary operator.
- CtUnaryOperatorImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtUnaryOperatorImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtUnaryOperatorImpl
- CtUnboundVariableReference<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.reference
This interface defines a reference to an unbound
. - CtUnboundVariableReferenceImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.reference
represents a reference to an unbound field (used when no full classpath is available
- CtUnboundVariableReferenceImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtUnboundVariableReferenceImpl
- CtUnnamedModule() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.factory.ModuleFactory.CtUnnamedModule
- CtUnresolvedImport - Class in spoon.experimental
- CtUnresolvedImport() - Constructor for class spoon.experimental.CtUnresolvedImport
- CtUsedService - Interface in spoon.reflect.declaration
Represents the declaration of a used service in a
The uses directive specifies a service for which the current module may discover providers via java.util.ServiceLoader. - CtUsedServiceImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.declaration
- CtUsedServiceImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtUsedServiceImpl
- CtVariable<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.declaration
This abstract element defines a variable declaration.
- CtVariableAccess<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element defines an access to a variable (read and write).
- CtVariableAccessImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtVariableAccessImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtVariableAccessImpl
- CtVariableRead<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element defines an read access to a variable.
- CtVariableReadImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtVariableReadImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtVariableReadImpl
- CtVariableReference<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.reference
This interface defines a reference to a
or sub-type. - CtVariableReferenceImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.reference
- CtVariableReferenceImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtVariableReferenceImpl
- CtVariableWrite<T> - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element defines a write to a variable.
- CtVariableWriteImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtVariableWriteImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtVariableWriteImpl
- CtVisitable - Interface in spoon.reflect.visitor
Define a visitable element in spoon.
- CtVisitor - Interface in spoon.reflect.visitor
This interface defines the visitor for the Spoon metamodel, as defined in
, andspoon.reflect.reference
. - CtWhile - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element defines a
loop. - CtWhileImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtWhileImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtWhileImpl
- CtWildcardReference - Interface in spoon.reflect.reference
Represents a wildcard in generic type annotations, i.e.
- CtWildcardReferenceImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.reference
- CtWildcardReferenceImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtWildcardReferenceImpl
- CtYieldStatement - Interface in spoon.reflect.code
This code element defines a
statement. - CtYieldStatementImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.code
- CtYieldStatementImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtYieldStatementImpl
- DATE - Variable in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
- dateType() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Returns a reference on the date type.
- DEBUG - spoon.compiler.Environment.PRETTY_PRINTING_MODE
direct in
, no preprocessors are applied to the model before pretty-printing }. - DEBUG - spoon.support.Level
- debugMessage(String) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Logs a debug message
- debugMessage(String) - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- DEC_TAB - spoon.support.sniper.internal.TokenType
- DECIMAL - spoon.reflect.code.LiteralBase
- DeclarationSourcePosition - Interface in spoon.reflect.cu.position
Represents the position of a program element in a source file in an immutable manner.
- DeclarationSourcePositionImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.cu.position
This class represents the position of a Java program element in a source file.
- DeclarationSourcePositionImpl(CompilationUnit, int, int, int, int, int, int, int[]) - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.cu.position.DeclarationSourcePositionImpl
- DECLARED_IMPORT - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- DECLARED_MODULE - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- DECLARED_MODULE_REF - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- DECLARED_TYPE - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- DECLARED_TYPE_REF - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- DECLARING_TYPE - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- decTab() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultTokenWriter
- decTab() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrinterHelper
Decrements the current number of tabs.
- decTab() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.TokenWriter
decrements indentation
- decTab() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.MutableTokenWriter
- decTab() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.TokenWriterProxy
- dedup(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
Returns a String equal to the given symbol.
- DeepRepresentationComparator - Class in spoon.support.comparator
Compares based on a toString representation.
- DeepRepresentationComparator() - Constructor for class spoon.support.comparator.DeepRepresentationComparator
- DEFAULT_CODE_COMPLIANCE_LEVEL - Static variable in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- DEFAULT_EXPRESSION - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- DefaultCoreFactory - Class in spoon.support
This class implements a default core factory for Spoon's meta-model.
- DefaultCoreFactory() - Constructor for class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
Default constructor.
- DefaultGenerator - Class in spoon.pattern.internal
Drives generation process
- DefaultGenerator(Factory, ListOfNodes) - Constructor for class spoon.pattern.internal.DefaultGenerator
- DefaultImportComparator - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor
Defines order of imports: 1) imports are ordered alphabetically 2) static imports are last
- DefaultImportComparator() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultImportComparator
- DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor
A visitor for generating Java code from the program compile-time model.
- DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter(Environment) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
Creates a new code generator visitor.
- DefaultOutputDestinationHandler - Class in spoon.support
Default behavior for the destination of the spoon.
- DefaultOutputDestinationHandler(File, Environment) - Constructor for class spoon.support.DefaultOutputDestinationHandler
- DefaultSourceFragmentPrinter - Class in spoon.support.sniper.internal
A default dumb implementation of
, which only prints the given PrinterEvent. - DefaultTokenWriter - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor
Implementation of
, which writes all tokens toPrinterHelper
- DefaultTokenWriter() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultTokenWriter
- DefaultTokenWriter(PrinterHelper) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultTokenWriter
- defineArgs() - Static method in class spoon.Launcher
Defines the common arguments for sub-launchers.
- delete() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
Deletes the element.
- delete() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- DeleteAction<T> - Class in spoon.support.modelobs.action
defines the delete action
- DeleteAction(Context, T) - Constructor for class spoon.support.modelobs.action.DeleteAction
- DeleteAllAction<T> - Class in spoon.support.modelobs.action
defines the delete all action.
- DeleteAllAction(Context, Collection) - Constructor for class spoon.support.modelobs.action.DeleteAllAction
- DeleteAllAction(Context, Map) - Constructor for class spoon.support.modelobs.action.DeleteAllAction
- DEPRECATED - spoon.reflect.code.CtJavaDocTag.TagType
- DerivedProperty - Annotation Type in spoon.support
Tells that a metamodel property is derived, ie computed from the value of another property.
- descendantIterator() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
Returns an iterator over this CtElement's descendants.
- descendantIterator() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- deserialize(byte[]) - Static method in class spoon.support.util.ByteSerialization
- detectEncoding(SpoonFile, byte[]) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.builder.EncodingProvider
User-defined function, which is used to detect encoding for each file
- detectIndentation(CtCompilationUnit) - Static method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.IndentationDetector
Detect the indentation style of the given compilation unit as 1, 2 or 4 spaces or tabs by inspecting the whitespace preceding type members of top-level type declarations.
- detectIssues() - Method in class spoon.refactoring.AbstractRenameRefactoring
- detectIssues() - Method in class spoon.refactoring.CtParameterRemoveRefactoring
validates whether this refactoring can be done without changing behavior of the refactored code.
- detectNameConflicts() - Method in class spoon.refactoring.AbstractRenameRefactoring
client may implement this method to check whether
is in conflict with names of other model elements - detectNameConflicts() - Method in class spoon.refactoring.CtRenameLocalVariableRefactoring
- DIMENSION - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- directPrint(String) - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.MutableTokenWriter
Prints a piece of text regardless of mute status Don't call this, this is dangerous and irregular design.
- DirectReferenceFilter<T extends CtReference> - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
This simple filter matches all the references to a given element by using reference equality.
- DirectReferenceFilter(CtReference) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.DirectReferenceFilter
Creates the filter.
- disableConsistencyChecks() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Disable all consistency checks on the AST.
- disableConsistencyChecks() - Method in class spoon.FluentLauncher
Disable all consistency checks on the AST.
- disableConsistencyChecks() - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- distinctSet(Set<String>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.AllTypeMembersFunction
The types whose qualified name is in distinctSet are not visited.
- DistinctTypeListener(Set<String>) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.SuperInheritanceHierarchyFunction.DistinctTypeListener
- DIV - spoon.reflect.code.BinaryOperatorKind
- DO - spoon.reflect.visitor.JavaIdentifiers
- DOC_ROOT - spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocInlineTag.Type
- DOCUMENTATION_TYPE - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- DOCUMENTATION_TYPE_REALNAME - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- doScan(CtRole, CtElement, ScanningMode) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.EarlyTerminatingScanner
This method is called ONLY when the listener decides that the current element and children should be visited.
- DOUBLE - Variable in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
- DOUBLE_PRIMITIVE - Variable in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
- doublePrimitiveType() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Returns a reference on the double primitive type.
- doubleType() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Returns a reference on the double type.
- EarlyTerminatingScanner<T> - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor
, to support early termination of scanning process and scan listeners. - EarlyTerminatingScanner() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.EarlyTerminatingScanner
- element - Variable in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ASTPair
- element - Variable in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.ElementPrinterEvent
- ElementNameMap<T extends CtElement> - Class in spoon.support.util.internal
This class is for internal use only.
- ElementNameMap() - Constructor for class spoon.support.util.internal.ElementNameMap
- ElementNode - Class in spoon.pattern.internal.node
Generates/Matches a copy of a single CtElement AST node with all it's children (whole AST tree of the root CtElement)
- ElementNode(MetamodelConcept, CtElement) - Constructor for class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ElementNode
- ElementPrinterEvent - Class in spoon.support.sniper.internal
Represents an action of Printer, which prints whole element
- ElementPrinterEvent(CtRole, CtElement) - Constructor for class spoon.support.sniper.internal.ElementPrinterEvent
- ElementPrinterHelper - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor
- ElementPrinterHelper(TokenWriter, DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter, Environment) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.ElementPrinterHelper
- ElementPrinterHelper.PrintTypeArguments - Enum in spoon.reflect.visitor
Whether to print generic types for references.
- elementsDeque - Variable in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtDequeScanner
The stack of elements.
- ElementSourceFragment - Class in spoon.support.sniper.internal
Represents a part of source code of an
It is connected into a tree ofElementSourceFragment
s. - ElementSourceFragment(SourcePositionHolder, RoleHandler) - Constructor for class spoon.support.sniper.internal.ElementSourceFragment
Creates a source fragment of
- ELSE - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- EMODIFIER - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- empty() - Static method in class spoon.support.compiler.SpoonPom.MavenOptions
- EmptyClearableList<E> - Class in spoon.support.util
- EmptyClearableSet<E> - Class in spoon.support.util
- EmptyIterator<E> - Class in spoon.support.util
- emptyList() - Static method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- EmptyModelChangeListener - Class in spoon.support.modelobs
is the listener that creates the action on the model.
- EmptyModelChangeListener() - Constructor for class spoon.support.modelobs.EmptyModelChangeListener
- emptySet() - Static method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- enableJavadoc() - Method in class spoon.compiler.builder.AdvancedOptions
- enablePreview() - Method in class spoon.compiler.builder.ComplianceOptions
- encoding(String) - Method in class spoon.compiler.builder.ClasspathOptions
- encoding(Charset) - Method in class spoon.FluentLauncher
Set the encoding to use for parsing source code
- EncodingProvider - Interface in spoon.compiler.builder
- end(SpoonProgress.Process) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.ProgressLogger
- end(SpoonProgress.Process) - Method in interface spoon.support.compiler.SpoonProgress
is called when a new process is started
- endVisit(AllocationExpression, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(AND_AND_Expression, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(AnnotationMethodDeclaration, ClassScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(Argument, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(ArrayAllocationExpression, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(ArrayInitializer, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(ArrayQualifiedTypeReference, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(ArrayQualifiedTypeReference, ClassScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(ArrayReference, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(ArrayTypeReference, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(ArrayTypeReference, ClassScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(AssertStatement, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(Assignment, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(BinaryExpression, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(Block, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(BreakStatement, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(CaseStatement, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(CharLiteral, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(ClassLiteralAccess, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(CompilationUnitDeclaration, CompilationUnitScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(CompoundAssignment, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(ConditionalExpression, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(ConstructorDeclaration, ClassScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(ContinueStatement, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(DoStatement, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(DoubleLiteral, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(EqualExpression, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(ExplicitConstructorCall, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(ExtendedStringLiteral, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(FalseLiteral, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(FieldDeclaration, MethodScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(FieldReference, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(FloatLiteral, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(ForeachStatement, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(ForStatement, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(IfStatement, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(Initializer, MethodScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(InstanceOfExpression, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(IntLiteral, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(LabeledStatement, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(LambdaExpression, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(LocalDeclaration, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(LongLiteral, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(MarkerAnnotation, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(MarkerAnnotation, ClassScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(MemberValuePair, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(MemberValuePair, ClassScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(MessageSend, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(MethodDeclaration, ClassScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(NormalAnnotation, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(NormalAnnotation, ClassScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(NullLiteral, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(OR_OR_Expression, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(ParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(ParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference, ClassScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(ParameterizedSingleTypeReference, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(ParameterizedSingleTypeReference, ClassScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(PostfixExpression, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(PrefixExpression, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(QualifiedAllocationExpression, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(QualifiedNameReference, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(QualifiedSuperReference, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(QualifiedThisReference, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(QualifiedThisReference, ClassScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(QualifiedTypeReference, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(QualifiedTypeReference, ClassScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(RecordComponent, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(ReferenceExpression, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(ReturnStatement, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(SingleMemberAnnotation, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(SingleNameReference, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(SingleTypeReference, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(SingleTypeReference, ClassScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(StringLiteralConcatenation, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(StringLiteral, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(SuperReference, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(SwitchExpression, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(SwitchStatement, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(SynchronizedStatement, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(ThisReference, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(ThrowStatement, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(TrueLiteral, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(TryStatement, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(TypeDeclaration, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(TypeDeclaration, ClassScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(TypeDeclaration, CompilationUnitScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(TypeParameter, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(TypeParameter, ClassScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(UnaryExpression, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(UnionTypeReference, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(UnionTypeReference, ClassScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(WhileStatement, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- endVisit(YieldStatement, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- enter(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.experimental.SpoonifierVisitor
- enter(CtElement) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtScannerListener
Called before the scanner enters an element
- enter(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- enter(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtDequeScanner
Pushes the element.
- enter(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
This method is called by the scanner when entering a scanned element.
- enter(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
This method is called by
when entering a scanned element. - enter(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.SuperInheritanceHierarchyFunction.DistinctTypeListener
- enter(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.VariableReferenceFunction.Visitor
- enter(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.VariableScopeFunction.Visitor
- enter(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportCleaner.ImportCleanerScanner
- enter(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.LexicalScopeScanner
- enter(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ModelConsistencyChecker
Enters an element.
- enter(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.gui.SpoonTreeBuilder
- enter(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.EqualsVisitor
- enter(CtRole, CtElement) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtScannerListener
Called before the scanner enters an element
- enterCtExpression(CtExpression<?>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
Enters an expression.
- enterCtStatement(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
Enters a statement.
- entrySet() - Method in class spoon.support.util.internal.ElementNameMap
- Enum() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
Access to
subfactory - Enum() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
sub-factory. - ENUM - spoon.reflect.visitor.JavaIdentifiers
- ENUM - Variable in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
- EnumFactory - Class in spoon.reflect.factory
sub-factory. - EnumFactory(Factory) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.factory.EnumFactory
Creates a new enum sub-factory.
- env - Variable in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
Environment which Spoon is executed.
- environment - Variable in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- Environment - Interface in spoon.compiler
This interface represents the environment in which Spoon is launched - accessible through
. - Environment.PRETTY_PRINTING_MODE - Enum in spoon.compiler
Drives how the model is pretty-printed to disk, or when
is called - EQ - spoon.reflect.code.BinaryOperatorKind
- equals(Object) - Method in class spoon.experimental.CtUnresolvedImport
- equals(Object) - Method in class spoon.javadoc.internal.Javadoc
- equals(Object) - Method in class spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocBlockTag
- equals(Object) - Method in class spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocDescription
- equals(Object) - Method in class spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocInlineTag
- equals(Object) - Method in class spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocSnippet
- equals(Object) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.FileSystemFile
- equals(Object) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.FileSystemFolder
- equals(Object) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.ZipFile
- equals(Object) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.ZipFolder
- equals(Object) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCommentImpl
The comments are not printed during the CtElement equality.
- equals(Object) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.CtExtendedModifier
- equals(Object) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.CtModifierHandler
- equals(Object) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.cu.position.SourcePositionImpl
- equals(Object) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- equals(Object) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtReferenceImpl
- equals(Object) - Method in class spoon.support.util.EmptyClearableList
- equals(Object) - Method in class spoon.support.util.ImmutableMapImpl
- equals(Object) - Method in class spoon.support.util.internal.ElementNameMap
- equals(Object) - Method in class spoon.support.util.ModelList
- equals(Object) - Method in class spoon.support.util.ModelSet
- equals(Object) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.TypeReferenceRuntimeBuilderContext
- equals(Object) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.reflect.RtMethod
- equals(Object) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.reflect.RtParameter
Compares based on the executable and the index.
- equals(CtElement, CtElement) - Static method in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.EqualsVisitor
- EqualsChecker - Class in spoon.support.visitor.equals
- EqualsChecker() - Constructor for class spoon.support.visitor.equals.EqualsChecker
- EqualsVisitor - Class in spoon.support.visitor.equals
Used to check equality between an element and another one.
- EqualsVisitor() - Constructor for class spoon.support.visitor.equals.EqualsVisitor
- EqualsVisitor(EqualsChecker) - Constructor for class spoon.support.visitor.equals.EqualsVisitor
- ERROR - spoon.support.Level
- ERROR_MESSAGE_TO_STRING - Static variable in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- ERROR_MESSAGE_TO_STRING - Static variable in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- Eval() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
Access to
subfactory - Eval() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
The evaluators sub-factory.
- EvalFactory - Class in spoon.reflect.factory
A factory to create some evaluation utilities on the Spoon metamodel.
- EvalFactory(Factory) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.factory.EvalFactory
Creates the evaluation factory.
- EvalHelper - Class in spoon.support.reflect.eval
- evaluate(I, CtConsumer<R>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQueryImpl
Evaluates this query, ignoring bound input - if any
- evaluate(R) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.eval.PartialEvaluator
Partially evaluates an element and all its sub-elements.
- evaluate(R) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.eval.VisitorPartialEvaluator
- evaluateOn(CtElement...) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.path.CtPath
Search for elements matching this CtPatch from start nodes given as parameters.
- evaluateOn(CtElement...) - Method in class spoon.reflect.path.impl.CtPathImpl
- EXCEPTION - spoon.reflect.code.CtJavaDocTag.TagType
- exclude(String) - Method in interface spoon.support.compiler.jdt.CompilationUnitFilter
Tests if the file with path
should be excluded from theCtModel
create bySpoonModelBuilder.build(spoon.compiler.builder.JDTBuilder)
. - Executable() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
Access to
subfactory - Executable() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
sub-factory. - EXECUTABLE_REF - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- EXECUTABLE_SEPARATOR - Static variable in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtExecutable
The separator for a string representation of an executable.
- ExecutableFactory - Class in spoon.reflect.factory
sub-factory. - ExecutableFactory(Factory) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.factory.ExecutableFactory
Creates a new executable sub-factory.
- ExecutableReferenceFilter - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
This filter matches all the
referencing defined one or moreCtExecutable
s. - ExecutableReferenceFilter() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.ExecutableReferenceFilter
Creates a new executable reference filter.
- ExecutableReferenceFilter(CtExecutable<?>) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.ExecutableReferenceFilter
Creates a new executable reference filter.
- ExecutableRuntimeBuilderContext - Class in spoon.support.visitor.java.internal
- ExecutableRuntimeBuilderContext(Executable, CtConstructor<?>) - Constructor for class spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.ExecutableRuntimeBuilderContext
- ExecutableRuntimeBuilderContext(Executable, CtMethod<?>) - Constructor for class spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.ExecutableRuntimeBuilderContext
- exit(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.experimental.SpoonifierVisitor
- exit(CtElement) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtScannerListener
This method is called after the element and all its children have been visited.
- exit(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- exit(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtDequeScanner
Pops the element.
- exit(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
This method is called by the scanner when exiting a scanned element.
- exit(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
This method is called by
when entering a scanned element. - exit(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.SuperInheritanceHierarchyFunction.DistinctTypeListener
- exit(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportCleaner.ImportCleanerScanner
- exit(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.LexicalScopeScanner
- exit(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ModelConsistencyChecker
Exits an element.
- exit(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.gui.SpoonTreeBuilder
- exit(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.eval.InlinePartialEvaluator
- exit(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.eval.VisitorPartialEvaluator
- exit(CtRole, CtElement) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtScannerListener
This method is called after the element and all its children have been visited.
- exitCtExpression(CtExpression<?>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
Exits an expression.
- exitCtStatement(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
Exits a statement.
- exitParent(ASTPair) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- expand(DefaultMutableTreeNode) - Method in class spoon.support.gui.SpoonModelTree
- expandAll(DefaultMutableTreeNode) - Method in class spoon.support.gui.SpoonModelTree
expand all AST nodes in the GUI
- Experimental - Annotation Type in spoon.support
Tells that a type has recently been introduced and may be subject to non-backward compatible changes without deprecation.
- explicit(ModifierKind) - Static method in class spoon.support.reflect.CtExtendedModifier
Creates an extended modifier of the given kind that is explicit.
- EXPORTED_PACKAGE - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- expression() - Method in class spoon.template.ExpressionTemplate
This method must be implemented to define the template expression.
- EXPRESSION - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- ExpressionTemplate<T> - Class in spoon.template
This class represents an expression template parameter expressed in Java.
- ExpressionTemplate() - Constructor for class spoon.template.ExpressionTemplate
Creates a new expression template parameter.
- EXTENDS - spoon.reflect.visitor.JavaIdentifiers
- ExtensionTemplate - Class in spoon.template
Inserts all the methods, fields, constructors, initialization blocks (if target is a class), inner types, and super interfaces (except
) from a given template by substituting all the template parameters by their values. - ExtensionTemplate() - Constructor for class spoon.template.ExtensionTemplate
- extract(File) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.ZipFolder
physically extracts on disk all files of this zip file in the destinationDir `destDir`
- factory - Variable in class spoon.Launcher
- factory - Variable in class spoon.pattern.internal.DefaultGenerator
- factory - Variable in class spoon.reflect.factory.SubFactory
- factory - Variable in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- factory - Variable in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
this field `factory` must be transient in order to allow proper serialization the factory is restored in all AST nodes in
- Factory - Interface in spoon.reflect.factory
Provides the sub-factories required by Spoon.
- FactoryAccessor - Interface in spoon.processing
This interface represents an object that can access the meta-model factory.
- FactoryCompilerConfig - Class in spoon.support.compiler.jdt
- FactoryCompilerConfig() - Constructor for class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.FactoryCompilerConfig
- FactoryImpl - Class in spoon.reflect.factory
- FactoryImpl(CoreFactory, Environment) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
Should not be called directly.
- fail(CtRole, Object, Object) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.EqualsVisitor
- FAIL - spoon.pattern.ConflictResolutionMode
if a conflict happens, it is the default in most cases. - FAIL - spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.QueryFailurePolicy
Throws ClassCastException when output type of previous step cannot be assigned to input type of next step
- failOnClassNotFound(boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.SubInheritanceHierarchyFunction
- failOnClassNotFound(boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.SuperInheritanceHierarchyFunction
- failOnClassNotFound(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.SubInheritanceHierarchyResolver
- failurePolicy(QueryFailurePolicy) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQuery
Defines whether this query will throw
when the output of the previous step cannot be cast to type of input of next step. - failurePolicy(QueryFailurePolicy) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQueryImpl
- Field() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
Access to
subfactory - Field() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
sub-factory. - FIELD - spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotatedElementType
Field declaration (includes enum constants)
- FIELD - spoon.reflect.declaration.CtImportKind
- FIELD - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- FIELD_SEPARATOR - Static variable in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtField
The separator for a string representation of a field.
- FieldAccessFilter - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
This simple filter matches all the accesses to a given field.
- FieldAccessFilter(CtFieldReference<?>) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.FieldAccessFilter
Creates a new field access filter.
- FieldFactory - Class in spoon.reflect.factory
sub-factory. - FieldFactory(Factory) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.factory.FieldFactory
Creates a new field sub-factory.
- fieldImports - Variable in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportScannerImpl
- fieldPrefix - Static variable in class spoon.support.template.Parameters
The prefix "_FIELD_" for a parameter that represents a fields in order to avoid name clashes.
- FieldReferenceFunction - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
This Query expects a
as input and returns allCtFieldReference
s, which refers this input. - FieldReferenceFunction() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.FieldReferenceFunction
- FieldReferenceFunction(CtField<?>) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.FieldReferenceFunction
- FIELDS_CONTAINER_DEFAULT_CAPACITY - Static variable in class spoon.reflect.ModelElementContainerDefaultCapacities
- FieldScopeFunction - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
This Query expects a
as input and returns all CtElements, which are in visibility scope of that field. - FieldScopeFunction() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.FieldScopeFunction
- FILE - spoon.reflect.code.CtComment.CommentType
before the package line (typically the license)
- FileAssert - Class in spoon.testing
- FileAssert(File) - Constructor for class spoon.testing.FileAssert
- FileCompilerConfig - Class in spoon.support.compiler.jdt
- FileCompilerConfig(List<SpoonFile>) - Constructor for class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.FileCompilerConfig
- FileGenerator<T extends CtElement> - Interface in spoon.processing
This interface should be implemented by processing tasks that generate new files as processing results.
- files - Variable in class spoon.support.compiler.VirtualFolder
- FILES - Static variable in interface spoon.SpoonModelBuilder.InputType
- filesToBeIgnored - Variable in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBatchCompiler
- FileSystemFile - Class in spoon.support.compiler
- FileSystemFile(File) - Constructor for class spoon.support.compiler.FileSystemFile
- FileSystemFile(String) - Constructor for class spoon.support.compiler.FileSystemFile
- FileSystemFolder - Class in spoon.support.compiler
- FileSystemFolder(File) - Constructor for class spoon.support.compiler.FileSystemFolder
- FileSystemFolder(String) - Constructor for class spoon.support.compiler.FileSystemFolder
- Filter<T extends CtElement> - Interface in spoon.reflect.visitor
This interface defines a filter for program elements.
- filterChildren(Filter<P>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- filterChildren(Filter<R>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.CtModelImpl
- filterChildren(Filter<R>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQuery
Recursively scans all children elements of an input element.
- filterChildren(Filter<R>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQueryable
- filterChildren(Filter<R>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQueryImpl
- FilteringFolder - Class in spoon.support.compiler
A filtering resource, see https://github.com/INRIA/spoon/issues/877
- FilteringFolder() - Constructor for class spoon.support.compiler.FilteringFolder
- FilteringOperator - Enum in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
This enumeration defines the possible composition operators for filters.
- FINAL - spoon.reflect.declaration.ModifierKind
The modifier final
- FINAL - spoon.reflect.visitor.JavaIdentifiers
- FINALIZER - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- find() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.AccessibleVariablesFinder
- find(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.template.TemplateMatcher
Finds all target program sub-trees that correspond to a template.
- findClass() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
Finds the class requested in
. - findIFragmentIndexCorrespondingToEvent(PrinterEvent) - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.SourceFragmentContextList
- findNextNonWhitespace(char[], int, int) - Static method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.PositionBuilder
- FineModelChangeListener - Interface in spoon.support.modelobs
Can be subclassed by clients who want to be notified on all changes in AST nodes
- first() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQuery
Actually evaluates the query and returns first elements produced in the last step.
After the first element is found, the query evaluation is terminated. - first() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQueryImpl
- first(Class<R>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQuery
Same as
, but with static typing on the return type and the final filtering, which matches only the first result, which is assignable from that return type. - first(Class<R>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQueryImpl
- FixedOrderBasedOnFileNameCompilationUnitComparator - Class in spoon.support.comparator
- FixedOrderBasedOnFileNameCompilationUnitComparator() - Constructor for class spoon.support.comparator.FixedOrderBasedOnFileNameCompilationUnitComparator
- FLOAT - Variable in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
- FLOAT_PRIMITIVE - Variable in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
- floatPrimitiveType() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Returns a reference on the float primitive type.
- floatType() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Returns a reference on the float type.
- FluentLauncher - Class in spoon
FluentLauncher provides a different, fluent interface for the launcher class.
- FluentLauncher() - Constructor for class spoon.FluentLauncher
Creates a new FluentLauncher, wrapping default
. - FluentLauncher(SpoonAPI) - Constructor for class spoon.FluentLauncher
Creates a new FluentLauncher, wrapping the given launcher.
- FOR - spoon.reflect.visitor.JavaIdentifiers
- FOR_INIT - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- FOR_INIT_STATEMENTS_CONTAINER_DEFAULT_CAPACITY - Static variable in class spoon.reflect.ModelElementContainerDefaultCapacities
- FOR_UPDATE - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- FOR_UPDATE_STATEMENTS_CONTAINER_DEFAULT_CAPACITY - Static variable in class spoon.reflect.ModelElementContainerDefaultCapacities
- ForceFullyQualifiedProcessor - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor
Forces fully qualified identifiers by making many elements explicit (by calling setImplicit(false)).
- ForceFullyQualifiedProcessor() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.ForceFullyQualifiedProcessor
- ForceImportProcessor - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor
Marks all types references as implicit so all types will get imported.
- ForceImportProcessor() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.ForceImportProcessor
- forceWildcardGenerics() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrintingContext
- forceWildcardGenerics(boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrintingContext.Writable
- forEach(CtConsumer<R>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQuery
Actually evaluates the query and for each produced output element of the last step, calls `consumer.accept(outputElement)`.
- forEach(CtConsumer<R>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQueryImpl
- FOREACH_VARIABLE - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- forEachElementByName(String, Function<? super CtNamedElement, T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.LexicalScope
- forEachMatch(Object, CtConsumer<Match>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.Pattern
Finds all target program sub-trees that correspond to a template and calls consumer.accept(Match)
- forEachMatch(CtElement, CtConsumer<Match>) - Method in class spoon.template.TemplateMatcher
Finds all target program sub-trees that correspond to a template and calls consumer.accept(matchingElement, )
- ForEachNode - Class in spoon.pattern.internal.node
Pattern node of multiple occurrences of the same model, just with different parameters.
- ForEachNode() - Constructor for class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ForEachNode
- forEachParameterInfo(BiConsumer<ParameterInfo, RootNode>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ConstantNode
- forEachParameterInfo(BiConsumer<ParameterInfo, RootNode>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ElementNode
- forEachParameterInfo(BiConsumer<ParameterInfo, RootNode>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ForEachNode
- forEachParameterInfo(BiConsumer<ParameterInfo, RootNode>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ListOfNodes
- forEachParameterInfo(BiConsumer<ParameterInfo, RootNode>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.MapEntryNode
- forEachParameterInfo(BiConsumer<ParameterInfo, RootNode>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ParameterNode
- forEachParameterInfo(BiConsumer<ParameterInfo, RootNode>) - Method in interface spoon.pattern.internal.node.RootNode
Calls consumer for each pair of parameter definition (
) andRootNode
, which uses it - forEachParameterInfo(BiConsumer<ParameterInfo, RootNode>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.StringNode
- forEachParameterInfo(BiConsumer<ParameterInfo, RootNode>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.SwitchNode
- forEachRoleHandler(Consumer<RoleHandler>) - Static method in class spoon.reflect.meta.impl.RoleHandlerHelper
- forEachSubTypeInPackage(CtConsumer<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.SubInheritanceHierarchyResolver
Calls `outputConsumer.apply(subType)` for each sub type of the targetSuperTypes that are found in `inputPackage`.
- fromBoolean(Boolean) - Static method in enum spoon.support.sniper.internal.ModificationStatus
- fromElement(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.path.CtElementPathBuilder
Build absolute path to a CtElement el.
- fromElement(CtElement, CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.path.CtElementPathBuilder
Build path to a CtElement el, from one of its parent.
- fromName(String) - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
Get the
associated to the field name - fromString(String) - Static method in enum spoon.OutputType
Gets the output type from an option string.
- fromString(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.path.CtPathStringBuilder
Build path from a string representation.
- fromText(String) - Static method in class spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocInlineTag
parses a Javadoc tag
- FULLYQUALIFIED - spoon.compiler.Environment.PRETTY_PRINTING_MODE
force everything to be fully-qualified
- GE - spoon.reflect.code.BinaryOperatorKind
Greater or equal comparison.
- generate(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface spoon.pattern.Generator
Generates a type with qualified name `typeQualifiedName` by replacing the generator parameters with the arguments given in `params`.
- generate(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.DefaultGenerator
- generate(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface spoon.pattern.Generator
Main method to generate a new AST made from substituting of parameters by the values in `params`
- generate(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.DefaultGenerator
- generate(ImmutableMap) - Method in interface spoon.pattern.Generator
Utility method that provides the same feature as
, but with aImmutableMap
as parameter (a Spoon elegant utility type) - generate(ImmutableMap) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.DefaultGenerator
- generateInlineTargets(DefaultGenerator, ResultHolder<T>, ImmutableMap) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ForEachNode
- generateInlineTargets(DefaultGenerator, ResultHolder<T>, ImmutableMap) - Method in interface spoon.pattern.internal.node.InlineNode
Generates inline statements of this inline
. - generateInlineTargets(DefaultGenerator, ResultHolder<T>, ImmutableMap) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.SwitchNode
- generateProcessedSourceFiles(OutputType) - Method in interface spoon.SpoonModelBuilder
Generates the source code associated to the classes stored in this compiler's factory.
- generateProcessedSourceFiles(OutputType) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- generateProcessedSourceFiles(OutputType, Filter<CtType<?>>) - Method in interface spoon.SpoonModelBuilder
Generates the source code associated to the classes stored in this compiler's factory.
- generateProcessedSourceFiles(OutputType, Filter<CtType<?>>) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- generateProcessedSourceFilesUsingCUs() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- generateProcessedSourceFilesUsingTypes(Filter<CtType<?>>) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- generateSingleNodeAttributes(DefaultGenerator, CtElement, ImmutableMap) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ElementNode
- generateSingleTarget(RootNode, ImmutableMap, Class<T>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.DefaultGenerator
Generates one target depending on kind of this
, expected `expectedType` and input `parameters` - generateTargets(DefaultGenerator, ResultHolder<T>, ImmutableMap) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ForEachNode
- generateTargets(DefaultGenerator, ResultHolder<T>, ImmutableMap) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ListOfNodes
- generateTargets(DefaultGenerator, ResultHolder<T>, ImmutableMap) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.MapEntryNode
- generateTargets(DefaultGenerator, ResultHolder<T>, ImmutableMap) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ParameterNode
- generateTargets(DefaultGenerator, ResultHolder<T>, ImmutableMap) - Method in interface spoon.pattern.internal.node.RootNode
Generates zero, one or more target depending on kind of this
, expected `result` and input `parameters` - generateTargets(DefaultGenerator, ResultHolder<T>, ImmutableMap) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.StringNode
- generateTargets(DefaultGenerator, ResultHolder<T>, ImmutableMap) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.SwitchNode
- generateTargets(DefaultGenerator, ResultHolder<U>, ImmutableMap) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ConstantNode
- generateTargets(DefaultGenerator, ResultHolder<U>, ImmutableMap) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ElementNode
- generateTargets(RootNode, ResultHolder<T>, ImmutableMap) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.DefaultGenerator
Generates zero, one or more target depending on kind of this
, expected `result` and input `parameters` - generateTargets(RootNode, ResultHolder<T>, ImmutableMap) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.PatternPrinter
- generateTargets(RootNode, ImmutableMap, Class<T>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.DefaultGenerator
Generates zero, one or more targets depending on kind of this
, expected `expectedType` and input `parameters` - generator() - Method in class spoon.pattern.Pattern
- Generator - Interface in spoon.pattern
Generates code from patterns.
- GenericTypeAdapter - Interface in spoon.support.visitor
Provides adapting of generic types from one scope to another scope.
- get(int) - Method in class spoon.support.util.EmptyClearableList
- get(int) - Method in class spoon.support.util.ModelList
- get(Class<?>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.ClassFactory
Gets a class from its runtime Java class.
- get(Class<?>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.InterfaceFactory
Gets a interface from its runtime Java class.
- get(Class<?>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Gets a type from its runtime Java class.
- get(Class<T>, String) - Method in interface spoon.processing.ProcessorProperties
Gets the property converted in given type or null (can be an array).
- get(Class<T>, String) - Method in class spoon.processing.ProcessorPropertiesImpl
- get(Object) - Method in class spoon.support.util.internal.ElementNameMap
- get(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.ClassFactory
Searches for a class from his qualified name.
- get(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.EnumFactory
Gets an already created enumeration from its qualified name.
- get(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.InterfaceFactory
Gets a created interface
- get(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.PackageFactory
Gets a package.
- get(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Gets a created type from its qualified name if source in the source classpath.
- GET - spoon.metamodel.MMMethodKind
- GET_BY - spoon.metamodel.MMMethodKind
Return element by its name T get(String)
- getAccessedType() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtTypeAccess
Returns type represented and contained in the type access.
- getAccessedType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtTypeAccessImpl
- getAccessType() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeReference
Computes nearest access path parent to this type from the context of this type reference.
- getAccessType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- getActualAnnotatedElement() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReferenceImpl
- getActualAnnotatedElement() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtFieldReferenceImpl
- getActualAnnotatedElement() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtModuleReferenceImpl
- getActualAnnotatedElement() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtPackageReferenceImpl
- getActualAnnotatedElement() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtReferenceImpl
- getActualAnnotatedElement() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeParameterReferenceImpl
- getActualAnnotatedElement() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- getActualAnnotatedElement() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtVariableReferenceImpl
- getActualAnnotation() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotation
Returns the actual annotation (a dynamic proxy for this element).
- getActualAnnotation() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationImpl
- getActualClass() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType
Deprecated.(since Spoon 7.0.0) this will be removed from the public API
- getActualClass() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeReference
Deprecated.(Since Spoon 7.0.0) use
instead - getActualClass() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- getActualClass() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtArrayTypeReferenceImpl
- getActualClass() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeParameterReferenceImpl
- getActualClass() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- getActualClass() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtWildcardReferenceImpl
- getActualConstructor() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReference
Gets the runtime constructor that corresponds to an executable reference if any.
- getActualConstructor() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReferenceImpl
- getActualCtMethod() - Method in class spoon.metamodel.MMMethod
- getActualField() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtFieldReference
Gets the runtime member that corresponds to a field reference if any.
- getActualField() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtFieldReferenceImpl
- getActualMethod() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReference
Gets the runtime method that corresponds to an executable reference if any.
- getActualMethod() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReferenceImpl
- getActualPackage() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtPackageReference
Gets the package element when available in the class path.
- getActualPackage() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtPackageReferenceImpl
- getActualTypeArguments() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtConstructorCall
Delegate to the executable reference of the constructor call.
- getActualTypeArguments() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtInvocation
Delegate to the executable reference of the invocation.
- getActualTypeArguments() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtNewClass
Delegate to the executable reference of the new class.
- getActualTypeArguments() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtActualTypeContainer
Gets the type arguments.
- getActualTypeArguments() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtConstructorCallImpl
- getActualTypeArguments() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtInvocationImpl
- getActualTypeArguments() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReferenceImpl
- getActualTypeArguments() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeParameterReferenceImpl
- getActualTypeArguments() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- getAdaptationScope() - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.ClassTypingContext
- getAdaptationScope() - Method in interface spoon.support.visitor.GenericTypeAdapter
- getAdaptationScope() - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.MethodTypingContext
- getAll() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.PackageFactory
Gets the list of all created packages.
- getAll() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Gets the list of all top-level created types.
- getAll(boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Gets the list of all created types.
- getAllExecutables() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtTypeInformation
Gets the executables declared by this type and by all its supertypes (static/instance methods, constructors, anonymous static blocks) if applicable.
- getAllExecutables() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtClassImpl
adding the constructors and static executables
- getAllExecutables() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- getAllExecutables() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- getAllExecutables() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- getAllExecutables(Class<?>, Factory) - Static method in class spoon.support.util.RtHelper
return all executables of this class
- getAllFields() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtTypeInformation
Gets the fields declared by this type and by all its supertypes if applicable.
- getAllFields() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- getAllFields() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- getAllFields() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- getAllFields(Class<?>) - Static method in class spoon.support.util.RtHelper
Gets all the runtime fields for a given class (including the superclasses and superinterfaces).
- getAllFields(Class<?>, Factory) - Static method in class spoon.support.util.RtHelper
Gets all the field references for a given class (including the superclasses').
- getAllFiles() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.SpoonFolder
Gets all the files (including folders) in the folder.
- getAllFiles() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.FileSystemFolder
- getAllFiles() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.VirtualFolder
- getAllFiles() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.ZipFolder
- getAllImports() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportScanner
Use computeImports or computeAllImports before getting the different imports.
- getAllImports() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportScannerImpl
- getAllInstantiableMetamodelInterfaces() - Method in class spoon.metamodel.Metamodel
- getAllJavaFiles() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.SpoonFolder
Gets all the Java source files in the folder.
- getAllJavaFiles() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.FileSystemFolder
- getAllJavaFiles() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.VirtualFolder
- getAllJavaFiles() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.ZipFolder
- getAllMetadata() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
Retrieves all metadata stored in an element.
- getAllMetadata() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- getAllMetamodelInterfaces() - Static method in class spoon.metamodel.Metamodel
Returns all interfaces of the Spoon metamodel.
- getAllMethods() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType
Return all the methods that can be called on an instance of this type.
- getAllMethods() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtEnumImpl
- getAllMethods() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- getAllMethods() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- getAllMethods(Class<?>) - Static method in class spoon.support.util.RtHelper
Gets all the runtime methods for a given class or interface (including the superclasses' or interfaces').
- getAllModules() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.CtModel
returns all modules of the model
- getAllModules() - Method in class spoon.reflect.CtModelImpl
- getAllModules() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.ModuleFactory.CtUnnamedModule
- getAllModules() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.ModuleFactory
- getAllPackages() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.CtModel
returns all packages of the model
- getAllPackages() - Method in class spoon.reflect.CtModelImpl
- getAllTemplateParameterFields(Class<? extends Template<?>>, Factory) - Static method in class spoon.support.template.Parameters
returns all the compile_time fields of a template representing a template parameter
- getAllTemplateParameterFields(Class<? extends Template>) - Static method in class spoon.support.template.Parameters
returns all the runtime fields of a template representing a template parameter
- getAllTypes() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.CtModel
returns all top-level types of the model
- getAllTypes() - Method in class spoon.reflect.CtModelImpl
- getAllValues() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotation
Get all values of
, plus the default ones defined in the annotation type. - getAllValues() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationImpl
- getAnnotatedChildren(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
Gets the child elements annotated with the given annotation type's instances.
- getAnnotatedChildren(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- getAnnotatedElement() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotation
Returns the element which is annotated by this annotation.
- getAnnotatedElement() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationImpl
- getAnnotatedElementType() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotation
Returns the type of the element which is annotated by this annotation.
- getAnnotatedElementType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationImpl
- getAnnotatedElementTypeForCtElement(CtElement) - Static method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotation
- getAnnotation(Class<A>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
Searches for an annotation of the given class that annotates the current element.
- getAnnotation(Class<A>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- getAnnotation(CtTypeReference<A>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
Gets the annotation element for a given annotation type.
- getAnnotation(CtTypeReference<A>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- getAnnotationMethods() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationType
- getAnnotationMethods() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationTypeImpl
- getAnnotations() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
Returns the annotations that are present on this element.
- getAnnotations() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeMemberWildcardImportReference
- getAnnotations() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- getAnnotations() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeMemberWildcardImportReferenceImpl
- getAnnotations() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtUnboundVariableReferenceImpl
- getAnnotationType() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotation
Returns the annotation type of this annotation.
- getAnnotationType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationImpl
- getAnnotationType(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.AnnotationFactory
Gets a annotation type from its name.
- getAnonymousClass() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtNewClass
Gets the created class.
- getAnonymousClass() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtNewClassImpl
- getAnonymousExecutables() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtClass
Returns the anonymous blocks of this class.
- getAnonymousExecutables() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtClassImpl
- getArguments() - Method in class spoon.Launcher
Returns the command-line given launching arguments in JSAP format.
- getArguments() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtAbstractInvocation
The arguments of the invocation.
- getArguments() - Method in class spoon.reflect.path.impl.AbstractPathElement
- getArguments() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtConstructorCallImpl
- getArguments() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtInvocationImpl
- getArrayType() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtArrayTypeReference
Gets the type of the array elements at the finest grain.
- getArrayType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtArrayTypeReferenceImpl
- getAssertExpression() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtAssert
Gets the assert expression.
- getAssertExpression() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtAssertImpl
- getAssigned() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtAssignment
Returns the assigned expression on the left-hand side (where the value is stored, e.g.
- getAssigned() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtAssignmentImpl
- getAssignment() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtLocalVariable
Useful proxy to
. - getAssignment() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtRHSReceiver
Returns the right-hand side of the "=" operator.
- getAssignment() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtField
Useful proxy to
. - getAssignment() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtAssignmentImpl
- getAssignment() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLocalVariableImpl
- getAssignment() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtEnumValueImpl
- getAssignment() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtFieldImpl
- getBase() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtLiteral
Gets the base of the numeric literal (2, 8, 10 or 16).
- getBase() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLiteralImpl
- getBatchRequestor() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBatchCompiler
- getBinaryFiles() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnit
Gets all binary (.class) files that corresponds to this compilation unit and have been created by calling
. - getBinaryFiles() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnitImpl
- getBinaryOutputDirectory() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Get the directory where binary .class files are created
- getBinaryOutputDirectory() - Method in interface spoon.SpoonModelBuilder
Gets the binary output directory of the compiler.
- getBinaryOutputDirectory() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- getBinaryOutputDirectory() - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- getBlock() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtSynchronized
Gets the synchronized block.
- getBlock() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtSynchronizedImpl
- getBlock(CtClass<? extends BlockTemplate>) - Static method in class spoon.template.BlockTemplate
Returns the block.
- getBlockTags() - Method in class spoon.javadoc.internal.Javadoc
- getBody() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtBodyHolder
Gets the body of this element
- getBody() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtCatch
Gets the catch's body.
- getBody() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtLoop
Gets the body of this loop.
- getBody() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtTry
Gets the try body.
- getBody() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtExecutable
Gets the body expression.
- getBody() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCatchImpl
- getBody() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLambdaImpl
- getBody() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLoopImpl
- getBody() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtTryImpl
- getBody() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationMethodImpl
- getBody() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtExecutableImpl
- getBodyEnd() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.cu.position.BodyHolderSourcePosition
- getBodyEnd() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.cu.position.BodyHolderSourcePositionImpl
- getBodyStart() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.cu.position.BodyHolderSourcePosition
- getBodyStart() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.cu.position.BodyHolderSourcePositionImpl
- getBoundingType() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeParameterReference
A type parameter can have an
clause which declare one (CtTypeReference
or more (CtIntersectionTypeReference
references. - getBoundingType() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtWildcardReference
A type parameter can have an
clause which declare one (CtTypeReference
or more (CtIntersectionTypeReference
references. - getBoundingType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeParameterReferenceImpl
- getBoundingType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtWildcardReferenceImpl
- getBounds() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtIntersectionTypeReference
Gets the bounds of the intersection type.
- getBounds() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtIntersectionTypeReferenceImpl
- getCallerFields() - Method in class spoon.refactoring.MethodCallState
Returns a collection containing all types invoking the method with a field.
- getCallerMethods() - Method in class spoon.refactoring.MethodCallState
Returns a collection containing all CtExecutable invoking the method.
- getCamelCaseName() - Method in enum spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
Get the camel case representation of the name
- getCaseExpression() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtCase
Gets the case expression.
- getCaseExpression() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCaseImpl
- getCaseExpressions() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtCase
Gets the case expressions.
- getCaseExpressions() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCaseImpl
- getCaseKind() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtCase
Gets the kind of this case - colon (:) or arrow (->) (Arrow syntax is available as a preview feature since Java 12)
- getCaseKind() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCaseImpl
- getCases() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtAbstractSwitch
Gets the list of cases defined for this switch.
- getCases() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtSwitchExpressionImpl
- getCases() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtSwitchImpl
- getCatchers() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtTry
Gets the catchers of this
. - getCatchers() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtTryImpl
- getChangeCollector() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.ChangeResolver
- getChangeCollector(Environment) - Static method in class spoon.support.modelobs.ChangeCollector
- getChangedProperty() - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.context.Context
the role that has been modified
- getChangedValue() - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.action.Action
get the changed value of the model
- getChangedValue() - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.action.AddAction
- getChangedValue() - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.action.DeleteAction
- getChangedValue() - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.action.UpdateAction
- getChanges(SourcePositionHolder) - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.ChangeResolver
- getChanges(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.ChangeCollector
Return the set of
s for which children have changed from `currentElement` since thisChangeCollector
was attached Warning: change in IMPLICIT are ignored - getChildrenFragments() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.ElementSourceFragment
Note: the List of children is flat.
- getClasspathTmpFiles(String) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.SpoonPom
Get the list of classpath files generated by maven
- getClone() - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- getColumn() - Method in class spoon.reflect.cu.position.NoSourcePosition
- getColumn() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.cu.SourcePosition
Gets the column in the source file (1 indexed).
