This package contains some default implementations for commonly used processing tasks.
Related Documentation
Interface Summary Interface Description OutputDestinationHandler -
Class Summary Class Description DefaultCoreFactory This class implements a default core factory for Spoon's meta-model.DefaultOutputDestinationHandler Default behavior for the destination of the spoon.JavaOutputProcessor A processor that generates compilable Java source files from the meta-model.QueueProcessingManager This processing manager applies the processors one by one from the given root element.RuntimeProcessingManager This processing manager implements a blocking processing policy that consists of applying the processors in a FIFO order until no processors remain to be applied.SerializationModelStreamer This class provides a regular Java serialization-based implementation of the model streamer.StandardEnvironment This class implements a simple Spoon environment that reports messages in the standard output stream (Java-compliant). -
Enum Summary Enum Description CompressionType Different types of compressions used, e.g.Level Enum for representing logging levels. -
Exception Summary Exception Description SpoonClassNotFoundException Spoon-specific ClassNotFoundException (mostly encapsulates a ClassNotFoundException or a NoClassDefFoundError as a runtime exception) -
Annotation Types Summary Annotation Type Description DerivedProperty Tells that a metamodel property is derived, ie computed from the value of another property.Experimental Tells that a type has recently been introduced and may be subject to non-backward compatible changes without deprecation.Internal Tells that a class or method is not in the public API (even if it has Java visibility "public") Required because package-visibility is too coarse-grained.UnsettableProperty Tells that a metamodel property (ie a getter in metamodel interface) is unsettable because it does not make sense for a certain metamodel element.