

package domain

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class BasicOAuthPermission[C <: OauthClient] extends OauthPermission[C]

  2. class BasicOauthClient extends OauthClient

  3. class BasicOauthCode[RO <: OauthResourceOwner, C <: OauthClient] extends OauthCode[RO, C]

  4. class BasicOauthScope extends OauthScope

  5. class BasicOauthToken[RO <: OauthResourceOwner, C <: OauthClient] extends OauthToken[RO, C]

  6. trait OauthClient extends AnyRef

    Represents the oauth2 client

  7. trait OauthClientRepository[T <: OauthClient] extends AnyRef

    Repository used to retrieve a client by its id

  8. trait OauthCode[RO <: OauthResourceOwner, C <: OauthClient] extends AnyRef

    Represents the oauth2 code issuing by the authorization server

  9. trait OauthCodeFactory[CO <: OauthCode[RO, C], RO <: OauthResourceOwner, C <: OauthClient] extends AnyRef

    Factory used to create a code

  10. trait OauthCodeRepository[CO <: OauthCode[RO, C], RO <: OauthResourceOwner, C <: OauthClient] extends AnyRef

    Repository used to retrieve a code by its value and to revoke a code

  11. trait OauthPermission[C <: OauthClient] extends AnyRef

    Represents the permission granted by the resource owner to a client.

  12. trait OauthResourceOwner extends AnyRef

    Represents the oauth2 resource owner

  13. trait OauthResourceOwnerPermission[RO <: OauthResourceOwner, C <: OauthClient, P <: OauthPermission[C]] extends (RO, C) ⇒ Future[Option[P]]

    Repository to retrieve an eventually permission granted by a resource owner to a client

  14. trait OauthScope extends AnyRef

    Represents an oauth2 scope

  15. trait OauthScopeRepository[T <: OauthScope] extends AnyRef

    Repository used to find a scope by its id

  16. trait OauthToken[RO <: OauthResourceOwner, C <: OauthClient] extends AnyRef

    Represents the oauth2 token

  17. trait OauthTokenFactory[TO <: OauthToken[RO, C], RO <: OauthResourceOwner, C <: OauthClient] extends AnyRef

  18. trait OauthTokenRepository[TO <: OauthToken[RO, C], RO <: OauthResourceOwner, C <: OauthClient] extends AnyRef