- getColumn() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.cu.position.SourcePositionImpl
- getColumnCount() - Method in class spoon.support.gui.SpoonObjectFieldsTable.SpoonObjectTableModel
- getColumnName(int) - Method in class spoon.support.gui.SpoonObjectFieldsTable.SpoonObjectTableModel
- getComments() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
The list of comments
- getComments() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- getComments(CtElement, CommentOffset) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ElementPrinterHelper
- getCommentType() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtComment
Get the type of the comment
- getCommentType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCommentImpl
- getComparator() - Method in class spoon.support.util.SortedList
- getCompilationUnit() - Method in class spoon.reflect.cu.position.NoSourcePosition
- getCompilationUnit() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.cu.SourcePosition
Gets the compilation unit for this position.
- getCompilationUnit() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.cu.position.PartialSourcePositionImpl
- getCompilationUnit() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.cu.position.SourcePositionImpl
- getCompilationUnitContents() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ContextBuilder
- getCompilationUnitFilter() - Method in interface spoon.SpoonModelBuilder
Returns a copy of the internal list of
s. - getCompilationUnitFilter() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- getCompilationUnitInputStream(CompilationUnit) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- getCompilationUnitLineSeparatorPositions() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ContextBuilder
- getCompilationUnits() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBatchCompiler
This method returns the compilation units that will be processed and/or compiled by JDT.
- getCompilerInstance(Factory) - Method in class spoon.Launcher
Instantiates the compiler.
- getComplianceLevel() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Gets the Java version compliance level.
- getComplianceLevel() - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- getComponentType() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtArrayTypeReference
Gets the type of the elements contained in this array.
- getComponentType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtArrayTypeReferenceImpl
- getCompressionType() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Get the type of serialization to be used by default
- getCompressionType() - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- getConcept(Class<? extends CtElement>) - Method in class spoon.metamodel.Metamodel
- getConceptName(Class<? extends CtElement>) - Static method in class spoon.metamodel.Metamodel
- getConceptName(CtType<?>) - Static method in class spoon.metamodel.Metamodel
- getConcepts() - Method in class spoon.metamodel.Metamodel
- getCondition() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtConditional
Gets the condition expression.
- getCondition() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtIf
Gets the boolean expression that represents the
's condition. - getCondition() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtConditionalImpl
- getCondition() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtIfImpl
- getConflictResolutionMode() - Method in class spoon.pattern.InlinedStatementConfigurator
- getConflictResolutionMode() - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternParameterConfigurator
- getConstructor(CtTypeReference<?>...) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtClass
Returns the constructor of the class that takes the given argument types.
- getConstructor(CtTypeReference<?>...) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtClassImpl
- getConstructors() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtClass
Returns the constructors of this class.
- getConstructors() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtClassImpl
- getConsumedAnnotationTypes() - Method in class spoon.processing.AbstractAnnotationProcessor
- getConsumedAnnotationTypes() - Method in interface spoon.processing.AnnotationProcessor
Gets the annotations types consumed by this processor.
- getContainerKind() - Method in class spoon.metamodel.MetamodelProperty
returns the kind of property (list, value, etc)
- getContainerKind() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.AbstractParameterInfo
- getContainerKind() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.meta.RoleHandler
- getContainerKind(Object, Object) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.AbstractParameterInfo
- getContainerKind(ImmutableMap) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.AbstractParameterInfo
- getContainerKindAccessor(ContainerKind) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.AbstractParameterInfo
- getContainerKindInParent() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.ElementSourceFragment
- getContainerName() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.AbstractParameterInfo
- getContent() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.SpoonFile
Gets the file content as a stream.
- getContent() - Method in class spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocBlockTag
- getContent() - Method in class spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocInlineTag
- getContent() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtComment
Get the content of the comment
- getContent() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtJavaDocTag
Get the content of the atg
- getContent() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.FileSystemFile
- getContent() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.VirtualFile
- getContent() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.ZipFile
- getContent() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCommentImpl
- getContent() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtJavaDocTagImpl
- getContentChars(Environment) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.SpoonFile
Gets the file content as a char array, considering encoding or encoding provider.
- getContentChars(Environment) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.VirtualFile
- getContext() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- getContext() - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.action.Action
get the context of the change
- getContextBuilder() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- getCorrespondingRuntimeObject(CtExpression<?>) - Static method in class spoon.support.reflect.eval.EvalHelper
Returns the runtime object corresponding to the expression eg CtLiteral(3) -> 3
- getCreatedFiles() - Method in interface spoon.processing.FileGenerator
Gets the created files.
- getCreatedFiles() - Method in class spoon.support.JavaOutputProcessor
- getCtAnnotation() - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.AnnotationRuntimeBuilderContext
- getCurrentLexicalScope() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.LexicalScopeScanner
- getCurrentParameter() - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternParameterConfigurator
- getCurrentProcessor() - Method in class spoon.support.QueueProcessingManager
- getCurrentProcessor() - Method in class spoon.support.RuntimeProcessingManager
- getCurrentTypeReference() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrintingContext
- getDeclaration() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtCatchVariableReference
- getDeclaration() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReference
- getDeclaration() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtFieldReference
- getDeclaration() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtLocalVariableReference
- getDeclaration() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtModuleReference
- getDeclaration() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtPackageReference
Gets the package element when available in the source code.
- getDeclaration() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtParameterReference
- getDeclaration() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtReference
Returns the declaration that corresponds to the referenced element only if the declaration is in the analyzed source files.
- getDeclaration() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeMemberWildcardImportReference
- getDeclaration() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeParameterReference
Returns the
, aCtTypeParameter
, that declares the type parameter referenced ornull
if the reference is not in a context where such type parameter is declared. - getDeclaration() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeReference
Returns the
, that corresponds to the reference ornull
if the type declaration is not in the analyzed source files,CtTypeReference.getTypeDeclaration()
is a newer and better alternative that less often returns null. - getDeclaration() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtVariableReference
Tries to get the declaration of the reference.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtCatchVariableReferenceImpl
- getDeclaration() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReferenceImpl
- getDeclaration() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtFieldReferenceImpl
- getDeclaration() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtLocalVariableReferenceImpl
- getDeclaration() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtModuleReferenceImpl
- getDeclaration() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtPackageReferenceImpl
- getDeclaration() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtParameterReferenceImpl
- getDeclaration() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeMemberWildcardImportReferenceImpl
- getDeclaration() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeParameterReferenceImpl
- getDeclaration() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- getDeclaration() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtVariableReferenceImpl
- getDeclarationEnd() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.cu.position.CompoundSourcePosition
returns the end of everything incl.
- getDeclarationEnd() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.cu.position.CompoundSourcePositionImpl
- getDeclarationKind() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtArrayTypeReferenceImpl
Gets the kind of array declaration.
- getDeclarationStart() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.cu.position.CompoundSourcePosition
returns the start of everything incl.
- getDeclarationStart() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.cu.position.CompoundSourcePositionImpl
- getDeclaredAnnotations() - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.reflect.RtMethod
- getDeclaredAnnotations() - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.reflect.RtParameter
Return annotations which declared on the parameter.
- getDeclaredExecutables() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtTypeInformation
Gets the executables declared by this type if applicable.
- getDeclaredExecutables() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtClassImpl
- getDeclaredExecutables() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtInterfaceImpl
- getDeclaredExecutables() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- getDeclaredExecutables() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- getDeclaredExecutables() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- getDeclaredField(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtTypeInformation
Gets a field from its name.
- getDeclaredField(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- getDeclaredField(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- getDeclaredFields() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtTypeInformation
Gets the fields declared by this type.
- getDeclaredFields() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- getDeclaredFields() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- getDeclaredFields() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- getDeclaredMethods() - Method in class spoon.metamodel.MMMethod
- getDeclaredModule() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnit
Gets the declared module if the compilationUnit is "module-info.java"
- getDeclaredModule() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnitImpl
- getDeclaredModuleReference() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnit
Gets the declared module reference if the compilationUnit is "module-info.java"
- getDeclaredModuleReference() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnitImpl
- getDeclaredOrInheritedField(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtTypeInformation
Gets a field from this type or any super type or any implemented interface by field name.
- getDeclaredOrInheritedField(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- getDeclaredOrInheritedField(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- getDeclaredPackage() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnit
Gets the declared package
- getDeclaredPackage() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnitImpl
- getDeclaredTypeReferences() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnit
Gets references to all the types declared in this compilation unit.
- getDeclaredTypeReferences() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnitImpl
- getDeclaredTypes() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnit
Gets all the types declared in this compilation unit.
- getDeclaredTypes() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnitImpl
- getDeclaringClass() - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.reflect.RtMethod
- getDeclaringExecutable() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtParameterReference
Gets the declaring executable of the referenced parameter.
- getDeclaringExecutable() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtParameterReferenceImpl
- getDeclaringModule() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtPackage
Gets the declaring module.
- getDeclaringModule() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtPackageImpl
- getDeclaringPackage() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtPackage
Gets the declaring package of the current one.
- getDeclaringPackage() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtPackageImpl
- getDeclaringType() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtTypeMember
Gets the type that declares this class member.
- getDeclaringType() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReference
Gets the reference to the type that declares this executable.
- getDeclaringType() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtFieldReference
Gets the type in which the field is declared.
- getDeclaringType() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeReference
Gets the type that declares the referenced type.
- getDeclaringType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtConstructorImpl
- getDeclaringType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtExecutableImpl
- getDeclaringType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtFieldImpl
- getDeclaringType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- getDeclaringType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.InvisibleArrayConstructorImpl
- getDeclaringType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReferenceImpl
- getDeclaringType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtFieldReferenceImpl
- getDeclaringType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- getDeclaringTypeName(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Gets the declaring type name for a given Java qualified name.
- getDefaultBoundingType() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Returns the default bounding type value
- getDefaultCapacity() - Method in class spoon.support.util.ModelList
- getDefaultExpression() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationMethod
Gets the default expression assigned to the annotation method.
- getDefaultExpression() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtVariable
Gets the initialization expression assigned to the variable (also known as the initializer), when declared.
- getDefaultExpression() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCatchVariableImpl
- getDefaultExpression() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLocalVariableImpl
- getDefaultExpression() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationMethodImpl
- getDefaultExpression() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtFieldImpl
- getDefaultExpression() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtParameterImpl
- getDefaultFileGenerator() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Returns the default file generator for this environment (gives the default output directory for the created files).
- getDefaultFileGenerator() - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- getDefaultOutputDirectory() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultOutputDestinationHandler
- getDefaultOutputDirectory() - Method in interface spoon.support.OutputDestinationHandler
- getDefaultValueEnd() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.cu.position.DeclarationSourcePosition
returns the end of the default value int i = 0, j =1 âž¡ returns the comma
- getDefaultValueEnd() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.cu.position.DeclarationSourcePositionImpl
- getDescription() - Method in class spoon.javadoc.internal.Javadoc
- getDimensionCount() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtArrayTypeReference
Returns the number of dimensions of this array type.
- getDimensionCount() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtArrayTypeReferenceImpl
- getDimensionExpressions() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtNewArray
Gets the expressions that define the array's dimensions.
- getDimensionExpressions() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtNewArrayImpl
- getDirectChanges(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.ChangeCollector
- getDirectChildren() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
- getDirectChildren() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- getDirectoryPath(CtModule, CtPackage, CtType) - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultOutputDestinationHandler
- getDocComment() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
Returns the text of the documentation ("javadoc") comment of this element.
- getDocComment() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- getElement() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.ElementPrinterEvent
- getElement() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.ElementSourceFragment
- getElement() - Method in interface spoon.support.sniper.internal.PrinterEvent
- getElement() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.TokenPrinterEvent
- getElementPrinterHelper() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- getElements() - Method in class spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocDescription
- getElements() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtNewArray
Gets the initialization expressions.
- getElements() - Method in class spoon.reflect.path.impl.CtPathImpl
- getElements() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtNewArrayImpl
- getElements(Collection<P>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.path.impl.CtPathElement
Get elements childs of roots that match with this path.
- getElements(Collection<P>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.path.impl.CtTypedNameElement
- getElements(Collection<CtElement>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.path.impl.CtNamedPathElement
- getElements(Collection<CtElement>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.path.impl.CtRolePathElement
- getElements(CtElement, Filter<E>) - Static method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.Query
Returns all the program elements that match the filter starting from the given rootElement.
- getElements(Factory, Filter<E>) - Static method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.Query
Within a given factory, returns all the program elements that match the filter.
- getElements(Filter<E>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.CtModel
Returns all the model elements matching the filter.
- getElements(Filter<E>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.CtModelImpl
- getElements(Filter<E>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
Returns all the children elements recursively matching the filter.
- getElements(Filter<E>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- getElementType() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ElementNode
- getElementValues() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationImpl
- getElementWhereChangeHappens() - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.context.Context
the changed parent
- getElseExpression() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtConditional
Gets the "false" expression.
- getElseExpression() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtConditionalImpl
- getElseStatement() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtIf
Gets the statement executed when the condition is false.
- getElseStatement() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtIfImpl
- getEmptyContainer() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.AbstractParameterInfo
- getEmptyContainer() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.ComputedParameterInfo
- getEmptyContainer() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.ListParameterInfo
- getEmptyContainer() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.MapParameterInfo
- getEmptyContainer() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.SetParameterInfo
- getEnclosingGenericTypeAdapter() - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.ClassTypingContext
- getEnclosingGenericTypeAdapter() - Method in interface spoon.support.visitor.GenericTypeAdapter
- getEnclosingGenericTypeAdapter() - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.MethodTypingContext
- getEncoding() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Get the encoding used inside the project
- getEncoding() - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- getEncodingProvider() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Get encoding provider, which is used to detect encoding for each file separately
- getEncodingProvider() - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- getEnd() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.ElementSourceFragment
- getEndColumn() - Method in class spoon.reflect.cu.position.NoSourcePosition
- getEndColumn() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.cu.SourcePosition
Gets the end column in the source file (1 indexed).
- getEndColumn() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.cu.position.CompoundSourcePositionImpl
- getEndColumn() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.cu.position.SourcePositionImpl
- getEndLine() - Method in class spoon.reflect.cu.position.NoSourcePosition
- getEndLine() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.cu.SourcePosition
Gets the end line in the source file (1 indexed).
- getEndLine() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.cu.position.CompoundSourcePositionImpl
- getEndLine() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.cu.position.SourcePositionImpl
- getEndOfComment(char[], int, int) - Static method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.PositionBuilder
- getEnum(Class<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.EnumFactory
Gets a class from its runtime Java class.
- getEnumValue(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtEnum
Gets an enum value by its name.
- getEnumValue(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtEnumImpl
- getEnumValues() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtEnum
Gets all enum values of the enumeration.
- getEnumValues() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtEnumImpl
- getEnvironment() - Method in class spoon.Launcher
- getEnvironment() - Method in class spoon.processing.AbstractManualProcessor
- getEnvironment() - Method in class spoon.processing.AbstractProcessor
- getEnvironment() - Method in interface spoon.processing.Processor
Gets the environment of this processor.
- getEnvironment() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
Access to the
- getEnvironment() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
Gets the Spoon environment that encloses this factory.
- getEnvironment() - Method in interface spoon.SpoonAPI
Returns the current environment.
- getEnvironment() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- getEnvironment() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultOutputDestinationHandler
- getEnvironment() - Method in class spoon.support.JavaOutputProcessor
- getEnvironmentVariables() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.SpoonPom.MavenOptions
- getErrorCount() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Gets the error count from building, processing, and compiling within this environment.
- getErrorCount() - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- getExceptionTypes() - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.reflect.RtMethod
- getExecutable() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtAbstractInvocation
Returns the invoked executable.
- getExecutable() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtExecutableReferenceExpression
Gets the executable referenced by the expression.
- getExecutable() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtConstructorCallImpl
- getExecutable() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtExecutableReferenceExpressionImpl
- getExecutable() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtInvocationImpl
- getExecutableDeclaration() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReference
Returns a subtype
that corresponds to the reference even if its declaring type isn't in the Spoon source path (in this case, the Spoon elements are built with runtime reflection). - getExecutableDeclaration() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReferenceImpl
- getExistingValue(List<Object>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.ListParameterInfo
- getExiter() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- getExportedPackages() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModule
- getExportedPackages() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtModuleImpl
- getExpression() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtAssert
Gets the expression of the assertion if defined.
- getExpression() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtFor
Gets the end-loop test expression.
- getExpression() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtForEach
Gets the iterated expression (an iterable of an array).
- getExpression() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtLambda
Gets the expression in the body.
- getExpression() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtSynchronized
Gets the expression that defines the monitored object if any.
- getExpression() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtYieldStatement
Gets the expression of the yield statement.
- getExpression() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtAssertImpl
- getExpression() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtForEachImpl
- getExpression() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtForImpl
- getExpression() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLambdaImpl
- getExpression() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtSynchronizedImpl
- getExpression() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtYieldStatementImpl
- getExpression(CtClass<? extends ExpressionTemplate<?>>) - Static method in class spoon.template.ExpressionTemplate
Returns the expression.
- getExtendedModifiers() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModifiable
- getExtendedModifiers() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCatchVariableImpl
- getExtendedModifiers() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLocalVariableImpl
- getExtendedModifiers() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.CtModifierHandler
- getExtendedModifiers() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutableImpl
- getExtendedModifiers() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtConstructorImpl
- getExtendedModifiers() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtFieldImpl
- getExtendedModifiers() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtMethodImpl
- getExtendedModifiers() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtParameterImpl
- getExtendedModifiers() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- getFactory() - Method in class spoon.Launcher
- getFactory() - Method in interface spoon.pattern.Generator
- getFactory() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.DefaultGenerator
- getFactory() - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternBuilder
- getFactory() - Method in class spoon.processing.AbstractManualProcessor
- getFactory() - Method in class spoon.processing.AbstractProcessor
- getFactory() - Method in interface spoon.processing.FactoryAccessor
Gets the factory of this object.
- getFactory() - Method in interface spoon.SpoonAPI
Returns the current factory
- getFactory() - Method in interface spoon.SpoonModelBuilder
Returns the working factory
- getFactory() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- getFactory() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- getFactory() - Method in class spoon.support.QueueProcessingManager
- getFactory() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.CtModifierHandler
- getFactory() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- getFactory() - Method in class spoon.support.RuntimeProcessingManager
- getFactory() - Method in class spoon.template.AbstractTemplate
returns a Spoon factory object from the first template parameter that contains one
- getField(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType
Gets a field from its name.
- getField(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtEnumImpl
- getField(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- getField(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- getFieldDeclaration() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtFieldReference
Returns the
that corresponds to the reference even if its declaring type isn't in the Spoon source path (in this case, the Spoon elements are built with runtime reflection) - getFieldDeclaration() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtFieldReferenceImpl
- getFields() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType
Returns the fields that are directly declared by this class or interface.
- getFields() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtEnumImpl
- getFields() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- getFields() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- getFile() - Method in class spoon.reflect.cu.position.NoSourcePosition
- getFile() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.cu.SourcePosition
Gets the file for this position.
- getFile() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnit
Gets the file that corresponds to this compilation unit if any (contains the source code).
- getFile() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.cu.position.PartialSourcePositionImpl
- getFile() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.cu.position.SourcePositionImpl
- getFile() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnitImpl
- getFileName(CtPackage, CtType) - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultOutputDestinationHandler
- getFiles() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.SpoonFolder
Gets all the files (excluding folders) in the folder.
- getFiles() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.FileSystemFolder
- getFiles() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.VirtualFolder
- getFiles() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.ZipFolder
- getFiles(JDTBatchCompiler) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.FileCompilerConfig
- getFileSystemParent() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.SpoonResource
Gets the parent of this resource on the file system.
- getFileSystemParent() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.FileSystemFile
- getFileSystemParent() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.FileSystemFolder
- getFileSystemParent() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.SpoonPom
- getFileSystemParent() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.VirtualFile
- getFileSystemParent() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.VirtualFolder
- getFileSystemParent() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.ZipFile
- getFileSystemParent() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.ZipFolder
- getFinalizer() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtTry
Gets the finalizer block of this
part). - getFinalizer() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtTryImpl
- getFirstChild() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.ElementSourceFragment
- getForInit() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtFor
Gets the init statements.
- getForInit() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtForImpl
- getFormalCtTypeParameters() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtFormalTypeDeclarer
Returns the formal type parameters of this generic element.
- getFormalCtTypeParameters() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationMethodImpl
- getFormalCtTypeParameters() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationTypeImpl
- getFormalCtTypeParameters() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtConstructorImpl
- getFormalCtTypeParameters() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtEnumImpl
- getFormalCtTypeParameters() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtMethodImpl
- getFormalCtTypeParameters() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- getFormalCtTypeParameters() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- getForUpdate() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtFor
Gets the update statements.
- getForUpdate() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtForImpl
- getFragment(int, int) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.cu.position.SourcePositionImpl
- getGeneratedByComment(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.DefaultGenerator
- getGenericParameterTypes() - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.reflect.RtMethod
- getGenericReturnType() - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.reflect.RtMethod
- getGenericType() - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.reflect.RtParameter
- getGroupedChildrenFragments() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.ElementSourceFragment
Detects all child fragments of this
. - getHasCode() - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.HashcodeVisitor
- getHelper() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- getHierarchyStart() - Method in class spoon.support.adaption.TypeAdaptor
- getIgnoreSyntaxErrors() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Returns the value ot the option ignore-syntax-errors.
- getIgnoreSyntaxErrors() - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- getImplementationClass() - Method in class spoon.metamodel.MetamodelConcept
- getImplementationOfInterface(CtInterface<?>) - Static method in class spoon.metamodel.Metamodel
- getImplementationTypes() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtProvidedService
- getImplementationTypes() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtProvidedServiceImpl
- getImportComparator() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportCleaner
- getImportKind() - Method in class spoon.experimental.CtUnresolvedImport
- getImportKind() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtImport
Returns the kind of import (see
) - getImportKind() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtImportImpl
- getImports() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnit
Get the imports computed for this CU.
- getImports() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnitImpl
- getImports(CtCompilationUnit) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- getImports(CtCompilationUnit) - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.SniperJavaPrettyPrinter
- getIndex(CtExpression<?>) - Static method in class spoon.support.template.Parameters
Gets the index of a one-dimension array (helper).
- getIndexExpression() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtArrayAccess
Returns the expression that defines the index.
- getIndexExpression() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtArrayAccessImpl
- getInputClassLoader() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Returns the
which is used by JDT and to resolve classes from references. - getInputClassLoader() - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- getInputs() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQueryImpl
- getInputSources() - Method in interface spoon.SpoonModelBuilder
Gets all the files/directories given as input sources to this builder (see
). - getInputSources() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- getInstance() - Static method in class spoon.metamodel.Metamodel
- getInterfaceOfImplementation(CtClass<?>) - Static method in class spoon.metamodel.Metamodel
- getInvocationsOfMethod() - Method in class spoon.refactoring.MethodInvocationSearch
- getItems() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.CollectionSourceFragment
- getJavadocElements() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtJavaDoc
Returns the list of parsed Javadoc elements
- getJavadocElements() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtJavaDocImpl
- getJdtCompiler() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBatchCompiler
- getKey() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.MapEntryNode
- getKey() - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.context.MapContext
get the changed key
- getKind() - Method in class spoon.metamodel.MetamodelConcept
- getKind() - Method in class spoon.metamodel.MMMethod
- getKind() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtBinaryOperator
Gets the kind of this binary operator.
- getKind() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtOperatorAssignment
Gets the operator kind.
- getKind() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtUnaryOperator
Gets the kind of this operator.
- getKind() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtBinaryOperatorImpl
- getKind() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtOperatorAssignmentImpl
- getKind() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtUnaryOperatorImpl
- getKind() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.CtExtendedModifier
- getLabel() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtStatement
Gets the label of this statement if defined.
- getLabel() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtInterface
- getLabel() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtConstructorCallImpl
- getLabel() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtInvocationImpl
- getLabel() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtStatementImpl
- getLabel() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtUnaryOperatorImpl
- getLabel() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtClassImpl
- getLabel() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtInterfaceImpl
- getLabelledStatement() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtLabelledFlowBreak
- getLabelledStatement() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtBreakImpl
- getLabelledStatement() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtContinueImpl
- getLambdaExecutableReference(SingleNameReference) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ReferenceBuilder
In noclasspath, lambda doesn't have always a binding for their variables accesses in their block/expression.
- getLastStatement() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtStatementList
Gets the last statement of this block.
- getLastStatement() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtBlockImpl
- getLastStatement() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCaseImpl
- getLastStatement() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtStatementListImpl
- getLeftHandOperand() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtBinaryOperator
Returns the left-hand operand.
- getLeftHandOperand() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtBinaryOperatorImpl
- getLevel() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Gets the level of loggers asked by the user.
- getLevel() - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- getLine() - Method in class spoon.reflect.cu.position.NoSourcePosition
- getLine() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.cu.SourcePosition
Gets the line in the source file (1 indexed).
- getLine() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.cu.position.SourcePositionImpl
- getLineNumberMapping() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- getLineNumberMapping() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.PrettyPrinter
Gets the line number mapping between the generated code and the original code.
- getLineNumberMapping() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrinterHelper
- getLineNumberMappings() - Method in class spoon.support.JavaOutputProcessor
- getLineSeparator() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- getLineSeparator() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrinterHelper
- getLineSeparatorPositions() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnit
- getLineSeparatorPositions() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnitImpl
- getListener() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.EarlyTerminatingScanner
- getLogger() - Static method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- getLongDescription() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtJavaDoc
Get the long description of the javadoc
- getLongDescription() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtJavaDocImpl
- getLoopingExpression() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtDo
Returns the looping test as a boolean expression.
- getLoopingExpression() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtWhile
Gets the looping boolean test expression.
- getLoopingExpression() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtDoImpl
- getLoopingExpression() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtWhileImpl
- getMainFactory() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Gets the main factory of that core factory (cannot be
). - getMainFactory() - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- getMainMethods() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.MethodFactory
Gets all the main methods stored in this factory.
- getMainType() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnit
Searches and returns the main type (the type which has the same name as the file).
- getMainType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnitImpl
- getManager() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Gets the processing manager.
- getManager() - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- getMap() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CompilationUnitFactory
Gets an immutable compilation unit map.
- getMap() - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.context.MapContext
the changed map
- getMatchedParameters(TobeMatched) - Static method in class spoon.pattern.internal.matcher.TobeMatched
- getMatchedTargets(TobeMatched) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.matcher.TobeMatched
- getMatches() - Method in class spoon.template.TemplateMatcher
Returns all the matches where the keys are the corresponding template parameters.
- getMatches(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.pattern.Pattern
Finds all target program sub-trees that correspond to this pattern and returns them.
- getMatchingElement() - Method in class spoon.pattern.Match
- getMatchingElement(Class<T>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.Match
Same like
, but checks that matching element is expected class and casts returned value to that type - getMatchingElements() - Method in class spoon.pattern.Match
- getMatchingElements(Class<T>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.Match
Same like
but additionally it checks that each matching element is instance of `clazz` - getMatchingStrategy() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ConstantNode
- getMatchingStrategy() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ElementNode
- getMatchingStrategy() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ForEachNode
- getMatchingStrategy() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.MapEntryNode
- getMatchingStrategy() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ParameterNode
- getMatchingStrategy() - Method in interface spoon.pattern.internal.node.RepeatableMatcher
If two
s in a list are matching the same element, then returnedQuantifier
defines how resolve this conflict - getMatchingStrategy() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.StringNode
- getMatchingStrategy() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.AbstractParameterInfo
- getMatchingStrategy() - Method in interface spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.ParameterInfo
- getMatchingSubRoleFor(CtElement) - Method in enum spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- getMaxOccurrences() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.AbstractParameterInfo
- getMetadata(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
Retrieves metadata stored in an element.
- getMetadata(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- getMetadataKeys() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
Returns the metadata keys stored in an element.
- getMetadataKeys() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- getMetamodelInterface() - Method in class spoon.metamodel.MetamodelConcept
- getMethod() - Method in class spoon.refactoring.MethodCallState
Getter for the method, without saved call state.
- getMethod() - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.reflect.RtMethod
- getMethod(Class<?>, String, int) - Static method in class spoon.support.util.RtHelper
Looks for first public method of clazz (or any super class or super interface), whose name is equal to methodName and number of parameters is numParams
- getMethod(String, CtTypeReference<?>...) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType
Gets a method from its name and parameter types.
- getMethod(String, CtTypeReference<?>...) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtEnumImpl
- getMethod(String, CtTypeReference<?>...) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- getMethod(String, CtTypeReference<?>...) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- getMethod(MMMethodKind) - Method in class spoon.metamodel.MetamodelProperty
- getMethod(CtTypeReference<R>, String, CtTypeReference<?>...) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType
Gets a method from its return type, name, and parameter types.
- getMethod(CtTypeReference<R>, String, CtTypeReference<?>...) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtEnumImpl
- getMethod(CtTypeReference<R>, String, CtTypeReference<?>...) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- getMethod(CtTypeReference<R>, String, CtTypeReference<?>...) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- getMethodBySignature(String) - Method in class spoon.metamodel.MetamodelProperty
- getMethods() - Method in class spoon.metamodel.MetamodelProperty
- getMethods() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType
Returns the methods that are directly declared by this class or interface.
- getMethods() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- getMethods() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- getMethods(MMMethodKind) - Method in class spoon.metamodel.MetamodelProperty
- getMethodsAnnotatedWith(CtTypeReference<?>...) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType
Returns the methods that are directly declared by this class or interface and annotated with one of the given annotations.
- getMethodsAnnotatedWith(CtTypeReference<?>...) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- getMethodsAnnotatedWith(CtTypeReference<?>...) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- getMethodsByName(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType
Returns the methods that are directly declared by this class or interface and that have the given name.
- getMethodsByName(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- getMethodsByName(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- getMinOccurrences() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.AbstractParameterInfo
- getModel() - Method in class spoon.Launcher
- getModel() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
returns the Spoon model that has been built with this factory or one of its subfactories
- getModel() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- getModel() - Method in interface spoon.SpoonAPI
Returns the model built from the sources given via
- getModel() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.SpoonPom
Get the Project Object Model
- getModelBuilder() - Method in class spoon.Launcher
- getModelChangeListener() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
get the model change listener that is used to follow the change of the AST.
- getModelChangeListener() - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- getModifiedValues() - Method in interface spoon.support.util.ImmutableMap
- getModifiedValues() - Method in class spoon.support.util.ImmutableMapImpl
- getModifiers() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModifiable
Returns the modifiers of this element, excluding annotations.
- getModifiers() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtTypeInformation
Gets modifiers of this type.
- getModifiers() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeReference
- getModifiers() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtVariableReference
Gets modifiers of the reference.
- getModifiers() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCatchVariableImpl
- getModifiers() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLocalVariableImpl
- getModifiers() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.CtModifierHandler
- getModifiers() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutableImpl
- getModifiers() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtConstructorImpl
- getModifiers() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtFieldImpl
- getModifiers() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtMethodImpl
- getModifiers() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtParameterImpl
- getModifiers() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- getModifiers() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- getModifiers() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReferenceImpl
- getModifiers() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtFieldReferenceImpl
- getModifiers() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- getModifiers() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtVariableReferenceImpl
- getModifiers() - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.reflect.RtMethod
- getModifiers(int) - Static method in class spoon.support.util.RtHelper
Return the set of modifiers defined by the modifiers integer (java.lang.reflect).
- getModifierSourceEnd() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.cu.position.DeclarationSourcePosition
returns the last char of the last modifier
- getModifierSourceEnd() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.cu.position.DeclarationSourcePositionImpl
- getModifierSourceStart() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.cu.position.DeclarationSourcePosition
returns the first char of the first modifier
- getModifierSourceStart() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.cu.position.DeclarationSourcePositionImpl
- getModule(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.ModuleFactory.CtUnnamedModule
- getModule(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.ModuleFactory
- getModuleDirectives() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModule
- getModuleDirectives() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtModuleImpl
- getModulePath(CtModule) - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultOutputDestinationHandler
- getModuleReference() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModuleRequirement
- getModuleReference() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtModuleRequirementImpl
- getModuleReference(ModuleReference) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ReferenceBuilder
- getModules() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.SpoonPom
Get the list of modules defined in this POM
- getMultiTypes() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtMultiTypedElement
Gets all types of the element.
- getMultiTypes() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCatchVariableImpl
- getName() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.SpoonResource
Gets the name of this resource.
- getName() - Method in class spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocBlockTag
- getName() - Method in class spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocInlineTag
- getName() - Method in class spoon.metamodel.MetamodelConcept
- getName() - Method in class spoon.metamodel.MetamodelProperty
- getName() - Method in class spoon.metamodel.MMMethod
- getName() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.AbstractParameterInfo
- getName() - Method in interface spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.ParameterComputer
- getName() - Method in interface spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.ParameterInfo
- getName() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.SimpleNameOfTypeReferenceParameterComputer
- getName() - Method in enum spoon.reflect.code.CtJavaDocTag.TagType
Get tag name
- getName() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotation
Returns the class name of the annotation, eg "Deprecated" for @Deprecated.
- getName() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.FileSystemFile
- getName() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.FileSystemFolder
- getName() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.SpoonPom
- getName() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.VirtualFile
- getName() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.VirtualFolder
- getName() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.ZipFile
- getName() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.ZipFolder
- getName() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationImpl
- getName() - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.reflect.RtMethod
- getName() - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.reflect.RtParameter
Returns the name of the parameter.
- getNameEnd() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.cu.position.CompoundSourcePosition
returns the end of name (int bar = 0 âž¡ pos('r'))
- getNameEnd() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.cu.position.CompoundSourcePositionImpl
- getNames(CtClass<? extends Template<?>>) - Static method in class spoon.support.template.Parameters
Gets the names of all the template parameters of a given template type (including the ones defined by the super types).
- getNameStart() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.cu.position.CompoundSourcePosition
returns the start of name (int foo = 0 âž¡ pos('f'))
- getNameStart() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.cu.position.CompoundSourcePositionImpl
- getNamesToValues(Template<?>, CtClass<? extends Template<?>>) - Static method in class spoon.support.template.Parameters
Gets the Map of names to template parameter value for all the template parameters of a given template type (including the ones defined by the super types).
- getNestedType(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType
Gets a nested type from its name.
- getNestedType(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- getNestedType(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- getNestedTypes() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType
Returns the declarations of the nested classes and interfaces that are directly declared by this class or interface.
- getNestedTypes() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- getNestedTypes() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- getNewName() - Method in class spoon.refactoring.AbstractRenameRefactoring
- getNewName() - Method in interface spoon.refactoring.CtRenameRefactoring
- getNewValue() - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.action.AddAction
Returns the added element
- getNewValue() - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.action.UpdateAction
the new value in the model
- getNextSibling() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.ElementSourceFragment
- getNoClasspath() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Returns the value ot the option noclasspath
- getNoClasspath() - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- getNodeOfRole(CtRole) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ElementNode
- getNodes() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ListOfNodes
- getNotEqualElement() - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.EqualsVisitor
- getNotEqualOther() - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.EqualsVisitor
- getNotEqualRole() - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.EqualsChecker
- getNotEqualRole() - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.EqualsVisitor
- getOldValue() - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.action.UpdateAction
the old value in the model
- getOpenedPackages() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModule
- getOpenedPackages() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtModuleImpl
- getOperand() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtUnaryOperator
Gets the expression to which the operator is applied.
- getOperand() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtUnaryOperatorImpl
- getOptimizedString(Object) - Static method in class spoon.testing.utils.ModelUtils
Converts `obj` to String and all EOLs and TABs are removed and sequences of white spaces are replaced by single space
- getOptionalRoleHandler(Class<? extends CtElement>, CtRole) - Static method in class spoon.reflect.meta.impl.RoleHandlerHelper
- getOrCreate(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CompilationUnitFactory
Creates or gets a compilation unit for a given file path.
- getOrCreate(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.ModuleFactory
- getOrCreate(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.PackageFactory
Gets or creates a package for the unnamed module
- getOrCreate(String, CtModule) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.PackageFactory
Gets or creates a package and make its parent the given module
- getOrCreate(CtModule) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CompilationUnitFactory
- getOrCreate(CtPackage) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CompilationUnitFactory
- getOrCreate(CtType) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CompilationUnitFactory
Returns the compilation unit corresponding to this type.
- getOrCreateCtBlock(T) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CodeFactory
Accepts instance of CtStatement or CtBlock.
- getOrCreateNodeOfRole(CtRole, Map<CtElement, RootNode>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ElementNode
- getOrCreatePartialSourcePosition() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnitImpl
- getOriginalSourceCode() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnit
Gets the original source code as a string.
- getOriginalSourceCode() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnitImpl
- getOriginalSourceFragment() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.cu.SourcePositionHolder
Returns the original source code (maybe different from toString() if a transformation has been applied).
- getOriginalSourceFragment() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
- getOriginalSourceFragment() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.CtExtendedModifier
- getOriginalSourceFragment() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnitImpl
- getOriginalSourceFragment() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- getOutputDestinationHandler() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Returns the output destination that handles where source files are written
- getOutputDestinationHandler() - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- getOutputDirectory() - Method in interface spoon.processing.FileGenerator
Gets the root directory where files are created.
- getOutputDirectory() - Method in class spoon.support.JavaOutputProcessor
- getOutputPath(CtModule, CtPackage, CtType) - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultOutputDestinationHandler
- getOutputPath(CtModule, CtPackage, CtType) - Method in interface spoon.support.OutputDestinationHandler
- getOutputType() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Get the output type
- getOutputType() - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- getOverriddenMethod() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtLambda
- getOverriddenMethod() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLambdaImpl
- getOverridingExecutable() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReference
Returns the method overridden by this one, if exists (null otherwise).
- getOverridingExecutable() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReferenceImpl
- getOverridingExecutable(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReference
Gets an overriding executable for this executable from a given subtype, if exists.
- getOverridingExecutable(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReferenceImpl
- getOwner() - Method in class spoon.metamodel.MetamodelProperty
returns the concept that holds this property
- getOwner() - Method in class spoon.metamodel.MMMethod
- getOwner() - Method in class spoon.support.util.internal.ElementNameMap
- getOwner() - Method in class spoon.support.util.ModelList
- getOwner() - Method in class spoon.support.util.ModelSet
- getPackage() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType
Gets the package where this type is declared.
- getPackage() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeReference
Gets the package of the referenced type.
- getPackage() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CacheBasedConflictFinder
- getPackage() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- getPackage() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- getPackage() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- getPackage() - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.PackageRuntimeBuilderContext
Returns the package belonging to this context.
- getPackage(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtPackage
Searches a child package by name.
- getPackage(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtPackageImpl
- getPackageDeclaration() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnit
- getPackageDeclaration() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnitImpl
- getPackageName(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Gets the package name for a given Java qualified name.
- getPackagePath(CtPackage) - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultOutputDestinationHandler
- getPackageReference() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtPackageExport
- getPackageReference() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtPackageExportImpl
- getPackageReference(String) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ReferenceBuilder
- getPackages() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtPackage
Gets the set of included child packages.
- getPackages() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtPackageImpl
- getParam() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtJavaDocTag
Get the parameter of the tag return null when none is specified (only for @param and @throws)
- getParam() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtJavaDocTagImpl
- getParameter() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtCatch
Gets the catch's parameter (a throwable).
- getParameter() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCatchImpl
- getParameterAnnotations() - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.reflect.RtMethod
- getParameterField(CtClass<? extends Template<?>>, String) - Static method in class spoon.support.template.Parameters
- getParameterInfo() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ParameterNode
- getParameterInfo(String) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.StringNode
- getParameterInfos() - Method in class spoon.pattern.Pattern
- getParameters() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.matcher.TobeMatched
- getParameters() - Method in class spoon.pattern.Match
- getParameters() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtExecutable
Gets the parameters list.
- getParameters() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReference
Gets parameters of the executable.
- getParameters() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLambdaImpl
- getParameters() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationMethodImpl
- getParameters() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutableImpl
- getParameters() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtExecutableImpl
- getParameters() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReferenceImpl
- getParametersMap() - Method in class spoon.pattern.Match
- getParameterTypes() - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.reflect.RtMethod
- getParameterValueType() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.AbstractParameterInfo
- getParameterValueType() - Method in interface spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.ParameterInfo
- getParamString() - Method in class spoon.reflect.path.impl.AbstractPathElement
- getParent() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.SpoonResource
Gets the folder that contains this resource.
- getParent() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnit
- getParent() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
Gets the parent of current reference.
- getParent() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtParameter
Gets the executable that is the parent declaration of this parameter declaration.
- getParent() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.ModuleFactory.CtUnnamedModule
- getParent() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.FileSystemFile
- getParent() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.FileSystemFolder
- getParent() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.SpoonPom
Get the parent directory
- getParent() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.VirtualFile
- getParent() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.VirtualFolder
- getParent() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.ZipFile
- getParent() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.ZipFolder
- getParent() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnitImpl
- getParent() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- getParent() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtModuleImpl
- getParent() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtParameterImpl
- getParent(Class<P>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
Gets the first parent that matches the given type.
- getParent(Class<P>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- getParent(Filter<E>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
Gets the first parent that matches the filter.
- getParent(Filter<E>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- getParentPom() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.SpoonPom
Get the parent model
- getPath() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.SpoonResource
Gets this resource path.
- getPath() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
Return the path from the model root to this CtElement, eg `.spoon.test.path.Foo.foo#body#statement[index=0]`
- getPath() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.FileSystemFile
- getPath() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.FileSystemFolder
- getPath() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.SpoonPom
- getPath() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.VirtualFile
- getPath() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.VirtualFolder
- getPath() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.ZipFile
- getPath() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.ZipFolder
- getPath() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- getPattern() - Method in class spoon.reflect.path.impl.CtNamedPathElement
- getPatternElements() - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternBuilderHelper
- getPermittedTypes() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtEnum
- getPermittedTypes() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtRecord
- getPermittedTypes() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtSealable
Returns the permitted types for this type.
- getPermittedTypes() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtClassImpl
- getPermittedTypes() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtEnumImpl
- getPermittedTypes() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtInterfaceImpl
- getPermittedTypes() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtRecordImpl
- getPlainName() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.AbstractParameterInfo
- getPlainName() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.ComputedParameterInfo
- getPlainName() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.ListParameterInfo
- getPlainName() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.MapParameterInfo
- getPlainName() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.SetParameterInfo
- getPomFile() - Method in class spoon.MavenLauncher
- getPosition() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.cu.SourcePositionHolder
If the element comes from a Java source file (hence has not created during transformation), returns the position in the original source file
- getPosition() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
Gets the position of this element in input source files
- getPosition() - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.context.ListContext
the position where the change has been made (returns -1 if no position is defined).
- getPosition() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.CtExtendedModifier
- getPosition() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnitImpl
- getPosition() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- getPositionBuilder() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- getPreprocessors() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- getPrettyPrintingMode() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Get the current pretty-printing mode.
- getPrettyPrintingMode() - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- getPrinter() - Method in class spoon.support.JavaOutputProcessor
- getPrinterHelper() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultTokenWriter
- getPrinterHelper() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.TokenWriter
- getPrinterHelper() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.MutableTokenWriter
- getPrinterHelper() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.TokenWriterProxy
- getPrinterTokenWriter() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- getProblems() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
returns the list of current problems
- getProcessedAnnotationTypes() - Method in class spoon.processing.AbstractAnnotationProcessor
- getProcessedAnnotationTypes() - Method in interface spoon.processing.AnnotationProcessor
Gets the annotations processed by this annotation processor, that is to say the annotation types that trigger the
AnnotationProcessor.process(Annotation, CtElement)
method when visiting a program element. - getProcessedElementTypes() - Method in class spoon.processing.AbstractManualProcessor
Invalid method in this context.
- getProcessedElementTypes() - Method in class spoon.processing.AbstractProcessor
- getProcessedElementTypes() - Method in interface spoon.processing.Processor
Gets all the element types than need to be processed.
- getProcessor() - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.ProcessingVisitor
- getProcessorName() - Method in interface spoon.processing.ProcessorProperties
Gets the corresponding processor name.
- getProcessorName() - Method in class spoon.processing.ProcessorPropertiesImpl
Gets the corresponding processor name.
- getProcessorProperties(String) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Returns the properties for a given processor.
- getProcessorProperties(String) - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- getProcessors() - Method in class spoon.Launcher
Gets the list of processors instance to be initially applied during the processing.
- getProcessors() - Method in interface spoon.processing.ProcessingManager
Gets the processors that have been added to the manager and that will be applied when invoking one of the
methods). - getProcessors() - Method in class spoon.support.QueueProcessingManager
- getProcessors() - Method in class spoon.support.RuntimeProcessingManager
- getProcessorTypes() - Method in class spoon.Launcher
Gets the list of processor types to be initially applied during the processing (-p option).
- getProperties() - Method in class spoon.metamodel.MetamodelConcept
- getProperty() - Method in class spoon.metamodel.MMMethod
- getProperty(CtRole) - Method in class spoon.metamodel.MetamodelConcept
- getProvidedServices() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModule
- getProvidedServices() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtModuleImpl
- getQualifiedName() - Method in class spoon.reflect.CtModelImpl.CtRootPackage
- getQualifiedName() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtPackage
Returns the fully qualified name of this package.
- getQualifiedName() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtTypeInformation
Returns the fully qualified name of this type declaration.
- getQualifiedName() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtFieldReference
Gets the qualified name of the field.
- getQualifiedName() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtPackageReference
The qualified name of a CtPackageReference is directly given by its simple name (see
) - getQualifiedName() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtPackageImpl
- getQualifiedName() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- getQualifiedName() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- getQualifiedName() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtArrayTypeReferenceImpl
- getQualifiedName() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtFieldReferenceImpl
- getQualifiedName() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtPackageReferenceImpl
- getQualifiedName() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- getRawContent() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtComment
- getRawContent() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCommentImpl
- getRealName() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtJavaDocTag
The type of the tag
- getRealName() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtJavaDocTagImpl
- getRecordComponents() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtRecord
- getRecordComponents() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtRecordImpl
- getReference() - Method in class spoon.experimental.CtUnresolvedImport
- getReference() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtCatchVariable
- getReference() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtLocalVariable
- getReference() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtExecutable
- getReference() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtField
- getReference() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtImport
Returns the reference of the import.
- getReference() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModule
- getReference() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtNamedElement
Returns the corresponding reference.
- getReference() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtPackage
- getReference() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtPackageDeclaration
Returns the reference to the package.
- getReference() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtParameter
overriding the return type
- getReference() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType
Returns the corresponding type reference.
- getReference() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameter
override the return type
- getReference() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtVariable
- getReference() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCatchVariableImpl
- getReference() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLambdaImpl
- getReference() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLocalVariableImpl
- getReference() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtExecutableImpl
- getReference() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtFieldImpl
- getReference() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtImportImpl
- getReference() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtModuleImpl
- getReference() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtNamedElementImpl
- getReference() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtPackageDeclarationImpl
- getReference() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtPackageImpl
- getReference() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtParameterImpl
- getReference() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- getReference() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- getReferencedTypes() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
Calculates and returns the set of all the types referenced by this element (and sub-elements in the AST).
- getReferencedTypes() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- getReferences() - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.TypeReferenceScanner
Returns the set of calculated references.
- getReferences(List<E>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CodeFactory
Gets a list of references from a list of elements.
- getReferences(CtElement, Filter<T>) - Static method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.Query
Returns all the program element references that match the filter.
- getReferences(Factory, Filter<R>) - Static method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.Query
Within a given factory, returns all the program element references that match the filter.
- getReferencesBuilder() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- getRemovedValue() - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.action.DeleteAction
Returns the removed element
- getReplaceMarkers() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.StringNode
- getRequiredClass() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.ResultHolder
- getRequiredModules() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModule
- getRequiredModules() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtModuleImpl
- getRequiresModifiers() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModuleRequirement
- getRequiresModifiers() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtModuleRequirementImpl
- getResources() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtTryWithResource
Gets the auto-closeable resources of this
. - getResources() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtTryWithResourceImpl
- getResult() - Method in class spoon.experimental.SpoonifierVisitor
- getResult() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.ResultHolder.Multiple
- getResult() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.ResultHolder.Single
- getResult() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- getResult() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.EarlyTerminatingScanner
- getResult() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.PrettyPrinter
Gets the contents of the compilation unit.
- getResults() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.ResultHolder
- getResults() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.ResultHolder.Multiple
- getResults() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.ResultHolder.Single
- getReturnedExpression() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtReturn
Gets the returned expression.
- getReturnedExpression() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtReturnImpl
- getReturnType() - Method in class spoon.metamodel.MMMethod
- getReturnType() - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.reflect.RtMethod
- getRightHandOperand() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtBinaryOperator
Returns the right-hand operand.
- getRightHandOperand() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtBinaryOperatorImpl
- getRole() - Method in class spoon.metamodel.MetamodelProperty
- getRole() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.meta.RoleHandler
- getRole() - Method in class spoon.reflect.path.impl.CtRolePathElement
- getRole() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.ElementPrinterEvent
- getRole() - Method in interface spoon.support.sniper.internal.PrinterEvent
- getRole() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.TokenPrinterEvent
- getRole() - Method in class spoon.support.util.internal.ElementNameMap
- getRole() - Method in class spoon.support.util.ModelList
- getRole() - Method in class spoon.support.util.ModelSet
- getRoleHandler() - Method in class spoon.metamodel.MetamodelProperty
- getRoleHandler(Class<? extends CtElement>, CtRole) - Static method in class spoon.reflect.meta.impl.RoleHandlerHelper
- getRoleHandlers(Class<? extends CtElement>) - Static method in class spoon.reflect.meta.impl.RoleHandlerHelper
- getRoleHandlerWrtParent(CtElement) - Static method in class spoon.reflect.meta.impl.RoleHandlerHelper
- getRoleInParent() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
- getRoleInParent() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- getRoleInParent() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.ElementSourceFragment
- getRoleOfMethod(CtMethod<?>) - Static method in class spoon.metamodel.Metamodel
- getRoleToNode() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ElementNode
- getRoleToProperty() - Method in class spoon.metamodel.MetamodelConcept
- getRoot() - Method in class spoon.support.gui.SpoonTreeBuilder
- getRootPackage() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.CtModel
returns the root package of the unnamed module
- getRootPackage() - Method in class spoon.reflect.CtModelImpl
- getRootPackage() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModule
returns the root package of the unnamed module If there are several modules, it throws an exception
- getRootPackage() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.PackageFactory
Return the unnamed top-level package.
- getRootPackage() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtModuleImpl
- getRowCount() - Method in class spoon.support.gui.SpoonObjectFieldsTable.SpoonObjectTableModel
- getScannerContextInformation() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ForceFullyQualifiedProcessor
- getScannerContextInformation() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ForceImportProcessor
- getScannerContextInformation() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportCleaner
- getScannerContextInformation() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportConflictDetector
- getScopeElement() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.LexicalScope
- getSelector() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtAbstractSwitch
Gets the selector.
- getSelector() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtSwitchExpressionImpl
- getSelector() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtSwitchImpl
- getServiceType() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtProvidedService
- getServiceType() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtUsedService
- getServiceType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtProvidedServiceImpl
- getServiceType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtUsedServiceImpl
- getShortDescription() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtJavaDoc
Get the short summary of the javadoc (first sentence of the javadoc)
- getShortDescription() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtJavaDocImpl
- getShortRepresentation() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
Build a short representation of any element.
- getShortRepresentation() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- getSignature() - Method in class spoon.metamodel.MMMethod
- getSignature() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtExecutable
Gets the signature of this exectuable.
- getSignature() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReference
Gets the signature of this method or constructor, as explained in
. - getSignature() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLambdaImpl
- getSignature() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtExecutableImpl
- getSignature() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReferenceImpl
- getSignature() - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.SignaturePrinter
- getSimpleName() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtConstructor
Always returns "<init>".
- getSimpleName() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtNamedElement
Returns the simple (unqualified) name of this element.
- getSimpleName() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType
Returns the simple (unqualified) name of this element.
- getSimpleName() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtArrayTypeReference
Returns the simple name of the array type core component type (with no []s).
- getSimpleName() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtPackageReference
The simple name of a CtPackageReference is always the fully qualified name of its referenced package.
- getSimpleName() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtReference
Gets the simple name of referenced element.
- getSimpleName() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeMemberWildcardImportReference
Returns the fully qualified name of type followed by `.*`
- getSimpleName() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeReference
Returns the simple (unqualified) name of this element.
- getSimpleName() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CacheBasedConflictFinder
- getSimpleName() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCatchVariableImpl
- getSimpleName() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLambdaImpl
- getSimpleName() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLocalVariableImpl
- getSimpleName() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutableImpl
- getSimpleName() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtConstructorImpl
- getSimpleName() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtNamedElementImpl
- getSimpleName() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtArrayTypeReferenceImpl
- getSimpleName() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtReferenceImpl
- getSimpleName() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeMemberWildcardImportReferenceImpl
- getSimpleName(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Gets the simple name for a given Java qualified name.
- getSnippetCompilationUnit() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTSnippetCompiler
- getSource() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- getSourceClasspath() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Returns the source class path of the Spoon model.
- getSourceClasspath() - Method in interface spoon.SpoonModelBuilder
Gets the classpath that is used to build/compile the input sources.
- getSourceClasspath() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- getSourceClasspath() - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- getSourceCode() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.CollectionSourceFragment
- getSourceCode() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.ElementSourceFragment
- getSourceCode() - Method in interface spoon.support.sniper.internal.SourceFragment
- getSourceCode() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.TokenSourceFragment
- getSourceCode(int, int) - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.ElementSourceFragment
- getSourceDetails() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.cu.position.BodyHolderSourcePositionImpl
- getSourceDetails() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.cu.position.CompoundSourcePositionImpl
- getSourceDetails() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.cu.position.DeclarationSourcePositionImpl
- getSourceDetails() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.cu.position.SourcePositionImpl
Helper for debugging purposes.
- getSourceDirectories() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.SpoonPom
Get the list of source directories of the project
- getSourceEnd() - Method in class spoon.reflect.cu.position.NoSourcePosition
- getSourceEnd() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.cu.SourcePosition
Gets the index at which the position ends in the source file.
- getSourceEnd() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.cu.position.CompoundSourcePositionImpl
- getSourceEnd() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.cu.position.DeclarationSourcePositionImpl
- getSourceEnd() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.cu.position.SourcePositionImpl
- getSourceFragmentOf(SourcePositionHolder, int, int) - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.ElementSourceFragment
Searches the tree of fragments for the
with expected `element`, which contains `start` and `end` source interval. - getSourceOutputDirectory() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Returns the directory where source files are written
- getSourceOutputDirectory() - Method in interface spoon.SpoonModelBuilder
Gets the output directory of this compiler.
- getSourceOutputDirectory() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- getSourceOutputDirectory() - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- getSourcePosition() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.ElementSourceFragment
- getSourceStart() - Method in class spoon.reflect.cu.position.NoSourcePosition
- getSourceStart() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.cu.SourcePosition
Gets the index at which the position starts in the source file.
- getSourceStart() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.cu.position.CompoundSourcePositionImpl
- getSourceStart() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.cu.position.SourcePositionImpl
- getSourceVersion() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.SpoonPom
Get the source version of the project
- getSpoonProgress() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Get the spoonProgress logger.
- getSpoonProgress() - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- getStart() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.ElementSourceFragment
- getStatement(int) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtStatementList
Gets the ith statement of this block.
- getStatement(int) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtBlockImpl
- getStatement(int) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCaseImpl
- getStatement(int) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtStatementListImpl
- getStatements() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtStatementList
Returns the statement list.
- getStatements() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtBlockImpl
- getStatements() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCaseImpl
- getStatements() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtStatementListImpl
- getSubFolders() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.SpoonFolder
Gets the subfolders in this folder.
- getSubFolders() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.FileSystemFolder
- getSubFolders() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.VirtualFolder
- getSubFolders() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.ZipFolder
- getSubRoles() - Method in enum spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- getSubstitution(CtType<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtIfImpl
- getSubstitution(CtType<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLoopImpl
- getSubstitution(CtType<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtReturnImpl
- getSubstitution(CtType<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtStatementListImpl
- getSubstitution(CtType<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtThrowImpl
- getSubstitution(CtType<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtTryImpl
- getSuperclass() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtTypeInformation
Returns the class type directly extended by this class.
- getSuperclass() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeReference
- getSuperclass() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationTypeImpl
- getSuperclass() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtClassImpl
- getSuperclass() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtEnumImpl
- getSuperclass() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtRecordImpl
- getSuperclass() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- getSuperclass() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- getSuperclass() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- getSuperConcepts() - Method in class spoon.metamodel.MetamodelConcept
- getSuperInterfaces() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtTypeInformation
Returns the interface types directly implemented by this class or extended by this interface.
- getSuperInterfaces() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeReference
- getSuperInterfaces() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationTypeImpl
- getSuperInterfaces() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- getSuperInterfaces() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- getSuperInterfaces() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- getSuperProperty() - Method in class spoon.metamodel.MetamodelProperty
- getSuperRole() - Method in enum spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- getTabCount() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrinterHelper
- getTabulationSize() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Gets the size of the tabulations in the generated source code.
- getTabulationSize() - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- getTagName() - Method in class spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocBlockTag
- getTagRealName() - Method in class spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocBlockTag
- getTags() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtJavaDoc
Get all the tag of the javadoc
- getTags() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtJavaDocImpl
- getTarget() - Method in class spoon.refactoring.AbstractRenameRefactoring
- getTarget() - Method in class spoon.refactoring.CtParameterRemoveRefactoring
- getTarget() - Method in interface spoon.refactoring.CtRenameRefactoring
- getTarget() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtTargetedExpression
Gets the target expression.
- getTarget() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtFieldAccessImpl
- getTarget() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtSuperAccessImpl
- getTarget() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtTargetedExpressionImpl
- getTargetExecutables() - Method in class spoon.refactoring.CtParameterRemoveRefactoring
- getTargetExport() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtPackageExport
- getTargetExport() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtPackageExportImpl
- getTargetInvocations() - Method in class spoon.refactoring.CtParameterRemoveRefactoring
- getTargetLabel() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtLabelledFlowBreak
Gets the label from which the control flow breaks (null if no label defined).
- getTargetLabel() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtBreakImpl
- getTargetLabel() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtContinueImpl
- getTargets() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.matcher.TobeMatched
- getTargetType() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.meta.RoleHandler
- getTemplateClasspath() - Method in interface spoon.SpoonModelBuilder
Gets the classpath that is used to build the template sources.
- getTemplateClasspath() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- getTemplateCtClass(Factory, Template<?>) - Static method in class spoon.template.Substitution
- getTemplateNode() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ConstantNode
- getTemplateParametersAsMap(Factory, Template<?>) - Static method in class spoon.support.template.Parameters
Gets the Map of names to template parameter values for all the template parameters of a given template type + adds mapping of template model reference to target type as parameter too
- getTemplates() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- getTemplateSources() - Method in interface spoon.SpoonModelBuilder
Gets all the files/directories given as template sources to this builder (see
). - getTemplateSources() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- getTemplateValueResolver(Object) - Method in interface spoon.pattern.internal.SubstitutionRequestProvider
- getTestDirectories() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.SpoonPom
Get the list of test directories of the project
- getThenExpression() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtConditional
Gets the "true" expression.
- getThenExpression() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtConditionalImpl
- getThenStatement() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtIf
Gets the statement executed when the condition is true.
- getThenStatement() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtIfImpl
- getThrownExpression() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtThrow
Returns the thrown expression (must be a throwable).
- getThrownExpression() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtThrowImpl
- getThrownTypes() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtExecutable
Returns the exceptions and other throwables listed in this method or constructor's throws clause.
- getThrownTypes() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLambdaImpl
- getThrownTypes() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationMethodImpl
- getThrownTypes() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutableImpl
- getThrownTypes() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtExecutableImpl
- getToken() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.TokenPrinterEvent
- getTokenType() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.TokenPrinterEvent
- getTopDefinitions() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtMethod
Returns the top-most methods in the hierarchy defining this method (in super class and super interfaces).
- getTopDefinitions() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtMethodImpl
- getTopLevelType() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtTypeMember
Returns the top level type declaring this type if an inner type or type member.
- getTopLevelType() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeReference
Returns this, or top level type of this, if this is an inner type
- getTopLevelType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtExecutableImpl
- getTopLevelType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtFieldImpl
- getTopLevelType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- getTopLevelType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- getTraversalStrategy() - Method in class spoon.processing.AbstractManualProcessor
Invalid method in this context.
- getTraversalStrategy() - Method in class spoon.processing.AbstractProcessor
- getTraversalStrategy() - Method in interface spoon.processing.Processor
Gets the model's traversal strategy for this processor (default is
). - getTraversalStrategy() - Method in class spoon.support.JavaOutputProcessor
- getType() - Method in class spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocBlockTag
- getType() - Method in class spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocInlineTag
- getType() - Method in class spoon.legacy.NameFilter
- getType() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtCatchVariable
Returns type reference of the exception variable in a catch.
- getType() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtConstructorCall
- getType() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtInvocation
Return the type returned by the invocation.
- getType() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtJavaDocTag
The type of the tag
- getType() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtSuperAccess
- getType() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtTypeAccess
Returns always VOID.
- getType() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtVariableAccess
- getType() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtTypedElement
Gets this element's type.
- getType() - Method in class spoon.reflect.path.impl.CtTypedNameElement
- getType() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReference
For methods, gets the return type of the executable (may be null in noclasspath mode).
- getType() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtVariableReference
Gets the type of the variable.
- getType() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.AbstractFilter
- getType() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.CompositeFilter
- getType() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.NamedElementFilter
- getType() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.RegexFilter
- getType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtAssignmentImpl
- getType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCatchVariableImpl
- getType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtConstructorCallImpl
- getType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtExpressionImpl
- getType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtInvocationImpl
- getType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtJavaDocTagImpl
- getType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLocalVariableImpl
- getType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtTypeAccessImpl
- getType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtVariableAccessImpl
- getType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutableImpl
- getType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtConstructorImpl
- getType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtFieldImpl
- getType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtMethodImpl
- getType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtParameterImpl
- getType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtRecordComponentImpl
- getType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.InvisibleArrayConstructorImpl
- getType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReferenceImpl
- getType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtVariableReferenceImpl
- getType() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.TokenPrinterEvent
Returns the token type
- getType() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.TokenSourceFragment
- getType() - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.reflect.RtParameter
Returns the
which is the type of the parameter. - getType(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtPackage
Finds a top-level type by name.
- getType(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtPackageImpl
- getTypeCasts() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtExpression
Returns the type casts if any.
- getTypeCasts() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtTypePattern
- getTypeCasts() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtAssignmentImpl
- getTypeCasts() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtExpressionImpl
- getTypeCasts() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationImpl
- getTypeDeclaration() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeReference
Returns the
that corresponds to the reference even if the type isn't in the Spoon source path (in this case, the Spoon elements are built with runtime reflection, and the resulting CtType is called a "shadow" class, seeCtShadowable.isShadow()
). - getTypeDeclaration() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeParameterReferenceImpl
- getTypeDeclaration() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- getTypeDeclaration() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtWildcardReferenceImpl
- getTypeErasure() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtTypeInformation
- getTypeErasure() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- getTypeErasure() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- getTypeErasure() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtArrayTypeReferenceImpl
- getTypeErasure() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtIntersectionTypeReferenceImpl
- getTypeErasure() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeParameterReferenceImpl
- getTypeErasure() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- getTypeMembers() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType
Gets all type members of the type like fields, methods, anonymous block, etc.
- getTypeMembers() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- getTypeMembers() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- getTypeOfField() - Method in class spoon.metamodel.MetamodelProperty
Return the type of the field for List<String> field the ValueType is List for String field the ValueType is String
- getTypeofItems() - Method in class spoon.metamodel.MetamodelProperty
Returns the type of the property for List<String> field the ValueType is String for String field the ValueType is String (when getContainerKind ==
. - getTypeParameter(GenericDeclaration, String) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.ExecutableRuntimeBuilderContext
- getTypeParameter(GenericDeclaration, String) - Method in interface spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.RuntimeBuilderContext
- getTypeParameter(GenericDeclaration, String) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.TypeReferenceRuntimeBuilderContext
- getTypeParameter(GenericDeclaration, String) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.TypeRuntimeBuilderContext
- getTypeParameterDeclaration() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeReference
If this type reference is used as a type argument (see
), returns the type parameter declaration in the target type, returns null otherwise. - getTypeParameterDeclaration() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- getTypeParameterDeclarer() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameter
- getTypeParameterDeclarer() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- getTypeParameters() - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.reflect.RtMethod
- getTypeReference() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeMemberWildcardImportReference
- getTypeReference() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeMemberWildcardImportReferenceImpl
- getTypeReference(String) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ReferenceBuilder
Try to build a CtTypeReference from a simple name with specified generic types but returns null if the name doesn't correspond to a type (not start by an upper case).
- getTypes() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtPackage
Returns the set of the top-level types in this package.
- getTypes() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtPackageImpl
- getUnits() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBatchCompiler
Calls JDT to retrieve the list of compilation unit declarations.
- getUnitType() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnit
Returns the declaration type of the compilation unit.
- getUnitType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnitImpl
- getUnnamedModule() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.CtModel
Returns the unnamed module.
- getUnnamedModule() - Method in class spoon.reflect.CtModelImpl
- getUnnamedModule() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.ModuleFactory
- getUnresolvedReference() - Method in class spoon.experimental.CtUnresolvedImport
- getUsedServices() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModule
- getUsedServices() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtModuleImpl
- getUsedTypes(boolean) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType
Returns the types used by this type.
- getUsedTypes(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- getValue() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.MapEntryNode
- getValue() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtLiteral
Gets the actual value of the literal (statically known).
- getValue() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtCodeSnippet
Gets the textual value of the code.
- getValue() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCodeSnippetExpressionImpl
- getValue() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCodeSnippetStatementImpl
- getValue() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLiteralImpl
- getValue(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotation
Gets a value, as a CtExpression, for a given key without any conversion.
- getValue(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationImpl
- getValue(String) - Method in interface spoon.support.util.ImmutableMap
- getValue(String) - Method in class spoon.support.util.ImmutableMapImpl
- getValue(ImmutableMap) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.AbstractParameterInfo
- getValue(ImmutableMap) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.ListParameterInfo
- getValue(ImmutableMap) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.MapParameterInfo
- getValue(ImmutableMap) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.SetParameterInfo
- getValue(Template<?>, String, Integer) - Static method in class spoon.support.template.Parameters
Gets a template field parameter value.
- getValue(T) - Method in class spoon.metamodel.MetamodelProperty
- getValue(T) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.meta.RoleHandler
- getValueAs(ParameterInfo, ResultHolder<T>, ImmutableMap) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.DefaultGenerator
Returns zero, one or more values into `result`.
- getValueAs(ParameterInfo, ResultHolder<T>, ImmutableMap) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.PatternPrinter
- getValueAs(Factory, String, Object, Class<T>) - Method in interface spoon.pattern.internal.ValueConvertor
- getValueAs(Factory, String, Object, Class<T>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.ValueConvertorImpl
- getValueAs(Factory, ResultHolder<T>, ImmutableMap) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.AbstractParameterInfo
- getValueAs(Factory, ResultHolder<T>, ImmutableMap) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.ComputedParameterInfo
- getValueAs(Factory, ResultHolder<T>, ImmutableMap) - Method in interface spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.ParameterInfo
Takes the value of parameter identified by this
from the `parameters` and adds that 0, 1 or more values into result (depending on type of result) - getValueAsInt(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotation
Returns the actual value of an annotation property, as an integer (utility method)
- getValueAsInt(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationImpl
- getValueAsObject(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotation
Returns the actual value of an annotation property
- getValueAsObject(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationImpl
- getValueAsString(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotation
Returns the actual value of an annotation property, as a String (utility method)
- getValueAsString(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationImpl
- getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class spoon.support.gui.SpoonObjectFieldsTable.SpoonObjectTableModel
- getValueByRole(CtRole) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
- getValueByRole(CtRole) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- getValueClass() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.meta.RoleHandler
- getValueConvertor() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.AbstractParameterInfo
- getValueOfRole(CtRole, Class<T>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ElementNode
- getValues() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotation
Returns this annotation's elements and their values.
- getValues() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationImpl
- getValueType() - Method in class spoon.metamodel.MMMethod
- getVariable() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtAnnotationFieldAccess
- getVariable() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtFieldAccess
- getVariable() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtForEach
Gets the variable that references the currently iterated element.
- getVariable() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtTypePattern
Returns the local variable declared by this type pattern.
- getVariable() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtVariableAccess
Gets the reference to the accessed variable.
- getVariable() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtFieldAccessImpl
- getVariable() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtForEachImpl
- getVariable() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtTypePatternImpl
- getVariable() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtVariableAccessImpl
- getVisibility() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModifiable
Gets the visibility of this modifiable element.
- getVisibility() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCatchVariableImpl
- getVisibility() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLocalVariableImpl
- getVisibility() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.CtModifierHandler
- getVisibility() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutableImpl
- getVisibility() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtConstructorImpl
- getVisibility() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtFieldImpl
- getVisibility() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtMethodImpl
- getVisibility() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtParameterImpl
- getVisibility() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- getVisibility() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- getVisitor() - Method in class spoon.support.QueueProcessingManager
- getWarningCount() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Gets the warning count from building, processing, and compiling within this environment.
- getWarningCount() - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- getWrappedName(String) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.AbstractParameterInfo
- getWrappedName(String) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.ComputedParameterInfo
- getWrappedName(String) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.ListParameterInfo
- getWrappedName(String) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.MapParameterInfo
- getWrappedName(String) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.SetParameterInfo
- getWrappedValue(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotation
Gets a value for a given key and try to fix its type based on the annotation type.
- getWrappedValue(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationImpl
- GREEDY - spoon.pattern.Quantifier
Force the matcher to read in, or eat, the entire input prior to attempting the next match (default).
- GT - spoon.reflect.code.BinaryOperatorKind
Greater than comparison.
- guessMavenHome() - Static method in class spoon.support.compiler.SpoonPom
Try to guess Maven home when none is provided.
- GZIP - spoon.support.CompressionType
- handleListenerSetQuery(Object) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQueryImpl
- handleTargetedExpression(CtTargetedExpression<?, ?>, ImportCleaner.Context) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportCleaner
- handleTargetedExpression(CtTargetedExpression<?, ?>, LexicalScope) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ForceFullyQualifiedProcessor
- handleTargetedExpression(CtTargetedExpression<?, ?>, LexicalScope) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ForceImportProcessor
- handleTargetedExpression(CtTargetedExpression<?, ?>, LexicalScope) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportConflictDetector
- handleTypeReference(CtTypeReference<?>, ImportCleaner.Context, CtRole) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportCleaner
- handleTypeReference(CtTypeReference<?>, LexicalScope, CtRole) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ForceFullyQualifiedProcessor
- handleTypeReference(CtTypeReference<?>, LexicalScope, CtRole) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ForceImportProcessor
- handleTypeReference(CtTypeReference<?>, LexicalScope, CtRole) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportConflictDetector
- hasAnnotation(Class<A>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
- hasAnnotation(Class<A>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- hasChangedRole() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.ChangeResolver
- hasFieldConflict(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CacheBasedConflictFinder
returns true if the given name is a field name
- hashCode() - Method in class spoon.experimental.CtUnresolvedImport
- hashCode() - Method in class spoon.javadoc.internal.Javadoc
- hashCode() - Method in class spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocBlockTag
- hashCode() - Method in class spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocDescription
- hashCode() - Method in class spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocInlineTag
- hashCode() - Method in class spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocSnippet
- hashCode() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.FileSystemFile
- hashCode() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.FileSystemFolder
- hashCode() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.ZipFile
- hashCode() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.ZipFolder
- hashCode() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCommentImpl
- hashCode() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.CtExtendedModifier
- hashCode() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.CtModifierHandler
- hashCode() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.cu.position.SourcePositionImpl
- hashCode() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- hashCode() - Method in class spoon.support.util.EmptyClearableList
- hashCode() - Method in class spoon.support.util.internal.ElementNameMap
- hashCode() - Method in class spoon.support.util.ModelList
- hashCode() - Method in class spoon.support.util.ModelSet
- hashCode() - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.TypeReferenceRuntimeBuilderContext
- hashCode() - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.reflect.RtMethod
- hashCode() - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.reflect.RtParameter
Returns a hash code based on the executable's hash code and the index.
- hashCode() - Method in class spoon.testing.AbstractAssert
- HashcodeVisitor - Class in spoon.support.visitor
Responsible for computing CtElement.hashCode().
- HashcodeVisitor() - Constructor for class spoon.support.visitor.HashcodeVisitor
- hasImplicitAncestor(CtElement) - Static method in class spoon.support.sniper.SniperJavaPrettyPrinter
Warning, not in the API, public for testing purposes
- hasInnerType(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Tells if a given Java qualified name is that of an inner type.
- hasMethod(CtMethod<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType
Searches in the type for the given method.
- hasMethod(CtMethod<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- hasModifier(ModifierKind) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModifiable
Tells if this element contains the given modifier.
- hasModifier(ModifierKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCatchVariableImpl
- hasModifier(ModifierKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLocalVariableImpl
- hasModifier(ModifierKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.CtModifierHandler
- hasModifier(ModifierKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutableImpl
- hasModifier(ModifierKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtConstructorImpl
- hasModifier(ModifierKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtFieldImpl
- hasModifier(ModifierKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtMethodImpl
- hasModifier(ModifierKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtParameterImpl
- hasModifier(ModifierKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- hasModifier(ModifierKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- hasNestedTypeConflict(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CacheBasedConflictFinder
returns true if the given name is a nested type name
- hasNext() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBFSIterator
- hasNext() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtIterator
- hasNext() - Method in class spoon.support.util.EmptyIterator
- hasPackage(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Tells if a given Java qualified name contains a package name.
- hasPackageInfo() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtPackage
- hasPackageInfo() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtPackageImpl
- hasPackages() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtPackage
Returns true if this package contains any sub-packages.
- hasPackages() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtPackageImpl
- hasParam() - Method in enum spoon.reflect.code.CtJavaDocTag.TagType
Return true if the tag can have a parameter
- hasParent(CtElement) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
Tells if the given element is a direct or indirect parent.
- hasParent(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- hasSameMethodFormalTypeParameters(CtFormalTypeDeclarer) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.MethodTypingContext
https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se8/html/jls-8.html#jls-8.4.4 Formal type parameters of method are same if 1) both methods have same number of formal type parameters 2) bounds of Formal type parameters are after adapting same types
- hasSameParameters(CtExecutable<?>, CtTypeReference<?>...) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- hasTargets() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.matcher.TobeMatched
- hasTypes() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtPackage
Returns true if this package contains any types.
- hasTypes() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtPackageImpl
- hasValue(String) - Method in interface spoon.support.util.ImmutableMap
- hasValue(String) - Method in class spoon.support.util.ImmutableMapImpl
- HEXADECIMAL - spoon.reflect.code.LiteralBase
- IDENTIFIER - spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtArrayTypeReferenceImpl.DeclarationKind
Brackets are after identifier.
- IDENTIFIER - spoon.support.sniper.internal.TokenType
- IF - spoon.reflect.visitor.JavaIdentifiers
- IGNORE - spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.QueryFailurePolicy
when output type of previous step cannot be assigned to input type of next step then such output is ignored
- ignoreEnclosingClass() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrintingContext
- ignoreEnclosingClass(boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrintingContext.Writable
- ignoreFile(String) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBatchCompiler
- ignoreGenerics() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrintingContext
- ignoreGenerics(boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrintingContext.Writable
- ignoreImplicit - Variable in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
If true: always prints fully qualified names by ignoring the isImplicit attribute of AST nodes Default value is "true" for backward compatibility.
- ignoreStaticAccess() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrintingContext
- ignoreStaticAccess(boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrintingContext.Writable
- ImmutableMap - Interface in spoon.support.util
An immutable map.
- ImmutableMapImpl - Class in spoon.support.util
Internal class only, not in the public API.
- ImmutableMapImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.util.ImmutableMapImpl
- ImmutableMapImpl(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class spoon.support.util.ImmutableMapImpl
- ImmutableMapImpl(Map<String, Object>, String, Object) - Constructor for class spoon.support.util.ImmutableMapImpl
- IMPLEMENTATION_TYPE - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- implicit(ModifierKind) - Static method in class spoon.support.reflect.CtExtendedModifier
Creates an extended modifier of the given kind that is implicit.
- IMPORT - spoon.reflect.visitor.JavaIdentifiers
- IMPORT - spoon.support.compiler.SpoonProgress.Process
- IMPORT_REFERENCE - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- ImportCleaner - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor
Updates list of import statements of compilation unit following
. - ImportCleaner() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportCleaner
- ImportCleaner.Context - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor
a set of imports for a given compilation unit
- ImportCleaner.ImportCleanerScanner - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor
A scanner that initializes context for a compilation unit.
- ImportCleanerScanner() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportCleaner.ImportCleanerScanner
- ImportConflictDetector - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor
Detects conflicts needed to be required be a fully-qualified name.
- ImportConflictDetector() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportConflictDetector
- ImportScanner - Interface in spoon.reflect.visitor
Used to compute the imports required to write readable code with no fully qualified names.
- ImportScannerImpl - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor
A scanner that calculates the imports for a given model.
- ImportScannerImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportScannerImpl
- INC_TAB - spoon.support.sniper.internal.TokenType
- includingInterfaces(boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.SubInheritanceHierarchyFunction
- includingInterfaces(boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.SuperInheritanceHierarchyFunction
- includingInterfaces(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.SubInheritanceHierarchyResolver
- includingLambdas(boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.AllMethodsSameSignatureFunction
- includingSelf(boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.AllMethodsSameSignatureFunction
- includingSelf(boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.CtScannerFunction
- includingSelf(boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.OverriddenMethodFilter
- includingSelf(boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.OverridingMethodFilter
- includingSelf(boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.ParentFunction
- includingSelf(boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.SiblingsFunction
- includingSelf(boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.SubInheritanceHierarchyFunction
- includingSelf(boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.SubtypeFilter
- includingSelf(boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.SuperInheritanceHierarchyFunction
- IncrementalLauncher - Class in spoon
Create a Spoon launcher for incremental build
- IncrementalLauncher(Set<File>, Set<String>, File) - Constructor for class spoon.IncrementalLauncher
Creates a
for incremental build. - IncrementalLauncher(Set<File>, Set<String>, File, boolean) - Constructor for class spoon.IncrementalLauncher
Creates a
for incremental build. - incTab() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultTokenWriter
- incTab() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrinterHelper
Increments the current number of tabs.
- incTab() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.TokenWriter
increments indentation
- incTab() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.MutableTokenWriter
- incTab() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.TokenWriterProxy
- IndentationDetector - Class in spoon.support.sniper.internal
Utility class for detecting the indentation style used in a compilation unit.
- indexOf(Object) - Method in class spoon.support.util.ModelList
- inferConsumedAnnotationType() - Method in class spoon.processing.AbstractAnnotationProcessor
- inferConsumedAnnotationType() - Method in interface spoon.processing.AnnotationProcessor
Returns true (default) if the processor automatically infers the consumed annotation type to the
actual type. - INFO - spoon.support.Level
- INHERIT_DOC - spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocInlineTag.Type
- init() - Method in class spoon.processing.AbstractManualProcessor
- init() - Method in class spoon.processing.AbstractProcessor
- init() - Method in interface spoon.processing.Processor
This method is called to initialize the processor before each processing round.
- init() - Method in class spoon.support.JavaOutputProcessor
- initializeCompiler(JDTBatchCompiler) - Method in interface spoon.SpoonModelBuilder.InputType
responsible for setting the parameters of JDTBatchCompiler, must call setCompilationUnits()
- initializeCompiler(JDTBatchCompiler) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.FactoryCompilerConfig
returns the compilation units corresponding to the types in the factory.
- initializeCompiler(JDTBatchCompiler) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.FileCompilerConfig
- initProperties(Processor<?>, ProcessorProperties) - Static method in class spoon.testing.utils.ProcessorUtils
sets the fields of processor "p" given as parameter according to the properties
- initProperties(ProcessorProperties) - Method in class spoon.processing.AbstractManualProcessor
- initProperties(ProcessorProperties) - Method in class spoon.processing.AbstractProcessor
Helper method to initialize the properties of a given processor.
- initProperties(ProcessorProperties) - Method in interface spoon.processing.Processor
Initializes the properties defined by this processor by using the environment.
- initWithImports(Iterable<CtImport>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportScanner
Specify the original imports to use before computing new imports.
- initWithImports(Iterable<CtImport>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportScannerImpl
- INLINE - spoon.reflect.code.CtComment.CommentType
Inline comment (//)
- INLINE_COMMENT_START - Static variable in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
The beginning of an inline comment
- InlinedStatementConfigurator - Class in spoon.pattern
Builds inline statements of Pattern For example if the `for` statement in this pattern model
- InlinedStatementConfigurator(PatternBuilder) - Constructor for class spoon.pattern.InlinedStatementConfigurator
- inlineElseIf - Variable in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- inlineIfOrForeachReferringTo(String) - Method in class spoon.pattern.InlinedStatementConfigurator
marks all CtIf and CtForEach whose expression contains a variable reference named `variableName` as inline statement.
- InlineNode - Interface in spoon.pattern.internal.node
Represents a kind of
, whose AST statements are understood as pattern statements. - InlinePartialEvaluator - Class in spoon.support.reflect.eval
Simplifies an AST inline based on
(wanring: the nodes are changed). - InlinePartialEvaluator(PartialEvaluator) - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.eval.InlinePartialEvaluator
- INNERTTYPE_SEPARATOR - Static variable in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType
The string separator in a Java innertype qualified name.
- inputResource(Iterable<String>) - Method in class spoon.FluentLauncher
Adds an input resource to be processed by Spoon (either a file or a folder).
- inputResource(String) - Method in class spoon.FluentLauncher
Adds an input resource to be processed by Spoon (either a file or a folder).
- insertAfter(CtStatement) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtStatement
Inserts a statement after the current statement.
- insertAfter(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtConstructorCallImpl
- insertAfter(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtInvocationImpl
- insertAfter(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtStatementImpl
- insertAfter(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtUnaryOperatorImpl
- insertAfter(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtClassImpl
- insertAfter(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtInterfaceImpl
- insertAfter(CtStatementList) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtStatement
Inserts a statement list before the current statement.
- insertAfter(CtStatementList) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtConstructorCallImpl
- insertAfter(CtStatementList) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtInvocationImpl
- insertAfter(CtStatementList) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtStatementImpl
- insertAfter(CtStatementList) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtUnaryOperatorImpl
- insertAfter(CtStatementList) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtClassImpl
- insertAfter(CtStatementList) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtInterfaceImpl
- insertAfter(CtStatement, CtStatement) - Static method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtStatementImpl
- insertAfter(CtStatement, CtStatementList) - Static method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtStatementImpl
- insertAfter(Filter<? extends CtStatement>, CtStatement) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtStatementList
Inserts the given statement after a set of insertion points given by a filter.
- insertAfter(Filter<? extends CtStatement>, CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtBlockImpl
- insertAfter(Filter<? extends CtStatement>, CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCaseImpl
- insertAfter(Filter<? extends CtStatement>, CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtStatementListImpl
- insertAfter(Filter<? extends CtStatement>, CtStatementList) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtStatementList
Inserts the given statement list after a set of insertion points given by a filter.
- insertAfter(Filter<? extends CtStatement>, CtStatementList) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtBlockImpl
- insertAfter(Filter<? extends CtStatement>, CtStatementList) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCaseImpl
- insertAfter(Filter<? extends CtStatement>, CtStatementList) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtStatementListImpl
- insertAll(CtType<?>, T) - Static method in class spoon.template.Substitution
Inserts all the methods, fields, constructors, initialization blocks (if target is a class), inner types, and super interfaces (except
) from a given template by substituting all the template parameters by their values. - insertAllConstructors(CtType<?>, Template<?>) - Static method in class spoon.template.Substitution
Inserts all constructors and initialization blocks from a given template by substituting all the template parameters by their values.
- insertAllFields(CtType<?>, Template<?>) - Static method in class spoon.template.Substitution
Inserts all the fields from a given template by substituting all the template parameters by their values.
- insertAllMethods(CtType<?>, Template<?>) - Static method in class spoon.template.Substitution
Inserts all the methods from a given template by substituting all the template parameters by their values.
- insertAllNestedTypes(CtType<?>, Template<?>) - Static method in class spoon.template.Substitution
Inserts all the nested types from a given template by substituting all the template parameters by their values.
- insertAllSuperInterfaces(CtType<?>, Template<?>) - Static method in class spoon.template.Substitution
Inserts all the super interfaces (except
) from a given template by substituting all the template parameters by their values. - insertBefore(CtStatement) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtStatement
Inserts a statement given as parameter before the current statement (this).
- insertBefore(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtConstructorCallImpl
- insertBefore(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtInvocationImpl
- insertBefore(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtStatementImpl
- insertBefore(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtUnaryOperatorImpl
- insertBefore(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtClassImpl
- insertBefore(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtInterfaceImpl
- insertBefore(CtStatementList) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtStatement
Inserts a statement list before the current statement.
- insertBefore(CtStatementList) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtConstructorCallImpl
- insertBefore(CtStatementList) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtInvocationImpl
- insertBefore(CtStatementList) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtStatementImpl
- insertBefore(CtStatementList) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtUnaryOperatorImpl
- insertBefore(CtStatementList) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtClassImpl
- insertBefore(CtStatementList) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtInterfaceImpl
- insertBefore(CtStatement, CtStatement) - Static method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtStatementImpl
insert `statement` just before target
- insertBefore(CtStatement, CtStatementList) - Static method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtStatementImpl
inserts all statements of `statementsToBeInserted` just before `target`
- insertBefore(Filter<? extends CtStatement>, CtStatement) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtStatementList
Inserts the given statement before a set of insertion points given by a filter.
- insertBefore(Filter<? extends CtStatement>, CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtBlockImpl
- insertBefore(Filter<? extends CtStatement>, CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCaseImpl
- insertBefore(Filter<? extends CtStatement>, CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtStatementListImpl
- insertBefore(Filter<? extends CtStatement>, CtStatementList) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtStatementList
Inserts the given statement list before a set of insertion points given by a filter.
- insertBefore(Filter<? extends CtStatement>, CtStatementList) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtBlockImpl
- insertBefore(Filter<? extends CtStatement>, CtStatementList) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCaseImpl
- insertBefore(Filter<? extends CtStatement>, CtStatementList) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtStatementListImpl
- insertBegin(CtStatement) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtStatementList
Inserts the given statement at the beginning of the block.
- insertBegin(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtBlockImpl
- insertBegin(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCaseImpl
- insertBegin(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtStatementListImpl
- insertBegin(CtStatementList) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtStatementList
Inserts the given statement list at the beginning of the block.
- insertBegin(CtStatementList) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtBlockImpl
- insertBegin(CtStatementList) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCaseImpl
- insertBegin(CtStatementList) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtStatementListImpl
- insertConstructor(CtClass<T>, Template<?>, CtConstructor<?>) - Static method in class spoon.template.Substitution
Generates a constructor from a template constructor by substituting all the template parameters by their values.
- insertConstructor(CtClass<T>, Template<?>, CtMethod<?>) - Static method in class spoon.template.Substitution
Generates a constructor from a template method by substituting all the template parameters by their values.
- insertEnd(CtStatement) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtStatementList
Inserts the given statement at the end of the block.
- insertEnd(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtBlockImpl
- insertEnd(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCaseImpl
- insertEnd(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtStatementListImpl
- insertEnd(CtStatementList) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtStatementList
Inserts the given statements at the end of the block.
- insertEnd(CtStatementList) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtBlockImpl
- insertEnd(CtStatementList) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCaseImpl
- insertEnd(CtStatementList) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtStatementListImpl
- insertField(CtType<?>, Template<?>, CtField<T>) - Static method in class spoon.template.Substitution
Generates a field (and its initialization expression) from a template field by substituting all the template parameters by their values.
- insertMethod(CtType<?>, Template<?>, CtMethod<T>) - Static method in class spoon.template.Substitution
Generates a method from a template method by substituting all the template parameters by their values.
- INSIDE - spoon.reflect.visitor.printer.CommentOffset
- instance() - Static method in class spoon.support.util.EmptyClearableList
- instance() - Static method in class spoon.support.util.EmptyClearableSet
- instance() - Static method in class spoon.support.util.EmptyIterator
- INSTANCE - Static variable in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.SimpleNameOfTypeReferenceParameterComputer
- INSTANCE - Static variable in class spoon.support.comparator.QualifiedNameComparator
- INSTANCE - Static variable in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.FactoryCompilerConfig
- INSTANCE - Static variable in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.FileCompilerConfig
Default implementation of which initializes
by all sources and templates registered inSpoonModelBuilder
- INSTANCE - Static variable in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.DefaultSourceFragmentPrinter
- INSTANCE - Static variable in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.CloneHelper
- INSTANCEOF - spoon.reflect.code.BinaryOperatorKind
Instanceof (OO specific).
- instantiateAndProcess(List<String>) - Method in interface spoon.SpoonModelBuilder
Takes a list of fully qualified name processors and instantiates them to process the Java model.
- instantiateAndProcess(List<String>) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- INTEGER - Variable in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
- INTEGER_PRIMITIVE - Variable in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
- integerPrimitiveType() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Returns a reference on the integer primitive type.
- integerType() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Returns a reference on the integer type.
- Interface() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
Access to
subfactory - Interface() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
sub-factory. - INTERFACE - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- INTERFACE - spoon.reflect.visitor.JavaIdentifiers
- InterfaceFactory - Class in spoon.reflect.factory
sub-factory. - InterfaceFactory(Factory) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.factory.InterfaceFactory
Creates a new interface sub-factory.
- interfacesExtendObject(boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.SuperInheritanceHierarchyFunction
configures whether it should visit
at the end of interface extends interface hierarchy. - Internal - Annotation Type in spoon.support
Tells that an element is not in the public API (even if it has Java visibility "public") Required because package-visibility is too coarse-grained.
- interrupt() - Method in class spoon.processing.AbstractManualProcessor
- interrupt() - Method in class spoon.processing.AbstractProcessor
- interrupt() - Method in interface spoon.processing.Processor
Interrupts the processing of this processor but changes on your AST are kept and the invocation of this method doesn't interrupt the processing of all processors specified in the
. - INTERSECTION - spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.FilteringOperator
Defines the intersection of several filters: it matches if all the filters match.
- InvalidClassPathException - Exception in spoon.compiler
- InvalidClassPathException() - Constructor for exception spoon.compiler.InvalidClassPathException
- InvalidClassPathException(String) - Constructor for exception spoon.compiler.InvalidClassPathException
- InvalidClassPathException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception spoon.compiler.InvalidClassPathException
- InvalidClassPathException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception spoon.compiler.InvalidClassPathException
- InvalidReplaceException - Exception in spoon.support.visitor.replace
Thrown when replacing of element by another element is not possible
- InvalidReplaceException() - Constructor for exception spoon.support.visitor.replace.InvalidReplaceException
- InvalidReplaceException(String) - Constructor for exception spoon.support.visitor.replace.InvalidReplaceException
- InvalidReplaceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception spoon.support.visitor.replace.InvalidReplaceException
- InvalidReplaceException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception spoon.support.visitor.replace.InvalidReplaceException
- InvisibleArrayConstructorImpl<T> - Class in spoon.support.reflect.declaration
This class is used to represent the constructor of an array when calling with an expression like
- InvisibleArrayConstructorImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.InvisibleArrayConstructorImpl
- InvocationFilter - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
This simple filter matches all the accesses to a given executable or any executable that overrides it.
- InvocationFilter(CtMethod<?>) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.InvocationFilter
Creates a new invocation filter.
- InvocationFilter(CtExecutableReference<?>) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.InvocationFilter
Creates a new invocation filter.
- invoke(CtInvocation<T>) - Static method in class spoon.support.util.RtHelper
Actually invokes from a compile-time invocation (by using runtime reflection).
- IS_DEFAULT - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- IS_FINAL - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- IS_IMPLICIT - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- IS_INFERRED - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- IS_SHADOW - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- IS_STATIC - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- IS_UPPER - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- IS_VARARGS - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- isAbstract() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModifiable
Returns true if it contains an abstract modifier (see
) - isAbstract() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCatchVariableImpl
- isAbstract() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLocalVariableImpl
- isAbstract() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.CtModifierHandler
- isAbstract() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutableImpl
- isAbstract() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtConstructorImpl
- isAbstract() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtFieldImpl
- isAbstract() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtMethodImpl
- isAbstract() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtParameterImpl
- isAbstract() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- isActualFile() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.SpoonFile
Tells if this file is an actual file (not a virtual file that holds in-memory contents).
- isActualFile() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.FileSystemFile
- isActualFile() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.VirtualFile
- isActualFile() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.ZipFile
- isAddGeneratedBy() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.DefaultGenerator
- isAddGeneratedBy() - Method in class spoon.template.AbstractTemplate
- isAllowedParameterUsage(CtParameterReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.refactoring.CtParameterRemoveRefactoring
Detects whether found usage of removed parameter is acceptable
- isAnnotationType() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtTypeInformation
Returns true if this type is an annotation type.
- isAnnotationType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationTypeImpl
- isAnnotationType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- isAnnotationType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- isAnonymous() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtClass
if the referenced type is a anonymous type - isAnonymous() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtTypeInformation
if the referenced type is a anonymous type - isAnonymous() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtClassImpl
- isAnonymous() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- isAnonymous() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- isAnonymous() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- isArchive() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.SpoonResource
Tells if this resource is an archive.
- isArchive() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.FileSystemFile
- isArchive() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.FileSystemFolder
- isArchive() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.SpoonPom
- isArchive() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.VirtualFile
- isArchive() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.VirtualFolder
- isArchive() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.ZipFile
- isArchive() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.ZipFolder
- isArchive(File) - Static method in class spoon.compiler.SpoonResourceHelper
Tells if the given file is an archive file.
- isArray() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtTypeInformation
- isArray() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- isArray() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- isAutoImports() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Returns true if we let Spoon handle imports and turn fully qualified type names int simply qualified names.
- isAutoImports() - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- isAutoSimplifySubstitutions() - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternBuilder
- isBuildModelFinished() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.CtModel
If true, the first build model has been finished.
- isBuildModelFinished() - Method in class spoon.reflect.CtModelImpl
- isCanAddImports() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportCleaner
- isCanRemoveImports() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportCleaner
- isClass() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtTypeInformation
Returns true if this type is a class.
- isClass() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtClassImpl
- isClass() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtEnumImpl
- isClass() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- isClass() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- isCommentsEnabled() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Returns the value of the option enable-comments.
- isCommentsEnabled() - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- isCompactConstructor() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtConstructor
Checks if the constructor is a compact constructor.
- isCompactConstructor() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtConstructorImpl
- isConflicting(CtMethod<?>, CtMethod<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.adaption.TypeAdaptor
Checks if two given methods are conflicting, i.e.
- isConstructor() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReference
Tells if this is a reference to a constructor.
- isConstructor() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReferenceImpl
- isCopyResources() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Returns the value of the option copy-resources.
- isCopyResources() - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- isDefault() - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.reflect.RtMethod
- isDefaultBoundingType() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeParameterReference
Returns true if this has the default bounding type that is java.lang.Object (which basically means that there is no bound)
- isDefaultBoundingType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeParameterReferenceImpl
- isDefaultMethod() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtMethod
Checks if the method is a default method.
- isDefaultMethod() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtMethodImpl
- isDerived() - Method in class spoon.metamodel.MetamodelProperty
- isElementExists(SourcePositionHolder) - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.ChangeResolver
- isElseIf(CtIf) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ElementPrinterHelper
- isEmpty() - Method in class spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocDescription
- isEmpty() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtPackage
- isEmpty() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtPackageImpl
- isEmpty() - Method in class spoon.support.util.EmptyClearableList
- isEmpty() - Method in class spoon.support.util.EmptyClearableSet
- isEmpty() - Method in class spoon.support.util.internal.ElementNameMap
- isEmpty() - Method in class spoon.support.util.ModelList
- isEmpty() - Method in class spoon.support.util.ModelSet
- isEnum() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtTypeInformation
Returns true if this type is an enum.
- isEnum() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtEnumImpl
- isEnum() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- isEnum() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- isEqual() - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.EqualsVisitor
- isEqualTo(File) - Method in class spoon.testing.AbstractFileAssert
Verifies that the actual value is equal to the given one.
- isEqualTo(String) - Method in class spoon.testing.AbstractCtElementAssert
Verifies that the actual value is equal to the given one.
- isEqualTo(String) - Method in class spoon.testing.AbstractFileAssert
Verifies that the actual value is equal to the given one.
- isEqualTo(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.testing.AbstractCtElementAssert
Verifies that the actual value is equal to the given one.
- isEqualTo(CtPackage) - Method in class spoon.testing.AbstractCtPackageAssert
Verifies that the actual value is equal to the given one.
- isFailOnMissingParameter() - Method in class spoon.pattern.InlinedStatementConfigurator
- isFile() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.SpoonResource
Tells if this resource is a file.
- isFile() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.FileSystemFile
- isFile() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.FileSystemFolder
- isFile() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.SpoonPom
- isFile() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.VirtualFile
- isFile() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.VirtualFolder
- isFile() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.ZipFile
- isFile() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.ZipFolder
- isFile(File) - Static method in class spoon.compiler.SpoonResourceHelper
Tells if the given file is file (files are not archives).
- isFinal() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModifiable
Returns true if it contains a final modifier (see
) - isFinal() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReference
Tells if the referenced executable is final.
- isFinal() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtFieldReference
Tells if the referenced field is final.
- isFinal() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCatchVariableImpl
- isFinal() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLocalVariableImpl
- isFinal() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.CtModifierHandler
- isFinal() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutableImpl
- isFinal() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtConstructorImpl
- isFinal() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtFieldImpl
- isFinal() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtMethodImpl
- isFinal() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtParameterImpl
- isFinal() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- isFinal() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReferenceImpl
- isFinal() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtFieldReferenceImpl
- isFirstForVariable() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrintingContext
- isFirstForVariable(boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrintingContext.Writable
- isGenerics() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtTypeInformation
Returns true if it is not a concrete, resolvable class, it if refers to a type parameter directly or indirectly.
- isGenerics() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- isGenerics() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- isGenerics() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtArrayTypeReferenceImpl
- isGenerics() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeParameterReferenceImpl
- isGenerics() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- isIgnoreDuplicateDeclarations() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Whether Spoon currently ignores duplicate declarations of types.
- isIgnoreDuplicateDeclarations() - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- isImplicit() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtTypeAccess
- isImplicit() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
Returns true if this element is not present in the code (automatically added by the Java compiler or inferred when the model is built).
- isImplicit() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeMemberWildcardImportReference
- isImplicit() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtTypeAccessImpl
- isImplicit() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.CtExtendedModifier
- isImplicit() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- isImplicit() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtRecordComponentImpl
- isImplicit() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeMemberWildcardImportReferenceImpl
- isImported(CtReference) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportScanner
Checks if the type is already imported.
- isImported(CtReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportScannerImpl
- isImportedInClassImports(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportScannerImpl
- isImportedInFieldImports(CtFieldReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportScannerImpl
- isImportedInMethodImports(CtExecutableReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportScannerImpl
- isInCurrentScope(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrintingContext
- isInferred() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtLocalVariable
Return true if this variable's type is not explicitely defined in the source code, but was using the `var` keyword of Java 10.
- isInferred() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtParameter
Returns true if this parameter is a lambda parameter with type defined using the `var` keyword (since Java 11).
- isInferred() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLocalVariableImpl
- isInferred() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtParameterImpl
- isInterface() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtTypeInformation
Returns true if this type is an interface.
- isInterface() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtInterfaceImpl
- isInterface() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- isInterface() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- isJava() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.SpoonFile
True if a Java source code file.
- isJava() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.FileSystemFile
- isJava() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.VirtualFile
- isJava() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.ZipFile
- isJavaIdentifier(String) - Method in class spoon.refactoring.AbstractRenameRefactoring
Helper method, which can be used by the child classes to check if name is an java identifier
- isKnownAtCompileTime(CtExpression<?>) - Static method in class spoon.support.reflect.eval.EvalHelper
returns true if the expression is known at compile time Bonus method for @oscarlvp :-)
- isLegalJavaExecutableIdentifier(String) - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.visitor.JavaIdentifiers
Checks if a string is a valid Java package identifier.
- isLegalJavaIdentifier(String) - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.visitor.JavaIdentifiers
Checks if a string is a valid Java identifier and not a Java keyword.
- isLegalJavaPackageIdentifier(String) - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.visitor.JavaIdentifiers
Checks if a string is a valid Java package identifier.
- isLocalType() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtTypeInformation
if the referenced type is declared in an executable. - isLocalType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- isLocalType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- isLocalType() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- isMandatory(ImmutableMap) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ForEachNode
- isMandatory(ImmutableMap) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ParameterNode
- isMandatory(ImmutableMap) - Method in interface spoon.pattern.internal.node.RepeatableMatcher
- isMandatory(ImmutableMap) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.AbstractParameterInfo
- isMandatory(ImmutableMap) - Method in interface spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.ParameterInfo
- isMinimizeRoundBrackets() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- isMulti() - Method in enum spoon.metamodel.MMMethodKind
- isMultiple() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.AbstractParameterInfo
- isMultiple() - Method in interface spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.ParameterInfo
- isMultiple() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.ResultHolder
- isMultiple() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.ResultHolder.Multiple
- isMultiple() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.ResultHolder.Single
- isMuted() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.MutableTokenWriter
- isNative() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModifiable
Returns true if it contains a native modifier (see
) - isNative() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCatchVariableImpl
- isNative() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLocalVariableImpl
- isNative() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.CtModifierHandler
- isNative() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutableImpl
- isNative() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtConstructorImpl
- isNative() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtFieldImpl
- isNative() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtMethodImpl
- isNative() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtParameterImpl
- isNative() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- isNextForVariable() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrintingContext
- isNextForVariable(boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrintingContext.Writable
- isNotEqual - Variable in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.EqualsVisitor
- isNotEqual() - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.EqualsChecker
- isOpenedPackage() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtPackageExport
- isOpenedPackage() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtPackageExportImpl
- isOpenModule() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModule
- isOpenModule() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtModuleImpl
- isOverriding(CtMethod<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtMethod
- isOverriding(CtMethod<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtMethodImpl
- isOverriding(CtMethod<?>, CtMethod<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.adaption.TypeAdaptor
Checks if
. - isOverriding(CtMethod<?>, CtMethod<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.ClassTypingContext
thisMethod overrides thatMethod if 1) thisMethod class is a subclass of thatMethod class 2) thisMethod is a subsignature of thatMethod See http://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se7/html/jls-8.html#jls-
- isOverriding(CtExecutableReference<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReference
if this executable overrides the given executable. - isOverriding(CtExecutableReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReferenceImpl
- isParameterized() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtTypeInformation
Returns true if it has any type parameter (generic or not).
- isParameterized() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- isParameterized() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- isParameterSource(Field) - Static method in class spoon.support.template.Parameters
Tells if a given field is a template parameter.
- isParameterSource(CtFieldReference<?>) - Static method in class spoon.support.template.Parameters
Tells if a given field is a template parameter.
- isParentInitialized() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
Tells if this parent has been initialized.
- isParentInitialized() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- isPartOfJointDeclaration() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtVariable
Returns true it the variable (field, localvariable) is jointly declared with a share type Eg int a,b; Warning: is computed on demand
- isPartOfJointDeclaration() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCatchVariableImpl
- isPartOfJointDeclaration() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLocalVariableImpl
- isPartOfJointDeclaration() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtFieldImpl
- isPartOfJointDeclaration() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtParameterImpl
- isPreserveLineNumbers() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Tells if the source generator will try to preserve the original line numbers.
- isPreserveLineNumbers() - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- isPreviewFeaturesEnabled() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Returns true if preview language features are enabled.
- isPreviewFeaturesEnabled() - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- isPrimitive() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtTypeInformation
if the referenced type is a primitive type (int, double, boolean...). - isPrimitive() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- isPrimitive() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- isPrimitive() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeParameterReferenceImpl
- isPrimitive() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- isPrintParametersAsComments() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.PatternPrinter
- isPrivate() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModifiable
Returns true if it contains a private modifier (see
) - isPrivate() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCatchVariableImpl
- isPrivate() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLocalVariableImpl
- isPrivate() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.CtModifierHandler
- isPrivate() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutableImpl
- isPrivate() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtConstructorImpl
- isPrivate() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtFieldImpl
- isPrivate() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtMethodImpl
- isPrivate() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtParameterImpl
- isPrivate() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- isPrivileged() - Method in class spoon.processing.AbstractManualProcessor
Invalid method in this context.
- isProcessingStopped() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Tells if the processing is stopped, generally because one of the processors called
after reporting an error. - isProcessingStopped() - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
Tells if the processing is stopped, generally because one of the processors called
after reporting an error. - isProtected() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModifiable
Returns true if it contains a protected modifier (see
) - isProtected() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCatchVariableImpl
- isProtected() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLocalVariableImpl
- isProtected() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.CtModifierHandler
- isProtected() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutableImpl
- isProtected() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtConstructorImpl
- isProtected() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtFieldImpl
- isProtected() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtMethodImpl
- isProtected() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtParameterImpl
- isProtected() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- isPublic() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModifiable
Returns true if it contains a public modifier (see
) - isPublic() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCatchVariableImpl
- isPublic() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLocalVariableImpl
- isPublic() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.CtModifierHandler
- isPublic() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutableImpl
- isPublic() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtConstructorImpl
- isPublic() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtFieldImpl
- isPublic() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtMethodImpl
- isPublic() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtParameterImpl
- isPublic() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- isRemovedParamOfRefactoredInvocation(CtParameterReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.refactoring.CtParameterRemoveRefactoring
- isRepeatable() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ForEachNode
- isRepeatable() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ParameterNode
- isRepeatable() - Method in interface spoon.pattern.internal.node.RepeatableMatcher
- isRepeatable() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.AbstractParameterInfo
- isRepeatable() - Method in interface spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.ParameterInfo
- isRoleModified(CtRole) - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.ChangeResolver
- isSameSignature(CtExecutable<?>, CtMethod<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.ClassTypingContext
Two methods are considered as having the same signature if they have the same name and argument types See https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se8/html/jls-8.html#jls-8.4.2
- isSameSignature(CtMethod<?>, CtMethod<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.adaption.TypeAdaptor
Checks if two methods have the same signature, once you adapt both to the context of this type adapter.
- isShadow() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtShadowable
When an element isn't present in the factory (created in another factory), this element is considered as "shadow".
- isShadow() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationImpl
- isShadow() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtConstructorImpl
- isShadow() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtFieldImpl
- isShadow() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtMethodImpl
- isShadow() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtPackageImpl
- isShadow() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtParameterImpl
- isShadow() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtRecordComponentImpl
- isShadow() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- isShadow() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- isSimplifyGenerated() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.AbstractNode
- isSimplifyGenerated() - Method in interface spoon.pattern.internal.node.RootNode
- isSimplyQualified() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeReference
- isSimplyQualified() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtArrayTypeReferenceImpl
- isSimplyQualified() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtIntersectionTypeReferenceImpl
- isSimplyQualified() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeParameterReferenceImpl
- isSimplyQualified() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- isStatement(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrintingContext
- isStatic() - Method in class spoon.experimental.CtUnresolvedImport
- isStatic() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModifiable
Returns true if it contains a static modifier (see
) - isStatic() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReference
Tells if the referenced executable is static.
- isStatic() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtFieldReference
Tells if the referenced field is static.
- isStatic() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCatchVariableImpl
- isStatic() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLocalVariableImpl
- isStatic() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.CtModifierHandler
- isStatic() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutableImpl
- isStatic() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtConstructorImpl
- isStatic() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtFieldImpl
- isStatic() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtMethodImpl
- isStatic() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtParameterImpl
- isStatic() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- isStatic() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReferenceImpl
- isStatic() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtFieldReferenceImpl
Tells if the referenced field is static.
- isStrictfp() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModifiable
Returns true if it contains a strictfp modifier (see
) - isStrictfp() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCatchVariableImpl
- isStrictfp() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLocalVariableImpl
- isStrictfp() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.CtModifierHandler
- isStrictfp() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutableImpl
- isStrictfp() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtConstructorImpl
- isStrictfp() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtFieldImpl
- isStrictfp() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtMethodImpl
- isStrictfp() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtParameterImpl
- isStrictfp() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- isSubSignature(CtMethod<?>, CtMethod<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.ClassTypingContext
isSubsignature is defined as an oriented relation between two methods as defined in See https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se8/html/jls-8.html#jls-8.4.2 thisMethod is subsignature of thatMethod if either A) thisMethod is same signature like thatMethod B) thisMethod is same signature like type erasure of thatMethod
- isSubstituted(String) - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternParameterConfigurator
- isSubtype(CtType<?>, CtTypeReference<?>) - Static method in class spoon.support.adaption.TypeAdaptor
Checks whether the base is a subtype of the passed superref.
- isSubtypeOf(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtTypeInformation
Returns true if the referenced type is a sub-type of the given type.
- isSubtypeOf(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.adaption.TypeAdaptor
Checks if the context of this type adapter is a subtype of the passed superRef.
- isSubtypeOf(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationTypeImpl
- isSubtypeOf(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtClassImpl
- isSubtypeOf(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtEnumImpl
- isSubtypeOf(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtInterfaceImpl
- isSubtypeOf(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- isSubtypeOf(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeParameterReferenceImpl
- isSubtypeOf(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- isSubtypeOf(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.ClassTypingContext
detects if `superTypeRef` is a super type of the type or type reference, which was send to constructor of this instance.
- isSynchronized() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModifiable
Returns true if it contains a synchronized modifier (see
) - isSynchronized() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCatchVariableImpl
- isSynchronized() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLocalVariableImpl
- isSynchronized() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.CtModifierHandler
- isSynchronized() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutableImpl
- isSynchronized() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtConstructorImpl
- isSynchronized() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtFieldImpl
- isSynchronized() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtMethodImpl
- isSynchronized() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtParameterImpl
- isSynchronized() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- isTab() - Method in enum spoon.support.sniper.internal.TokenType
- isTerminated() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQuery
- isTerminated() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQueryImpl
- isTerminated() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.EarlyTerminatingScanner
- isToBeProcessed(E) - Method in class spoon.processing.AbstractAnnotationProcessor
Returns true if the element is annotated with an annotation whose type is processed.
- isToBeProcessed(E) - Method in class spoon.processing.AbstractProcessor
- isToBeProcessed(E) - Method in interface spoon.processing.Processor
Tells if this element is to be processed (returns
in the default implementation). - isToBeProcessed(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.processing.AbstractManualProcessor
Always returns false in this context.
- isToBeProcessed(CtNamedElement) - Method in class spoon.support.JavaOutputProcessor
- isTopLevel() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType
Returns true if this type is top-level (declared as the main type in a file).
- isTopLevel() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- isTopLevel() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- isTransient() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModifiable
Returns true if it contains a transient modifier (see
) - isTransient() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCatchVariableImpl
- isTransient() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLocalVariableImpl
- isTransient() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.CtModifierHandler
- isTransient() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutableImpl
- isTransient() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtConstructorImpl
- isTransient() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtFieldImpl
- isTransient() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtMethodImpl
- isTransient() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtParameterImpl
- isTransient() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- isTryNextMatch(ImmutableMap) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ConstantNode
- isTryNextMatch(ImmutableMap) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ElementNode
- isTryNextMatch(ImmutableMap) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ForEachNode
- isTryNextMatch(ImmutableMap) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.MapEntryNode
- isTryNextMatch(ImmutableMap) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ParameterNode
- isTryNextMatch(ImmutableMap) - Method in interface spoon.pattern.internal.node.RepeatableMatcher
- isTryNextMatch(ImmutableMap) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.StringNode
- isTryNextMatch(ImmutableMap) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.AbstractParameterInfo
- isTryNextMatch(ImmutableMap) - Method in interface spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.ParameterInfo
- isTypeInCollision(CtReference, boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportScannerImpl
Test if the reference can be imported, i.e.
- isTypeOnTheWay() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.PotentialVariableDeclarationFunction
This method provides access to current state of this function.
- isTypeReferenceToEnclosingType(LexicalScope, CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ForceFullyQualifiedProcessor
- isUnnamedModule() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModule
Returns true if the module is the unnamed module
- isUnnamedModule() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtModuleImpl
- isUnnamedPackage() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtPackage
if this is an unnamed Java package. - isUnnamedPackage() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtPackageReference
if this is a reference to an unnamed Java package. - isUnnamedPackage() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtPackageImpl
- isUnnamedPackage() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtPackageReferenceImpl
- isUnsettable() - Method in class spoon.metamodel.MetamodelProperty
- isUpper() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtWildcardReference
if the bounds are inextends
clause. - isUpper() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtWildcardReferenceImpl
- isUsingTabulations() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Tells if Spoon uses tabulations in the source code.
- isUsingTabulations() - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- isValid() - Method in class spoon.template.AbstractTemplate
verifies whether all template parameters are filled.
- isValidPosition() - Method in class spoon.reflect.cu.position.NoSourcePosition
- isValidPosition() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.cu.SourcePosition
- isValidPosition() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.cu.position.SourcePositionImpl
- isVarArgs() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtParameter
Returns true if this parameter accepts a variable number of arguments (must be the last parameter of
). - isVarArgs() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtParameterImpl
- isVarArgs() - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.reflect.RtMethod
- isVarArgs() - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.reflect.RtParameter
if this parameter represents a variable argument list; returnsfalse
otherwise. - isVisitCompilationUnitContent() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.EarlyTerminatingScanner
- isVolatile() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModifiable
Returns true if it contains a volatile modifier (see
) - isVolatile() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCatchVariableImpl
- isVolatile() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLocalVariableImpl
- isVolatile() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.CtModifierHandler
- isVolatile() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutableImpl
- isVolatile() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtConstructorImpl
- isVolatile() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtFieldImpl
- isVolatile() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtMethodImpl
- isVolatile() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtParameterImpl
- isVolatile() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- isWellFormed() - Method in class spoon.template.AbstractTemplate
verifies whether there is at least one template parameter.
- isWhitespace() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.TokenPrinterEvent
- isWildcard() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeParameterReferenceImpl
- isWildcard() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtWildcardReferenceImpl
- ITERABLE - Variable in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
- iterator() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtBlockImpl
- iterator() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCaseImpl
- iterator() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtStatementListImpl
- iterator() - Method in class spoon.support.util.EmptyClearableList
- iterator() - Method in class spoon.support.util.EmptyClearableSet
- iterator() - Method in class spoon.support.util.ModelSet
- iterator() - Method in class spoon.support.util.QualifiedNameBasedSortedSet
The order of elements in this iterator is described in
- JAVA_FILE_EXTENSION - Static variable in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
Java file extension (.java).
- JAVA_MODULE_DECLARATION - Static variable in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
Module declaration file name.
- JAVA_PACKAGE_DECLARATION - Static variable in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
Package declaration file name.
- javaCompliance - Variable in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- Javadoc - Class in spoon.javadoc.internal
The structured content of a single Javadoc comment.
- Javadoc() - Constructor for class spoon.javadoc.internal.Javadoc
- Javadoc(JavadocDescription) - Constructor for class spoon.javadoc.internal.Javadoc
- JAVADOC - spoon.reflect.code.CtComment.CommentType
JavaDoc comment: before methods, fields, types
- JAVADOC_START - Static variable in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
The beginning of a JavaDoc comment
- JAVADOC_TAG_PREFIX - Static variable in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtJavaDocTag
The tag prefix
- JAVADOC_TAG_VALUE - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- JavadocBlockTag - Class in spoon.javadoc.internal
A block tag.
- JavadocBlockTag(String, String) - Constructor for class spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocBlockTag
- JavadocBlockTag(String, String, String) - Constructor for class spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocBlockTag
- JavadocBlockTag(CtJavaDocTag.TagType, String) - Constructor for class spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocBlockTag
- JavadocBlockTag(CtJavaDocTag.TagType, String, String) - Constructor for class spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocBlockTag
- JavadocDescription - Class in spoon.javadoc.internal
A javadoc text, potentially containing inline tags.
- JavadocDescription() - Constructor for class spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocDescription
- JavadocDescription(List<JavadocDescriptionElement>) - Constructor for class spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocDescription
- JavadocDescriptionElement - Interface in spoon.javadoc.internal
An element of a description: either an inline tag or a piece of text.
- JavadocInlineTag - Class in spoon.javadoc.internal
An inline tag contained in a Javadoc description.
- JavadocInlineTag(String, JavadocInlineTag.Type, String) - Constructor for class spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocInlineTag
- JavadocInlineTag.Type - Enum in spoon.javadoc.internal
The type of tag: it could either correspond to a known tag (code, docRoot, etc.) or represent an unknown tag.
- JavadocSnippet - Class in spoon.javadoc.internal
A piece of text inside a Javadoc description.
- JavadocSnippet(String) - Constructor for class spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocSnippet
- javaIdentifierRE - Static variable in class spoon.refactoring.AbstractRenameRefactoring
- JavaIdentifiers - Enum in spoon.reflect.visitor
This enum defines the Java keywords and some helper method to determine if some strings are Java identifiers.
- JavaOutputProcessor - Class in spoon.support
A processor that generates compilable Java source files from the meta-model.
- JavaOutputProcessor() - Constructor for class spoon.support.JavaOutputProcessor
Such processor will use printer created by
- JavaOutputProcessor(PrettyPrinter) - Constructor for class spoon.support.JavaOutputProcessor
- JavaReflectionTreeBuilder - Class in spoon.support.visitor.java
Builds Spoon model from class file using the reflection api.
- JavaReflectionTreeBuilder(Factory) - Constructor for class spoon.support.visitor.java.JavaReflectionTreeBuilder
- JDTBasedSpoonCompiler - Class in spoon.support.compiler.jdt
Main class of Spoon to build the model.
- JDTBasedSpoonCompiler(Factory) - Constructor for class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
Default constructor
- JDTBatchCompiler - Class in spoon.support.compiler.jdt
- JDTBatchCompiler(JDTBasedSpoonCompiler) - Constructor for class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBatchCompiler
- JDTBuilder - Interface in spoon.compiler.builder
Helper to build arguments for the JDT compiler.
- JDTBuilderImpl - Class in spoon.compiler.builder
- JDTBuilderImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.compiler.builder.JDTBuilderImpl
- JDTCommentBuilder - Class in spoon.support.compiler.jdt
The comment builder that will insert all element of a CompilationUnitDeclaration into the Spoon AST
- jdtCompiler - Variable in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBatchCompiler
- JDTConstants - Class in spoon.support.compiler.jdt
Extracts a subset of constants as defined in
, since this class is only meant for internal use. - JDTSnippetCompiler - Class in spoon.support.compiler.jdt
- JDTSnippetCompiler(Factory, String) - Constructor for class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTSnippetCompiler
- JDTTreeBuilder - Class in spoon.support.compiler.jdt
A visitor for iterating through the parse tree.
- JDTTreeBuilder(Factory) - Constructor for class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- JDTTreeBuilderHelper - Class in spoon.support.compiler.jdt
- JLSViolation - Exception in spoon
This exception is thrown when an operation on a
transfers it in an invalid state. - join(String, String[]) - Method in class spoon.compiler.builder.Options
- jsapActualArgs - Variable in class spoon.Launcher
- KEEP_OLD_NODE - spoon.pattern.ConflictResolutionMode
- keepTypeMembers(Filter<? super CtElement>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternBuilderHelper
- keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class spoon.support.gui.SpoonModelTree
- keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class spoon.support.gui.SpoonModelTree
- keyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class spoon.support.gui.SpoonModelTree
- KEYWORD - spoon.support.sniper.internal.TokenType
- KEYWORDS - Static variable in enum spoon.reflect.visitor.JavaIdentifiers
Contains the Java keywords.
- kindOf(CtMethod<?>) - Static method in enum spoon.metamodel.MMMethodKind
Detect kind of method
- knowsHowToPrint(PrinterEvent) - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.DefaultSourceFragmentPrinter
- knowsHowToPrint(PrinterEvent) - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.SourceFragmentContextNormal
- knowsHowToPrint(PrinterEvent) - Method in interface spoon.support.sniper.internal.SourceFragmentPrinter
- LABEL - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- LAMBDA_NAME_PREFIX - Static variable in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReference
- LambdaFilter - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
This filter matches all the
elements, which implements defined interface(s) - LambdaFilter() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.LambdaFilter
to define set of interfaces whose lambdas it is search for - LambdaFilter(CtInterface<?>) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.LambdaFilter
Matches all lambdas implementing `iface` Use
to define set of interfaces whose lambdas it is search for - LambdaFilter(CtTypeReference<?>) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.LambdaFilter
Matches all lambdas implementing `iface` Use
to define set of interfaces whose lambdas it is search for - lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class spoon.support.util.ModelList
- Launcher - Class in spoon
This class implements an integrated command-line launcher for processing programs at compile-time using the JDT-based builder (Eclipse).
- Launcher() - Constructor for class spoon.Launcher
- Launcher(Factory) - Constructor for class spoon.Launcher
- LE - spoon.reflect.code.BinaryOperatorKind
Lower or equal comparison.
- LEAF - spoon.metamodel.ConceptKind
Types of the metamodel that can be instantiated.
- LEFT_OPERAND - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- Level - Enum in spoon.support
Enum for representing logging levels.
- LexicalScope - Interface in spoon.reflect.visitor
Represents that a lexical scope in the language Note that scopes are changing after variable declaration.
- LexicalScopeScanner - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor
which provides current lexical scope of currently scanned AST node. - LexicalScopeScanner() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.LexicalScopeScanner
- LINE_SEPARATOR - Static variable in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtComment
This line separator is used in comments returned by
. - LINE_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
Line separator which is used by the system
- LineFilter - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
This filter matches all elements that can be considered as line of code (e.g.
- LineFilter() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.LineFilter
Creates the filter.
- LINK - spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocInlineTag.Type
- LINKPLAIN - spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocInlineTag.Type
- linkToParent(CtElement, CtElement) - Static method in class spoon.support.util.internal.ModelCollectionUtils
Changes the parent of a CtElement to the passed owner iff the element does not already have a different parent.
- list() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQuery
Actually evaluates the query and returns all the elements produced in the last step.
Note: The type R of the list is not checked by the query. - list() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQueryImpl
- list(Class<R>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQuery
Same as
, but with static typing on the return type and the final filtering, which matches only results, which are assignable from that return type. - list(Class<R>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQueryImpl
- LIST - spoon.reflect.meta.ContainerKind
It is a list of values Example:
- LIST - Variable in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
- ListContext - Class in spoon.support.modelobs.context
defines a list context
- ListContext(CtElement, CtRole, List<?>) - Constructor for class spoon.support.modelobs.context.ListContext
- ListContext(CtElement, CtRole, List<?>, int) - Constructor for class spoon.support.modelobs.context.ListContext
- listIterator() - Method in class spoon.support.util.EmptyClearableList
- ListOfNodes - Class in spoon.pattern.internal.node
List of
s. - ListOfNodes(List<RootNode>) - Constructor for class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ListOfNodes
- ListParameterInfo - Class in spoon.pattern.internal.parameter
- ListParameterInfo(int, ParameterInfo) - Constructor for class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.ListParameterInfo
- ListParameterInfo(ParameterInfo) - Constructor for class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.ListParameterInfo
- ListPrinter - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor
Helper which assures consistent printing of lists prefixed with `start`, separated by `separator` and suffixed by `end`.
If there is no item in the list then it prints `start` and then `end`
If there is one item in the list then it prints `start`, item and then `end`
If there is more then one items in the list then it prints `start`, items separated by `separator` and then `end` - ListPrinter(TokenWriter, boolean, String, boolean, boolean, String, boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.ListPrinter
- LITERAL - spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocInlineTag.Type
- LITERAL - spoon.support.sniper.internal.TokenType
- LITERAL_BASE - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- LiteralBase - Enum in spoon.reflect.code
- load(InputStream) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.ModelStreamer
Loads a factory (and all its associated Java program elements).
- load(InputStream) - Method in class spoon.support.SerializationModelStreamer
- loadProperties() - Method in class spoon.processing.AbstractProcessor
Helper method to load the properties of the given processor (uses
). - Local - Annotation Type in spoon.template
This annotation should be placed on templates' members to indicate that they are local elements of the template class.
- LOCAL_VARIABLE - spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotatedElementType
Local variable declaration
- LocalVariableReferenceFunction - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
This mapping function expects a
as input and returns allCtLocalVariableReference
s, which refers this input. - LocalVariableReferenceFunction() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.LocalVariableReferenceFunction
- LocalVariableReferenceFunction(CtLocalVariable<?>) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.LocalVariableReferenceFunction
This constructor allows to define input local variable - the one for which this function will search for.
- LocalVariableScopeFunction - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
This Query expects a
as input and returns all CtElements, which are in visibility scope of that local variable. - LocalVariableScopeFunction() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.LocalVariableScopeFunction
- LocalVariableScopeFunction(CtScannerListener) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.LocalVariableScopeFunction
- LOGGER - Static variable in class spoon.Launcher
A default logger to be used by Spoon.
- LOGGER - Static variable in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- LOGGER - Static variable in exception spoon.SpoonException
- LOGGER - Static variable in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- logging(boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQueryImpl
Enable/disable logging for this query Note: it is not possible to enable logging of all queries globally by Launcher.LOGGER.isDebugEnabled() because it causes StackOverflow.
- LONG - Variable in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
- LONG_PRIMITIVE - Variable in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
- longPrimitiveType() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Returns a reference on the long primitive type.
- longType() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Returns a reference on the long type.
- lookForLocalVariables(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportScannerImpl
- lovecraft - Static variable in exception spoon.LovecraftException
- LovecraftException - Exception in spoon
"It was from the artists and poets that the pertinent answers came" In Spoon, we do believe that poetry has a place in software.
- LovecraftException(String) - Constructor for exception spoon.LovecraftException
- LT - spoon.reflect.code.BinaryOperatorKind
Lower than comparison.
- LZMA - spoon.support.CompressionType
- main(String[]) - Static method in class spoon.Launcher
A default program entry point (instantiates a launcher with the given arguments and calls
). - map - Variable in class spoon.support.util.ImmutableMapImpl
- map(CtConsumableFunction<I>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.CtModelImpl
- map(CtConsumableFunction<I>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQuery
Same as
, but the returned object is not handled by java's return statement, but by a call toCtConsumer.accept(Object)
, this allows efficient and easy to write chained processing, seeCtConsumableFunction
. - map(CtConsumableFunction<I>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQueryable
- map(CtConsumableFunction<I>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQueryImpl
- map(CtConsumableFunction<I>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- map(CtFunction<I, R>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.CtModelImpl
- map(CtFunction<I, R>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQuery
Query elements based on a function, the behavior depends on the return type of the function.
- map(CtFunction<I, R>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQueryable
- map(CtFunction<I, R>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQueryImpl
- map(CtFunction<I, R>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- MAP - spoon.reflect.meta.ContainerKind
It is a map<String, T> of values Example:
- MAP - Variable in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
- MapContext<K,V> - Class in spoon.support.modelobs.context
defines the map context
- MapContext(CtElement, CtRole, Map<K, V>) - Constructor for class spoon.support.modelobs.context.MapContext
- MapContext(CtElement, CtRole, Map<K, V>, K) - Constructor for class spoon.support.modelobs.context.MapContext
- mapEachResult(Function<T, T>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.ResultHolder
calls consumer.accept(value) once for each contained value
- mapEachResult(Function<T, T>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.ResultHolder.Multiple
- mapEachResult(Function<T, T>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.ResultHolder.Single
- MapEntryNode - Class in spoon.pattern.internal.node
Represents a ValueResolver of one Map.Entry
- MapEntryNode(RootNode, RootNode) - Constructor for class spoon.pattern.internal.node.MapEntryNode
- mapLine(CtElement, CtCompilationUnit) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrinterHelper
- MapParameterInfo - Class in spoon.pattern.internal.parameter
A kind of
which returns value by the named parameter From a container of typeImmutableMap
- MapParameterInfo(String) - Constructor for class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.MapParameterInfo
- MapParameterInfo(String, AbstractParameterInfo) - Constructor for class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.MapParameterInfo
- MapParameterInfo(AbstractParameterInfo) - Constructor for class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.MapParameterInfo
- markAsInlined(CtForEach) - Method in class spoon.pattern.InlinedStatementConfigurator
as inline statement. - markAsInlined(CtIf) - Method in class spoon.pattern.InlinedStatementConfigurator
as inline statement. - Match - Class in spoon.pattern
Represents a single match of
- Match(List<?>, ImmutableMap) - Constructor for class spoon.pattern.Match
- MATCH_ALL - Static variable in interface spoon.pattern.internal.node.RootNode
- MATCH_PART - Static variable in interface spoon.pattern.internal.node.RootNode
- matchAllWith(TobeMatched) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.matcher.ChainOfMatchersImpl
- matchAllWith(TobeMatched) - Method in interface spoon.pattern.internal.matcher.Matchers
Matches all matchers of this
instance with `targets` - matchAllWith(TobeMatched) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ForEachNode
- matchAllWith(TobeMatched) - Method in interface spoon.pattern.internal.node.RootNode
- Matchers - Interface in spoon.pattern.internal.matcher
A container of
s. - matches(E) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.AnnotationFilter
- matches(E) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.RegexFilter
- matches(Object) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.AbstractParameterInfo
Checks whether `value` matches with required type and match condition.
- matches(CtCFlowBreak) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.ReturnOrThrowFilter
- matches(CtInvocation<?>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.InvocationFilter
- matches(CtLambda<?>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.LambdaFilter
- matches(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.LineFilter
- matches(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.SameFilter
- matches(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.template.TemplateMatcher
- matches(CtMethod<?>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.OverriddenMethodFilter
- matches(CtMethod<?>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.OverridingMethodFilter
- matches(CtType<?>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.SubtypeFilter
- matches(CtExecutableReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.ExecutableReferenceFilter
- matches(T) - Method in class spoon.legacy.NameFilter
- matches(T) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.AbstractFilter
- matches(T) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.CompositeFilter
Defines the matching using
. - matches(T) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.DirectReferenceFilter
- matches(T) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.Filter
Tells if the given element matches.
- matches(T) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.NamedElementFilter
- matches(T) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.VariableAccessFilter
- matchesRole(ImmutableMap, CtElement, MetamodelProperty, RootNode) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ElementNode
- MatchingScanner - Class in spoon.pattern.internal.matcher
Represents a Match of TemplateMatcher
- MatchingScanner(ListOfNodes, CtConsumer<? super Match>) - Constructor for class spoon.pattern.internal.matcher.MatchingScanner
- matchInlinedStatements() - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternParameterConfigurator
marks a CtIf and CtForEach to be matched, even when inlined.
- matchNext(BiFunction<Object, ImmutableMap, ImmutableMap>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.matcher.TobeMatched
Calls matcher algorithm to match target item
- matchTarget(Object, ImmutableMap) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ConstantNode
- matchTarget(Object, ImmutableMap) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ElementNode
- matchTarget(Object, ImmutableMap) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.MapEntryNode
- matchTarget(Object, ImmutableMap) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ParameterNode
- matchTarget(Object, ImmutableMap) - Method in interface spoon.pattern.internal.node.PrimitiveMatcher
- matchTarget(Object, ImmutableMap) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.StringNode
- matchTargets(TobeMatched, Matchers) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ListOfNodes
- matchTargets(TobeMatched, Matchers) - Method in interface spoon.pattern.internal.node.RootNode
- matchTargets(TobeMatched, Matchers) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.SwitchNode
- MavenLauncher - Class in spoon
Create a Spoon launcher from a maven pom file
- MavenLauncher(String, MavenLauncher.SOURCE_TYPE) - Constructor for class spoon.MavenLauncher
MavenLauncher constructor assuming either an environment variable M2_HOME, or that mvn command exists in PATH.
- MavenLauncher(String, MavenLauncher.SOURCE_TYPE, boolean) - Constructor for class spoon.MavenLauncher
MavenLauncher constructor assuming either an environment variable M2_HOME, or that mvn command exists in PATH.
- MavenLauncher(String, MavenLauncher.SOURCE_TYPE, boolean, Pattern) - Constructor for class spoon.MavenLauncher
MavenLauncher constructor assuming either an environment variable M2_HOME, or that mvn command exists in PATH.
- MavenLauncher(String, MavenLauncher.SOURCE_TYPE, String) - Constructor for class spoon.MavenLauncher
- MavenLauncher(String, MavenLauncher.SOURCE_TYPE, String[]) - Constructor for class spoon.MavenLauncher
MavenLauncher constructor that skips maven invocation building classpath.
- MavenLauncher(String, MavenLauncher.SOURCE_TYPE, String[], Pattern) - Constructor for class spoon.MavenLauncher
MavenLauncher constructor that skips maven invocation building classpath.
- MavenLauncher(String, MavenLauncher.SOURCE_TYPE, String, boolean) - Constructor for class spoon.MavenLauncher
- MavenLauncher(String, MavenLauncher.SOURCE_TYPE, String, boolean, Pattern) - Constructor for class spoon.MavenLauncher
- MavenLauncher(String, MavenLauncher.SOURCE_TYPE, String, Pattern) - Constructor for class spoon.MavenLauncher
- MavenLauncher(String, MavenLauncher.SOURCE_TYPE, Pattern) - Constructor for class spoon.MavenLauncher
MavenLauncher constructor assuming either an environment variable M2_HOME, or that mvn command exists in PATH.
- MavenLauncher.SOURCE_TYPE - Enum in spoon
The type of source to consider in the model
- merge(Object, Object) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.AbstractParameterInfo
- mergeSingle(Object, Object) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.AbstractParameterInfo
- Metamodel - Class in spoon.metamodel
Represents the Spoon metamodel (incl.
- Metamodel(File) - Constructor for class spoon.metamodel.Metamodel
Not in the public API.
- Metamodel(Factory) - Constructor for class spoon.metamodel.Metamodel
- MetamodelConcept - Class in spoon.metamodel
Represents a concept of the Spoon metamodel (eg
). - MetamodelProperty - Class in spoon.metamodel
Represents a property of the Spoon metamodel.
- MetamodelPropertyField - Annotation Type in spoon.reflect.annotations
Tells that a field is a property of the metamodel For instance
is the property name ofCtNamedElement
- Method() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
Access to
subfactory - Method() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
sub-factory. - METHOD - spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotatedElementType
Method declaration
- METHOD - spoon.reflect.declaration.CtImportKind
- METHOD - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- METHOD_TYPE_PARAMETERS_CONTAINER_DEFAULT_CAPACITY - Static variable in class spoon.reflect.ModelElementContainerDefaultCapacities
- MethodCallState - Class in spoon.refactoring
This class is for the call state of a method.
- MethodCallState(CtExecutable<?>) - Constructor for class spoon.refactoring.MethodCallState
- MethodFactory - Class in spoon.reflect.factory
sub-factory. - MethodFactory(Factory) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.factory.MethodFactory
Creates a new method sub-factory.
- methodImports - Variable in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportScannerImpl
- MethodInvocationSearch - Class in spoon.refactoring
Class for creating a mapping from CtExecutable to all known calls from fields and methods.
- MethodInvocationSearch() - Constructor for class spoon.refactoring.MethodInvocationSearch
- methodsOf(Class<T>) - Static method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.reflect.RtMethod
- MethodTypingContext - Class in spoon.support.visitor
For the scope method or constructor and super type hierarchy of it's declaring type, it is able to adapt type parameters.
- MethodTypingContext() - Constructor for class spoon.support.visitor.MethodTypingContext
- MINUS - spoon.reflect.code.BinaryOperatorKind
- MMMethod - Class in spoon.metamodel
Represents a method used to get or set a
of aMetamodelConcept
. - MMMethodKind - Enum in spoon.metamodel
Represents the type of metamodel method.
- MOD - spoon.reflect.code.BinaryOperatorKind
- mode(SiblingsFunction.Mode) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.SiblingsFunction
- MODEL - spoon.support.compiler.SpoonProgress.Process
- MODEL_CLASS_PACKAGES - Static variable in class spoon.metamodel.Metamodel
qualified names of packages which contain classes (implementations) of spoon model
- MODEL_IFACE_PACKAGES - Static variable in class spoon.metamodel.Metamodel
qualified names of packages which contain interfaces of spoon model
- ModelBuildingException - Exception in spoon.compiler
thrown when the Spoon model of a program cannot be built
- ModelBuildingException(String) - Constructor for exception spoon.compiler.ModelBuildingException
- ModelBuildingException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception spoon.compiler.ModelBuildingException
- ModelCollectionUtils - Class in spoon.support.util.internal
- ModelConsistencyChecker - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor
This scanner checks that a program model is consistent with regards to the parent elements (children must have the right parent).
- ModelConsistencyChecker(Environment, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.ModelConsistencyChecker
Creates a new model consistency checker.
- ModelElementContainerDefaultCapacities - Class in spoon.reflect
Recommended default capacities for containers (primarily
) of AST model elements. - ModelList<T extends CtElement> - Class in spoon.support.util
The implementation of the
, which is used by Spoon model objects. - ModelList() - Constructor for class spoon.support.util.ModelList
- ModelSet<T extends CtElement> - Class in spoon.support.util
Deprecated.This set is no longer actively used or maintained. It is only kept for backwards compatibility and might be removed in a future release.
- ModelSet(Comparator<? super CtElement>) - Constructor for class spoon.support.util.ModelSet
- ModelStreamer - Interface in spoon.reflect
This interface defines the protocol to save and load a factory and it's associated model through output and input streams.
- ModelUtils - Class in spoon.testing.utils
- ModificationStatus - Enum in spoon.support.sniper.internal
represents whether a
has been modified, and should be reprinted as is or with the normal pretty-printer - MODIFIED - spoon.support.sniper.internal.ModificationStatus
- MODIFIER - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- ModifierKind - Enum in spoon.reflect.declaration
Represents a modifier on the declaration of a program element such as a class, method, or field.
- modifiers(ModifierKind...) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CodeFactory
Creates a modifier set.
- modify() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrintingContext
Creates a new Writable instance, coping the current state and statement if set.
- Module() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
Access to
subfactory for Java 9 modules - Module() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
The module sub-factory
- MODULE_DECLARATION - spoon.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnit.UNIT_TYPE
- MODULE_DIRECTIVE - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- MODULE_INFO_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTConstants
- MODULE_INFO_FILE_NAME - Static variable in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTConstants
- MODULE_REF - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- ModuleFactory - Class in spoon.reflect.factory
- ModuleFactory(Factory) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.factory.ModuleFactory
- ModuleFactory.CtUnnamedModule - Class in spoon.reflect.factory
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class spoon.support.gui.SpoonModelTree
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class spoon.support.gui.SpoonModelTree
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class spoon.support.gui.SpoonModelTree
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class spoon.support.gui.SpoonModelTree
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class spoon.support.gui.SpoonModelTree
- MUL - spoon.reflect.code.BinaryOperatorKind
- MULTI_TYPE - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- Multiple(Class<T>) - Constructor for class spoon.pattern.internal.ResultHolder.Multiple
- MutableTokenWriter - Class in spoon.support.sniper.internal
which simply delegates toDefaultTokenWriter
with the decorator pattern, untilMutableTokenWriter.setMuted(boolean)
is called with true Then all tokens are ignored. - MutableTokenWriter(Environment) - Constructor for class spoon.support.sniper.internal.MutableTokenWriter
- myself - Variable in class spoon.testing.AbstractAssert
- name(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQuery
Sets the name of current query, to identify the current step during debugging of a query
- name(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQueryImpl
- name(String, String[]...) - Method in class spoon.reflect.path.CtPathBuilder
Add a name matcher to this path.
- NAME - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- NAME_UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType
Used in no classpath when we don't have any information to build the name of the type.
- NamedElementFilter<T extends CtNamedElement> - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
Filters elements by name and by type (for instance to find a method).
- NamedElementFilter(Class<T>, String) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.NamedElementFilter
- NameFilter<T extends CtNamedElement> - Class in spoon.legacy
Filters elements by name (for instance to find a method).
- NameFilter(String) - Constructor for class spoon.legacy.NameFilter
- NATIVE - spoon.reflect.declaration.ModifierKind
The modifier native
- NATIVE - spoon.reflect.visitor.JavaIdentifiers
- NE - spoon.reflect.code.BinaryOperatorKind
- NEG - spoon.reflect.code.UnaryOperatorKind
- NESTED_TYPE - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- NEW - spoon.reflect.visitor.JavaIdentifiers
- NEW_ARRAY_DEFAULT_EXPRESSIONS_CONTAINER_DEFAULT_CAPACITY - Static variable in class spoon.reflect.ModelElementContainerDefaultCapacities
- NEW_LINE - spoon.support.sniper.internal.TokenType
- newInstance() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtClass
Creates an instance of this class.
- newInstance() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtClassImpl
- newName - Variable in class spoon.refactoring.AbstractRenameRefactoring
- newNameValidationRE - Variable in class spoon.refactoring.AbstractRenameRefactoring
- next() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBFSIterator
Dereference the "iterator"
- next() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtIterator
Dereference the "iterator"
- next() - Method in class spoon.support.gui.SpoonModelTree
move to the next node matching the search criterion
- next() - Method in class spoon.support.util.EmptyIterator
- NEXT - spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.SiblingsFunction.Mode
- nextWord(String) - Static method in class spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocInlineTag
Return the next word of the string, in other words it stops when a space is encountered.
- NO_MERGE - Static variable in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.AbstractParameterInfo
is used as return value when value cannot be added
- NO_OUTPUT - spoon.OutputType
Analysis only, models are not pretty-printed to disk.
- NO_SOURCE_FRAGMENT - Static variable in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.ElementSourceFragment
represents an
, which doesn't exist - noClasspath(boolean) - Method in class spoon.FluentLauncher
Sets the option "noclasspath", use with caution (see explanation below).
- NoClasspathWorkaround - Annotation Type in spoon.experimental
This annotation is used to mark a workaround for the lack of a correct classpath so called noclasspathmode.
- NoClasspathWorkaround - Annotation Type in spoon
This annotation is used to mark a workaround for the lack of a correct classpath so called noclasspathmode.
- node - Variable in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ASTPair
- nodes - Variable in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ListOfNodes
- NON_SEALED - spoon.reflect.declaration.ModifierKind
The modifier non-sealed
- NONE - spoon.support.CompressionType
- NOPOSITION - Static variable in interface spoon.reflect.cu.SourcePosition
- NORMAL - spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.ScanningMode
Continue with scanning in a normal way, the current element and all children are visited.
- NoSourcePosition - Class in spoon.reflect.cu.position
This class represents the position of a program element in a source file.
- NoSourcePosition() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.cu.position.NoSourcePosition
- NoSourcePosition.NullCompilationUnit - Class in spoon.reflect.cu.position
- NOT - spoon.reflect.code.UnaryOperatorKind
Logical inversion.
- NOT_MODIFIED - spoon.support.sniper.internal.ModificationStatus
- notEqualElement - Variable in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.EqualsVisitor
- notEqualOther - Variable in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.EqualsVisitor
- notEqualRole - Variable in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.EqualsVisitor
- notNullable() - Method in annotation type spoon.processing.Property
If a value is notNullable, spoon will throw a
for null values. - NULL_TYPE - Variable in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
- NULL_TYPE_NAME - Static variable in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeReference
The name of the null type ("<nulltype>").
- nullType() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Returns a reference on the null type (type of null).
- OBJECT - Variable in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
- OBJECT_METHODS - Variable in class spoon.reflect.factory.MethodFactory
- ObjectContext - Class in spoon.support.modelobs.context
- ObjectContext(CtElement, CtRole) - Constructor for class spoon.support.modelobs.context.ObjectContext
- objectType() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Returns a reference on the object type.
- OCTAL - spoon.reflect.code.LiteralBase
- OFF - spoon.support.Level
- OMITTED_TYPE_ARG_NAME - Static variable in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeReference
Special type used as a type argument when actual type arguments can't be inferred.
- OMITTED_TYPE_ARG_TYPE - Variable in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
- onAction(Action) - Method in interface spoon.support.modelobs.ActionBasedChangeListener
when an element is changed
- onAction(Action) - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.ActionBasedChangeListenerImpl
- onAdd(AddAction) - Method in interface spoon.support.modelobs.ActionBasedChangeListener
when an element is added
- onAdd(AddAction) - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.ActionBasedChangeListenerImpl
- onChange(CtElement, CtRole) - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.ChangeCollector
Called whenever anything changes in the spoon model
- onChange(CtElement, CtRole) - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.SourceFragmentCreator
- onDelete(DeleteAction) - Method in interface spoon.support.modelobs.ActionBasedChangeListener
when an element is removed
- onDelete(DeleteAction) - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.ActionBasedChangeListenerImpl
- onDeleteAll(DeleteAllAction) - Method in interface spoon.support.modelobs.ActionBasedChangeListener
when all element are removed
- onDeleteAll(DeleteAllAction) - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.ActionBasedChangeListenerImpl
- onElement(CtRole, CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.EarlyTerminatingScanner
Called for each scanned element.
- onFinished() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.DefaultSourceFragmentPrinter
- onFinished() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.SourceFragmentContextNormal
- onFinished() - Method in interface spoon.support.sniper.internal.SourceFragmentPrinter
Called when printing using this context is going to finish
- onListAdd(CtElement, CtRole, List, int, CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.ActionBasedChangeListenerImpl
- onListAdd(CtElement, CtRole, List, int, CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.EmptyModelChangeListener
- onListAdd(CtElement, CtRole, List, int, CtElement) - Method in interface spoon.support.modelobs.FineModelChangeListener
a newValue is appended to the list corresponding to the role in the AST node
- onListAdd(CtElement, CtRole, List, CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.ActionBasedChangeListenerImpl
- onListAdd(CtElement, CtRole, List, CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.EmptyModelChangeListener
- onListAdd(CtElement, CtRole, List, CtElement) - Method in interface spoon.support.modelobs.FineModelChangeListener
a newValue is appended to the list corresponding to the role in the AST node
- onListDelete(CtElement, CtRole, List, int, CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.ActionBasedChangeListenerImpl
- onListDelete(CtElement, CtRole, List, int, CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.EmptyModelChangeListener
- onListDelete(CtElement, CtRole, List, int, CtElement) - Method in interface spoon.support.modelobs.FineModelChangeListener
an oldValue is deleted in the list corresponding to the role in the AST node
- onListDelete(CtElement, CtRole, List, Collection<? extends CtElement>) - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.ActionBasedChangeListenerImpl
- onListDelete(CtElement, CtRole, List, Collection<? extends CtElement>) - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.EmptyModelChangeListener
- onListDelete(CtElement, CtRole, List, Collection<? extends CtElement>) - Method in interface spoon.support.modelobs.FineModelChangeListener
an oldValue is deleted in the list corresponding to the role in the AST node
- onListDeleteAll(CtElement, CtRole, List, List) - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.ActionBasedChangeListenerImpl
- onListDeleteAll(CtElement, CtRole, List, List) - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.EmptyModelChangeListener
- onListDeleteAll(CtElement, CtRole, List, List) - Method in interface spoon.support.modelobs.FineModelChangeListener
a list corresponding to the role in the AST node is emptied
- ONLY_PRINT_EXPLICIT_TYPES - spoon.reflect.visitor.ElementPrinterHelper.PrintTypeArguments
Only print explicit type argument.
- onMapAdd(CtElement, CtRole, Map<K, V>, K, CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.ActionBasedChangeListenerImpl
- onMapAdd(CtElement, CtRole, Map<K, V>, K, CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.EmptyModelChangeListener
- onMapAdd(CtElement, CtRole, Map<K, V>, K, CtElement) - Method in interface spoon.support.modelobs.FineModelChangeListener
a newValue is appended to the map corresponding to the role in the AST node
- onMapDelete(CtElement, CtRole, Map<K, V>, K, CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.ActionBasedChangeListenerImpl
- onMapDelete(CtElement, CtRole, Map<K, V>, K, CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.EmptyModelChangeListener
- onMapDelete(CtElement, CtRole, Map<K, V>, K, CtElement) - Method in interface spoon.support.modelobs.FineModelChangeListener
A mapping is removed from the map corresponding to the role in the AST node
- onMapDeleteAll(CtElement, CtRole, Map<K, V>, Map<K, V>) - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.ActionBasedChangeListenerImpl
- onMapDeleteAll(CtElement, CtRole, Map<K, V>, Map<K, V>) - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.EmptyModelChangeListener
- onMapDeleteAll(CtElement, CtRole, Map<K, V>, Map<K, V>) - Method in interface spoon.support.modelobs.FineModelChangeListener
a map corresponding to the role in the AST node is emptied
- onObjectDelete(CtElement, CtRole, CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.ActionBasedChangeListenerImpl
- onObjectDelete(CtElement, CtRole, CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.EmptyModelChangeListener
- onObjectDelete(CtElement, CtRole, CtElement) - Method in interface spoon.support.modelobs.FineModelChangeListener
a field corresponding to the role is being set to null
- onObjectUpdate(CtElement, CtRole, Object, Object) - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.ActionBasedChangeListenerImpl
- onObjectUpdate(CtElement, CtRole, Object, Object) - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.EmptyModelChangeListener
- onObjectUpdate(CtElement, CtRole, Object, Object) - Method in interface spoon.support.modelobs.FineModelChangeListener
a field corresponding to the role is being set in the AST node
- onObjectUpdate(CtElement, CtRole, CtElement, CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.ActionBasedChangeListenerImpl
- onObjectUpdate(CtElement, CtRole, CtElement, CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.EmptyModelChangeListener
- onObjectUpdate(CtElement, CtRole, CtElement, CtElement) - Method in interface spoon.support.modelobs.FineModelChangeListener
a field corresponding to the role is being set in the AST node
- onPush() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.DefaultSourceFragmentPrinter
- onPush() - Method in interface spoon.support.sniper.internal.SourceFragmentPrinter
called when pushed on the stack
- onSetAdd(CtElement, CtRole, Set, CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.ActionBasedChangeListenerImpl
- onSetAdd(CtElement, CtRole, Set, CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.EmptyModelChangeListener
- onSetAdd(CtElement, CtRole, Set, CtElement) - Method in interface spoon.support.modelobs.FineModelChangeListener
a newValue is appended to the set corresponding to the role in the AST node
- onSetAdd(CtElement, CtRole, Set, T) - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.ActionBasedChangeListenerImpl
- onSetAdd(CtElement, CtRole, Set, T) - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.EmptyModelChangeListener
- onSetAdd(CtElement, CtRole, Set, T) - Method in interface spoon.support.modelobs.FineModelChangeListener
a newValue is appended to the set corresponding to the role in the AST node
- onSetDelete(CtElement, CtRole, Set, Collection<ModifierKind>) - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.ActionBasedChangeListenerImpl
- onSetDelete(CtElement, CtRole, Set, Collection<ModifierKind>) - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.EmptyModelChangeListener
- onSetDelete(CtElement, CtRole, Set, Collection<ModifierKind>) - Method in interface spoon.support.modelobs.FineModelChangeListener
an oldValue is deleted in the set corresponding to the role in the AST node
- onSetDelete(CtElement, CtRole, Set, CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.ActionBasedChangeListenerImpl
- onSetDelete(CtElement, CtRole, Set, CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.EmptyModelChangeListener
- onSetDelete(CtElement, CtRole, Set, CtElement) - Method in interface spoon.support.modelobs.FineModelChangeListener
an oldValue is deleted in the set corresponding to the role in the AST node
- onSetDelete(CtElement, CtRole, Set, ModifierKind) - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.ActionBasedChangeListenerImpl
- onSetDelete(CtElement, CtRole, Set, ModifierKind) - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.EmptyModelChangeListener
- onSetDelete(CtElement, CtRole, Set, ModifierKind) - Method in interface spoon.support.modelobs.FineModelChangeListener
an oldValue is deleted in the set corresponding to the role in the AST node
- onSetDeleteAll(CtElement, CtRole, Set, Set) - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.ActionBasedChangeListenerImpl
- onSetDeleteAll(CtElement, CtRole, Set, Set) - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.EmptyModelChangeListener
- onSetDeleteAll(CtElement, CtRole, Set, Set) - Method in interface spoon.support.modelobs.FineModelChangeListener
a set corresponding to the role in the AST node is emptied
- onSizeChanged(int) - Method in class spoon.support.util.ModelList
- onSizeChanged(int) - Method in class spoon.support.util.ModelSet
- onTokenWriterWrite(TokenType, String, CtComment, Runnable) - Method in interface spoon.support.sniper.internal.TokenWriterProxy.Listener
Called once for each call of
method - onTokenWriterWrite(TokenType, String, CtComment, Runnable) - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.SniperJavaPrettyPrinter
Called for each printed token
- onUpdate(UpdateAction) - Method in interface spoon.support.modelobs.ActionBasedChangeListener
when an element is modified
- onUpdate(UpdateAction) - Method in class spoon.support.modelobs.ActionBasedChangeListenerImpl
- OPENED_PACKAGE - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- OPERATOR - spoon.support.sniper.internal.TokenType
- OPERATOR_KIND - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- Options<T extends Options<T>> - Class in spoon.compiler.builder
- Options(Class<?>) - Constructor for class spoon.compiler.builder.Options
- OR - spoon.reflect.code.BinaryOperatorKind
Logical or.
- order() - Method in annotation type spoon.reflect.visitor.Child
The ordering of the child relatively to the other children of the parent node.
- other - Variable in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.EqualsChecker
- OTHER - spoon.metamodel.MMMethodKind
The not matching method
- outputConsumer - Variable in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.VariableReferenceFunction
- outputConsumer - Variable in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.VariableScopeFunction
- OutputDestinationHandler - Interface in spoon.support
- OUTPUTDIR - Static variable in class spoon.Launcher
- outputDirectory(File) - Method in class spoon.FluentLauncher
Sets the output directory for source generated.
- outputDirectory(String) - Method in class spoon.FluentLauncher
Sets the output directory for source generated.
- OutputType - Enum in spoon
Types of output.
- OverriddenMethodFilter - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
Gets all overridden method from the method given.
- OverriddenMethodFilter(CtMethod<?>) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.OverriddenMethodFilter
Creates a new overridden method filter.
- OverriddenMethodQuery - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
Gets all overridden method from the method given.
- OverriddenMethodQuery() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.OverriddenMethodQuery
- overrides(CtMethod<?>) - Method in class spoon.metamodel.MMMethod
- OverridingMethodFilter - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
Gets all overriding method from the method given.
- OverridingMethodFilter(CtMethod<?>) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.OverridingMethodFilter
Creates a new overriding method filter.
- Package() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
Access to
subfactory - Package() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
sub-factory. - PACKAGE - spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotatedElementType
Package declaration
- PACKAGE - spoon.reflect.visitor.JavaIdentifiers
- PACKAGE_DECLARATION - spoon.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnit.UNIT_TYPE
- PACKAGE_DECLARATION - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- PACKAGE_REF - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- PACKAGE_SEPARATOR - Static variable in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtPackage
The separator for a string representation of a package.
- PACKAGE_SEPARATOR_CHAR - Static variable in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtPackage
- PackageFactory - Class in spoon.reflect.factory
sub-factory. - PackageFactory(Factory) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.factory.PackageFactory
Creates a new package sub-factory.
- PackageRuntimeBuilderContext - Class in spoon.support.visitor.java.internal
- PackageRuntimeBuilderContext(CtPackage) - Constructor for class spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.PackageRuntimeBuilderContext
- packs - Variable in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtPackageImpl
- PARAM - spoon.reflect.code.CtJavaDocTag.TagType
- parameter(String) - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternParameterConfigurator
Creates a parameter with name `paramName` and assigns it into context, so next calls on builder will be applied to this parameter
- Parameter - Annotation Type in spoon.template
This annotation should be placed on templates' fields or methods to indicate that they represent template parameters.
- PARAMETER - spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotatedElementType
Parameter declaration
- PARAMETER - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- ParameterComputer - Interface in spoon.pattern.internal.parameter
Computes a value of
I - type of input value O - type of computed value - ParameterElementPair(ParameterInfo, CtElement) - Constructor for class spoon.pattern.PatternParameterConfigurator.ParameterElementPair
- ParameterInfo - Interface in spoon.pattern.internal.parameter
Represents the parameter of
defines acceptable value of parameter value during matching. - ParameterNode - Class in spoon.pattern.internal.node
Represents pattern model variable Delivers/Matches 0, 1 or more values of defined parameter.
- ParameterNode(ParameterInfo) - Constructor for class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ParameterNode
- ParameterReferenceFunction - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
This Query expects a
as input and returns allCtParameterReference
s, which refers this input. - ParameterReferenceFunction() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.ParameterReferenceFunction
- ParameterReferenceFunction(CtParameter<?>) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.ParameterReferenceFunction
This constructor allows to define target parameter - the one for which this function will search for.
- Parameters - Class in spoon.support.template
This class defines an API to manipulate template parameters.
- PARAMETERS_CONTAINER_DEFAULT_CAPACITY - Static variable in class spoon.reflect.ModelElementContainerDefaultCapacities
- ParameterScopeFunction - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
This Query expects a
as input and returns all CtElements, which are in visibility scope of that parameter. - ParameterScopeFunction() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.ParameterScopeFunction
- ParameterScopeFunction(CtScannerListener) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.ParameterScopeFunction
- parametersOf(Constructor) - Static method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.reflect.RtParameter
Get parameters in a constructor to spoon parameters.
- parametersOf(RtMethod) - Static method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.reflect.RtParameter
Get parameters in a method to spoon parameters.
- parent - Variable in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- parent - Variable in class spoon.support.util.ImmutableMapImpl
- Parent - Annotation Type in spoon.reflect.visitor
This annotation defines a method that returns the parent of an element of the meta model.
- ParentExiter - Class in spoon.support.compiler.jdt
- ParentFunction - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
This Function expects a
as input and returns all parents of this element. - ParentFunction() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.ParentFunction
- ParentNotInitializedException - Exception in spoon.reflect.declaration
This exception is thrown when the parent of an element has not been correctly initialized.
- ParentNotInitializedException(String) - Constructor for exception spoon.reflect.declaration.ParentNotInitializedException
- parse(String) - Static method in class spoon.javadoc.internal.Javadoc
parses the Javadoc content (description + tags)
- parseArgs() - Method in class spoon.Launcher
Parses the arguments given by the command line.
- parseClass(String) - Static method in class spoon.Launcher
returns the AST of an inline class
- parseText(String) - Static method in class spoon.javadoc.internal.Javadoc
parse the description part (before tags) of a Javadoc
- PartialEvaluator - Interface in spoon.reflect.eval
This interface defines a simple partial evaluator on the Spoon Java model.
- partiallyEvaluate() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtCodeElement
Partially evaluates an element and all its sub-elements.
- partiallyEvaluate() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCodeElementImpl
- partiallyEvaluate() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtClassImpl
- partiallyEvaluate() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtInterfaceImpl
- PartialSourcePositionImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.cu.position
This class intends to create a source position containing only a compilation unit.
- PartialSourcePositionImpl(CompilationUnit) - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.cu.position.PartialSourcePositionImpl
- Pattern - Class in spoon.pattern
Represents a pattern for matching code.
- PatternBuilder - Class in spoon.pattern
The master class to create a
instance. - PatternBuilder(List<? extends CtElement>) - Constructor for class spoon.pattern.PatternBuilder
- PatternBuilderHelper - Class in spoon.pattern
Utility class to select parts of AST to be used as a model of a
. - PatternBuilderHelper(CtType<?>) - Constructor for class spoon.pattern.PatternBuilderHelper
- patternNodes - Variable in class spoon.pattern.PatternBuilder
- PatternParameterConfigurator - Class in spoon.pattern
Used to define pattern parameters.
- PatternParameterConfigurator.ParameterElementPair - Class in spoon.pattern
- PatternPrinter - Class in spoon.pattern.internal
Generates the source code corresponding to a Pattern's RootNode
- PatternPrinter() - Constructor for class spoon.pattern.internal.PatternPrinter
- PERMITTED_TYPE - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- PLUS - spoon.reflect.code.BinaryOperatorKind
- popCurrentThis() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrintingContext
Removes the current type context from the stack.
- POS - spoon.reflect.code.UnaryOperatorKind
- POSITION - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- PositionBuilder - Class in spoon.support.compiler.jdt
Created by bdanglot on 07/07/16.
- PositionBuilder(JDTTreeBuilder) - Constructor for class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.PositionBuilder
- POSSESSIVE - spoon.pattern.Quantifier
The possessive quantifier always eats the entire input string, trying once (and only once) for a match.
- POST_ORDER - spoon.processing.TraversalStrategy
When this strategy is selected, the processor will traverse the child elements before the parents.
- POSTDEC - spoon.reflect.code.UnaryOperatorKind
Decrementation post assignment.
- POSTINC - spoon.reflect.code.UnaryOperatorKind
Incrementation post assignment.
- PotentialVariableDeclarationFunction - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
This mapping function searches for all
instances, which might be a declaration of an inputCtElement
. - PotentialVariableDeclarationFunction() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.PotentialVariableDeclarationFunction
- PotentialVariableDeclarationFunction(String) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.PotentialVariableDeclarationFunction
Searches for a variable with exact name.
- PRE_ORDER - spoon.processing.TraversalStrategy
When this strategy is selected, the processor will traverse the parent elements before the children.
- PREDEC - spoon.reflect.code.UnaryOperatorKind
Decrementation pre assignment.
- PREINC - spoon.reflect.code.UnaryOperatorKind
Incrementation pre assignment.
- preprocessors - Variable in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
Handle imports of classes.
- preserveUnusedVars() - Method in class spoon.compiler.builder.AdvancedOptions
- prettyprint() - Method in class spoon.Launcher
- prettyprint() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
- prettyprint() - Method in interface spoon.SpoonAPI
Write the transformed files to disk
- prettyprint() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- prettyprint(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- prettyprint(CtElement) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.PrettyPrinter
pretty-prints the element, call
to get the result - PrettyPrinter - Interface in spoon.reflect.visitor
This interface defines the pretty printers.
- PREVIOUS - spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.SiblingsFunction.Mode
- PrimitiveMatcher - Interface in spoon.pattern.internal.node
Defines API of a primitive matcher - matcher for single target object
- print(boolean) - Method in class spoon.pattern.Pattern
- print(PrinterEvent) - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.DefaultSourceFragmentPrinter
- print(PrinterEvent) - Method in interface spoon.support.sniper.internal.SourceFragmentPrinter
Called when
starts an operation - PRINT - spoon.support.compiler.SpoonProgress.Process
- printComment(CtComment) - Static method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CommentHelper
returns a pretty-printed version of a comment, with prefix, suffix, and intermediate prefix for block and Javadoc
- printCompilationUnit(CtCompilationUnit) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- printCompilationUnit(CtCompilationUnit) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.PrettyPrinter
Prints the compilation unit of module-info, package-info or types.
- printElement(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
Prints an element.
- printElement(CtElement) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.PrettyPrinter
Prints an element.
- printElement(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.SniperJavaPrettyPrinter
The sniper mode only works from JavaOutputProcessor
- printElementSniper(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.SniperJavaPrettyPrinter
Warning: debug and test method only, not part of the public API
- PrinterEvent - Interface in spoon.support.sniper.internal
Represents an action of PrettyPrinter
- PrinterHelper - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor
Supports configurable printing of text with indentations and line and column counting
- PrinterHelper() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrinterHelper
- PrinterHelper(Environment) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrinterHelper
- PrintingContext - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor
- PrintingContext() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrintingContext
- PrintingContext.Writable - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor
- printList(Iterable<T>, String, boolean, String, boolean, boolean, String, boolean, boolean, String, Consumer<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ElementPrinterHelper
Prints list of elements with defined delimiters using `printer`
- printModuleInfo(CtModule) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- printModuleInfo(CtModule) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.PrettyPrinter
Prints the module info.
- printNode(RootNode) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.PatternPrinter
- printPackageInfo(CtPackage) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- printPackageInfo(CtPackage) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.PrettyPrinter
Prints the package info.
- printPermits(CtSealable) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ElementPrinterHelper
Prints the
keyword followed by the permitted types of aCtSealable
. - printSeparatorIfAppropriate() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ListPrinter
Call that before printing of list item starts
- printSourceFragment(SourceFragment, ModificationStatus) - Method in interface spoon.support.sniper.internal.PrinterEvent
We have a source fragment of to be printed element.
- printTabs - Variable in class spoon.experimental.SpoonifierVisitor
- printTypes(CtType<?>...) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- printTypes(CtType<?>...) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.PrettyPrinter
Prints the types of one compilation unit It always resets the printing context at the beginning of this process.
- printTypes(CtType<?>...) - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.SniperJavaPrettyPrinter
- printUsage() - Method in class spoon.Launcher
- PRIVATE - spoon.reflect.declaration.ModifierKind
The modifier private
- PRIVATE - spoon.reflect.visitor.JavaIdentifiers
- problems - Variable in exception spoon.support.compiler.SnippetCompilationError
- probs - Variable in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- process() - Method in class spoon.Launcher
- process() - Method in class spoon.processing.AbstractProcessor
The manual meta-model processing cannot be overridden (use
) to do so. - process() - Method in interface spoon.processing.Processor
A callback method called by the manager so that this processor can manually implement a processing job.
- process() - Method in class spoon.processing.SpoonTagger
- process() - Method in interface spoon.SpoonAPI
Processes the model with the processors given previously with
- process(A, E) - Method in interface spoon.processing.AnnotationProcessor
Do the annotation processing job for a given annotation.
- process(E) - Method in class spoon.processing.AbstractAnnotationProcessor
- process(E) - Method in class spoon.processing.AbstractParallelProcessor
- process(E) - Method in interface spoon.processing.Processor
A callback method called by the meta-model scanner to perform a dedicated job on the currently scanned element.
- process(Collection<? extends CtElement>) - Method in interface spoon.processing.ProcessingManager
Recursively processes a collection of
s with this manager. - process(Collection<? extends CtElement>) - Method in class spoon.support.QueueProcessingManager
- process(Collection<? extends CtElement>) - Method in class spoon.support.RuntimeProcessingManager
- process(Collection<? extends CtElement>, Processor<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.RuntimeProcessingManager
Recursively processes elements and their children with a given processor.
- process(Collection<Processor<? extends CtElement>>) - Method in interface spoon.SpoonModelBuilder
Processes the Java model with the given processors.
- process(Collection<Processor<? extends CtElement>>) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- process(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.processing.AbstractManualProcessor
Does nothing in this context.
- process(CtElement) - Method in interface spoon.processing.ProcessingManager
Recursively processes a
with this manager. - process(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.QueueProcessingManager
- process(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.RuntimeProcessingManager
- process(CtElement, Processor<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.RuntimeProcessingManager
Recursively processes an element and its children with a given processor.
- process(CtNamedElement) - Method in class spoon.support.JavaOutputProcessor
Creates a source file for each processed top-level type and pretty prints its contents.
- process(Factory, Collection<Processor<?>>) - Static method in class spoon.testing.utils.ProcessorUtils
- PROCESS - spoon.support.compiler.SpoonProgress.Process
- processArguments() - Method in class spoon.Launcher
- processingDone() - Method in class spoon.processing.AbstractManualProcessor
- processingDone() - Method in class spoon.processing.AbstractParallelProcessor
Cleans the threadpool after processing.
- processingDone() - Method in class spoon.processing.AbstractProcessor
- processingDone() - Method in interface spoon.processing.Processor
This method is called by the
when this processor has finished a full processing round on the program's model. - ProcessingManager - Interface in spoon.processing
The processing manager defines the API to process a program model of a given
with a set of processors. - ProcessingVisitor - Class in spoon.support.visitor
This visitor implements the code processing engine.
- ProcessingVisitor(Factory) - Constructor for class spoon.support.visitor.ProcessingVisitor
The constructor.
- ProcessInterruption - Exception in spoon.processing
This exception is used to interrupt a processor during its processing.
- ProcessInterruption() - Constructor for exception spoon.processing.ProcessInterruption
- ProcessInterruption(String) - Constructor for exception spoon.processing.ProcessInterruption
- ProcessInterruption(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception spoon.processing.ProcessInterruption
- ProcessInterruption(Throwable) - Constructor for exception spoon.processing.ProcessInterruption
- processor(Iterable<Processor<T>>) - Method in class spoon.FluentLauncher
Adds an instance of a processor.
- processor(Processor<T>) - Method in class spoon.FluentLauncher
Adds an instance of a processor.
- Processor<E extends CtElement> - Interface in spoon.processing
This interface defines a generic code processor.
- ProcessorProperties - Interface in spoon.processing
An interface to retrieve processor properties.
- ProcessorPropertiesImpl - Class in spoon.processing
- ProcessorPropertiesImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.processing.ProcessorPropertiesImpl
- processors - Variable in class spoon.testing.AbstractAssert
- processors(String) - Method in class spoon.compiler.builder.AnnotationProcessingOptions
- processors(String...) - Method in class spoon.compiler.builder.AnnotationProcessingOptions
- ProcessorUtils - Class in spoon.testing.utils
- processWith(Processor<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.CtModel
process this model with the given processor
- processWith(Processor<?>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.CtModelImpl
- ProgressLogger - Class in spoon.support.compiler
- ProgressLogger(Environment) - Constructor for class spoon.support.compiler.ProgressLogger
- Property - Annotation Type in spoon.processing
This annotation shall be used on processor fields to declare them as being properties (for configuration).
- PropertyGetter - Annotation Type in spoon.reflect.annotations
Specifies that a method is an official metamodel getter in the Spoon metamodel.
- PropertySetter - Annotation Type in spoon.reflect.annotations
Specifies that a method is an official metamodel setter in the Spoon metamodel.
- PROTECTED - spoon.reflect.declaration.ModifierKind
The modifier protected
- PROTECTED - spoon.reflect.visitor.JavaIdentifiers
- PROVIDED_SERVICE - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- PUBLIC - spoon.reflect.declaration.ModifierKind
The modifier public
- PUBLIC - spoon.reflect.visitor.JavaIdentifiers
- pushCurrentThis(CtType<?>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrintingContext
Adds the given type to the stack of types.
- put(String, T) - Method in class spoon.support.util.internal.ElementNameMap
- putLineNumberMapping(int) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrinterHelper
- putMetadata(String, Object) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
Saves metadata inside an Element.
- putMetadata(String, Object) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- putValue(String, Object) - Method in interface spoon.support.util.ImmutableMap
- putValue(String, Object) - Method in class spoon.support.util.ImmutableMapImpl
- QualifiedNameBasedSortedSet<E extends CtElement> - Class in spoon.support.util
The set properties of this set are based on the qualified name of the element inserted.
- QualifiedNameBasedSortedSet() - Constructor for class spoon.support.util.QualifiedNameBasedSortedSet
- QualifiedNameBasedSortedSet(Collection<E>) - Constructor for class spoon.support.util.QualifiedNameBasedSortedSet
- QualifiedNameComparator - Class in spoon.support.comparator
compares based on names (with a preference for qualified names if available)
- QualifiedNameComparator() - Constructor for class spoon.support.comparator.QualifiedNameComparator
- Quantifier - Enum in spoon.pattern
Defines a matching strategy for pattern parameters, default is
. - Query - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor
This class provides some useful methods to retrieve program elements and reference through a
-based deep search. - Query() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
Access to
subfactory - Query() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
The query sub-factory.
- QueryFactory - Class in spoon.reflect.factory
A factory to create some queries on the Spoon metamodel.
- QueryFactory(Factory) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.factory.QueryFactory
Creates the evaluation factory.
- QueryFailurePolicy - Enum in spoon.reflect.visitor.chain
Use in
to define how to handle failure - queryModel() - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternParameterConfigurator
- QueueProcessingManager - Class in spoon.support
This processing manager applies the processors one by one from the given root element.
- QueueProcessingManager(Factory) - Constructor for class spoon.support.QueueProcessingManager
Creates a new processing manager that maintains a queue of processors to be applied to a given factory.
- reason() - Method in annotation type spoon.experimental.NoClasspathWorkaround
The reason why this workaround is needed.
- reason() - Method in annotation type spoon.NoClasspathWorkaround
The reason why this workaround is needed.
- rebuildClasspath() - Method in class spoon.MavenLauncher
Triggers regeneration of the classpath that is used for building the model, based on pom.xml
- RECORD_COMPONENT - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- RecordComponentRuntimeBuilderContext - Class in spoon.support.visitor.java.internal
- RecordComponentRuntimeBuilderContext(CtRecordComponent) - Constructor for class spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.RecordComponentRuntimeBuilderContext
- RECURSIVE_WILDCARD - Static variable in class spoon.reflect.path.impl.CtNamedPathElement
- recursiveWildcard() - Method in class spoon.reflect.path.CtPathBuilder
Add a recursive wildcard.
- redirectTypeReferences(CtElement, CtTypeReference<?>, CtTypeReference<?>) - Static method in class spoon.template.Substitution
A helper method that recursively redirects all the type references from a source type to a target type in the given element.
- refactor() - Method in class spoon.refactoring.AbstractRenameRefactoring
- refactor() - Method in class spoon.refactoring.CtParameterRemoveRefactoring
- refactor() - Method in interface spoon.refactoring.CtRefactoring
Process refactoring operation
- Refactoring - Class in spoon.refactoring
Contains all methods to refactor code elements in the AST.
- RefactoringException - Exception in spoon.refactoring
Thrown when required refactoring would cause model inconsistency
- RefactoringException() - Constructor for exception spoon.refactoring.RefactoringException
- RefactoringException(String) - Constructor for exception spoon.refactoring.RefactoringException
- RefactoringException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception spoon.refactoring.RefactoringException
- RefactoringException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception spoon.refactoring.RefactoringException
- refactorNoCheck() - Method in class spoon.refactoring.AbstractRenameRefactoring
- refactorNoCheck() - Method in class spoon.refactoring.CtParameterRemoveRefactoring
- refactorNoCheck() - Method in class spoon.refactoring.CtRenameGenericVariableRefactoring
- refactorNoCheck() - Method in class spoon.refactoring.CtRenameLocalVariableRefactoring
- ReferenceBuilder - Class in spoon.support.compiler.jdt
- ReferenceTypeFilter<T extends CtReference> - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
This simple filter matches all the references of a given type.
- ReferenceTypeFilter(Class<? super T>) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.ReferenceTypeFilter
Creates the filter.
- RegexFilter<E extends CtElement> - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
Filters elements with a regular expression on the element's code.
- RegexFilter(String) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.RegexFilter
- relativePath(CtElement) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.path.CtPath
Returns the path that is relative to the given element (subpath from it to the end of the path).
- relativePath(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.path.impl.CtPathImpl
- RELUCTANT - spoon.pattern.Quantifier
The reluctant quantifier takes the opposite approach: It start at the beginning of the input, then reluctantly eats one character at a time looking for a match.
- remove() - Method in class spoon.support.util.EmptyIterator
- remove(int) - Method in class spoon.support.util.ModelList
- remove(Object) - Method in class spoon.support.util.internal.ElementNameMap
- remove(Object) - Method in class spoon.support.util.ModelList
- remove(Object) - Method in class spoon.support.util.ModelSet
- remove(CtExecutable<?>) - Method in class spoon.refactoring.MethodCallState
- remove(CtType<?>) - Method in class spoon.refactoring.MethodCallState
- REMOVE - spoon.metamodel.MMMethodKind
void remove(T)
- removeActualTypeArgument(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtActualTypeContainer
Removes a type argument.
- removeActualTypeArgument(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtConstructorCallImpl
- removeActualTypeArgument(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtInvocationImpl
- removeActualTypeArgument(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReferenceImpl
- removeActualTypeArgument(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeParameterReferenceImpl
- removeActualTypeArgument(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- removeAllThatMatch(String) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.FilteringFolder
Removes all resources matching the given Java regex Eg.
- removeAnnotation(CtAnnotation<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
Remove an annotation for this element
- removeAnnotation(CtAnnotation<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeMemberWildcardImportReference
- removeAnnotation(CtAnnotation<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- removeAnnotation(CtAnnotation<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeMemberWildcardImportReferenceImpl
- removeAnonymousExecutable(CtAnonymousExecutable) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtClass
Remove an anonymous block to this class.
- removeAnonymousExecutable(CtAnonymousExecutable) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtClassImpl
- removeArgument(CtExpression<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtAbstractInvocation
Removes an argument expression from the invocation.
- removeArgument(CtExpression<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtConstructorCallImpl
- removeArgument(CtExpression<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtInvocationImpl
- removeBound(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtIntersectionTypeReference
Removes a bound.
- removeBound(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtIntersectionTypeReferenceImpl
- removeCase(CtCase<? super S>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtAbstractSwitch
Removes a case;
- removeCase(CtCase<? super S>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtSwitchExpressionImpl
- removeCase(CtCase<? super S>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtSwitchImpl
- removeCatcher(CtCatch) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtTry
Removes a catch block.
- removeCatcher(CtCatch) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtTryImpl
- removeComment(CtComment) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
Remove a comment
- removeComment(CtComment) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- removeCompilationUnitFilter(CompilationUnitFilter) - Method in interface spoon.SpoonModelBuilder
. - removeCompilationUnitFilter(CompilationUnitFilter) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- removeConstructor(CtConstructor<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtClass
Removes a constructor from this class.
- removeConstructor(CtConstructor<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtClassImpl
- removeConsumedAnnotationType(Class<? extends A>) - Method in class spoon.processing.AbstractAnnotationProcessor
Removes a processed annotation type.
- removeDeprecatedMethods(String) - Method in class spoon.refactoring.CtDeprecatedRefactoring
- removeDeprecatedMethods(String) - Static method in class spoon.refactoring.Refactoring
Removes all deprecated methods for all java files in the given path.
- removeDeprecatedMethods(String, String) - Method in class spoon.refactoring.CtDeprecatedRefactoring
- removeDeprecatedMethods(String, String) - Static method in class spoon.refactoring.Refactoring
Removes all deprecated methods for all java files in the given path.
- removeDimensionExpression(CtExpression<Integer>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtNewArray
Removes a dimension expression.
- removeDimensionExpression(CtExpression<Integer>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtNewArrayImpl
- removeElement(CtExpression<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtNewArray
Removes an element.
- removeElement(CtExpression<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtNewArrayImpl
- removeEnumValue(CtEnumValue<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtEnum
Removes en enum value.
- removeEnumValue(CtEnumValue<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtEnumImpl
- removeExportedPackage(CtPackageExport) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModule
- removeExportedPackage(CtPackageExport) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtModuleImpl
- removeField(CtField<F>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType
remove a Field
- removeField(CtField<F>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- removeField(CtField<F>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- removeForInit(CtStatement) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtFor
Removes an init statement.
- removeForInit(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtForImpl
- removeFormalCtTypeParameter(CtTypeParameter) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtFormalTypeDeclarer
Removes a type parameters from this generic element.
- removeFormalCtTypeParameter(CtTypeParameter) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtConstructorImpl
- removeFormalCtTypeParameter(CtTypeParameter) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtMethodImpl
- removeFormalCtTypeParameter(CtTypeParameter) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- removeForUpdate(CtStatement) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtFor
Removes an update statement.
- removeForUpdate(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtForImpl
- removeFromCache(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CompilationUnitFactory
Removes compilation unit from the cache and returns it Used by JDTSnippetCompiler to remove processed snippet from the cache
- removeInvocationArgument(CtInvocation<?>) - Method in class spoon.refactoring.CtParameterRemoveRefactoring
- removeInvocationArguments() - Method in class spoon.refactoring.CtParameterRemoveRefactoring
- removeLine() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrinterHelper
- removeMethod(CtMethod<M>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType
Removes a method from this type.
- removeMethod(CtMethod<M>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- removeMethod(CtMethod<M>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- removeMethodParameters() - Method in class spoon.refactoring.CtParameterRemoveRefactoring
- removeModifier(ModifierKind) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModifiable
remove a modifier
- removeModifier(ModifierKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCatchVariableImpl
- removeModifier(ModifierKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLocalVariableImpl
- removeModifier(ModifierKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.CtModifierHandler
- removeModifier(ModifierKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutableImpl
- removeModifier(ModifierKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtConstructorImpl
- removeModifier(ModifierKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtFieldImpl
- removeModifier(ModifierKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtMethodImpl
- removeModifier(ModifierKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtParameterImpl
- removeModifier(ModifierKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- removeModifier(ModifierKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- removeModuleDirective(CtModuleDirective) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModule
- removeModuleDirective(CtModuleDirective) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtModuleImpl
- removeMultiType(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtMultiTypedElement
Removes a type for the element.
- removeMultiType(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCatchVariableImpl
- removeNestedType(CtType<N>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType
Remove a nested type.
- removeNestedType(CtType<N>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtInterfaceImpl
- removeNestedType(CtType<N>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- removeNestedType(CtType<N>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- removeOpenedPackage(CtPackageExport) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModule
- removeOpenedPackage(CtPackageExport) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtModuleImpl
- removePackage(CtPackage) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtPackage
remove a subpackage
- removePackage(CtPackage) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtPackageImpl
- removeParameter(CtExecutable<?>) - Method in class spoon.refactoring.CtParameterRemoveRefactoring
- removeParameter(CtParameter) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutableImpl
- removeParameter(CtParameter<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtExecutable
Remove a parameter for this executable
- removeParameter(CtParameter<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLambdaImpl
- removeParameter(CtParameter<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtExecutableImpl
- removePermittedType(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtEnum
- removePermittedType(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtRecord
- removePermittedType(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtSealable
Adds a permitted type to this type.
- removePermittedType(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtClassImpl
- removePermittedType(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtEnumImpl
- removePermittedType(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtInterfaceImpl
- removePermittedType(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtRecordImpl
- removeProcessedAnnotationType(Class<? extends A>) - Method in class spoon.processing.AbstractAnnotationProcessor
Removes a processed annotation type.
- removeProcessedElementType(Class<? extends CtElement>) - Method in class spoon.processing.AbstractProcessor
Removes a processed element type.
- removeProvidedService(CtProvidedService) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModule
- removeProvidedService(CtProvidedService) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtModuleImpl
- removeRecordComponent(CtRecordComponent) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtRecord
- removeRecordComponent(CtRecordComponent) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtRecordImpl
- removeRequiredModule(CtModuleRequirement) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModule
- removeRequiredModule(CtModuleRequirement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtModuleImpl
- removeResource(CtResource<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtTryWithResource
Removes a resource.
- removeResource(CtResource<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtTryWithResourceImpl
- removeStatement(CtStatement) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtStatementList
Removes a statement.
- removeStatement(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtBlockImpl
- removeStatement(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCaseImpl
- removeStatement(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtStatementListImpl
- removeSuperClass() - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternBuilderHelper
removes super class from the template
- removeSuperInterface(CtTypeReference<S>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType
- removeSuperInterface(CtTypeReference<S>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- removeSuperInterface(CtTypeReference<S>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- removeTag(int) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtJavaDoc
Remove a tag from the index
- removeTag(int) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtJavaDocImpl
- removeTag(CtJavaDocTag) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtJavaDoc
Remove a specific tag
- removeTag(CtJavaDocTag) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtJavaDocImpl
- removeTarget(int) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.matcher.TobeMatched
- removeTarget(ImmutableMap, int) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.matcher.TobeMatched
- removeThrownType(CtTypeReference) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutableImpl
- removeThrownType(CtTypeReference<? extends Throwable>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtExecutable
remove a thrown type.
- removeThrownType(CtTypeReference<? extends Throwable>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLambdaImpl
- removeThrownType(CtTypeReference<? extends Throwable>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtExecutableImpl
- removeType(CtType) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.CompilationUnitFactory
remove a type from the list of types to be pretty-printed
- removeType(CtType<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtPackage
Removes a type from this package.
- removeType(CtType<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtPackageImpl
- removeTypeMember(CtTypeMember) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType
Removes the type member.
- removeTypeMember(CtTypeMember) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- removeUsedService(CtUsedService) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModule
- removeUsedService(CtUsedService) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtModuleImpl
- RepeatableMatcher - Interface in spoon.pattern.internal.node
Defines API of a repeatable matcher.
- replace(Collection<E>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
Replaces this element by several elements.
- replace(Collection<E>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- replace(CtElement) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
Replaces this element by another one.
- replace(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- replace(CtElement, Collection<E>) - Static method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- replace(CtElement, CtElement) - Static method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- ReplaceListener<T extends CtElement> - Interface in spoon.support.visitor.replace
Interface for the AST node replacement infrastructure.
- ReplaceListListener<T extends Collection> - Interface in spoon.support.visitor.replace
- ReplaceMapListener<T extends Map> - Interface in spoon.support.visitor.replace
- ReplacementVisitor - Class in spoon.support.visitor.replace
Used to replace an element by another one.
- replaceNode(RootNode, RootNode) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ConstantNode
- replaceNode(RootNode, RootNode) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ElementNode
- replaceNode(RootNode, RootNode) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ForEachNode
- replaceNode(RootNode, RootNode) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ListOfNodes
- replaceNode(RootNode, RootNode) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.MapEntryNode
- replaceNode(RootNode, RootNode) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ParameterNode
- replaceNode(RootNode, RootNode) - Method in interface spoon.pattern.internal.node.RootNode
Call it to modify Pattern structure.
- replaceNode(RootNode, RootNode) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.StringNode
- replaceNode(RootNode, RootNode) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.SwitchNode
- ReplaceSetListener<T extends Set> - Interface in spoon.support.visitor.replace
- report(Environment, CategorizedProblem) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- report(Environment, CategorizedProblem) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTSnippetCompiler
- report(Processor<?>, Level, String) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
This method should be called to print out a message during the processing.
- report(Processor<?>, Level, String) - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- report(Processor<?>, Level, CtElement, String) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Helper method called by a processor to report an error, warning or message as dictated by the severity parameter.
- report(Processor<?>, Level, CtElement, String) - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- reportClassPathMode() - Method in class spoon.Launcher
- reportClassPathMode() - Method in class spoon.MavenLauncher
- reportEnd() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
This method should be called to report the end of the processing.
- reportEnd() - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
This method should be called to report the end of the processing.
- reportProblem(CategorizedProblem) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
report a compilation problem (callback for JDT)
- reportProblems(Environment) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
Report problems as logs when building the AST model In in full classpath, a problem categorized as "Error" triggers an exception
- reportProblemsWhenCompiling(Environment) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
Report problems as logs when compiling to binary.
- reportProgressMessage(String) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
This method should be called to print out a progress message during the processing.
- reportProgressMessage(String) - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- requestor - Variable in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- REQUIRED_MODULE - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- reset() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQueryImpl
Called before query is evaluated again
- reset() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- reset() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultTokenWriter
- reset() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrinterHelper
resets to the initial state
- reset() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.TokenWriter
resets to the initial state
- reset() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.MutableTokenWriter
- reset() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.TokenWriterProxy
- resolveActualTypeArgumentsOf(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.ClassTypingContext
resolve actual type argument values of the provided type reference
- resources(String...) - Static method in class spoon.compiler.SpoonResourceHelper
Creates the list of
corresponding to the given paths (files, folders, archives). - RESOURCES_CONTAINER_DEFAULT_CAPACITY - Static variable in class spoon.reflect.ModelElementContainerDefaultCapacities
- RESOURCES_FILE_FILTER - Static variable in class spoon.Launcher
- ResultHolder<T> - Class in spoon.pattern.internal
Container for single or multiple values of required type
- ResultHolder(Class<T>) - Constructor for class spoon.pattern.internal.ResultHolder
- ResultHolder.Multiple<T> - Class in spoon.pattern.internal
Container of multiple values of required type
- ResultHolder.Single<T> - Class in spoon.pattern.internal
Container of single value of required type
- RETURN - spoon.reflect.code.CtJavaDocTag.TagType
- RETURN - spoon.reflect.visitor.JavaIdentifiers
- ReturnOrThrowFilter - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
This simple filter matches all the occurrences of a return or a throw statement (end of execution flow).
- ReturnOrThrowFilter() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.ReturnOrThrowFilter
- returnTypeReferences(boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.SuperInheritanceHierarchyFunction
configures whether
instances are returned by this mapping function - RIGHT_OPERAND - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- role - Variable in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.ElementPrinterEvent
- role() - Method in annotation type spoon.reflect.annotations.MetamodelPropertyField
- role() - Method in annotation type spoon.reflect.annotations.PropertyGetter
- role() - Method in annotation type spoon.reflect.annotations.PropertySetter
- role(CtRole, String[]...) - Method in class spoon.reflect.path.CtPathBuilder
Match on elements by their role.
- RoleHandler - Interface in spoon.reflect.meta
Enables client code to get and set a field based on a role for a CtElement.
- RoleHandlerHelper - Class in spoon.reflect.meta.impl
Provides a
implementation for the pair ofCtElement
implementation andCtRole
The returnedRoleHandler
can be then used to manipulate value of attribute represented byCtRole
on theCtElement
instance - Root - Annotation Type in spoon.reflect.visitor
This annotation defines an element as Root of the meta model.
- RootNode - Interface in spoon.pattern.internal.node
Represents a parameterized Pattern ValueResolver, which can be used to generate a zero, one or more copies of model using provided parameters to match zero, one or more instances of model and deliver a matching parameters
- RtHelper - Class in spoon.support.util
This class is a helper for runtime reflection.
- RtMethod - Class in spoon.support.visitor.java.reflect
- RtMethod(Class<?>, Method, String, Class<?>, Type, TypeVariable<Method>[], Class<?>[], Type[], Class<?>[], int, Annotation[], Annotation[][], boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class spoon.support.visitor.java.reflect.RtMethod
- RtParameter - Class in spoon.support.visitor.java.reflect
To be compatible with Java 6, RtParameter has been created from the Parameter class in Java 8.
- RtParameter(String, Class<?>, Type, RtMethod, Constructor, int) - Constructor for class spoon.support.visitor.java.reflect.RtParameter
- rtType - Variable in class spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.TypeRuntimeBuilderContext
- run() - Method in class spoon.Launcher
Runs Spoon using the given compiler, with the given run options.
- run() - Method in interface spoon.SpoonAPI
Starts the complete Spoon processing (build model, process, write transformed files)
- run(String[]) - Method in class spoon.Launcher
- run(String[]) - Method in interface spoon.SpoonAPI
Runs Spoon with these arguments (used by the "main" method)
- runProcessors() - Method in class spoon.compiler.builder.AnnotationProcessingOptions
- RuntimeBuilderContext - Interface in spoon.support.visitor.java.internal
- RuntimeProcessingManager - Class in spoon.support
This processing manager implements a blocking processing policy that consists of applying the processors in a FIFO order until no processors remain to be applied.
- RuntimeProcessingManager(Factory) - Constructor for class spoon.support.RuntimeProcessingManager
Creates a new processing manager that maintains a queue of processors to be applied to a given factory.
- runWithoutChangeListener(Environment, Runnable) - Static method in class spoon.support.modelobs.ChangeCollector
Allows to run code using change collector switched off.
- S() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtAssignmentImpl
- S() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtBlockImpl
- S() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtExpressionImpl
- S() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtIfImpl
- S() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLoopImpl
- S() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtReturnImpl
- S() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtThrowImpl
- S() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtTryImpl
- S() - Method in class spoon.template.BlockTemplate
- S() - Method in class spoon.template.ExpressionTemplate
- S() - Method in class spoon.template.StatementTemplate
- S() - Method in interface spoon.template.TemplateParameter
Gets the type of the template parameter.
- SameFilter - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
Finds the element given in parameter, useful for checking if an element is in an ancestor.
- SameFilter(CtElement) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.SameFilter
- sameMethodsWithDifferentTypeOf(Class<T>, List<RtMethod>) - Static method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.reflect.RtMethod
Returns the methods of `klass` that have the same signature (according to runtime reflection) but a different return type of at least one of the methods in `comparedMethods` given as parameter.
- save(Factory, OutputStream) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.ModelStreamer
Saves a factory (and all its associated Java program elements).
- save(Factory, OutputStream) - Method in class spoon.support.SerializationModelStreamer
- saveCache() - Method in class spoon.IncrementalLauncher
Caches current spoon model and binary files.
- sbf - Variable in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrinterHelper
The string buffer in which the code is generated.
- scan(Class<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.JavaReflectionTreeBuilder
transforms a java.lang.Class into a CtType (ie a shadow type in Spoon's parlance)
- scan(Object) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
Generically scans an object that can be an element, a reference, or a collection of those.
- scan(Collection<? extends CtElement>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
Generically scans a collection of meta-model elements.
- scan(Collection<? extends CtElement>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
Generically scans a collection of meta-model elements.
- scan(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.AstParentConsistencyChecker
- scan(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBFSIterator
prevent scanner from going down the tree, instead save with other CtElement children of the current node
- scan(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
Generically scans a meta-model element.
- scan(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtIterator
prevent scanner from going down the tree, instead save with other CtElement children of the current node
- scan(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
Generically scans a meta-model element.
- scan(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
The generic scan method for an element.
- scan(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.EarlyTerminatingScanner
- scan(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportScannerImpl
- scan(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.SniperJavaPrettyPrinter
Called whenever
scans/prints an element Warning: DO not call on a cloned element. - scan(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.HashcodeVisitor
- scan(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.ProcessingVisitor
Applies the processing to the given element.
- scan(CtRole, Object) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
Generically scans an object that can be an element, a reference, or a collection of those.
- scan(CtRole, Object) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.EarlyTerminatingScanner
- scan(CtRole, Collection<? extends CtElement>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.matcher.MatchingScanner
- scan(CtRole, Collection<? extends CtElement>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
Generically scans a collection of meta-model elements.
- scan(CtRole, Collection<? extends CtElement>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.EarlyTerminatingScanner
- scan(CtRole, Map<String, ? extends CtElement>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.matcher.MatchingScanner
- scan(CtRole, Map<String, ? extends CtElement>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
Generically scans a Map of meta-model elements.
- scan(CtRole, Map<String, ? extends CtElement>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.EarlyTerminatingScanner
- scan(CtRole, CtElement) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.matcher.MatchingScanner
- scan(CtRole, CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
Generically scans a meta-model element.
- scan(CtRole, CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.EarlyTerminatingScanner
- scan(CtRole, CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.gui.SpoonTreeBuilder
- scanCtAbstractInvocation(CtAbstractInvocation<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
Scans an abstract invocation.
- scanCtAbstractSwitch(CtAbstractSwitch<S>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
Scans an abstract switch (either switch statement or switch expression).
- scanCtActualTypeContainer(CtActualTypeContainer) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
Scans an actual type container..
- scanCtArrayAccess(CtArrayAccess<T, E>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
Scans an array access (read and write).
- scanCtBodyHolder(CtBodyHolder) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
Scans a body holder
- scanCtCFlowBreak(CtCFlowBreak) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
Scans an abstract control flow break.
- scanCtCodeElement(CtCodeElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
Scans an abstract code element.
- scanCtCodeSnippet(CtCodeSnippet) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- scanCtCodeSnippet(CtCodeSnippet) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.EqualsChecker
- scanCtElement(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
Scans an abstract element.
- scanCtElement(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- scanCtElement(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneBuilder
Scans an abstract element.
- scanCtExecutable(CtExecutable<R>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
Scans an abstract executable.
- scanCtExecutable(CtExecutable<R>) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- scanCtExpression(CtExpression<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
Scans an abstract expression.
- scanCtFieldAccess(CtFieldAccess<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
Scans a field access (read and write).
- scanCtFormalTypeDeclarer(CtFormalTypeDeclarer) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
Scans a formal type declarer.
- scanCtFormalTypeDeclarer(CtFormalTypeDeclarer) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- scanCtLabelledFlowBreak(CtLabelledFlowBreak) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
Scans a labelled control flow break.
- scanCtLoop(CtLoop) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
Scans an abstract loop.
- scanCtLoop(CtLoop) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- scanCtModifiable(CtModifiable) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
Scans an abstract modifiable element.
- scanCtModifiable(CtModifiable) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.EqualsChecker
- scanCtModuleDirective(CtModuleDirective) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- scanCtMultiTypedElement(CtMultiTypedElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- scanCtNamedElement(CtNamedElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
Scans an abstract named element.
- scanCtNamedElement(CtNamedElement) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneBuilder
Scans an abstract named element.
- scanCtNamedElement(CtNamedElement) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.EqualsChecker
- scanCtNamedElement(CtNamedElement) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.HashcodeVisitor
- scanCtPattern(CtPattern) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
Scans a pattern
- scanCtReference(CtReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
Scans an abstract reference.
- scanCtReference(CtReference) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneBuilder
Scans an abstract reference.
- scanCtReference(CtReference) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.EqualsChecker
- scanCtReference(CtReference) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.HashcodeVisitor
- scanCtResource(CtResource<?>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
Scans an abstract resource in try-with-resource statement.
- scanCtRHSReceiver(CtRHSReceiver<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
Scans the right-hand side of an assignment
- scanCtSealable(CtSealable) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
Scans a sealable type
- scanCtShadowable(CtShadowable) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
Scans a shadowable element
- scanCtStatement(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
Scans an abstract statement.
- scanCtStatement(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneBuilder
Scans an abstract statement.
- scanCtStatement(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.EqualsChecker
- scanCtTargetedExpression(CtTargetedExpression<T, E>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
Scans an abstract targeted expression.
- scanCtTargetedExpression(CtTargetedExpression<T, E>) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- scanCtType(CtType<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
Scans an abstract type.
- scanCtType(CtType<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- scanCtType(CtType<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneBuilder
Scans an abstract type.
- scanCtTypedElement(CtTypedElement<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
Scans an abstract typed element.
- scanCtTypeInformation(CtTypeInformation) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
Scans an abstract variable reference.
- scanCtTypeMember(CtTypeMember) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- scanCtVariable(CtVariable<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
Scans an abstract variable declaration.
- scanCtVariable(CtVariable<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- scanCtVariableAccess(CtVariableAccess<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
Scans a variable access (read and write).
- scanCtVariableReference(CtVariableReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
Scans an abstract variable reference.
- scanCtVisitable(CtVisitable) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- scanElements(Collection<? extends CtElement>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.path.impl.CtNamedPathElement
- scanFields(Class<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.gui.SpoonObjectFieldsTable.SpoonObjectTableModel
- scannedRole - Variable in class spoon.reflect.visitor.EarlyTerminatingScanner
- ScanningMode - Enum in spoon.reflect.visitor.chain
Defines how a
drives the scanning ofEarlyTerminatingScanner
- scope - Variable in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.VariableReferenceFunction
- SEALED - spoon.reflect.declaration.ModifierKind
The modifier sealed
- search() - Method in class spoon.support.gui.SpoonModelTree
shows a dialog to enter the value to search for in the AST
- searchColumnNumber(int) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.cu.position.SourcePositionImpl
Search the column number
- searchForPackageProtectedField(CtField<?>, CtConsumer<Object>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.FieldScopeFunction
- searchForPrivateField(CtField<?>, CtConsumer<Object>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.FieldScopeFunction
- searchForProtectedField(CtField<?>, CtConsumer<Object>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.FieldScopeFunction
- searchForPublicField(CtField<?>, CtConsumer<Object>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.FieldScopeFunction
- searchLineNumber(int) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.cu.position.SourcePositionImpl
Search the line number corresponding to a specific position
- SEE - spoon.reflect.code.CtJavaDocTag.TagType
- select(Filter<R>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQuery
The matched element for which (filter.matches(element)==true) is sent to the next query step.
- select(Filter<R>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQueryImpl
- sendResult(CtTypeReference<?>, CtConsumer<Object>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.SuperInheritanceHierarchyFunction
- SEPARATOR - spoon.support.sniper.internal.TokenType
- SERIAL - spoon.reflect.code.CtJavaDocTag.TagType
- SERIAL_DATA - spoon.reflect.code.CtJavaDocTag.TagType
- SERIAL_FIELD - spoon.reflect.code.CtJavaDocTag.TagType
- SerializationModelStreamer - Class in spoon.support
This class provides a regular Java serialization-based implementation of the model streamer.
- SerializationModelStreamer() - Constructor for class spoon.support.SerializationModelStreamer
Default constructor.
- serialize(Object) - Static method in class spoon.support.util.ByteSerialization
- SERVICE_TYPE - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- set(int, T) - Method in class spoon.support.util.ModelList
- set(String, Object) - Method in interface spoon.processing.ProcessorProperties
Sets the given property.
- set(String, Object) - Method in class spoon.processing.ProcessorPropertiesImpl
- set(Collection<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.util.ModelList
sets the new content of this List
- set(Collection<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.util.ModelSet
- set(T) - Method in interface spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplaceListener
- set(T) - Method in interface spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplaceListListener
- set(T) - Method in interface spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplaceMapListener
- set(T) - Method in interface spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplaceSetListener
- SET - spoon.metamodel.MMMethodKind
Setter void set(T)
- SET - spoon.reflect.meta.ContainerKind
It is a set of values Example:
- SET - Variable in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
- setAccessedType(CtTypeReference<A>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtTypeAccess
Set the accessed type.
- setAccessedType(CtTypeReference<A>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtTypeAccessImpl
- setActualTypeArguments(List<? extends CtTypeReference<?>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtConstructorCall
Delegate to the executable reference of the constructor call.
- setActualTypeArguments(List<? extends CtTypeReference<?>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtInvocation
Delegate to the executable reference of the invocation.
- setActualTypeArguments(List<? extends CtTypeReference<?>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtNewClass
Delegate to the executable reference of the new class.
- setActualTypeArguments(List<? extends CtTypeReference<?>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtActualTypeContainer
Sets the type arguments.
- setActualTypeArguments(List<? extends CtTypeReference<?>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeParameterReference
- setActualTypeArguments(List<? extends CtTypeReference<?>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtConstructorCallImpl
- setActualTypeArguments(List<? extends CtTypeReference<?>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtInvocationImpl
- setActualTypeArguments(List<? extends CtTypeReference<?>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReferenceImpl
- setActualTypeArguments(List<? extends CtTypeReference<?>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeParameterReferenceImpl
- setActualTypeArguments(List<? extends CtTypeReference<?>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- setAddGeneratedBy(boolean) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.DefaultGenerator
- setAddGeneratedBy(boolean) - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternBuilder
- setAllMetadata(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
Saves a bunch of metadata inside an Element
- setAllMetadata(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- setAnnotations(List<CtAnnotation<? extends Annotation>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
Sets the annotations for this element.
- setAnnotations(List<CtAnnotation<? extends Annotation>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeMemberWildcardImportReference
- setAnnotations(List<CtAnnotation<? extends Annotation>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtUnboundVariableReference
- setAnnotations(List<CtAnnotation<? extends Annotation>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- setAnnotations(List<CtAnnotation<? extends Annotation>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeMemberWildcardImportReferenceImpl
- setAnnotations(List<CtAnnotation<? extends Annotation>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtUnboundVariableReferenceImpl
- setAnnotationType(CtTypeReference<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotation
Sets the annotation's type.
- setAnnotationType(CtTypeReference<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationImpl
- setAnonymousClass(CtClass<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtNewClass
Sets the created class.
- setAnonymousClass(CtClass<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtNewClassImpl
- setAnonymousExecutables(List<CtAnonymousExecutable>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtClass
Sets the anonymous blocks of this class.
- setAnonymousExecutables(List<CtAnonymousExecutable>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtClassImpl
- setArgs(String[]) - Method in class spoon.Launcher
- setArguments(List<CtExpression<?>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtAbstractInvocation
Sets the invocation's arguments.
- setArguments(List<CtExpression<?>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtConstructorCallImpl
- setArguments(List<CtExpression<?>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtInvocationImpl
- setAssertExpression(CtExpression<Boolean>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtAssert
Sets the assert expression.
- setAssertExpression(CtExpression<Boolean>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtAssertImpl
- setAssigned(CtExpression<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtAssignment
Sets the assigned expression (left hand side - LHS).
- setAssigned(CtExpression<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtAssignmentImpl
- setAssignment(CtExpression<A>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtRHSReceiver
Sets the right-hand side expression (RHS) of the "=" operator.
- setAssignment(CtExpression<A>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtAssignmentImpl
- setAssignment(CtExpression<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtLocalVariable
- setAssignment(CtExpression<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtEnumValue
- setAssignment(CtExpression<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtField
- setAssignment(CtExpression<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLocalVariableImpl
- setAssignment(CtExpression<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtFieldImpl
- setAutoImports(boolean) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Tell to the Java printer to automatically generate imports and use simple names instead of fully-qualified name.
- setAutoImports(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- setAutoSimplifySubstitutions(boolean) - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternBuilder
- setBase(LiteralBase) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtLiteral
Sets the base of the numeric literal.
- setBase(LiteralBase) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLiteralImpl
- setBinaryOutputDirectory(File) - Method in class spoon.Launcher
- setBinaryOutputDirectory(File) - Method in interface spoon.SpoonAPI
Sets the output directory for binary generated.
- setBinaryOutputDirectory(File) - Method in interface spoon.SpoonModelBuilder
Sets the output directory for binary generated.
- setBinaryOutputDirectory(File) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- setBinaryOutputDirectory(String) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Set the directory where binary .class files are created
- setBinaryOutputDirectory(String) - Method in class spoon.Launcher
- setBinaryOutputDirectory(String) - Method in interface spoon.SpoonAPI
Sets the output directory for binary generated.
- setBinaryOutputDirectory(String) - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- setBlock(CtBlock<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtSynchronized
Sets the synchronized block.
- setBlock(CtBlock<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtSynchronizedImpl
- setBody(CtStatement) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtBodyHolder
Sets the body of this element.
- setBody(CtStatement) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationMethod
- setBody(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCatchImpl
- setBody(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLambdaImpl
- setBody(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLoopImpl
- setBody(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtTryImpl
- setBody(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationMethodImpl
- setBody(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtExecutableImpl
- setBodyOfMethod(String) - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternBuilderHelper
Sets a template model from body of the method of template type
- setBoundingType(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtWildcardReference
Sets the
clause of the type parameter. - setBoundingType(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtWildcardReferenceImpl
- setBounds(List<CtTypeReference<?>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtIntersectionTypeReference
Sets the bounds of the intersection type.
- setBounds(List<CtTypeReference<?>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtIntersectionTypeReferenceImpl
- setBuildModelIsFinished(boolean) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.CtModel
Set to true to flag that a build model has been finished.
- setBuildModelIsFinished(boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.CtModelImpl
- setCanAddImports(boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportCleaner
- setCanRemoveImports(boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportCleaner
- setCaseExpression(CtExpression<E>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCaseImpl
- setCaseExpression(CtExpression<S>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtCase
Sets the case expression.
- setCaseExpressions(List<CtExpression<E>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCaseImpl
- setCaseExpressions(List<CtExpression<S>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtCase
Sets the case expressions.
- setCaseKind(CaseKind) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtCase
Sets the kind of this case - colon (:) or arrow (->) (Arrow syntax is available as a preview feature since Java 12)
- setCaseKind(CaseKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCaseImpl
- setCases(List<CtCase<? super S>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtAbstractSwitch
Sets the list of cases defined for this switch.
- setCases(List<CtCase<? super S>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtSwitchExpressionImpl
- setCases(List<CtCase<? super S>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtSwitchImpl
- setCatchers(List<CtCatch>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtTry
Sets the catchers of this
. - setCatchers(List<CtCatch>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtTryImpl
- setChild(ASTNode) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- setChild(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- setClassTypingContext(ClassTypingContext) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.MethodTypingContext
- setCommentEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Sets the option enable-comments to parse comments of the target project.
- setCommentEnabled(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- setComments(List<CtComment>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
Set the comment list
- setComments(List<CtComment>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtReference
comments are not possible for references
- setComments(List<CtComment>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- setComments(List<CtComment>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtReferenceImpl
- setCommentType(CtComment.CommentType) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtComment
- setCommentType(CtComment.CommentType) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCommentImpl
- setCompactConstructor(boolean) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtConstructor
Marks the constructor as a compact constructor.
- setCompactConstructor(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtConstructorImpl
- setComparator(Comparator<? super E>) - Method in class spoon.support.util.SortedList
- setCompilationUnits(CompilationUnit[]) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBatchCompiler
- setComplianceLevel(int) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Sets the Java version compliance level.
- setComplianceLevel(int) - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- setComponentType(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtArrayTypeReference
Sets the type of the elements contained in this array.
- setComponentType(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtArrayTypeReferenceImpl
- setCompressionType(CompressionType) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Set the type of serialization to be used by default
- setCompressionType(CompressionType) - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- setCondition(CtExpression<Boolean>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtConditional
Sets the condition expression.
- setCondition(CtExpression<Boolean>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtIf
Sets the boolean expression that represents the
's condition. - setCondition(CtExpression<Boolean>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtConditionalImpl
- setCondition(CtExpression<Boolean>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtIfImpl
- setConflictResolutionMode(ConflictResolutionMode) - Method in class spoon.pattern.InlinedStatementConfigurator
- setConflictResolutionMode(ConflictResolutionMode) - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternParameterConfigurator
- setConstructor(CtConstructor<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.MethodTypingContext
- setConstructors(Set<CtConstructor<T>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtClass
Sets the constructors for this class.
- setConstructors(Set<CtConstructor<T>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtClassImpl
- setContainerKind(ContainerKind) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.AbstractParameterInfo
- setContainerKind(ContainerKind) - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternParameterConfigurator
Defines type of parameter value (List/Set/Map/single).
- setContent(String) - Method in class spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocInlineTag
- setContent(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtComment
- setContent(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtJavaDocTag
Define the content of the tag
- setContent(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCommentImpl
- setContent(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtJavaDocImpl
Parses the content string to split in two: the description and the Javadoc tags
- setContent(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtJavaDocTagImpl
- SetContext - Class in spoon.support.modelobs.context
- SetContext(CtElement, CtRole, Set<?>) - Constructor for class spoon.support.modelobs.context.SetContext
- setCopyResources(boolean) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Sets the option copy-resources to copy all resources in a project on the folder destination.
- setCopyResources(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- setDebug(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- setDeclarationKind(CtArrayTypeReferenceImpl.DeclarationKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtArrayTypeReferenceImpl
Sets the kind of array declaration.
- setDeclaredModule(CtModule) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnit
Sets the declared module if the compilationUnit is "module-info.java" It is here for backward compatibility.
- setDeclaredModule(CtModule) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnitImpl
- setDeclaredModuleReference(CtModuleReference) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnit
Sets the declared module reference if the compilationUnit is "module-info.java"
- setDeclaredModuleReference(CtModuleReference) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnitImpl
- setDeclaredPackage(CtPackage) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnit
Sets the package declaration using the instance of CtPackage.
- setDeclaredPackage(CtPackage) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnitImpl
- setDeclaredTypeReferences(List<CtTypeReference<?>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnit
Sets the references to types declared in this compilation unit.
- setDeclaredTypeReferences(List<CtTypeReference<?>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnitImpl
- setDeclaredTypes(List<CtType<?>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnit
Sets the types declared in this compilation unit.
- setDeclaredTypes(List<CtType<?>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnitImpl
- setDeclaringType(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReference
Sets the declaring type.
- setDeclaringType(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtFieldReference
Sets the type in which the field is declared.
- setDeclaringType(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeReference
Sets the reference to the declaring type.
- setDeclaringType(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReferenceImpl
- setDeclaringType(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtFieldReferenceImpl
- setDeclaringType(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- setDefaultExpression(CtExpression<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtCatchVariable
- setDefaultExpression(CtExpression<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationMethod
Sets the default expression assigned to the annotation method.
- setDefaultExpression(CtExpression<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtParameter
- setDefaultExpression(CtExpression<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtVariable
Sets the initialization expression assigned to the variable, when declared.
- setDefaultExpression(CtExpression<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCatchVariableImpl
- setDefaultExpression(CtExpression<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLocalVariableImpl
- setDefaultExpression(CtExpression<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationMethodImpl
- setDefaultExpression(CtExpression<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtFieldImpl
- setDefaultExpression(CtExpression<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtParameterImpl
- setDefaultFileGenerator(FileGenerator<? extends CtElement>) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Sets the default file generator for this environment.
- setDefaultFileGenerator(FileGenerator<? extends CtElement>) - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- setDefaultMethod(boolean) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtMethod
Sets the default value state of a method.
- setDefaultMethod(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtMethodImpl
- setDimensionExpressions(List<CtExpression<Integer>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtNewArray
Sets the expressions that define the array's dimensions.
- setDimensionExpressions(List<CtExpression<Integer>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtNewArrayImpl
- setDocComment(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
Sets the text of the documentation ("javadoc") comment of this declaration.
- setDocComment(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- setElements(List<CtExpression<?>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtNewArray
Sets the initialization expressions.
- setElements(List<CtExpression<?>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtNewArrayImpl
- setElementType(MetamodelConcept) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ElementNode
- setElementValues(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotation
Set's this annotation's element names and their values.
- setElementValues(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationImpl
- setElseExpression(CtExpression<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtConditional
Sets the "false" expression.
- setElseExpression(CtExpression<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtConditionalImpl
- setElseStatement(CtStatement) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtIf
Sets the statement executed when the condition is false.
- setElseStatement(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtIfImpl
- setEncoding(Charset) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Set the encoding to use for parsing source code
- setEncoding(Charset) - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- setEncodingProvider(EncodingProvider) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Set encoding provider, which is used to detect encoding for each file separately
- setEncodingProvider(EncodingProvider) - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- setEnumValues(List<CtEnumValue<?>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtEnum
Sets all enum values of the enum.
- setEnumValues(List<CtEnumValue<?>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtEnumImpl
- setEnvironment(INameEnvironment) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- setEnvironmentVariable(String, String) - Method in class spoon.MavenLauncher
Adds an environment variable to the maven invocation.
- setEnvironmentVariable(String, String) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.SpoonPom.MavenOptions
Adds a maven environment variable.
- setExecutable(CtExecutableReference<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtAbstractInvocation
Sets the invoked executable.
- setExecutable(CtExecutableReference<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtExecutableReferenceExpression
Sets the executable will be referenced by the expression.
- setExecutable(CtExecutableReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtConstructorCallImpl
- setExecutable(CtExecutableReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtExecutableReferenceExpressionImpl
- setExecutable(CtExecutableReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtInvocationImpl
- setExecutableReference(CtExecutableReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.MethodTypingContext
- setExportedPackages(List<CtPackageExport>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModule
- setExportedPackages(List<CtPackageExport>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtModuleImpl
- setExpression(CtExpression<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtForEach
Sets the iterated expression (an iterable of an array).
- setExpression(CtExpression<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtSynchronized
Sets the expression that defines the monitored.
- setExpression(CtExpression<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtYieldStatement
Gets the expression of the yield statement.
- setExpression(CtExpression<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtForEachImpl
- setExpression(CtExpression<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtSynchronizedImpl
- setExpression(CtExpression<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtYieldStatementImpl
- setExpression(CtExpression<Boolean>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtFor
Sets the end-loop test expression.
- setExpression(CtExpression<Boolean>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtForImpl
- setExpression(CtExpression<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtAssert
Sets the expression of the assertion.
- setExpression(CtExpression<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtLambda
Sets the expression in the body of the lambda.
- setExpression(CtExpression<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtAssertImpl
- setExpression(CtExpression<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLambdaImpl
- setExtendedModifiers(Set<CtExtendedModifier>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModifiable
- setExtendedModifiers(Set<CtExtendedModifier>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCatchVariableImpl
- setExtendedModifiers(Set<CtExtendedModifier>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLocalVariableImpl
- setExtendedModifiers(Set<CtExtendedModifier>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.CtModifierHandler
- setExtendedModifiers(Set<CtExtendedModifier>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutableImpl
- setExtendedModifiers(Set<CtExtendedModifier>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtConstructorImpl
- setExtendedModifiers(Set<CtExtendedModifier>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtFieldImpl
- setExtendedModifiers(Set<CtExtendedModifier>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtMethodImpl
- setExtendedModifiers(Set<CtExtendedModifier>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtParameterImpl
- setExtendedModifiers(Set<CtExtendedModifier>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtRecordImpl
- setExtendedModifiers(Set<CtExtendedModifier>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- setFactory(Factory) - Method in class spoon.processing.AbstractManualProcessor
- setFactory(Factory) - Method in class spoon.processing.AbstractProcessor
- setFactory(Factory) - Method in interface spoon.processing.FactoryAccessor
Sets the factory object.
- setFactory(Factory) - Method in class spoon.support.QueueProcessingManager
- setFactory(Factory) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- setFactory(Factory) - Method in class spoon.support.RuntimeProcessingManager
- setFailOnMissingParameter(boolean) - Method in class spoon.pattern.InlinedStatementConfigurator
- setFields(List<CtField<?>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType
Sets all fields in the type.
- setFields(List<CtField<?>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameter
- setFields(List<CtField<?>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtRecordImpl
- setFields(List<CtField<?>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- setFields(List<CtField<?>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- setFile(File) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnit
Sets the file that corresponds to this compilation unit.
- setFile(File) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnitImpl
- setFinal(boolean) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtFieldReference
Forces a reference to a final element.
- setFinal(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtFieldReferenceImpl
- setFinalizer(CtBlock<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtTry
Sets the finalizer block of this
part). - setFinalizer(CtBlock<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtTryImpl
- setForInit(List<CtStatement>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtFor
Sets the init statements.
- setForInit(List<CtStatement>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtForImpl
- setFormalCtTypeParameters(List<CtTypeParameter>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationMethod
- setFormalCtTypeParameters(List<CtTypeParameter>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationType
- setFormalCtTypeParameters(List<CtTypeParameter>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtEnum
- setFormalCtTypeParameters(List<CtTypeParameter>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtFormalTypeDeclarer
Sets the type parameters of this generic element.
- setFormalCtTypeParameters(List<CtTypeParameter>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameter
- setFormalCtTypeParameters(List<CtTypeParameter>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationMethodImpl
- setFormalCtTypeParameters(List<CtTypeParameter>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationTypeImpl
- setFormalCtTypeParameters(List<CtTypeParameter>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtConstructorImpl
- setFormalCtTypeParameters(List<CtTypeParameter>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtEnumImpl
- setFormalCtTypeParameters(List<CtTypeParameter>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtMethodImpl
- setFormalCtTypeParameters(List<CtTypeParameter>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- setFormalCtTypeParameters(List<CtTypeParameter>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- setForUpdate(List<CtStatement>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtFor
Sets the update statements.
- setForUpdate(List<CtStatement>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtForImpl
- setIgnoreDuplicateDeclarations(boolean) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Set Spoon to ignore duplicate type declarations in a project.
- setIgnoreDuplicateDeclarations(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- setIgnoreImplicit(boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- setIgnoreSyntaxErrors(boolean) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Sets the option ignore-syntax-errors to remove files with any syntax errors or JLS violations from the compilation batch.
- setIgnoreSyntaxErrors(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- setImplementationTypes(List<CtTypeReference>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtProvidedService
- setImplementationTypes(List<CtTypeReference>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtProvidedServiceImpl
- setImplicit(boolean) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtTypeAccess
.setImplicit() - setImplicit(boolean) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
Sets this element to be implicit.
- setImplicit(boolean) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeMemberWildcardImportReference
- setImplicit(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtTypeAccessImpl
- setImplicit(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.CtExtendedModifier
- setImplicit(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- setImplicit(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeMemberWildcardImportReferenceImpl
- setImportComparator(Comparator<CtImport>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportCleaner
- setImports(Collection<CtImport>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnit
Set the imports of this CU WARNING: This method is tagged as experimental, as its signature and/or usage might change in future release.
- setImports(Collection<CtImport>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnitImpl
- setIndexExpression(CtExpression<Integer>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtArrayAccess
Sets the expression that defines the index.
- setIndexExpression(CtExpression<Integer>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtArrayAccessImpl
- setInferred(boolean) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtLocalVariable
Set true if the variable must be inferred.
- setInferred(boolean) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtParameter
Set to true if this parameter is a lambda parameter with type defined using the `var` keyword.
- setInferred(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLocalVariableImpl
- setInferred(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtParameterImpl
- setInput(Object...) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQuery
Sets (binds) the input of the query.
- setInput(Object...) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQueryImpl
- setInputClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Sets a specific classloader for JDT and reference resolution
- setInputClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- setInvocation(CtInvocation<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.MethodTypingContext
- setIsOpenModule(boolean) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModule
- setIsOpenModule(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtModuleImpl
- setIterableParameter(PrimitiveMatcher) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ForEachNode
- setKind(BinaryOperatorKind) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtBinaryOperator
Sets the kind of this binary operator.
- setKind(BinaryOperatorKind) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtOperatorAssignment
Sets the operator kind.
- setKind(BinaryOperatorKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtBinaryOperatorImpl
- setKind(BinaryOperatorKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtOperatorAssignmentImpl
- setKind(UnaryOperatorKind) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtUnaryOperator
Sets the kind of this operator.
- setKind(UnaryOperatorKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtUnaryOperatorImpl
- setKind(ModifierKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.CtExtendedModifier
- setLabel(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtStatement
Sets the label of this statement.
- setLabel(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtClass
- setLabel(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtConstructorCallImpl
- setLabel(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtInvocationImpl
- setLabel(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtStatementImpl
- setLabel(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtUnaryOperatorImpl
- setLabel(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtClassImpl
- setLabel(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtInterfaceImpl
- setLeftHandOperand(CtExpression<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtBinaryOperator
Sets the left-hand operand.
- setLeftHandOperand(CtExpression<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtBinaryOperatorImpl
- setLevel(String) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Sets the level of loggers asked by the user.
- setLevel(String) - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- setLineSeparator(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- setLineSeparator(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrinterHelper
- setLineSeparatorPositions(int[]) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnit
- setLineSeparatorPositions(int[]) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnitImpl
- setListener(CtScannerListener) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.EarlyTerminatingScanner
- setListener(CtScannerListener) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.CtScannerFunction
- setListener(CtScannerListener) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.SuperInheritanceHierarchyFunction
The listener evens are called in this order: enter(input element) return input element enter/exit for each super interface of input element recursively call 1-5) recursively where input element is super class of input element exit(input element) Note: this order is assured and some algorithms already depend on it!
- setLocalParameter(ParameterInfo) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ForEachNode
- setLoopingExpression(CtExpression<Boolean>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtDo
Sets the looping test as a boolean expression.
- setLoopingExpression(CtExpression<Boolean>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtWhile
Sets the looping boolean test expression.
- setLoopingExpression(CtExpression<Boolean>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtDoImpl
- setLoopingExpression(CtExpression<Boolean>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtWhileImpl
- setMainFactory(Factory) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.CoreFactory
Sets the main factory of that core factory.
- setMainFactory(Factory) - Method in class spoon.support.DefaultCoreFactory
- setManager(ProcessingManager) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Sets the processing manager of this environment.
- setManager(ProcessingManager) - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- setMatchCondition(Class<T>, Predicate<T>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.AbstractParameterInfo
- setMatchingStrategy(Quantifier) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.AbstractParameterInfo
- setMatchingStrategy(Quantifier) - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternParameterConfigurator
- setMaxOccurrence(int) - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternParameterConfigurator
- setMaxOccurrences(int) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.AbstractParameterInfo
- setMethod(CtMethod<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.MethodTypingContext
- setMethods(Set<CtMethod<?>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationType
Sets the methods of this type.
- setMethods(Set<CtMethod<?>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType
Sets the methods of this type.
- setMethods(Set<CtMethod<?>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameter
- setMethods(Set<CtMethod<?>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtRecordImpl
- setMethods(Set<CtMethod<?>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- setMethods(Set<CtMethod<?>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- setMinimizeRoundBrackets(boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
When set to true, this activates round bracket minimization for expressions.
- setMinOccurrence(int) - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternParameterConfigurator
- setMinOccurrences(int) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.AbstractParameterInfo
- setMode(AllTypeMembersFunction.Mode) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.AllTypeMembersFunction
- setModelChangeListener(FineModelChangeListener) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Set the model change listener
- setModelChangeListener(FineModelChangeListener) - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- setModifiers(Set<ModifierKind>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModifiable
Sets the modifiers.
- setModifiers(Set<ModifierKind>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameter
- setModifiers(Set<ModifierKind>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCatchVariableImpl
- setModifiers(Set<ModifierKind>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLocalVariableImpl
- setModifiers(Set<ModifierKind>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.CtModifierHandler
- setModifiers(Set<ModifierKind>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutableImpl
- setModifiers(Set<ModifierKind>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtConstructorImpl
- setModifiers(Set<ModifierKind>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtFieldImpl
- setModifiers(Set<ModifierKind>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtMethodImpl
- setModifiers(Set<ModifierKind>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtParameterImpl
- setModifiers(Set<ModifierKind>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtRecordImpl
- setModifiers(Set<ModifierKind>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- setModifiers(Set<ModifierKind>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- setModifierSourceEnd(int) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.cu.position.DeclarationSourcePositionImpl
- setModuleDirectives(List<CtModuleDirective>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModule
- setModuleDirectives(List<CtModuleDirective>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtModuleImpl
- setModuleReference(CtModuleReference) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModuleRequirement
- setModuleReference(CtModuleReference) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtModuleRequirementImpl
- setMultiTypes(List<CtTypeReference<?>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtMultiTypedElement
Adds a type for the element.
- setMultiTypes(List<CtTypeReference<?>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCatchVariableImpl
- setMuted(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.MutableTokenWriter
- setNestedModel(RootNode) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ForEachNode
- setNestedTypes(Set<CtType<?>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType
Sets all nested types.
- setNestedTypes(Set<CtType<?>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameter
- setNestedTypes(Set<CtType<?>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- setNestedTypes(Set<CtType<?>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- setNewName(String) - Method in class spoon.refactoring.AbstractRenameRefactoring
- setNewName(String) - Method in interface spoon.refactoring.CtRenameRefactoring
- setNoClasspath(boolean) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Sets the option "noclasspath", use with caution (see explanation below).
- setNoClasspath(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- setNodeOfRole(CtRole, RootNode) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ElementNode
- setNotEqual(CtRole) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.EqualsChecker
- setOpenedPackage(boolean) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtPackageExport
- setOpenedPackage(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtPackageExportImpl
- setOpenedPackages(List<CtPackageExport>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModule
- setOpenedPackages(List<CtPackageExport>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtModuleImpl
- setOperand(CtExpression<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtUnaryOperator
Sets the expression to which the operator is applied.
- setOperand(CtExpression<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtUnaryOperatorImpl
- setOriginSourceTabulationSize(int) - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.MutableTokenWriter
- setOriginSourceUsesTabulations(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.MutableTokenWriter
- setOther(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneBuilder
- setOther(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.EqualsChecker
- setOutputDestinationHandler(OutputDestinationHandler) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Set the output destination that handles where source files are written
- setOutputDestinationHandler(OutputDestinationHandler) - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- setOutputFilter(String...) - Method in class spoon.Launcher
- setOutputFilter(String...) - Method in interface spoon.SpoonAPI
Creates a filter from names in argument when the output-type is defined on classes.
- setOutputFilter(Filter<CtType<?>>) - Method in class spoon.Launcher
- setOutputFilter(Filter<CtType<?>>) - Method in interface spoon.SpoonAPI
Applies a filter when the output-type is defined on classes.
- setOutputType(OutputType) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Set the output type used for processing files
- setOutputType(OutputType) - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- setPackage(CtPackageReference) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeReference
Sets the reference to the declaring package.
- setPackage(CtPackageReference) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- setPackageDeclaration(CtPackageDeclaration) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnit
Sets the package declaration
- setPackageDeclaration(CtPackageDeclaration) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnitImpl
- setPackageReference(CtPackageReference) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtPackageExport
- setPackageReference(CtPackageReference) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtPackageExportImpl
- setPackages(Set<CtPackage>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtPackage
Sets the children defined in this package
- setPackages(Set<CtPackage>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtPackageImpl
- setParam(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtJavaDocTag
Define a parameter
- setParam(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtJavaDocTagImpl
- setParameter(CtCatchVariable<? extends Throwable>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtCatch
Sets the catch's parameter (a throwable).
- setParameter(CtCatchVariable<? extends Throwable>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCatchImpl
- SetParameterInfo - Class in spoon.pattern.internal.parameter
- SetParameterInfo(AbstractParameterInfo) - Constructor for class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.SetParameterInfo
- setParameters(List) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutableImpl
- setParameters(List<CtParameter<?>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationMethod
- setParameters(List<CtParameter<?>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutable
- setParameters(List<CtParameter<?>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtExecutable
Sets the parameters.
- setParameters(List<CtParameter<?>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLambdaImpl
- setParameters(List<CtParameter<?>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationMethodImpl
- setParameters(List<CtParameter<?>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtExecutableImpl
- setParameters(List<CtTypeReference<?>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReference
Sets parameters of the executable.
- setParameters(List<CtTypeReference<?>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReferenceImpl
- setParameterValueType(Class<?>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.AbstractParameterInfo
- setParent(CtElement) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnit
- setParent(CtElement) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
Manually sets the parent element of the current element.
- setParent(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtTypePatternImpl
- setParent(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnitImpl
- setParent(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- setParent(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtModuleImpl
- setParent(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtRecordImpl
- setPermittedTypes(Collection<CtTypeReference<?>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtEnum
- setPermittedTypes(Collection<CtTypeReference<?>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtRecord
- setPermittedTypes(Collection<CtTypeReference<?>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtSealable
Sets the permitted types for this type.
- setPermittedTypes(Collection<CtTypeReference<?>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtClassImpl
- setPermittedTypes(Collection<CtTypeReference<?>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtEnumImpl
- setPermittedTypes(Collection<CtTypeReference<?>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtInterfaceImpl
- setPermittedTypes(Collection<CtTypeReference<?>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtRecordImpl
- setPosition(SourcePosition) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnit
- setPosition(SourcePosition) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
Sets the position in the Java source file.
- setPosition(SourcePosition) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtStatementListImpl
- setPosition(SourcePosition) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.CtExtendedModifier
- setPosition(SourcePosition) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnitImpl
- setPosition(SourcePosition) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- setPositions(SourcePosition) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
Sets the position of this element and all its children element.
- setPositions(SourcePosition) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- setPreprocessors(List<Processor<CtElement>>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
Set preprocessors that the printer automatically runs on the model before printing it.
- setPreserveLineNumbers(boolean) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
When set, the generated source code will try to generate code that preserves the line numbers of the original source code.
- setPreserveLineNumbers(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- setPrettyPrinterCreator(Supplier<PrettyPrinter>) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Sets a custom pretty-printer that overrides the default pretty-printer.
- setPrettyPrinterCreator(Supplier<PrettyPrinter>) - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- setPrettyPrintingMode(Environment.PRETTY_PRINTING_MODE) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
- setPrettyPrintingMode(Environment.PRETTY_PRINTING_MODE) - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- setPreviewFeaturesEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Set to true to enable latest preview language features.
- setPreviewFeaturesEnabled(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- setPrinterTokenWriter(TokenWriter) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
, which has to be used to print tokens - setPrintParametersAsComments(boolean) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.PatternPrinter
- setProcessingStopped(boolean) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
This method can be called to stop the processing and all the remaining tasks.
- setProcessingStopped(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- setProcessor(Processor<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.ProcessingVisitor
- setProcessorProperties(String, ProcessorProperties) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Sets the properties for a given processor.
- setProcessorProperties(String, ProcessorProperties) - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- setProvidedServices(List<CtProvidedService>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModule
- setProvidedServices(List<CtProvidedService>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtModuleImpl
- setQuery(CtQuery) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQueryAware
This method is called when the filter/function is added as a step to a
by the query engine (CtQueryImpl
). - setQuery(CtQuery) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.AllMethodsSameSignatureFunction
- setQuery(CtQuery) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.AllTypeMembersFunction
- setQuery(CtQuery) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.CtScannerFunction
- setQuery(CtQuery) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.ParentFunction
- setQuery(CtQuery) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.PotentialVariableDeclarationFunction
- setQuery(CtQuery) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.SubInheritanceHierarchyFunction
- setQuery(CtQuery) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.SuperInheritanceHierarchyFunction
- setRealName(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtJavaDocTag
Define the real name of tag type
- setRealName(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtJavaDocTagImpl
- setRecordComponents(Set<CtRecordComponent>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtRecord
- setRecordComponents(Set<CtRecordComponent>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtRecordImpl
- setReference(CtPackageReference) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtPackageDeclaration
Sets the reference to the package.
- setReference(CtPackageReference) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtPackageDeclarationImpl
- setReference(CtReference) - Method in class spoon.experimental.CtUnresolvedImport
- setReference(CtReference) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtImport
Sets the reference of the import.
- setReference(CtReference) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtImportImpl
- setRepeatable(boolean) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.AbstractParameterInfo
- setReplaceMarker(String, ParameterInfo) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.StringNode
Defines that this Substitution request will replace all occurrences of `replaceMarker` in target string by value of `param`
- setReplaceMarker(RootNode, String, ParameterInfo) - Static method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.StringNode
Applies substring substitution to `targetNode`.
- setRequiredModules(List<CtModuleRequirement>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModule
- setRequiredModules(List<CtModuleRequirement>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtModuleImpl
- setRequiresModifiers(Set<CtModuleRequirement.RequiresModifier>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModuleRequirement
- setRequiresModifiers(Set<CtModuleRequirement.RequiresModifier>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtModuleRequirementImpl
- setResources(List<? extends CtResource<?>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtTryWithResource
Sets the auto-closeable resources of this
. - setResources(List<? extends CtResource<?>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtTryWithResourceImpl
- setResult(T) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.EarlyTerminatingScanner
- setReturnedExpression(CtExpression<R>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtReturn
Sets the returned expression.
- setReturnedExpression(CtExpression<R>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtReturnImpl
- setReturnExpressionOfMethod(String) - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternBuilderHelper
Sets a template model from return expression of the method of template type selected by filter
- setRightHandOperand(CtExpression<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtBinaryOperator
Sets the right-hand operand.
- setRightHandOperand(CtExpression<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtBinaryOperatorImpl
- setRootPackage(CtPackage) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModule
- setRootPackage(CtPackage) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtModuleImpl
- setSelector(CtExpression<S>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtAbstractSwitch
Sets the selector.
- setSelector(CtExpression<S>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtSwitchExpressionImpl
- setSelector(CtExpression<S>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtSwitchImpl
- setServiceType(CtTypeReference) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtProvidedService
- setServiceType(CtTypeReference) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtUsedService
- setServiceType(CtTypeReference) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtProvidedServiceImpl
- setServiceType(CtTypeReference) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtUsedServiceImpl
- setShadow(boolean) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtShadowable
Marks an element as shadow.
- setShadow(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationImpl
- setShadow(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtConstructorImpl
- setShadow(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtFieldImpl
- setShadow(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtMethodImpl
- setShadow(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtPackageImpl
- setShadow(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtParameterImpl
- setShadow(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtRecordComponentImpl
- setShadow(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- setShadow(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- setShouldCompile(boolean) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Sets the compile argument.
- setShouldCompile(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- setShouldWriteTabs(boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrinterHelper
- setSimpleName(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.CtModelImpl.CtRootPackage
- setSimpleName(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutable
- setSimpleName(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtConstructor
- setSimpleName(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtNamedElement
Sets the simple (unqualified) name of this element.
- setSimpleName(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.ModuleFactory.CtUnnamedModule
- setSimpleName(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtArrayTypeReference
The simple name of an ArrayTypeReference is unsettable as it's retrieved from its component type.
- setSimpleName(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtReference
Sets the name of referenced element.
- setSimpleName(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeMemberWildcardImportReference
- setSimpleName(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtWildcardReference
- setSimpleName(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCatchVariableImpl
- setSimpleName(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLambdaImpl
- setSimpleName(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLocalVariableImpl
- setSimpleName(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutableImpl
- setSimpleName(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtConstructorImpl
- setSimpleName(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtNamedElementImpl
- setSimpleName(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtPackageImpl
- setSimpleName(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtRecordComponentImpl
- setSimpleName(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- setSimpleName(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtArrayTypeReferenceImpl
- setSimpleName(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtReferenceImpl
- setSimpleName(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeMemberWildcardImportReferenceImpl
- setSimpleName(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtWildcardReferenceImpl
- setSimplifyGenerated(boolean) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.AbstractNode
- setSimplifyGenerated(boolean) - Method in interface spoon.pattern.internal.node.RootNode
- setSimplyQualified(boolean) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeReference
- setSimplyQualified(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtArrayTypeReferenceImpl
- setSimplyQualified(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtIntersectionTypeReferenceImpl
- setSimplyQualified(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeParameterReferenceImpl
- setSimplyQualified(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- setSourceClasspath(String[]) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Sets the source class path of the Spoon model.
- setSourceClasspath(String...) - Method in interface spoon.SpoonModelBuilder
Sets the classpath that is used to build/compile the input sources.
- setSourceClasspath(String...) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- setSourceClasspath(String[]) - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- setSourceOutputDirectory(File) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Sets the directory where source files are written
- setSourceOutputDirectory(File) - Method in class spoon.Launcher
- setSourceOutputDirectory(File) - Method in interface spoon.SpoonAPI
Sets the output directory for source generated.
- setSourceOutputDirectory(File) - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- setSourceOutputDirectory(String) - Method in class spoon.Launcher
- setSourceOutputDirectory(String) - Method in interface spoon.SpoonAPI
Sets the output directory for source generated.
- setSpoonProgress(SpoonProgress) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
- setSpoonProgress(SpoonProgress) - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- setStatement(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrintingContext.Writable
There are statements (e.g.
- setStatements(List<CtStatement>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtStatementList
Sets the statement list.
- setStatements(List<CtStatement>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtBlockImpl
- setStatements(List<CtStatement>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCaseImpl
- setStatements(List<CtStatement>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtStatementListImpl
- setStatic(boolean) - Method in class spoon.experimental.CtUnresolvedImport
- setStatic(boolean) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReference
Sets this executable reference to be static or not.
- setStatic(boolean) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtFieldReference
Forces a reference to a static element.
- setStatic(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReferenceImpl
- setStatic(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtFieldReferenceImpl
- setSuperclass(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationType
- setSuperclass(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtEnum
- setSuperclass(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtInterface
- setSuperclass(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtRecord
- setSuperclass(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType
Sets the superclass type.
- setSuperclass(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationTypeImpl
- setSuperclass(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtClassImpl
- setSuperclass(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtEnumImpl
- setSuperclass(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtInterfaceImpl
- setSuperclass(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtRecordImpl
- setSuperclass(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- setSuperclass(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- setSuperInterfaces(Set<CtTypeReference<?>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationType
- setSuperInterfaces(Set<CtTypeReference<?>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType
Sets the super interfaces of this type.
- setSuperInterfaces(Set<CtTypeReference<?>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameter
- setSuperInterfaces(Set<CtTypeReference<?>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationTypeImpl
- setSuperInterfaces(Set<CtTypeReference<?>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- setSuperInterfaces(Set<CtTypeReference<?>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- setTabCount(int) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrinterHelper
Sets the current number of tabs.
- setTabulationSize(int) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Sets the size of the tabulations in the generated source code.
- setTabulationSize(int) - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- setTagRealName(String) - Method in class spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocBlockTag
- setTags(List<CtJavaDocTag>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtJavaDoc
Define the list of tags
- setTags(List<CtJavaDocTag>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtJavaDocImpl
- setTarget(E) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtTargetedExpression
Sets the target expression.
- setTarget(CtExpression<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtFieldAccessImpl
- setTarget(CtExpression<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtSuperAccessImpl
- setTarget(CtParameter<?>) - Method in class spoon.refactoring.CtParameterRemoveRefactoring
- setTarget(T) - Method in class spoon.refactoring.AbstractRenameRefactoring
- setTarget(T) - Method in interface spoon.refactoring.CtRenameRefactoring
- setTarget(T) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtTargetedExpressionImpl
- setTargetExport(List<CtModuleReference>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtPackageExport
- setTargetExport(List<CtModuleReference>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtPackageExportImpl
- setTargetLabel(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtLabelledFlowBreak
Sets the label from which the control flow breaks (null if no label defined).
- setTargetLabel(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtBreakImpl
- setTargetLabel(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtContinueImpl
- setTemplateClasspath(String...) - Method in interface spoon.SpoonModelBuilder
Sets the classpath that is used to build the template sources.
- setTemplateClasspath(String...) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- setThenExpression(CtExpression<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtConditional
Sets the "true" expression.
- setThenExpression(CtExpression<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtConditionalImpl
- setThenStatement(CtStatement) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtIf
Sets the statement executed when the condition is true.
- setThenStatement(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtIfImpl
- setThrownExpression(CtExpression<? extends Throwable>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtThrow
Sets the thrown expression (must be a throwable).
- setThrownExpression(CtExpression<? extends Throwable>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtThrowImpl
- setThrownTypes(Set) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutableImpl
- setThrownTypes(Set<CtTypeReference<? extends Throwable>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtLambda
- setThrownTypes(Set<CtTypeReference<? extends Throwable>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationMethod
- setThrownTypes(Set<CtTypeReference<? extends Throwable>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutable
- setThrownTypes(Set<CtTypeReference<? extends Throwable>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtExecutable
Sets the thrown types.
- setThrownTypes(Set<CtTypeReference<? extends Throwable>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLambdaImpl
- setThrownTypes(Set<CtTypeReference<? extends Throwable>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationMethodImpl
- setThrownTypes(Set<CtTypeReference<? extends Throwable>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtExecutableImpl
- setType(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtJavaDocTag
Define the type of the tag
- setType(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtJavaDocTagImpl
- setType(CtJavaDocTag.TagType) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtJavaDocTag
Define the type of the tag
- setType(CtJavaDocTag.TagType) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtJavaDocTagImpl
- setType(CtTypeReference) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtCatchVariable
- setType(CtTypeReference) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtTypeAccess
- setType(CtTypeReference) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutable
- setType(CtTypeReference) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtConstructor
- setType(CtTypeReference) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtTypedElement
Sets this element's type.
- setType(CtTypeReference) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReference
Sets the type of the variable.
- setType(CtTypeReference) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtVariableReference
Sets the type of the variable.
- setType(CtTypeReference) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtAssignmentImpl
- setType(CtTypeReference) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCatchVariableImpl
- setType(CtTypeReference) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtConstructorCallImpl
- setType(CtTypeReference) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtExpressionImpl
- setType(CtTypeReference) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtInvocationImpl
- setType(CtTypeReference) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLambdaImpl
- setType(CtTypeReference) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLocalVariableImpl
- setType(CtTypeReference) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtTypeAccessImpl
- setType(CtTypeReference) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtVariableAccessImpl
- setType(CtTypeReference) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutableImpl
- setType(CtTypeReference) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtConstructorImpl
- setType(CtTypeReference) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtFieldImpl
- setType(CtTypeReference) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtMethodImpl
- setType(CtTypeReference) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtParameterImpl
- setType(CtTypeReference) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtRecordComponentImpl
- setType(CtTypeReference) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.InvisibleArrayConstructorImpl
- setType(CtTypeReference) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReferenceImpl
- setType(CtTypeReference) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtVariableReferenceImpl
- setTypeCasts(List<CtTypeReference<?>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtExpression
Sets the type casts.
- setTypeCasts(List<CtTypeReference<?>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtTypePattern
- setTypeCasts(List<CtTypeReference<?>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotation
- setTypeCasts(List<CtTypeReference<?>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtAssignmentImpl
- setTypeCasts(List<CtTypeReference<?>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtExpressionImpl
- setTypeCasts(List<CtTypeReference<?>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationImpl
- setTypeMember(String) - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternBuilderHelper
Sets a template model from
of a template type - setTypeMembers(List<CtTypeMember>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType
Removes all types members with these new members.
- setTypeMembers(List<CtTypeMember>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameter
- setTypeMembers(List<CtTypeMember>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtRecordImpl
- setTypeMembers(List<CtTypeMember>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- setTypeMembers(List<CtTypeMember>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- setTypeReference(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeMemberWildcardImportReference
- setTypeReference(CtTypeReference<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeMemberWildcardImportReferenceImpl
- setTypes(Set<CtType<?>>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtPackage
Sets the types defined in the package.
- setTypes(Set<CtType<?>>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtPackageImpl
- setUnresolvedReference(String) - Method in class spoon.experimental.CtUnresolvedImport
- setUpper(boolean) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtWildcardReference
Set to
to writeextends
clause for bounds types. - setUpper(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtWildcardReferenceImpl
- setUsedServices(List<CtUsedService>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModule
- setUsedServices(List<CtUsedService>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtModuleImpl
- setUseLegacyTypeAdaption(boolean) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
- setUseLegacyTypeAdaption(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- setUseNamesInPath(boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.path.CtElementPathBuilder
Configures what kind of path is generated for List based attributes
A) #superRole[index=x] - always use index to identify item of List. - setValue(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtCodeSnippet
Sets the textual value of the code.
- setValue(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCodeSnippetExpressionImpl
- setValue(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCodeSnippetStatementImpl
- setValue(Template<?>, String, Integer, Object) - Static method in class spoon.support.template.Parameters
Sets a template field parameter value.
- setValue(T) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtLiteral
Sets the actual value of the literal.
- setValue(T) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLiteralImpl
- setValue(T, U) - Method in class spoon.metamodel.MetamodelProperty
- setValue(T, U) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.meta.RoleHandler
- setValueByRole(CtRole, T) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
Sets a field according to a role.
- setValueByRole(CtRole, T) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- setValueConvertor(ValueConvertor) - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.AbstractParameterInfo
- setValues(Map<String, CtExpression>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotation
Set's this annotation's element names and their values.
- setValues(Map<String, CtExpression>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotationImpl
- setValueType(Class<?>) - Method in class spoon.pattern.PatternParameterConfigurator
Set expected type of Parameter.
- setVarArgs(boolean) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtParameter
Sets this parameter to have varargs.
- setVarArgs(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtParameterImpl
- setVariable(CtLocalVariable<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtForEach
Sets the variable that references the currently iterated element.
- setVariable(CtLocalVariable<?>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtTypePattern
Sets the local variable for this type pattern.
- setVariable(CtLocalVariable<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtForEachImpl
- setVariable(CtLocalVariable<?>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtTypePatternImpl
- setVariable(CtVariableReference<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.code.CtVariableAccess
Sets the reference to the accessed variable.
- setVariable(CtVariableReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtVariableAccessImpl
- setVerbose(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- setVisibility(ModifierKind) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModifiable
Sets the visibility of this modifiable element (replaces old visibility).
- setVisibility(ModifierKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCatchVariableImpl
- setVisibility(ModifierKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtLocalVariableImpl
- setVisibility(ModifierKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.CtModifierHandler
- setVisibility(ModifierKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtAnonymousExecutableImpl
- setVisibility(ModifierKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtConstructorImpl
- setVisibility(ModifierKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtFieldImpl
- setVisibility(ModifierKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtMethodImpl
- setVisibility(ModifierKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtParameterImpl
- setVisibility(ModifierKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- setVisibility(ModifierKind) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameterImpl
- setVisible(DefaultMutableTreeNode) - Method in class spoon.support.gui.SpoonModelTree
- setVisitCompilationUnitContent(boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.EarlyTerminatingScanner
- SHORT - Variable in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
- SHORT_PRIMITIVE - Variable in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
- shortPrimitiveType() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Returns a reference on the short primitive type.
- shortType() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Returns a reference on the short type.
- shoudBeConsumed(CtAnnotation<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class spoon.processing.AbstractAnnotationProcessor
Returns true if this annotation should be removed from the processed code.
- shoudBeConsumed(CtAnnotation<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface spoon.processing.AnnotationProcessor
Returns true if this annotation should be removed from the processed code.
- shouldCompile() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Checks if we want compile the target source code and get their binary.
- shouldCompile() - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- shouldWriteTabs - Variable in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrinterHelper
- SiblingsFunction - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
visits siblings of input element.
- SiblingsFunction() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.SiblingsFunction
- SiblingsFunction.Mode - Enum in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
Defines visiting mode
- SignatureBasedSortedSet<E extends CtExecutable<?>> - Class in spoon.support.util
maintains unicity with method signatures
- SignatureBasedSortedSet() - Constructor for class spoon.support.util.SignatureBasedSortedSet
- SignatureBasedSortedSet(Collection<E>) - Constructor for class spoon.support.util.SignatureBasedSortedSet
- SignatureComparator - Class in spoon.support.comparator
Compares executables (method, executable-references) based on a signature.
- SignatureComparator() - Constructor for class spoon.support.comparator.SignatureComparator
- SignaturePrinter - Class in spoon.support.visitor
Responsible for computing signatures for elements where a signature exists (CtType, CtMethod and CtPackage).
- SignaturePrinter() - Constructor for class spoon.support.visitor.SignaturePrinter
- simplename - Variable in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtReferenceImpl
- SimpleNameOfTypeReferenceParameterComputer - Class in spoon.pattern.internal.parameter
which computes simpleName ofCtTypeReference
- SimpleNameOfTypeReferenceParameterComputer() - Constructor for class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.SimpleNameOfTypeReferenceParameterComputer
- SINCE - spoon.reflect.code.CtJavaDocTag.TagType
- Single(Class<T>) - Constructor for class spoon.pattern.internal.ResultHolder.Single
- SINGLE - spoon.reflect.meta.ContainerKind
It is a single value field Example:
- size() - Method in class spoon.support.util.EmptyClearableList
- size() - Method in class spoon.support.util.EmptyClearableSet
- size() - Method in class spoon.support.util.ModelList
- size() - Method in class spoon.support.util.ModelSet
- SKIP_ALL - spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.ScanningMode
Skip the current element and skip all its children.
- SKIP_CHILDREN - spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.ScanningMode
Visit current element but skips all its children.
- SKIP_PRIVATE - spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.AllTypeMembersFunction.Mode
Returns only type members, which are accessible from the input `type`.
- skipArray() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrintingContext
- skipArray(boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrintingContext.Writable
- SL - spoon.reflect.code.BinaryOperatorKind
Shift left.
- SniperJavaPrettyPrinter - Class in spoon.support.sniper
implementation, which copies as much as possible from the origin sources and tries to only print the changed elements. - SniperJavaPrettyPrinter(Environment) - Constructor for class spoon.support.sniper.SniperJavaPrettyPrinter
Creates a new
which copies origin sources and prints only changes. - SNIPPET - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- SNIPPET_FILENAME_PREFIX - Static variable in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTSnippetCompiler
- SnippetCompilationError - Exception in spoon.support.compiler
- SnippetCompilationError(String) - Constructor for exception spoon.support.compiler.SnippetCompilationError
- SnippetCompilationError(List<String>) - Constructor for exception spoon.support.compiler.SnippetCompilationError
- SnippetCompilationHelper - Class in spoon.support.compiler
Helper class for working with snippets
- sortCompilationUnits(CompilationUnitDeclaration[]) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- SortedList<E> - Class in spoon.support.util
- SortedList(Comparator<? super E>) - Constructor for class spoon.support.util.SortedList
- sourceClassPath(String[]) - Method in class spoon.FluentLauncher
Sets the source class path of the Spoon model.
- sourceCompilationUnit - Variable in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
Compilation unit we are printing.
- SourceFragment - Interface in spoon.support.sniper.internal
Represents a part of source code.
- SourceFragmentContextList - Class in spoon.support.sniper.internal
Handles printing of changes of the ordered list of elements.
- SourceFragmentContextList(MutableTokenWriter, CtElement, List<SourceFragment>, ChangeResolver) - Constructor for class spoon.support.sniper.internal.SourceFragmentContextList
- SourceFragmentContextNormal - Class in spoon.support.sniper.internal
Knows how to print modified
by the way that origin formatting is kept as much as possible. - SourceFragmentContextNormal(MutableTokenWriter, ElementSourceFragment, ChangeResolver) - Constructor for class spoon.support.sniper.internal.SourceFragmentContextNormal
- SourceFragmentCreator - Class in spoon.support.modelobs
, which builds a tree ofElementSourceFragment
s ofCompilationUnit
of the modified element lazily just before the element is changed - SourceFragmentCreator() - Constructor for class spoon.support.modelobs.SourceFragmentCreator
- SourceFragmentPrinter - Interface in spoon.support.sniper.internal
An object that knows how to print
- SourceOptions<T extends SourceOptions<T>> - Class in spoon.compiler.builder
- SourceOptions() - Constructor for class spoon.compiler.builder.SourceOptions
- SourcePosition - Interface in spoon.reflect.cu
This interface represents the position of a program element in a source file.
- SourcePositionHolder - Interface in spoon.reflect.cu
This interface represents an element which knows its position in a source file.
- SourcePositionImpl - Class in spoon.support.reflect.cu.position
This immutable class represents the position of a Java program element in a source file.
- SourcePositionImpl(CompilationUnit, int, int, int[]) - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.cu.position.SourcePositionImpl
- sources - Variable in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- sources(String) - Method in class spoon.compiler.builder.SourceOptions
adds the given paths as concatenated string with File.pathSeparator as sources
- sources(String...) - Method in class spoon.compiler.builder.SourceOptions
adds the given paths as sources
- sources(List<SpoonFile>) - Method in class spoon.compiler.builder.SourceOptions
adds the given
as sources - sources(SourceOptions<?>) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.builder.JDTBuilder
Sources for the compiler.
- sources(SourceOptions<?>) - Method in class spoon.compiler.builder.JDTBuilderImpl
- SPACE - spoon.support.sniper.internal.TokenType
- spoon - package spoon
This root package provides the default integrated launchers for Spoon program processing.
- spoon.compiler - package spoon.compiler
This package defines interfaces for Java file compilation with Spoon.
- spoon.compiler.builder - package spoon.compiler.builder
- spoon.experimental - package spoon.experimental
this is unstable code, subject to potential complete redesign, not only in snapshots but also in releases.
- spoon.javadoc.internal - package spoon.javadoc.internal
- spoon.legacy - package spoon.legacy
This package contains legacy code of Spoon.
- spoon.metamodel - package spoon.metamodel
Ready to go meta? This package contains classes that model the Spoon metamodel itself.
- spoon.pattern - package spoon.pattern
- spoon.pattern.internal - package spoon.pattern.internal
- spoon.pattern.internal.matcher - package spoon.pattern.internal.matcher
- spoon.pattern.internal.node - package spoon.pattern.internal.node
- spoon.pattern.internal.parameter - package spoon.pattern.internal.parameter
- spoon.processing - package spoon.processing
This package contains the core API for code processing.
- spoon.refactoring - package spoon.refactoring
- spoon.reflect - package spoon.reflect
This package defines the Spoon's compile-time meta-model of Java programs.
- spoon.reflect.annotations - package spoon.reflect.annotations
- spoon.reflect.code - package spoon.reflect.code
This package contains the meta-model part that models the executable code (methods and constructors' bodies, field initializers).
- spoon.reflect.cu - package spoon.reflect.cu
This package defines compilation units that hold the source code and some classes around them (in most cases, these features should be ignored by the programmers).
- spoon.reflect.cu.position - package spoon.reflect.cu.position
- spoon.reflect.declaration - package spoon.reflect.declaration
This package contains the meta-model part that models the declarations (program's structures such as classes, fields, etc).
- spoon.reflect.eval - package spoon.reflect.eval
This package defines some evaluators for the Spoon meta-model.
- spoon.reflect.factory - package spoon.reflect.factory
This package defines all the sub-factories for the Spoon meta-model.
- spoon.reflect.meta - package spoon.reflect.meta
- spoon.reflect.meta.impl - package spoon.reflect.meta.impl
- spoon.reflect.path - package spoon.reflect.path
- spoon.reflect.path.impl - package spoon.reflect.path.impl
- spoon.reflect.reference - package spoon.reflect.reference
This package defines the references to program elements for the meta-model.
- spoon.reflect.visitor - package spoon.reflect.visitor
This package defines visitor, scanner, and scanner-based query API for Java programs reified in the meta-model.
- spoon.reflect.visitor.chain - package spoon.reflect.visitor.chain
- spoon.reflect.visitor.filter - package spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
This package contains a set of useful filters when querying the model.
- spoon.reflect.visitor.printer - package spoon.reflect.visitor.printer
- spoon.support - package spoon.support
This package contains some default implementations for commonly used processing tasks.
- spoon.support.adaption - package spoon.support.adaption
- spoon.support.comparator - package spoon.support.comparator
- spoon.support.compiler - package spoon.support.compiler
- spoon.support.compiler.jdt - package spoon.support.compiler.jdt
- spoon.support.gui - package spoon.support.gui
- spoon.support.modelobs - package spoon.support.modelobs
- spoon.support.modelobs.action - package spoon.support.modelobs.action
- spoon.support.modelobs.context - package spoon.support.modelobs.context
- spoon.support.reflect - package spoon.support.reflect
This package provides an implementation of the spoon.reflect package.
- spoon.support.reflect.code - package spoon.support.reflect.code
- spoon.support.reflect.cu - package spoon.support.reflect.cu
- spoon.support.reflect.cu.position - package spoon.support.reflect.cu.position
- spoon.support.reflect.declaration - package spoon.support.reflect.declaration
- spoon.support.reflect.eval - package spoon.support.reflect.eval
- spoon.support.reflect.reference - package spoon.support.reflect.reference
- spoon.support.sniper - package spoon.support.sniper
This package provides support for the sniper mode: only the transformed part of classes is rewritten to disk.
- spoon.support.sniper.internal - package spoon.support.sniper.internal
- spoon.support.template - package spoon.support.template
This package defines the substitution and matching engines for Java templates.
- spoon.support.util - package spoon.support.util
- spoon.support.util.internal - package spoon.support.util.internal
- spoon.support.visitor - package spoon.support.visitor
- spoon.support.visitor.clone - package spoon.support.visitor.clone
- spoon.support.visitor.equals - package spoon.support.visitor.equals
- spoon.support.visitor.java - package spoon.support.visitor.java
- spoon.support.visitor.java.internal - package spoon.support.visitor.java.internal
- spoon.support.visitor.java.reflect - package spoon.support.visitor.java.reflect
- spoon.support.visitor.replace - package spoon.support.visitor.replace
- spoon.template - package spoon.template
This package defines a framework for well-typed pure-Java templates.
- spoon.testing - package spoon.testing
- spoon.testing.utils - package spoon.testing.utils
- SpoonAPI - Interface in spoon
Is the core entry point of Spoon.
- SpoonClassNotFoundException - Exception in spoon.support
Spoon-specific ClassNotFoundException (mostly encapsulates a ClassNotFoundException or a NoClassDefFoundError as a runtime exception)
- SpoonClassNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception spoon.support.SpoonClassNotFoundException
- SpoonClassNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception spoon.support.SpoonClassNotFoundException
- SpoonClassNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception spoon.support.SpoonClassNotFoundException
- SPOONED_CLASSES - Static variable in class spoon.Launcher
- SpoonException - Exception in spoon
is a generic runtime exception for Spoon
- SpoonException() - Constructor for exception spoon.SpoonException
- SpoonException(String) - Constructor for exception spoon.SpoonException
- SpoonException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception spoon.SpoonException
- SpoonException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception spoon.SpoonException
- SpoonFile - Interface in spoon.compiler
This interface represents files that can be used as resources for the Spoon compiler.
- SpoonFolder - Interface in spoon.compiler
A Spoon resource that represents a folder.
- SpoonifierVisitor - Class in spoon.experimental
Visitor that generates factory calls to recreate the AST visited.
- SpoonifierVisitor() - Constructor for class spoon.experimental.SpoonifierVisitor
Default constructor for SpoonifierVisitor.
- SpoonifierVisitor(boolean) - Constructor for class spoon.experimental.SpoonifierVisitor
- SpoonModelBuilder - Interface in spoon
Responsible for building a spoon model from Java source code.
- SpoonModelBuilder.InputType - Interface in spoon
The types of compilable elements FILES - compiles the java files from the file system, which were registered by
CTTYPES - compiles virtual java files, which are dynamically generated from the all top level classes of the CtModel byDefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- SpoonModelTree - Class in spoon.support.gui
- SpoonModelTree(CtElement) - Constructor for class spoon.support.gui.SpoonModelTree
- SpoonModelTree(Factory) - Constructor for class spoon.support.gui.SpoonModelTree
This is the default constructor
- SpoonObjectFieldsTable - Class in spoon.support.gui
- SpoonObjectFieldsTable(Object) - Constructor for class spoon.support.gui.SpoonObjectFieldsTable
This is the default constructor
- SpoonObjectFieldsTable.SpoonObjectTableModel - Class in spoon.support.gui
- SpoonObjectTableModel(Object) - Constructor for class spoon.support.gui.SpoonObjectFieldsTable.SpoonObjectTableModel
- SpoonPom - Class in spoon.support.compiler
- SpoonPom(String, MavenLauncher.SOURCE_TYPE, Environment) - Constructor for class spoon.support.compiler.SpoonPom
Extract the information from the pom
- SpoonPom(String, MavenLauncher.SOURCE_TYPE, Environment, Pattern) - Constructor for class spoon.support.compiler.SpoonPom
Extract the information from the pom
- SpoonPom(String, SpoonPom, MavenLauncher.SOURCE_TYPE, Environment) - Constructor for class spoon.support.compiler.SpoonPom
Extract the information from the pom
- SpoonPom(String, SpoonPom, MavenLauncher.SOURCE_TYPE, Environment, Pattern) - Constructor for class spoon.support.compiler.SpoonPom
Extract the information from the pom
- SpoonPom.MavenOptions - Class in spoon.support.compiler
Additional options for maven invocations.
- SpoonProgress - Interface in spoon.support.compiler
is the interface to follow the progress of the creation of the Spoon model.
- SpoonProgress.Process - Enum in spoon.support.compiler
- SpoonResource - Interface in spoon.compiler
This interface defines generic resources that are used by
in the Java compilation process. - SpoonResourceHelper - Class in spoon.compiler
This class defines a helper for manipulating resources.
- SpoonTagger - Class in spoon.processing
Creates an empty class spoon.Spoon
- SpoonTagger() - Constructor for class spoon.processing.SpoonTagger
- SpoonTreeBuilder - Class in spoon.support.gui
- SpoonTreeBuilder() - Constructor for class spoon.support.gui.SpoonTreeBuilder
- SR - spoon.reflect.code.BinaryOperatorKind
Shift right.
- stack - Variable in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- StandardEnvironment - Class in spoon.support
This class implements a simple Spoon environment that reports messages in the standard output stream (Java-compliant).
- StandardEnvironment() - Constructor for class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
Creates a new environment with a
default file generator. - start(SpoonProgress.Process) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.ProgressLogger
- start(SpoonProgress.Process) - Method in interface spoon.support.compiler.SpoonProgress
is called when a new process is started
- statement() - Method in class spoon.template.StatementTemplate
This method must be implemented to define the template statement list.
- STATEMENT - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- StatementTemplate - Class in spoon.template
This class represents a template parameter that defines a statement list directly expressed in Java (no returns).
- StatementTemplate() - Constructor for class spoon.template.StatementTemplate
Creates a new statement list template parameter.
- STATIC - spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModuleRequirement.RequiresModifier
- STATIC - spoon.reflect.declaration.ModifierKind
The modifier static
- STATIC - spoon.reflect.visitor.JavaIdentifiers
- step(SpoonProgress.Process, String) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.ProgressLogger
- step(SpoonProgress.Process, String) - Method in interface spoon.support.compiler.SpoonProgress
is called when a step in the precess is started
- step(SpoonProgress.Process, String, int, int) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.ProgressLogger
- step(SpoonProgress.Process, String, int, int) - Method in interface spoon.support.compiler.SpoonProgress
is called when a step in the precess is started
- stepFailurePolicy(QueryFailurePolicy) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQueryImpl
- stream() - Method in class spoon.support.util.QualifiedNameBasedSortedSet
The elements of this stream is ordered into two partitions: elements without source position and elements with source position.
- STRICTFP - spoon.reflect.declaration.ModifierKind
The modifier strictfp
- STRICTFP - spoon.reflect.visitor.JavaIdentifiers
- STRING - Variable in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
- STRING - Static variable in class spoon.reflect.path.impl.CtNamedPathElement
- STRING - Static variable in class spoon.reflect.path.impl.CtRolePathElement
- STRING - Static variable in class spoon.reflect.path.impl.CtTypedNameElement
- StringNode - Class in spoon.pattern.internal.node
Delivers single String value, which is created by replacing string markers in constant String template by String value of appropriate parameter.
- StringNode(String) - Constructor for class spoon.pattern.internal.node.StringNode
- stringType() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Returns a reference on the string type.
- stripLeadingDigits(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- SUB_PACKAGE - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- SubFactory - Class in spoon.reflect.factory
This class is the superclass for all the sub-factories of
. - SubFactory(Factory) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.factory.SubFactory
The sub-factory constructor takes an instance of the parent factory.
- SubInheritanceHierarchyFunction - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
Expects a
as input and produces all sub classes and sub interfaces recursively.
The output is produced in arbitrary order. - SubInheritanceHierarchyFunction() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.SubInheritanceHierarchyFunction
The mapping function created using this constructor will visit each sub class and sub interface following sub hierarchy.
- SubInheritanceHierarchyResolver - Class in spoon.support.visitor
Expects a
as input and upon calls to forEachSubTypeInPackage produces all sub classes and sub interfaces, which extends or implements super type(s) provided by call(s) ofSubInheritanceHierarchyResolver.addSuperType(CtTypeInformation)
and stored as `targetSuperTypes`.
The repeated processing of this mapping function on the same input returns only newly found sub types. - SubInheritanceHierarchyResolver(CtPackage) - Constructor for class spoon.support.visitor.SubInheritanceHierarchyResolver
- substitute(CtType<?>, Template<?>, E) - Static method in class spoon.template.Substitution
Substitutes all the template parameters in a random piece of code.
- substitute(Template<?>, T) - Static method in class spoon.template.Substitution
Substitutes all the template parameters in a given template type and returns the resulting type.
- substituteFieldDefaultExpression(CtType<?>, Template<?>, String) - Static method in class spoon.template.Substitution
Gets a default expression from a template field with all the template parameters substituted.
- substituteMethodBody(CtClass<?>, Template<?>, String, CtTypeReference<?>...) - Static method in class spoon.template.Substitution
Gets a body from a template executable with all the template parameters substituted.
- substituteStatement(CtClass<?>, Template<?>, int, String, CtTypeReference<?>...) - Static method in class spoon.template.Substitution
Gets a statement from a template executable with all the template parameters substituted.
- Substitution - Class in spoon.template
This class defines the substitution API for templates (see
). - SubstitutionRequestProvider - Interface in spoon.pattern.internal
Maps AST model object to the
- SUBSTRACTION - spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.FilteringOperator
Defines the substraction of several filters to one filter: it matches if the first filter matches and all the others do not match.
- SubtypeFilter - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
Matches all CtType elements, which are sub type of
Matches the input `superType` too. - SubtypeFilter(CtTypeReference<?>) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.SubtypeFilter
- SUPER - spoon.reflect.visitor.JavaIdentifiers
- SUPER_TYPE - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- SuperInheritanceHierarchyFunction - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
Expects a
as input and produces all super classes and super interfaces recursively.
The output is produced in following order: input type. - SuperInheritanceHierarchyFunction() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.SuperInheritanceHierarchyFunction
The mapping function created using this constructor will visit each super class and super interface following super hierarchy.
- SuperInheritanceHierarchyFunction(Set<String>) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.SuperInheritanceHierarchyFunction
The mapping function created using this constructor will visit each super class and super interface following super hierarchy.
- SuperInheritanceHierarchyFunction.DistinctTypeListener - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
Implementation of
, which is used to assure that each interface is visited only once. - SWITCH - spoon.reflect.visitor.JavaIdentifiers
- SWITCH_CASES_CONTAINER_DEFAULT_CAPACITY - Static variable in class spoon.reflect.ModelElementContainerDefaultCapacities
- SwitchNode - Class in spoon.pattern.internal.node
List of conditional cases {code} if (a) { ...
- SwitchNode() - Constructor for class spoon.pattern.internal.node.SwitchNode
- SYNCHRONIZED - spoon.reflect.declaration.ModifierKind
The modifier synchronized
- SYNCHRONIZED - spoon.reflect.visitor.JavaIdentifiers
- tagFromName(String) - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.code.CtJavaDocTag.TagType
Get the tag type associated to a name
- tailor(CtElement, CtElement) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.CloneHelper
Is called by
at the end of the cloning for each element. - target - Variable in class spoon.refactoring.AbstractRenameRefactoring
- TARGET - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- TARGET_LABEL - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- TARGET_TYPE - Static variable in class spoon.pattern.PatternBuilder
- targetType - Variable in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportScannerImpl
- template - Variable in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ConstantNode
- Template<T extends CtElement> - Interface in spoon.template
A template code is simply a piece of code that uses a
's instance. - templateClasspath - Variable in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- TemplateException - Exception in spoon.template
This runtime exception can be throws when something wrong occurs in template operations such as loading, substitution, and matching.
- TemplateException() - Constructor for exception spoon.template.TemplateException
Empty exception.
- TemplateException(String) - Constructor for exception spoon.template.TemplateException
Exception with a message.
- TemplateException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception spoon.template.TemplateException
Exception with a cause.
- TemplateMatcher - Class in spoon.template
This class defines an engine for matching a template to pieces of code.
- TemplateMatcher(CtElement) - Constructor for class spoon.template.TemplateMatcher
Constructs a matcher for a given template.
- TemplateMatcher(CtElement, CtClass<?>) - Constructor for class spoon.template.TemplateMatcher
Constructs a matcher for a given template.
- TemplateParameter<T> - Interface in spoon.template
This interface defines a typed template parameter.
- templates - Variable in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
- Templates() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
Access to templates
- Templates() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
- terminate() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQuery
Terminates the evaluation of this query.
- terminate() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQueryImpl
- terminate() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.EarlyTerminatingScanner
- TEST_SOURCE - spoon.MavenLauncher.SOURCE_TYPE
- THEN - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- THIS - spoon.reflect.visitor.JavaIdentifiers
- THROW - spoon.reflect.visitor.JavaIdentifiers
- throwIfSyntaxErrorsAreNotIgnored(FactoryAccessor, String) - Static method in exception spoon.JLSViolation
Handles a JLSViolation according to the environment settings.
- THROWN - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- THROWS - spoon.reflect.code.CtJavaDocTag.TagType
- toArray() - Method in class spoon.support.util.EmptyClearableList
- toArray() - Method in class spoon.support.util.EmptyClearableSet
- toArray() - Method in class spoon.support.util.ModelList
- toArray() - Method in class spoon.support.util.ModelSet
- toArray(T[]) - Method in class spoon.support.util.EmptyClearableList
- toArray(T[]) - Method in class spoon.support.util.EmptyClearableSet
- toArray(T[]) - Method in class spoon.support.util.ModelList
- toArray(T[]) - Method in class spoon.support.util.ModelSet
- TobeMatched - Class in spoon.pattern.internal.matcher
Describes what next has to be matched.
- toBoolean() - Method in enum spoon.support.sniper.internal.ModificationStatus
- toField() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtRecordComponent
Converts the component to an implicit field.
- toField() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtRecordComponentImpl
- toFile() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.SpoonResource
Gets the corresponding file if possible (returns null if this resource does not correspond to any file on the filesystem).
- toFile() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.FileSystemFile
- toFile() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.FileSystemFolder
- toFile() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.SpoonPom
- toFile() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.VirtualFile
- toFile() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.VirtualFolder
- toFile() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.ZipFile
- toFile() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.ZipFolder
- toInt() - Method in enum spoon.support.Level
The ordinal representation of this logging level.
- TokenPrinterEvent - Class in spoon.support.sniper.internal
Represents an action of Printer, which prints a token
- TokenPrinterEvent(TokenType, String, CtComment) - Constructor for class spoon.support.sniper.internal.TokenPrinterEvent
- TokenSourceFragment - Class in spoon.support.sniper.internal
of some primitive String token, like separator, operator, whitespace, ... - TokenSourceFragment(String, TokenType) - Constructor for class spoon.support.sniper.internal.TokenSourceFragment
- TokenType - Enum in spoon.support.sniper.internal
Type of
token. - TokenWriter - Interface in spoon.reflect.visitor
Responsible for writing a token while pretty-printing.
- TokenWriterProxy - Class in spoon.support.sniper.internal
Wraps a `tokenWriter` by an implementation which intercepts all
writeXxx(String) calls and callsTokenWriterProxy.Listener.onTokenWriterWrite(TokenType, String, CtComment, Runnable)
can be used to invoke same event on the wrappedTokenWriter
- TokenWriterProxy(TokenWriterProxy.Listener, TokenWriter) - Constructor for class spoon.support.sniper.internal.TokenWriterProxy
- TokenWriterProxy.Listener - Interface in spoon.support.sniper.internal
Listens for each call of
- toMethod() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtRecordComponent
Converts the component to an implicit method.
- toMethod() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtRecordComponentImpl
- TOP_FILE - spoon.reflect.visitor.printer.CommentOffset
- TOP_LEVEL_MODULE_NAME - Static variable in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModule
The name for the top level module.
- TOP_LEVEL_PACKAGE_NAME - Static variable in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtPackage
The name for the top level package.
- topLevel() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.PackageFactory
Returns a reference on the top level package.
- toString() - Method in class spoon.javadoc.internal.Javadoc
- toString() - Method in class spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocBlockTag
- toString() - Method in class spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocDescription
- toString() - Method in class spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocInlineTag
- toString() - Method in class spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocSnippet
- toString() - Method in class spoon.metamodel.MetamodelConcept
- toString() - Method in class spoon.metamodel.MetamodelProperty
- toString() - Method in class spoon.metamodel.MMMethod
- toString() - Method in enum spoon.OutputType
- toString() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.matcher.TobeMatched
- toString() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.AbstractNode
- toString() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ConstantNode
- toString() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ElementNode
- toString() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.ParameterNode
- toString() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.node.StringNode
- toString() - Method in class spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.AbstractParameterInfo
- toString() - Method in class spoon.pattern.Match
- toString() - Method in class spoon.pattern.Pattern
- toString() - Method in enum spoon.reflect.code.CtJavaDocTag.TagType
- toString() - Method in class spoon.reflect.CtModelImpl.CtRootPackage
- toString() - Method in class spoon.reflect.cu.position.NoSourcePosition
- toString() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.cu.SourcePosition
Returns a string representation of this position in the form "sourcefile:line", or "sourcefile" if no line number is available.
- toString() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
- toString() - Method in enum spoon.reflect.declaration.ModifierKind
Returns this modifier's name in lowercase.
- toString() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.ModuleFactory.CtUnnamedModule
- toString() - Method in enum spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- toString() - Method in class spoon.reflect.path.impl.CtNamedPathElement
- toString() - Method in class spoon.reflect.path.impl.CtPathImpl
- toString() - Method in class spoon.reflect.path.impl.CtRolePathElement
- toString() - Method in class spoon.reflect.path.impl.CtTypedNameElement
- toString() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
Gets the currently pretty-printed string.
- toString() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultTokenWriter
- toString() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrinterHelper
- toString() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrintingContext
- toString() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.FileSystemFile
- toString() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.FileSystemFolder
- toString() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ASTPair
- toString() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.SpoonPom
- toString() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.VirtualFolder
- toString() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.ZipFile
- toString() - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.ZipFolder
- toString() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtJavaDocTagImpl
- toString() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.CtExtendedModifier
- toString() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.cu.position.SourcePositionImpl
Returns a string representation of this position in the form "sourcefile:line", or "sourcefile" if no line number is available.
- toString() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnitImpl
- toString() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- toString() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtPackageImpl
- toString() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.InvisibleArrayConstructorImpl
- toString() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.CollectionSourceFragment
- toString() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.ElementPrinterEvent
- toString() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.ElementSourceFragment
- toString() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.MutableTokenWriter
- toString() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.TokenPrinterEvent
- toString() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.TokenSourceFragment
- toString() - Method in class spoon.support.util.ImmutableMapImpl
- toStringDebug() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
- toStringDebug() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- toStringWithImports() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType
Gets the entire class code with package and imports.
- toStringWithImports() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtTypeImpl
- toText() - Method in class spoon.javadoc.internal.Javadoc
Return the text content of the document.
- toText() - Method in class spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocBlockTag
pretty-prints the Javadoc tag
- toText() - Method in class spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocDescription
- toText() - Method in interface spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocDescriptionElement
pretty-prints the Javadoc fragment
- toText() - Method in class spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocInlineTag
- toText() - Method in class spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocSnippet
- TRACE - spoon.support.Level
- TRANSIENT - spoon.reflect.declaration.ModifierKind
The modifier transient
- TRANSIENT - spoon.reflect.visitor.JavaIdentifiers
- TRANSITIVE - spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModuleRequirement.RequiresModifier
- TraversalStrategy - Enum in spoon.processing
This enumeration defines the traversal strategies available for a processor.
- traverseUnitDeclaration(JDTTreeBuilder, CompilationUnitDeclaration) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTBasedSpoonCompiler
Invokes the traversal of the given compilation unit declaration using the given builder as a visitor.
- TreeBuilderRequestor - Class in spoon.support.compiler.jdt
- TRY - spoon.reflect.visitor.JavaIdentifiers
- TRY_RESOURCE - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- type - Variable in class spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.TypeRuntimeBuilderContext
- type(Class<T>, String[]...) - Method in class spoon.reflect.path.CtPathBuilder
Match on element of a given type.
- Type() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.factory.Factory
Access to
subfactory - Type() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.FactoryImpl
sub-factory. - TYPE - spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotatedElementType
Class, interface (including annotation type), or enum declaration
- TYPE - spoon.reflect.declaration.CtImportKind
- TYPE - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- TYPE - spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtArrayTypeReferenceImpl.DeclarationKind
Brackets are after type.
- TYPE_ARGUMENT - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- TYPE_BOUNDS_CONTAINER_DEFAULT_CAPACITY - Static variable in class spoon.reflect.ModelElementContainerDefaultCapacities
- TYPE_DECLARATION - spoon.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnit.UNIT_TYPE
- TYPE_MEMBER - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- TYPE_PARAMETER - spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotatedElementType
Type parameter declaration
- TYPE_PARAMETER - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- TYPE_REF - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- TYPE_TYPE_PARAMETERS_CONTAINER_DEFAULT_CAPACITY - Static variable in class spoon.reflect.ModelElementContainerDefaultCapacities
- TYPE_USE - spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotatedElementType
Use of a type
- TypeAdaptor - Class in spoon.support.adaption
Determines subtyping relationships and adapts generics from a super- to a subclass.
- TypeAdaptor(CtConstructor<?>) - Constructor for class spoon.support.adaption.TypeAdaptor
Creates a new type adaptor using the given constructor as the start of its hierarchy.
- TypeAdaptor(CtMethod<?>) - Constructor for class spoon.support.adaption.TypeAdaptor
Creates a new type adaptor using the given method as the start of its hierarchy.
- TypeAdaptor(CtType<?>) - Constructor for class spoon.support.adaption.TypeAdaptor
Creates a new type adaptor using the given type as the start of its hierarchy.
- TypeAdaptor(CtTypeReference<?>) - Constructor for class spoon.support.adaption.TypeAdaptor
Creates a new type adaptor using the given reference as the start of its hierarchy.
- TypeFactory - Class in spoon.reflect.factory
sub-factory. - TypeFactory() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
- TypeFactory(Factory) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Creates a new type sub-factory.
- TypeFilter<T extends CtElement> - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
This simple filter matches all the elements of a given type.
- TypeFilter(Class<? super T>) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.TypeFilter
Creates the filter.
- TypeReferenceRuntimeBuilderContext - Class in spoon.support.visitor.java.internal
- TypeReferenceRuntimeBuilderContext(Type, CtTypeReference<?>) - Constructor for class spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.TypeReferenceRuntimeBuilderContext
- TypeReferenceScanner - Class in spoon.support.visitor
A scanner that calculates the imports for a given model.
- TypeReferenceScanner() - Constructor for class spoon.support.visitor.TypeReferenceScanner
- TypeReferenceScanner(HashSet<CtTypeReference<?>>) - Constructor for class spoon.support.visitor.TypeReferenceScanner
- TypeRuntimeBuilderContext - Class in spoon.support.visitor.java.internal
- TypeRuntimeBuilderContext(Type, CtType) - Constructor for class spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.TypeRuntimeBuilderContext
- UnaryOperatorKind - Enum in spoon.reflect.code
This enumeration defines all the kinds of unary operators.
- unbox() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeReference
Returns the primitive type for a boxing type (unchanged if the type does not correspond to a boxing type).
- unbox() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtTypeReferenceImpl
- UndefinedParameterException - Exception in spoon.support.template
- UndefinedParameterException() - Constructor for exception spoon.support.template.UndefinedParameterException
- UndefinedParameterException(String) - Constructor for exception spoon.support.template.UndefinedParameterException
- UndefinedParameterException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception spoon.support.template.UndefinedParameterException
- undefineLine() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrinterHelper
- UNION - spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.FilteringOperator
Defines the union of several filters: it matches if one of the filters matches.
- UNKNOWN - spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocInlineTag.Type
- UNKNOWN - spoon.reflect.code.CtJavaDocTag.TagType
- UNKNOWN - spoon.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnit.UNIT_TYPE
- UNKNOWN - spoon.support.sniper.internal.ModificationStatus
- UNKNOWN_TYPE - Static variable in interface spoon.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReference
- UNLIMITED_OCCURRENCES - Static variable in interface spoon.pattern.internal.parameter.ParameterInfo
- unmodifiableList(List<T>) - Static method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- UNRESOLVED - spoon.reflect.declaration.CtImportKind
- UnsettableProperty - Annotation Type in spoon.support
Tells that a metamodel property (ie a getter in metamodel interface) is unsettable because it does not make sense for a certain metamodel element.
- update(PrinterEvent) - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.DefaultSourceFragmentPrinter
- update(PrinterEvent) - Method in interface spoon.support.sniper.internal.SourceFragmentPrinter
Update the internal state of this printer for this event but does not print anything.
- UpdateAction<T> - Class in spoon.support.modelobs.action
defines the update action
- UpdateAction(Context, T, T) - Constructor for class spoon.support.modelobs.action.UpdateAction
- updateAllParentsBelow() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement
Calculates and sets all the parents below this element.
- updateAllParentsBelow() - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.declaration.CtElementImpl
- updateKey(String, String) - Method in class spoon.support.util.internal.ElementNameMap
Updates the mapping for a single key from
if present. - updateModCount() - Method in class spoon.support.util.ModelList
- urlClasspath() - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
Creates a URL class path from
- USE_NEW_NODE - spoon.pattern.ConflictResolutionMode
- useLegacyTypeAdaption() - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
- useLegacyTypeAdaption() - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- useTabulations(boolean) - Method in interface spoon.compiler.Environment
Sets Spoon to use tabulations in the source code.
- useTabulations(boolean) - Method in class spoon.support.StandardEnvironment
- USR - spoon.reflect.code.BinaryOperatorKind
Unsigned shift right.
- validVariableNameRE - Static variable in class spoon.refactoring.CtRenameLocalVariableRefactoring
- value() - Method in annotation type spoon.processing.Property
An optional text that describes the property.
- value() - Method in annotation type spoon.template.Parameter
Defines the name of the parameter (optional, mostly to avoid name clashes).
- VALUE - spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocInlineTag.Type
- VALUE - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- ValueConvertor - Interface in spoon.pattern.internal
Converts the individual parameter values to required type after substitution Converts the matching model values to parameter values during matching process
- ValueConvertorImpl - Class in spoon.pattern.internal
Converts the individual parameter values to required type
- ValueConvertorImpl() - Constructor for class spoon.pattern.internal.ValueConvertorImpl
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum spoon.compiler.Environment.PRETTY_PRINTING_MODE
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocInlineTag.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum spoon.MavenLauncher.SOURCE_TYPE
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum spoon.metamodel.ConceptKind
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum spoon.metamodel.MMMethodKind
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum spoon.OutputType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum spoon.pattern.ConflictResolutionMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum spoon.pattern.Quantifier
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum spoon.processing.TraversalStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.code.BinaryOperatorKind
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.code.CaseKind
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.code.CtComment.CommentType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.code.CtJavaDocTag.TagType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.code.LiteralBase
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.code.UnaryOperatorKind
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotatedElementType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnit.UNIT_TYPE
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.declaration.CtImportKind
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModuleRequirement.RequiresModifier
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.declaration.ModifierKind
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.meta.ContainerKind
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.QueryFailurePolicy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.ScanningMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.visitor.ElementPrinterHelper.PrintTypeArguments
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.AllTypeMembersFunction.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.FilteringOperator
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.SiblingsFunction.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.visitor.JavaIdentifiers
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.visitor.printer.CommentOffset
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum spoon.support.compiler.SpoonProgress.Process
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum spoon.support.CompressionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum spoon.support.Level
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtArrayTypeReferenceImpl.DeclarationKind
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum spoon.support.sniper.internal.ModificationStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum spoon.support.sniper.internal.TokenType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum spoon.compiler.Environment.PRETTY_PRINTING_MODE
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum spoon.javadoc.internal.JavadocInlineTag.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum spoon.MavenLauncher.SOURCE_TYPE
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum spoon.metamodel.ConceptKind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum spoon.metamodel.MMMethodKind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum spoon.OutputType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum spoon.pattern.ConflictResolutionMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum spoon.pattern.Quantifier
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum spoon.processing.TraversalStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.code.BinaryOperatorKind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.code.CaseKind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.code.CtComment.CommentType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.code.CtJavaDocTag.TagType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.code.LiteralBase
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.code.UnaryOperatorKind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.declaration.CtAnnotatedElementType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.declaration.CtCompilationUnit.UNIT_TYPE
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.declaration.CtImportKind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.declaration.CtModuleRequirement.RequiresModifier
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.declaration.ModifierKind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.meta.ContainerKind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.QueryFailurePolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.ScanningMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.visitor.ElementPrinterHelper.PrintTypeArguments
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.AllTypeMembersFunction.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.FilteringOperator
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.SiblingsFunction.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.visitor.JavaIdentifiers
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum spoon.reflect.visitor.printer.CommentOffset
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum spoon.support.compiler.SpoonProgress.Process
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum spoon.support.CompressionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum spoon.support.Level
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum spoon.support.reflect.reference.CtArrayTypeReferenceImpl.DeclarationKind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum spoon.support.sniper.internal.ModificationStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum spoon.support.sniper.internal.TokenType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- VARIABLE - spoon.reflect.path.CtRole
- VariableAccessFilter<T extends CtVariableAccess<?>> - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
This simple filter matches all the accesses to a given field.
- VariableAccessFilter(CtVariableReference<?>) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.VariableAccessFilter
Creates a new field access filter.
- VariableReferenceFunction - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
The mapping function, accepting
CtLocalVariable - local variable declared in body CtField - member field of an type CtParameter - method parameter CtCatchVariable - try - catch variable and returning all theCtVariableReference
, which refers this variable - VariableReferenceFunction() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.VariableReferenceFunction
- VariableReferenceFunction(CtVariable<?>) - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.VariableReferenceFunction
- VariableReferenceFunction.Visitor - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
- VariableRuntimeBuilderContext - Class in spoon.support.visitor.java.internal
- VariableRuntimeBuilderContext(CtField<?>) - Constructor for class spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.VariableRuntimeBuilderContext
- VariableRuntimeBuilderContext(CtParameter<?>) - Constructor for class spoon.support.visitor.java.internal.VariableRuntimeBuilderContext
- VariableScopeFunction - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
The mapping function, accepting
CtLocalVariable - local variable declared in body CtParameter - method parameter CtCatchVariable - try - catch variable and returning all the CtElements, which exists in visibility scope of this variable. - VariableScopeFunction() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.VariableScopeFunction
- VariableScopeFunction.Visitor - Class in spoon.reflect.visitor.filter
- verify() - Method in class spoon.ContractVerifier
verify all possible contracts in this class
- VERSION - spoon.reflect.code.CtJavaDocTag.TagType
- VIRTUAL_FILE_NAME - Static variable in class spoon.support.compiler.VirtualFile
- VirtualFile - Class in spoon.support.compiler
- VirtualFile(String) - Constructor for class spoon.support.compiler.VirtualFile
- VirtualFile(String, String) - Constructor for class spoon.support.compiler.VirtualFile
- VirtualFolder - Class in spoon.support.compiler
- VirtualFolder() - Constructor for class spoon.support.compiler.VirtualFolder
- visit(AllocationExpression, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(AND_AND_Expression, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(AnnotationMethodDeclaration, ClassScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(Argument, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(ArrayAllocationExpression, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(ArrayInitializer, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(ArrayQualifiedTypeReference, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(ArrayQualifiedTypeReference, ClassScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(ArrayReference, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(ArrayTypeReference, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(ArrayTypeReference, ClassScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(AssertStatement, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(Assignment, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(BinaryExpression, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(Block, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(BreakStatement, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(CaseStatement, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(CastExpression, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(CharLiteral, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(ClassLiteralAccess, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(CompilationUnitDeclaration, CompilationUnitScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(CompoundAssignment, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(ConditionalExpression, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(ConstructorDeclaration, ClassScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(ContinueStatement, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(DoStatement, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(DoubleLiteral, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(EqualExpression, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(ExplicitConstructorCall, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(ExtendedStringLiteral, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(FalseLiteral, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(FieldDeclaration, MethodScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(FieldReference, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(FloatLiteral, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(ForeachStatement, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(ForStatement, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(IfStatement, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(Initializer, MethodScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(InstanceOfExpression, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(IntLiteral, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(Javadoc, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(Javadoc, ClassScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(LabeledStatement, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(LambdaExpression, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(LocalDeclaration, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(LongLiteral, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(MarkerAnnotation, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(MarkerAnnotation, ClassScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(MemberValuePair, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(MemberValuePair, ClassScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(MessageSend, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(MethodDeclaration, ClassScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(ModuleDeclaration, CompilationUnitScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(NormalAnnotation, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(NormalAnnotation, ClassScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(NullLiteral, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(OR_OR_Expression, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(ParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(ParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference, ClassScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(ParameterizedSingleTypeReference, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(ParameterizedSingleTypeReference, ClassScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(PostfixExpression, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(PrefixExpression, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(QualifiedAllocationExpression, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(QualifiedNameReference, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(QualifiedSuperReference, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(QualifiedThisReference, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(QualifiedTypeReference, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(QualifiedTypeReference, ClassScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(RecordComponent, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(ReferenceExpression, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(ReturnStatement, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(SingleMemberAnnotation, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(SingleNameReference, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(SingleTypeReference, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(SingleTypeReference, ClassScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(StringLiteralConcatenation, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(StringLiteral, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(SuperReference, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(SwitchExpression, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(SwitchStatement, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(SynchronizedStatement, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(ThisReference, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(ThrowStatement, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(TrueLiteral, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(TryStatement, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(TypeDeclaration, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(TypeDeclaration, ClassScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(TypeDeclaration, CompilationUnitScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(TypeParameter, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(TypeParameter, ClassScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(UnaryExpression, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(UnionTypeReference, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(UnionTypeReference, ClassScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(WhileStatement, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visit(YieldStatement, BlockScope) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.JDTTreeBuilder
- visitAllStaticMembersImport(CtTypeMemberWildcardImportReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractImportVisitor
- visitAllStaticMembersImport(CtTypeMemberWildcardImportReference) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtImportVisitor
Called for import like:
import apackage.Type.*;
- visitAllTypesImport(CtPackageReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractImportVisitor
- visitAllTypesImport(CtPackageReference) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtImportVisitor
Called for import like:
import apackage.*;
- visitAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.JavaReflectionTreeBuilder
- visitAnnotationClass(Class<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.JavaReflectionTreeBuilder
- visitArrayReference(CtRole, Type) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.JavaReflectionTreeBuilder
- visitChildren - Variable in enum spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.ScanningMode
- visitClass(Class<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.JavaReflectionTreeBuilder
- visitConstructor(Constructor<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.JavaReflectionTreeBuilder
- visitCtAnnotation(CtAnnotation<A>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtAnnotation(CtAnnotation<A>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtAnnotation(CtAnnotation<A>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtAnnotation(CtAnnotation<A>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtAnnotation(CtAnnotation<A>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits an annotation.
- visitCtAnnotation(CtAnnotation<A>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtAnnotation(CtAnnotation<A>) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- visitCtAnnotation(CtAnnotation<A>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneBuilder
- visitCtAnnotation(CtAnnotation<A>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtAnnotation(CtAnnotation<A>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtAnnotationFieldAccess(CtAnnotationFieldAccess<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtAnnotationFieldAccess(CtAnnotationFieldAccess<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtAnnotationFieldAccess(CtAnnotationFieldAccess<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtAnnotationFieldAccess(CtAnnotationFieldAccess<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtAnnotationFieldAccess(CtAnnotationFieldAccess<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a field of an annotation.
- visitCtAnnotationFieldAccess(CtAnnotationFieldAccess<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtAnnotationFieldAccess(CtAnnotationFieldAccess<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.eval.VisitorPartialEvaluator
- visitCtAnnotationFieldAccess(CtAnnotationFieldAccess<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtAnnotationFieldAccess(CtAnnotationFieldAccess<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtAnnotationMethod(CtAnnotationMethod<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtAnnotationMethod(CtAnnotationMethod<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtAnnotationMethod(CtAnnotationMethod<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtAnnotationMethod(CtAnnotationMethod<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtAnnotationMethod(CtAnnotationMethod<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits an annotation method declaration.
- visitCtAnnotationMethod(CtAnnotationMethod<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtAnnotationMethod(CtAnnotationMethod<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- visitCtAnnotationMethod(CtAnnotationMethod<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtAnnotationMethod(CtAnnotationMethod<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtAnnotationMethod(CtAnnotationMethod<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.SignaturePrinter
- visitCtAnnotationType(CtAnnotationType<A>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtAnnotationType(CtAnnotationType<A>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtAnnotationType(CtAnnotationType<A>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtAnnotationType(CtAnnotationType<A>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtAnnotationType(CtAnnotationType<A>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits an annotation type declaration.
- visitCtAnnotationType(CtAnnotationType<A>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtAnnotationType(CtAnnotationType<A>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportScannerImpl
- visitCtAnnotationType(CtAnnotationType<A>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtAnnotationType(CtAnnotationType<A>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtAnnotationType(CtAnnotationType<A>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.TypeReferenceScanner
- visitCtAnonymousExecutable(CtAnonymousExecutable) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtAnonymousExecutable(CtAnonymousExecutable) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtAnonymousExecutable(CtAnonymousExecutable) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtAnonymousExecutable(CtAnonymousExecutable) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtAnonymousExecutable(CtAnonymousExecutable) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits an anonymous executable.
- visitCtAnonymousExecutable(CtAnonymousExecutable) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtAnonymousExecutable(CtAnonymousExecutable) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- visitCtAnonymousExecutable(CtAnonymousExecutable) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneBuilder
- visitCtAnonymousExecutable(CtAnonymousExecutable) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtAnonymousExecutable(CtAnonymousExecutable) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtArrayRead(CtArrayRead<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtArrayRead(CtArrayRead<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtArrayRead(CtArrayRead<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtArrayRead(CtArrayRead<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtArrayRead(CtArrayRead<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits an array read access.
- visitCtArrayRead(CtArrayRead<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtArrayRead(CtArrayRead<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- visitCtArrayRead(CtArrayRead<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtArrayRead(CtArrayRead<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtArrayTypeReference(CtArrayTypeReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtArrayTypeReference(CtArrayTypeReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtArrayTypeReference(CtArrayTypeReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtArrayTypeReference(CtArrayTypeReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtArrayTypeReference(CtArrayTypeReference<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a reference to an array type.
- visitCtArrayTypeReference(CtArrayTypeReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtArrayTypeReference(CtArrayTypeReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtArrayTypeReference(CtArrayTypeReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.EqualsChecker
- visitCtArrayTypeReference(CtArrayTypeReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtArrayTypeReference(CtArrayTypeReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.SignaturePrinter
- visitCtArrayWrite(CtArrayWrite<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtArrayWrite(CtArrayWrite<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtArrayWrite(CtArrayWrite<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtArrayWrite(CtArrayWrite<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtArrayWrite(CtArrayWrite<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits an array write access.
- visitCtArrayWrite(CtArrayWrite<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtArrayWrite(CtArrayWrite<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- visitCtArrayWrite(CtArrayWrite<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtArrayWrite(CtArrayWrite<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtAssert(CtAssert<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtAssert(CtAssert<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtAssert(CtAssert<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtAssert(CtAssert<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtAssert(CtAssert<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits an assert.
- visitCtAssert(CtAssert<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtAssert(CtAssert<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- visitCtAssert(CtAssert<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtAssert(CtAssert<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtAssignment(CtAssignment<T, A>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtAssignment(CtAssignment<T, A>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtAssignment(CtAssignment<T, A>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtAssignment(CtAssignment<T, A>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtAssignment(CtAssignment<T, A>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits an assignment.
- visitCtAssignment(CtAssignment<T, A>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtAssignment(CtAssignment<T, A>) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- visitCtAssignment(CtAssignment<T, A>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.eval.VisitorPartialEvaluator
- visitCtAssignment(CtAssignment<T, A>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtAssignment(CtAssignment<T, A>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.EqualsChecker
- visitCtAssignment(CtAssignment<T, A>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtBinaryOperator(CtBinaryOperator<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtBinaryOperator(CtBinaryOperator<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtBinaryOperator(CtBinaryOperator<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtBinaryOperator(CtBinaryOperator<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtBinaryOperator(CtBinaryOperator<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a binary operator.
- visitCtBinaryOperator(CtBinaryOperator<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtBinaryOperator(CtBinaryOperator<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- visitCtBinaryOperator(CtBinaryOperator<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.eval.VisitorPartialEvaluator
- visitCtBinaryOperator(CtBinaryOperator<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneBuilder
- visitCtBinaryOperator(CtBinaryOperator<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtBinaryOperator(CtBinaryOperator<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.EqualsChecker
- visitCtBinaryOperator(CtBinaryOperator<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtBlock(CtBlock<R>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtBlock(CtBlock<R>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtBlock(CtBlock<R>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtBlock(CtBlock<R>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtBlock(CtBlock<R>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a block of code.
- visitCtBlock(CtBlock<R>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtBlock(CtBlock<R>) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- visitCtBlock(CtBlock<R>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.eval.VisitorPartialEvaluator
- visitCtBlock(CtBlock<R>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtBlock(CtBlock<R>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtBreak(CtBreak) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtBreak(CtBreak) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtBreak(CtBreak) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtBreak(CtBreak) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtBreak(CtBreak) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a
statement. - visitCtBreak(CtBreak) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtBreak(CtBreak) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- visitCtBreak(CtBreak) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneBuilder
- visitCtBreak(CtBreak) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtBreak(CtBreak) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.EqualsChecker
- visitCtBreak(CtBreak) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtCase(CtCase<E>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtCase(CtCase<E>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtCase(CtCase<E>) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- visitCtCase(CtCase<E>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneBuilder
- visitCtCase(CtCase<S>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtCase(CtCase<S>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtCase(CtCase<S>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtCase(CtCase<S>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a
clause. - visitCtCase(CtCase<S>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtCase(CtCase<S>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtCatch(CtCatch) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtCatch(CtCatch) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtCatch(CtCatch) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtCatch(CtCatch) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtCatch(CtCatch) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a
clause. - visitCtCatch(CtCatch) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtCatch(CtCatch) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- visitCtCatch(CtCatch) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.eval.VisitorPartialEvaluator
- visitCtCatch(CtCatch) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtCatch(CtCatch) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtCatchVariable(CtCatchVariable<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtCatchVariable(CtCatchVariable<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtCatchVariable(CtCatchVariable<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtCatchVariable(CtCatchVariable<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtCatchVariable(CtCatchVariable<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a catch variable declaration.
- visitCtCatchVariable(CtCatchVariable<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtCatchVariable(CtCatchVariable<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.VariableReferenceFunction.Visitor
calls outputConsumer for each reference of the catch variable
- visitCtCatchVariable(CtCatchVariable<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.VariableScopeFunction.Visitor
calls outputConsumer for each reference of the catch variable
- visitCtCatchVariable(CtCatchVariable<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportScannerImpl
- visitCtCatchVariable(CtCatchVariable<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- visitCtCatchVariable(CtCatchVariable<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.eval.VisitorPartialEvaluator
- visitCtCatchVariable(CtCatchVariable<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneBuilder
- visitCtCatchVariable(CtCatchVariable<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtCatchVariable(CtCatchVariable<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtCatchVariableReference(CtCatchVariableReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtCatchVariableReference(CtCatchVariableReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtCatchVariableReference(CtCatchVariableReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtCatchVariableReference(CtCatchVariableReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtCatchVariableReference(CtCatchVariableReference<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a reference to a catch variable.
- visitCtCatchVariableReference(CtCatchVariableReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtCatchVariableReference(CtCatchVariableReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtCatchVariableReference(CtCatchVariableReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtClass(CtClass<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtClass(CtClass<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtClass(CtClass<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtClass(CtClass<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtClass(CtClass<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a class declaration.
- visitCtClass(CtClass<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtClass(CtClass<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportScannerImpl
- visitCtClass(CtClass<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- visitCtClass(CtClass<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtClass(CtClass<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtClass(CtClass<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.TypeReferenceScanner
- visitCtCodeSnippetExpression(CtCodeSnippetExpression<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtCodeSnippetExpression(CtCodeSnippetExpression<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtCodeSnippetExpression(CtCodeSnippetExpression<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtCodeSnippetExpression(CtCodeSnippetExpression<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtCodeSnippetExpression(CtCodeSnippetExpression<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a code snippet expression.
- visitCtCodeSnippetExpression(CtCodeSnippetExpression<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtCodeSnippetExpression(CtCodeSnippetExpression<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneBuilder
- visitCtCodeSnippetExpression(CtCodeSnippetExpression<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtCodeSnippetExpression(CtCodeSnippetExpression<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtCodeSnippetStatement(CtCodeSnippetStatement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtCodeSnippetStatement(CtCodeSnippetStatement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtCodeSnippetStatement(CtCodeSnippetStatement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtCodeSnippetStatement(CtCodeSnippetStatement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtCodeSnippetStatement(CtCodeSnippetStatement) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a code snippet statement.
- visitCtCodeSnippetStatement(CtCodeSnippetStatement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtCodeSnippetStatement(CtCodeSnippetStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneBuilder
- visitCtCodeSnippetStatement(CtCodeSnippetStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtCodeSnippetStatement(CtCodeSnippetStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtComment(CtComment) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtComment(CtComment) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtComment(CtComment) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtComment(CtComment) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtComment(CtComment) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a comment
- visitCtComment(CtComment) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtComment(CtComment) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneBuilder
- visitCtComment(CtComment) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtComment(CtComment) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtCompilationUnit(CtCompilationUnit) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtCompilationUnit(CtCompilationUnit) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtCompilationUnit(CtCompilationUnit) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtCompilationUnit(CtCompilationUnit) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtCompilationUnit(CtCompilationUnit) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a compilation unit
- visitCtCompilationUnit(CtCompilationUnit) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtCompilationUnit(CtCompilationUnit) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.EarlyTerminatingScanner
- visitCtCompilationUnit(CtCompilationUnit) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneBuilder
- visitCtCompilationUnit(CtCompilationUnit) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtCompilationUnit(CtCompilationUnit) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtConditional(CtConditional<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtConditional(CtConditional<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtConditional(CtConditional<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtConditional(CtConditional<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtConditional(CtConditional<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a conditional expression
- visitCtConditional(CtConditional<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtConditional(CtConditional<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- visitCtConditional(CtConditional<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.eval.VisitorPartialEvaluator
- visitCtConditional(CtConditional<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtConditional(CtConditional<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtConstructor(CtConstructor<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtConstructor(CtConstructor<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtConstructor(CtConstructor<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtConstructor(CtConstructor<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtConstructor(CtConstructor<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a constructor declaration.
- visitCtConstructor(CtConstructor<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtConstructor(CtConstructor<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- visitCtConstructor(CtConstructor<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneBuilder
- visitCtConstructor(CtConstructor<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtConstructor(CtConstructor<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtConstructor(CtConstructor<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.SignaturePrinter
- visitCtConstructorCall(CtConstructorCall<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtConstructorCall(CtConstructorCall<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtConstructorCall(CtConstructorCall<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtConstructorCall(CtConstructorCall<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtConstructorCall(CtConstructorCall<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a call to a constructor.
- visitCtConstructorCall(CtConstructorCall<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtConstructorCall(CtConstructorCall<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- visitCtConstructorCall(CtConstructorCall<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneBuilder
- visitCtConstructorCall(CtConstructorCall<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtConstructorCall(CtConstructorCall<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtContinue(CtContinue) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtContinue(CtContinue) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtContinue(CtContinue) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtContinue(CtContinue) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtContinue(CtContinue) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a
statement. - visitCtContinue(CtContinue) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtContinue(CtContinue) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneBuilder
- visitCtContinue(CtContinue) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtContinue(CtContinue) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.EqualsChecker
- visitCtContinue(CtContinue) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtDo(CtDo) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtDo(CtDo) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtDo(CtDo) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtDo(CtDo) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtDo(CtDo) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a
loop. - visitCtDo(CtDo) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtDo(CtDo) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- visitCtDo(CtDo) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.eval.VisitorPartialEvaluator
- visitCtDo(CtDo) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtDo(CtDo) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtEnum(CtEnum<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtEnum(CtEnum<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtEnum(CtEnum<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtEnum(CtEnum<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtEnum(CtEnum<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits an enumeration declaration.
- visitCtEnum(CtEnum<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtEnum(CtEnum<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportScannerImpl
- visitCtEnum(CtEnum<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtEnum(CtEnum<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtEnum(CtEnum<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.TypeReferenceScanner
- visitCtEnumValue(CtEnumValue<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtEnumValue(CtEnumValue<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtEnumValue(CtEnumValue<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtEnumValue(CtEnumValue<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtEnumValue(CtEnumValue<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits an enum value declaration.
- visitCtEnumValue(CtEnumValue<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtEnumValue(CtEnumValue<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtEnumValue(CtEnumValue<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtExecutableReference(CtExecutableReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtExecutableReference(CtExecutableReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtExecutableReference(CtExecutableReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtExecutableReference(CtExecutableReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtExecutableReference(CtExecutableReference<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a reference to an executable.
- visitCtExecutableReference(CtExecutableReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtExecutableReference(CtExecutableReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportScannerImpl
- visitCtExecutableReference(CtExecutableReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneBuilder
- visitCtExecutableReference(CtExecutableReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtExecutableReference(CtExecutableReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.EqualsChecker
- visitCtExecutableReference(CtExecutableReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtExecutableReference(CtExecutableReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.SignaturePrinter
- visitCtExecutableReference(CtExecutableReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.TypeReferenceScanner
- visitCtExecutableReferenceExpression(CtExecutableReferenceExpression<T, E>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtExecutableReferenceExpression(CtExecutableReferenceExpression<T, E>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtExecutableReferenceExpression(CtExecutableReferenceExpression<T, E>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtExecutableReferenceExpression(CtExecutableReferenceExpression<T, E>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtExecutableReferenceExpression(CtExecutableReferenceExpression<T, E>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a reference to an executable.
- visitCtExecutableReferenceExpression(CtExecutableReferenceExpression<T, E>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtExecutableReferenceExpression(CtExecutableReferenceExpression<T, E>) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- visitCtExecutableReferenceExpression(CtExecutableReferenceExpression<T, E>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtExecutableReferenceExpression(CtExecutableReferenceExpression<T, E>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtField(CtField<T>) - Method in class spoon.refactoring.MethodInvocationSearch
- visitCtField(CtField<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtField(CtField<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtField(CtField<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtField(CtField<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtField(CtField<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a field declaration.
- visitCtField(CtField<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtField(CtField<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.VariableReferenceFunction.Visitor
calls outputConsumer for each reference of the field
- visitCtField(CtField<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.VariableScopeFunction.Visitor
calls outputConsumer for each reference of the field
- visitCtField(CtField<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.eval.VisitorPartialEvaluator
- visitCtField(CtField<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneBuilder
- visitCtField(CtField<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtField(CtField<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtFieldRead(CtFieldRead<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtFieldRead(CtFieldRead<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtFieldRead(CtFieldRead<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtFieldRead(CtFieldRead<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtFieldRead(CtFieldRead<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a field read access.
- visitCtFieldRead(CtFieldRead<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtFieldRead(CtFieldRead<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportScannerImpl
- visitCtFieldRead(CtFieldRead<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.eval.VisitorPartialEvaluator
- visitCtFieldRead(CtFieldRead<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtFieldRead(CtFieldRead<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtFieldRead(CtFieldRead<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.TypeReferenceScanner
- visitCtFieldReference(CtFieldReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtFieldReference(CtFieldReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtFieldReference(CtFieldReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtFieldReference(CtFieldReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtFieldReference(CtFieldReference<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a reference to a field.
- visitCtFieldReference(CtFieldReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtFieldReference(CtFieldReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportScannerImpl
- visitCtFieldReference(CtFieldReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneBuilder
- visitCtFieldReference(CtFieldReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtFieldReference(CtFieldReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtFieldReference(CtFieldReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.TypeReferenceScanner
- visitCtFieldWrite(CtFieldWrite<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtFieldWrite(CtFieldWrite<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtFieldWrite(CtFieldWrite<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtFieldWrite(CtFieldWrite<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtFieldWrite(CtFieldWrite<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a field write access.
- visitCtFieldWrite(CtFieldWrite<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtFieldWrite(CtFieldWrite<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.eval.VisitorPartialEvaluator
- visitCtFieldWrite(CtFieldWrite<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtFieldWrite(CtFieldWrite<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtFieldWrite(CtFieldWrite<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.TypeReferenceScanner
- visitCtFor(CtFor) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtFor(CtFor) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtFor(CtFor) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtFor(CtFor) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtFor(CtFor) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a
loop. - visitCtFor(CtFor) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtFor(CtFor) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- visitCtFor(CtFor) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.eval.VisitorPartialEvaluator
- visitCtFor(CtFor) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtFor(CtFor) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtForEach(CtForEach) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtForEach(CtForEach) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtForEach(CtForEach) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtForEach(CtForEach) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtForEach(CtForEach) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits an enhanced
loop. - visitCtForEach(CtForEach) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtForEach(CtForEach) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- visitCtForEach(CtForEach) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtForEach(CtForEach) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtIf(CtIf) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtIf(CtIf) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtIf(CtIf) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtIf(CtIf) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtIf(CtIf) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits an
statement. - visitCtIf(CtIf) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtIf(CtIf) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- visitCtIf(CtIf) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.eval.VisitorPartialEvaluator
- visitCtIf(CtIf) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtIf(CtIf) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtImport(CtImport) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtImport(CtImport) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtImport(CtImport) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtImport(CtImport) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtImport(CtImport) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits an import declaration
- visitCtImport(CtImport) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtImport(CtImport) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtImport(CtImport) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.EqualsChecker
- visitCtImport(CtImport) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.HashcodeVisitor
- visitCtImport(CtImport) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtInterface(CtInterface<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtInterface(CtInterface<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtInterface(CtInterface<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtInterface(CtInterface<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtInterface(CtInterface<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits an interface declaration.
- visitCtInterface(CtInterface<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtInterface(CtInterface<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportScannerImpl
- visitCtInterface(CtInterface<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtInterface(CtInterface<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtInterface(CtInterface<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.TypeReferenceScanner
- visitCtIntersectionTypeReference(CtIntersectionTypeReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtIntersectionTypeReference(CtIntersectionTypeReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtIntersectionTypeReference(CtIntersectionTypeReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtIntersectionTypeReference(CtIntersectionTypeReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtIntersectionTypeReference(CtIntersectionTypeReference<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits an intersection type.
- visitCtIntersectionTypeReference(CtIntersectionTypeReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtIntersectionTypeReference(CtIntersectionTypeReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtIntersectionTypeReference(CtIntersectionTypeReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtIntersectionTypeReference(CtIntersectionTypeReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.SignaturePrinter
- visitCtInvocation(CtInvocation) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportScannerImpl
- visitCtInvocation(CtInvocation<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtInvocation(CtInvocation<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtInvocation(CtInvocation<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtInvocation(CtInvocation<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtInvocation(CtInvocation<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits an executable invocation.
- visitCtInvocation(CtInvocation<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtInvocation(CtInvocation<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- visitCtInvocation(CtInvocation<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.eval.VisitorPartialEvaluator
- visitCtInvocation(CtInvocation<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneBuilder
- visitCtInvocation(CtInvocation<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtInvocation(CtInvocation<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtJavaDoc(CtJavaDoc) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtJavaDoc(CtJavaDoc) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtJavaDoc(CtJavaDoc) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtJavaDoc(CtJavaDoc) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtJavaDoc(CtJavaDoc) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a javadoc comment
- visitCtJavaDoc(CtJavaDoc) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtJavaDoc(CtJavaDoc) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportScannerImpl
- visitCtJavaDoc(CtJavaDoc) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtJavaDoc(CtJavaDoc) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtJavaDocTag(CtJavaDocTag) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtJavaDocTag(CtJavaDocTag) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtJavaDocTag(CtJavaDocTag) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtJavaDocTag(CtJavaDocTag) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtJavaDocTag(CtJavaDocTag) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a javadoc tag
- visitCtJavaDocTag(CtJavaDocTag) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtJavaDocTag(CtJavaDocTag) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneBuilder
- visitCtJavaDocTag(CtJavaDocTag) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtJavaDocTag(CtJavaDocTag) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtLambda(CtLambda<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtLambda(CtLambda<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtLambda(CtLambda<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtLambda(CtLambda<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtLambda(CtLambda<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits an anonymous method construction.
- visitCtLambda(CtLambda<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtLambda(CtLambda<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- visitCtLambda(CtLambda<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneBuilder
- visitCtLambda(CtLambda<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtLambda(CtLambda<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtLiteral(CtLiteral<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtLiteral(CtLiteral<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtLiteral(CtLiteral<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtLiteral(CtLiteral<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtLiteral(CtLiteral<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a literal expression.
- visitCtLiteral(CtLiteral<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtLiteral(CtLiteral<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneBuilder
- visitCtLiteral(CtLiteral<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtLiteral(CtLiteral<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.EqualsChecker
- visitCtLiteral(CtLiteral<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtLocalVariable(CtLocalVariable<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtLocalVariable(CtLocalVariable<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtLocalVariable(CtLocalVariable<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtLocalVariable(CtLocalVariable<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtLocalVariable(CtLocalVariable<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a local variable declaration.
- visitCtLocalVariable(CtLocalVariable<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtLocalVariable(CtLocalVariable<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.VariableReferenceFunction.Visitor
calls outputConsumer for each reference of the local variable
- visitCtLocalVariable(CtLocalVariable<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.VariableScopeFunction.Visitor
calls outputConsumer for each reference of the local variable
- visitCtLocalVariable(CtLocalVariable<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.eval.VisitorPartialEvaluator
- visitCtLocalVariable(CtLocalVariable<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneBuilder
- visitCtLocalVariable(CtLocalVariable<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtLocalVariable(CtLocalVariable<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtLocalVariableReference(CtLocalVariableReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtLocalVariableReference(CtLocalVariableReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtLocalVariableReference(CtLocalVariableReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtLocalVariableReference(CtLocalVariableReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtLocalVariableReference(CtLocalVariableReference<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a reference to a local variable.
- visitCtLocalVariableReference(CtLocalVariableReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtLocalVariableReference(CtLocalVariableReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtLocalVariableReference(CtLocalVariableReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtMethod(CtMethod<T>) - Method in class spoon.refactoring.MethodInvocationSearch
- visitCtMethod(CtMethod<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtMethod(CtMethod<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtMethod(CtMethod<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtMethod(CtMethod<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtMethod(CtMethod<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a method declaration.
- visitCtMethod(CtMethod<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtMethod(CtMethod<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- visitCtMethod(CtMethod<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneBuilder
- visitCtMethod(CtMethod<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtMethod(CtMethod<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.EqualsChecker
- visitCtMethod(CtMethod<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtMethod(CtMethod<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.SignaturePrinter
For methods, this implementation of signature contains the return type, which corresponds to what the Java compile and virtual machine call a "descriptor".
- visitCtModule(CtModule) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtModule(CtModule) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtModule(CtModule) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtModule(CtModule) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtModule(CtModule) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a module declaration
- visitCtModule(CtModule) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtModule(CtModule) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneBuilder
- visitCtModule(CtModule) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtModule(CtModule) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtModuleReference(CtModuleReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtModuleReference(CtModuleReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtModuleReference(CtModuleReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtModuleReference(CtModuleReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtModuleReference(CtModuleReference) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a module reference
- visitCtModuleReference(CtModuleReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtModuleReference(CtModuleReference) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtModuleReference(CtModuleReference) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtModuleRequirement(CtModuleRequirement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtModuleRequirement(CtModuleRequirement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtModuleRequirement(CtModuleRequirement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtModuleRequirement(CtModuleRequirement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtModuleRequirement(CtModuleRequirement) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a "require" directive in a module declaration.
- visitCtModuleRequirement(CtModuleRequirement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtModuleRequirement(CtModuleRequirement) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneBuilder
- visitCtModuleRequirement(CtModuleRequirement) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtModuleRequirement(CtModuleRequirement) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtNamedElement(CtNamedElement, CtCompilationUnit) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ElementPrinterHelper
- visitCtNewArray(CtNewArray<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtNewArray(CtNewArray<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtNewArray(CtNewArray<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtNewArray(CtNewArray<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtNewArray(CtNewArray<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits an array construction.
- visitCtNewArray(CtNewArray<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtNewArray(CtNewArray<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- visitCtNewArray(CtNewArray<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtNewArray(CtNewArray<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtNewClass(CtNewClass<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtNewClass(CtNewClass<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtNewClass(CtNewClass<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtNewClass(CtNewClass<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtNewClass(CtNewClass<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits an anonymous class construction.
- visitCtNewClass(CtNewClass<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtNewClass(CtNewClass<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- visitCtNewClass(CtNewClass<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtNewClass(CtNewClass<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtOperatorAssignement(CtOperatorAssignment<T, A>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtOperatorAssignement(CtOperatorAssignment<T, A>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneBuilder
- visitCtOperatorAssignment(CtOperatorAssignment<T, A>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtOperatorAssignment(CtOperatorAssignment<T, A>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtOperatorAssignment(CtOperatorAssignment<T, A>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtOperatorAssignment(CtOperatorAssignment<T, A>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtOperatorAssignment(CtOperatorAssignment<T, A>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits an operator assignment.
- visitCtOperatorAssignment(CtOperatorAssignment<T, A>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtOperatorAssignment(CtOperatorAssignment<T, A>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneBuilder
- visitCtOperatorAssignment(CtOperatorAssignment<T, A>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtOperatorAssignment(CtOperatorAssignment<T, A>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.EqualsChecker
- visitCtOperatorAssignment(CtOperatorAssignment<T, A>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtPackage(CtPackage) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtPackage(CtPackage) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtPackage(CtPackage) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtPackage(CtPackage) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtPackage(CtPackage) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a package declaration.
- visitCtPackage(CtPackage) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtPackage(CtPackage) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- visitCtPackage(CtPackage) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneBuilder
- visitCtPackage(CtPackage) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtPackage(CtPackage) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtPackageDeclaration(CtPackageDeclaration) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtPackageDeclaration(CtPackageDeclaration) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtPackageDeclaration(CtPackageDeclaration) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtPackageDeclaration(CtPackageDeclaration) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtPackageDeclaration(CtPackageDeclaration) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a package declaration
- visitCtPackageDeclaration(CtPackageDeclaration) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtPackageDeclaration(CtPackageDeclaration) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtPackageDeclaration(CtPackageDeclaration) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtPackageExport(CtPackageExport) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtPackageExport(CtPackageExport) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtPackageExport(CtPackageExport) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtPackageExport(CtPackageExport) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtPackageExport(CtPackageExport) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a package export in a module declaration.
- visitCtPackageExport(CtPackageExport) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtPackageExport(CtPackageExport) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneBuilder
- visitCtPackageExport(CtPackageExport) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtPackageExport(CtPackageExport) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtPackageReference(CtPackageReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtPackageReference(CtPackageReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtPackageReference(CtPackageReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtPackageReference(CtPackageReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtPackageReference(CtPackageReference) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a reference to a package.
- visitCtPackageReference(CtPackageReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtPackageReference(CtPackageReference) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtPackageReference(CtPackageReference) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtParameter(CtParameter<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtParameter(CtParameter<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtParameter(CtParameter<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtParameter(CtParameter<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtParameter(CtParameter<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a parameter declaration.
- visitCtParameter(CtParameter<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtParameter(CtParameter<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.VariableReferenceFunction.Visitor
calls outputConsumer for each reference of the parameter
- visitCtParameter(CtParameter<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.VariableScopeFunction.Visitor
calls outputConsumer for each reference of the parameter
- visitCtParameter(CtParameter<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneBuilder
- visitCtParameter(CtParameter<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtParameter(CtParameter<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.EqualsChecker
- visitCtParameter(CtParameter<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtParameterReference(CtParameterReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtParameterReference(CtParameterReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtParameterReference(CtParameterReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtParameterReference(CtParameterReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtParameterReference(CtParameterReference<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a reference to a parameter.
- visitCtParameterReference(CtParameterReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtParameterReference(CtParameterReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtParameterReference(CtParameterReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtProvidedService(CtProvidedService) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtProvidedService(CtProvidedService) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtProvidedService(CtProvidedService) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtProvidedService(CtProvidedService) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtProvidedService(CtProvidedService) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a "provides" directive in a module declaration.
- visitCtProvidedService(CtProvidedService) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtProvidedService(CtProvidedService) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtProvidedService(CtProvidedService) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtRecord(CtRecord) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtRecord(CtRecord) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtRecord(CtRecord) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtRecord(CtRecord) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtRecord(CtRecord) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a record.
- visitCtRecord(CtRecord) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtRecord(CtRecord) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- visitCtRecord(CtRecord) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtRecord(CtRecord) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtRecordComponent(CtRecordComponent) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtRecordComponent(CtRecordComponent) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtRecordComponent(CtRecordComponent) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtRecordComponent(CtRecordComponent) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtRecordComponent(CtRecordComponent) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a record component.
- visitCtRecordComponent(CtRecordComponent) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtRecordComponent(CtRecordComponent) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- visitCtRecordComponent(CtRecordComponent) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneBuilder
- visitCtRecordComponent(CtRecordComponent) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtRecordComponent(CtRecordComponent) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtReturn(CtReturn<R>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtReturn(CtReturn<R>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtReturn(CtReturn<R>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtReturn(CtReturn<R>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtReturn(CtReturn<R>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a
statement. - visitCtReturn(CtReturn<R>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtReturn(CtReturn<R>) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- visitCtReturn(CtReturn<R>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.eval.VisitorPartialEvaluator
- visitCtReturn(CtReturn<R>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtReturn(CtReturn<R>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtStatementList(CtStatementList) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtStatementList(CtStatementList) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtStatementList(CtStatementList) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtStatementList(CtStatementList) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtStatementList(CtStatementList) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a statement list.
- visitCtStatementList(CtStatementList) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtStatementList(CtStatementList) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtStatementList(CtStatementList) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtSuperAccess(CtSuperAccess<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtSuperAccess(CtSuperAccess<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtSuperAccess(CtSuperAccess<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtSuperAccess(CtSuperAccess<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtSuperAccess(CtSuperAccess<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits an access to a super invocation.
- visitCtSuperAccess(CtSuperAccess<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtSuperAccess(CtSuperAccess<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- visitCtSuperAccess(CtSuperAccess<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtSuperAccess(CtSuperAccess<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtSwitch(CtSwitch<E>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtSwitch(CtSwitch<E>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtSwitch(CtSwitch<E>) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- visitCtSwitch(CtSwitch<S>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtSwitch(CtSwitch<S>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtSwitch(CtSwitch<S>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtSwitch(CtSwitch<S>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a
statement. - visitCtSwitch(CtSwitch<S>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtSwitch(CtSwitch<S>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtSwitchExpression(CtSwitchExpression<T, S>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtSwitchExpression(CtSwitchExpression<T, S>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtSwitchExpression(CtSwitchExpression<T, S>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtSwitchExpression(CtSwitchExpression<T, S>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtSwitchExpression(CtSwitchExpression<T, S>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a
expression. - visitCtSwitchExpression(CtSwitchExpression<T, S>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtSwitchExpression(CtSwitchExpression<T, S>) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- visitCtSwitchExpression(CtSwitchExpression<T, S>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtSwitchExpression(CtSwitchExpression<T, S>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtSynchronized(CtSynchronized) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtSynchronized(CtSynchronized) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtSynchronized(CtSynchronized) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtSynchronized(CtSynchronized) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtSynchronized(CtSynchronized) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a
modifier. - visitCtSynchronized(CtSynchronized) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtSynchronized(CtSynchronized) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- visitCtSynchronized(CtSynchronized) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.eval.VisitorPartialEvaluator
- visitCtSynchronized(CtSynchronized) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtSynchronized(CtSynchronized) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtTextBlock(CtTextBlock) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtTextBlock(CtTextBlock) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtTextBlock(CtTextBlock) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtTextBlock(CtTextBlock) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtTextBlock(CtTextBlock) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a literal TextBlock string.
- visitCtTextBlock(CtTextBlock) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtTextBlock(CtTextBlock) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtTextBlock(CtTextBlock) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.EqualsChecker
- visitCtTextBlock(CtTextBlock) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtThisAccess(CtThisAccess<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtThisAccess(CtThisAccess<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtThisAccess(CtThisAccess<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtThisAccess(CtThisAccess<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtThisAccess(CtThisAccess<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a this access.
- visitCtThisAccess(CtThisAccess<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtThisAccess(CtThisAccess<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtThisAccess(CtThisAccess<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtThrow(CtThrow) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtThrow(CtThrow) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtThrow(CtThrow) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtThrow(CtThrow) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtThrow(CtThrow) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a
statement. - visitCtThrow(CtThrow) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtThrow(CtThrow) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- visitCtThrow(CtThrow) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.eval.VisitorPartialEvaluator
- visitCtThrow(CtThrow) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtThrow(CtThrow) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtTry(CtTry) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtTry(CtTry) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtTry(CtTry) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtTry(CtTry) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtTry(CtTry) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a
statement. - visitCtTry(CtTry) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtTry(CtTry) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- visitCtTry(CtTry) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtTry(CtTry) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtTryWithResource(CtTryWithResource) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtTryWithResource(CtTryWithResource) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtTryWithResource(CtTryWithResource) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtTryWithResource(CtTryWithResource) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtTryWithResource(CtTryWithResource) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a
with resource statement. - visitCtTryWithResource(CtTryWithResource) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtTryWithResource(CtTryWithResource) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- visitCtTryWithResource(CtTryWithResource) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtTryWithResource(CtTryWithResource) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtTypeAccess(CtTypeAccess<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtTypeAccess(CtTypeAccess<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtTypeAccess(CtTypeAccess<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtTypeAccess(CtTypeAccess<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtTypeAccess(CtTypeAccess<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a type access.
- visitCtTypeAccess(CtTypeAccess<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtTypeAccess(CtTypeAccess<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtTypeAccess(CtTypeAccess<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtTypeMemberWildcardImportReference(CtTypeMemberWildcardImportReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtTypeMemberWildcardImportReference(CtTypeMemberWildcardImportReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtTypeMemberWildcardImportReference(CtTypeMemberWildcardImportReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtTypeMemberWildcardImportReference(CtTypeMemberWildcardImportReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtTypeMemberWildcardImportReference(CtTypeMemberWildcardImportReference) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits an import wildcard static type member reference
- visitCtTypeMemberWildcardImportReference(CtTypeMemberWildcardImportReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtTypeMemberWildcardImportReference(CtTypeMemberWildcardImportReference) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtTypeMemberWildcardImportReference(CtTypeMemberWildcardImportReference) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtTypeParameter(CtTypeParameter) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtTypeParameter(CtTypeParameter) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtTypeParameter(CtTypeParameter) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtTypeParameter(CtTypeParameter) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtTypeParameter(CtTypeParameter) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a type parameter declaration.
- visitCtTypeParameter(CtTypeParameter) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtTypeParameter(CtTypeParameter) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- visitCtTypeParameter(CtTypeParameter) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtTypeParameter(CtTypeParameter) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtTypeParameterReference(CtTypeParameterReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtTypeParameterReference(CtTypeParameterReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtTypeParameterReference(CtTypeParameterReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtTypeParameterReference(CtTypeParameterReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtTypeParameterReference(CtTypeParameterReference) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a reference to a type parameter.
- visitCtTypeParameterReference(CtTypeParameterReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtTypeParameterReference(CtTypeParameterReference) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtTypeParameterReference(CtTypeParameterReference) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtTypeParameterReference(CtTypeParameterReference) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.SignaturePrinter
- visitCtTypePattern(CtTypePattern) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtTypePattern(CtTypePattern) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtTypePattern(CtTypePattern) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtTypePattern(CtTypePattern) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtTypePattern(CtTypePattern) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a pattern.
- visitCtTypePattern(CtTypePattern) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtTypePattern(CtTypePattern) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- visitCtTypePattern(CtTypePattern) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtTypePattern(CtTypePattern) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtTypeReference(CtTypeReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtTypeReference(CtTypeReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtTypeReference(CtTypeReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtTypeReference(CtTypeReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtTypeReference(CtTypeReference<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a reference to a type.
- visitCtTypeReference(CtTypeReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtTypeReference(CtTypeReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ImportScannerImpl
- visitCtTypeReference(CtTypeReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneBuilder
- visitCtTypeReference(CtTypeReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtTypeReference(CtTypeReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtTypeReference(CtTypeReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.SignaturePrinter
- visitCtTypeReference(CtTypeReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.TypeReferenceScanner
- visitCtUnaryOperator(CtUnaryOperator<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtUnaryOperator(CtUnaryOperator<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtUnaryOperator(CtUnaryOperator<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtUnaryOperator(CtUnaryOperator<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtUnaryOperator(CtUnaryOperator<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a unary operator.
- visitCtUnaryOperator(CtUnaryOperator<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtUnaryOperator(CtUnaryOperator<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- visitCtUnaryOperator(CtUnaryOperator<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.eval.VisitorPartialEvaluator
- visitCtUnaryOperator(CtUnaryOperator<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneBuilder
- visitCtUnaryOperator(CtUnaryOperator<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtUnaryOperator(CtUnaryOperator<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.equals.EqualsChecker
- visitCtUnaryOperator(CtUnaryOperator<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtUnboundVariableReference(CtUnboundVariableReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtUnboundVariableReference(CtUnboundVariableReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtUnboundVariableReference(CtUnboundVariableReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtUnboundVariableReference(CtUnboundVariableReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtUnboundVariableReference(CtUnboundVariableReference<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a reference to an unbound field
- visitCtUnboundVariableReference(CtUnboundVariableReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtUnboundVariableReference(CtUnboundVariableReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtUnboundVariableReference(CtUnboundVariableReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtUsedService(CtUsedService) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtUsedService(CtUsedService) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtUsedService(CtUsedService) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtUsedService(CtUsedService) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtUsedService(CtUsedService) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a "uses" directive in a module declaration.
- visitCtUsedService(CtUsedService) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtUsedService(CtUsedService) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtUsedService(CtUsedService) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtVariableRead(CtVariableRead<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtVariableRead(CtVariableRead<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtVariableRead(CtVariableRead<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtVariableRead(CtVariableRead<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtVariableRead(CtVariableRead<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a variable read access.
- visitCtVariableRead(CtVariableRead<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtVariableRead(CtVariableRead<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.eval.VisitorPartialEvaluator
- visitCtVariableRead(CtVariableRead<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtVariableRead(CtVariableRead<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtVariableWrite(CtVariableWrite<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtVariableWrite(CtVariableWrite<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtVariableWrite(CtVariableWrite<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtVariableWrite(CtVariableWrite<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtVariableWrite(CtVariableWrite<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a variable write access.
- visitCtVariableWrite(CtVariableWrite<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtVariableWrite(CtVariableWrite<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.eval.VisitorPartialEvaluator
- visitCtVariableWrite(CtVariableWrite<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtVariableWrite(CtVariableWrite<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtWhile(CtWhile) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtWhile(CtWhile) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtWhile(CtWhile) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtWhile(CtWhile) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtWhile(CtWhile) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a
loop. - visitCtWhile(CtWhile) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtWhile(CtWhile) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- visitCtWhile(CtWhile) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.eval.VisitorPartialEvaluator
- visitCtWhile(CtWhile) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtWhile(CtWhile) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtWildcardReference(CtWildcardReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtWildcardReference(CtWildcardReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtWildcardReference(CtWildcardReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtWildcardReference(CtWildcardReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtWildcardReference(CtWildcardReference) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a reference to a wildcard.
- visitCtWildcardReference(CtWildcardReference) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtWildcardReference(CtWildcardReference) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- visitCtWildcardReference(CtWildcardReference) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneBuilder
- visitCtWildcardReference(CtWildcardReference) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtWildcardReference(CtWildcardReference) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitCtWildcardReference(CtWildcardReference) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.SignaturePrinter
- visitCtYieldStatement(CtYieldStatement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractVisitor
- visitCtYieldStatement(CtYieldStatement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtBiScannerDefault
- visitCtYieldStatement(CtYieldStatement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtInheritanceScanner
- visitCtYieldStatement(CtYieldStatement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner
- visitCtYieldStatement(CtYieldStatement) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtVisitor
Visits a yield statement.
- visitCtYieldStatement(CtYieldStatement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter
- visitCtYieldStatement(CtYieldStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.compiler.jdt.ParentExiter
- visitCtYieldStatement(CtYieldStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.clone.CloneVisitor
- visitCtYieldStatement(CtYieldStatement) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.replace.ReplacementVisitor
- visitElement - Variable in enum spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.ScanningMode
- visitEnum(Class<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.JavaReflectionTreeBuilder
- visitEnumValue(Field) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.JavaReflectionTreeBuilder
- visitField(Field) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.JavaReflectionTreeBuilder
- visitFieldImport(CtFieldReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractImportVisitor
- visitFieldImport(CtFieldReference<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtImportVisitor
Called for import like:
import apackage.Type.staticField;
- visitInterface(Class<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.JavaReflectionTreeBuilder
- visitMethod(RtMethod, Annotation) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.JavaReflectionTreeBuilder
- visitMethodImport(CtExecutableReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractImportVisitor
- visitMethodImport(CtExecutableReference<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtImportVisitor
Called for import like:
import apackage.Type.staticMethod;
- visitor - Variable in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.VariableReferenceFunction
- visitor - Variable in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.VariableScopeFunction
- Visitor() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.VariableReferenceFunction.Visitor
- Visitor() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.VariableScopeFunction.Visitor
- VisitorPartialEvaluator - Class in spoon.support.reflect.eval
Simplifies an AST by performing all operations that are statically known and changes the AST accordingly (eg "0+1" -> "1") This visitor implements a simple partial evaluator for the program compile-time metamodel.
- VisitorPartialEvaluator() - Constructor for class spoon.support.reflect.eval.VisitorPartialEvaluator
- visitPackage(Package) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.JavaReflectionTreeBuilder
- visitParameter(RtParameter) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.JavaReflectionTreeBuilder
- visitRecord(Class<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.JavaReflectionTreeBuilder
- visitRecordComponent(AnnotatedElement) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.JavaReflectionTreeBuilder
- visitSuperClasses(CtTypeReference<?>, CtConsumer<Object>, boolean) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.SuperInheritanceHierarchyFunction
calls `outputConsumer.accept(superClass)` for all super classes of superType.
- visitSuperInterfaces(CtTypeReference<?>, CtConsumer<Object>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.SuperInheritanceHierarchyFunction
calls `outputConsumer.accept(interface)` for all superInterfaces of type recursively.
- visitTypeImport(CtTypeReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractImportVisitor
- visitTypeImport(CtTypeReference<T>) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtImportVisitor
Called for import like:
import apackage.Type;
- visitTypeParameter(TypeVariable<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.JavaReflectionTreeBuilder
- visitTypeParameterReference(CtRole, TypeVariable<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.JavaReflectionTreeBuilder
- visitTypeReference(CtRole, Class<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.JavaReflectionTreeBuilder
- visitTypeReference(CtRole, ParameterizedType) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.JavaReflectionTreeBuilder
- visitTypeReference(CtRole, WildcardType) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.java.JavaReflectionTreeBuilder
- visitUnresolvedImport(CtUnresolvedImport) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.CtAbstractImportVisitor
- visitUnresolvedImport(CtUnresolvedImport) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.CtImportVisitor
Called for unresolved import
- VOID - Variable in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
- VOID_PRIMITIVE - Variable in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
- voidPrimitiveType() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Returns a reference on the void primitive type.
- voidType() - Method in class spoon.reflect.factory.TypeFactory
Returns a reference on the void type.
- VOLATILE - spoon.reflect.declaration.ModifierKind
The modifier volatile
- VOLATILE - spoon.reflect.visitor.JavaIdentifiers
- WARN - spoon.support.Level
- WHILE - spoon.reflect.visitor.JavaIdentifiers
- wildcard() - Method in class spoon.reflect.path.CtPathBuilder
Add a simple wildcard.
- WILDCARD - Static variable in class spoon.reflect.path.impl.CtNamedPathElement
- withPartialEvaluation() - Method in class spoon.template.AbstractTemplate
- withPartialEvaluation() - Method in interface spoon.template.Template
if true, the result of the template evaluation is simplified with partial evaluation
- withProcessor(Class<? extends Processor<?>>) - Method in class spoon.testing.AbstractAssert
Applies the processor on the actual value.
- withProcessor(String) - Method in class spoon.testing.AbstractAssert
Applies the processor on the actual value.
- withProcessor(Processor<?>) - Method in class spoon.testing.AbstractAssert
Applies the processor on the actual value.
- Writable() - Constructor for class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrintingContext.Writable
- write(char) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrinterHelper
Outputs a char.
- write(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrinterHelper
Outputs a string.
- write(String) - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.MutableTokenWriter
writes the piece of text if not muted
- write(String) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.SignaturePrinter
- writeActualTypeArguments(CtActualTypeContainer) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ElementPrinterHelper
ElementPrinterHelper.writeActualTypeArguments(CtActualTypeContainer, PrintTypeArguments)
. This method is only kept for backwards compatibility. - writeActualTypeArguments(CtActualTypeContainer, ElementPrinterHelper.PrintTypeArguments) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ElementPrinterHelper
Writes actual type arguments in a
element. - writeAnnotationElement(Factory, Object) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ElementPrinterHelper
Writes an annotation element.
- writeAnnotations(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ElementPrinterHelper
Writes the annotations for the given element.
- writeCodeSnippet(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultTokenWriter
- writeCodeSnippet(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.TokenWriter
writes a code snippet - represents arbitrary code of
- writeCodeSnippet(String) - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.MutableTokenWriter
- writeCodeSnippet(String) - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.TokenWriterProxy
- writeComment(CtComment) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultTokenWriter
- writeComment(CtComment) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ElementPrinterHelper
- writeComment(CtComment) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.TokenWriter
writes a comment
- writeComment(CtComment) - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.MutableTokenWriter
- writeComment(CtComment) - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.TokenWriterProxy
- writeComment(CtElement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ElementPrinterHelper
- writeComment(CtElement, CommentOffset) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ElementPrinterHelper
- writeElementList(List<CtTypeMember>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ElementPrinterHelper
Writes a list of elements to the printer by using `scan` from the internal pretty-printer.
- writeExecutableParameters(CtExecutable<?>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ElementPrinterHelper
- writeExtendsClause(CtType<?>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ElementPrinterHelper
- writeFormalTypeParameters(CtFormalTypeDeclarer) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ElementPrinterHelper
Writes formal type parameters given in parameter.
- writeIdentifier(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultTokenWriter
- writeIdentifier(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.TokenWriter
writes a java identifier.
- writeIdentifier(String) - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.MutableTokenWriter
- writeIdentifier(String) - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.TokenWriterProxy
- writeIfOrLoopBlock(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ElementPrinterHelper
write all non-implicit parts of a block, with special care for indentation
- writeImplementsClause(CtType<?>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ElementPrinterHelper
writes the implemented interfaces with a ListPrinter
- writeImports(Collection<CtImport>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ElementPrinterHelper
writes the imports in a specific order (eg all static imports together
- writeKeyword(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultTokenWriter
- writeKeyword(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.TokenWriter
writes a keyword abstract continue for new switch assert default goto package synchronized boolean do if private this break double implements protected throw byte else import public throws case enum instanceof return transient catch extends int short try char final interface static void class finally long strictfp volatile const float native super while
- writeKeyword(String) - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.MutableTokenWriter
- writeKeyword(String) - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.TokenWriterProxy
- writeLiteral(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultTokenWriter
- writeLiteral(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.TokenWriter
writes literal.
- writeLiteral(String) - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.MutableTokenWriter
- writeLiteral(String) - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.TokenWriterProxy
- writeln() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultTokenWriter
- writeln() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrinterHelper
Generates a new line.
- writeln() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.TokenWriter
writes new line (EOL)
- writeln() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.MutableTokenWriter
- writeln() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.TokenWriterProxy
- writeModifiers(CtModifiable) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ElementPrinterHelper
writes the modifiers of this modifiable in a specific order
- writeNameAndParameters(CtExecutableReference<T>) - Method in class spoon.support.visitor.SignaturePrinter
writes only the name and parameters' types
- writeOperator(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultTokenWriter
- writeOperator(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.TokenWriter
Writes one operator.
- writeOperator(String) - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.MutableTokenWriter
- writeOperator(String) - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.TokenWriterProxy
- writePackageLine(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ElementPrinterHelper
Write a package statement and a newline.
- writePackageStatement(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ElementPrinterHelper
Write a package statement.
- writeQualifiedName(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ElementPrinterHelper
splits qualified name to primitive tokens and sends them to TokenWriter individually
- writeSeparator(String) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultTokenWriter
- writeSeparator(String) - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.TokenWriter
Writes one separator.
- writeSeparator(String) - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.MutableTokenWriter
- writeSeparator(String) - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.TokenWriterProxy
- writeSpace() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultTokenWriter
- writeSpace() - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.PrinterHelper
writes a space ' '
- writeSpace() - Method in interface spoon.reflect.visitor.TokenWriter
Writes a single space.
- writeSpace() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.MutableTokenWriter
- writeSpace() - Method in class spoon.support.sniper.internal.TokenWriterProxy
- writeStatement(CtStatement) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ElementPrinterHelper
Writes a statement.
- writeThrowsClause(CtExecutable<?>) - Method in class spoon.reflect.visitor.ElementPrinterHelper
writes the thrown exception with a ListPrinter
- ZipFile - Class in spoon.support.compiler
- ZipFile(ZipFolder, String, byte[]) - Constructor for class spoon.support.compiler.ZipFile
- ZipFile(ZipFolder, String, Path) - Constructor for class spoon.support.compiler.ZipFile
Creates a new zip file.
- ZipFolder - Class in spoon.support.compiler
- ZipFolder(File) - Constructor for class spoon.support.compiler.ZipFolder
- _setRawContent(String) - Method in class spoon.support.reflect.code.CtCommentImpl
FOR ADVANCED USAGE ONLY Set the comment content, without cleaning the comment, if the cleaning behavior to get a canonical version does not work for you.
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