Class EOS_Reports_SendPlayerBehaviorReportOptions

Direct Known Subclasses:
EOS_Reports_SendPlayerBehaviorReportOptions.ByReference, EOS_Reports_SendPlayerBehaviorReportOptions.ByValue

@FieldOrder({"ApiVersion","ReporterUserId","ReportedUserId","Category","Message","Context"}) public class EOS_Reports_SendPlayerBehaviorReportOptions extends com.sun.jna.Structure
Input parameters for the EOS_Reports_SendPlayerBehaviorReport function.
  • Field Details


      The most recent version of the EOS_Reports_SendPlayerBehaviorReport API.
      See Also:

      public static final int EOS_REPORTS_REPORTMESSAGE_MAX_LENGTH
      Max length of a report message text, not including the null terminator.
      See Also:

      public static final int EOS_REPORTS_REPORTCONTEXT_MAX_LENGTH
      Max length of a report context JSON payload, not including the null terminator.
      See Also:
    • ApiVersion

      public int ApiVersion
    • ReporterUserId

      public EOS_ProductUserId ReporterUserId
      Product User ID of the reporting player
    • ReportedUserId

      public EOS_ProductUserId ReportedUserId
      Product User ID of the reported player.
    • Category

      public EOS_EPlayerReportsCategory Category
      Category for the player report.
    • Message

      public String Message
      Optional plain text string associated with the report as UTF-8 encoded null-terminated string.

      The length of the message can be at maximum up to EOS_REPORTS_REPORTMESSAGE_MAX_LENGTH bytes and any excess characters will be truncated upon sending the report.

    • Context

      public String Context
      Optional JSON string associated with the report as UTF-8 encoded null-terminated string. This is intended as a way to associate arbitrary structured context information with a report.

      This string needs to be valid JSON, report will fail otherwise. The length of the context can be at maximum up to EOS_REPORTS_REPORTCONTEXT_MAX_LENGTH bytes, not including the null terminator, report will fail otherwise.

  • Constructor Details

    • EOS_Reports_SendPlayerBehaviorReportOptions

      public EOS_Reports_SendPlayerBehaviorReportOptions()
    • EOS_Reports_SendPlayerBehaviorReportOptions

      public EOS_Reports_SendPlayerBehaviorReportOptions(EOS_ProductUserId reporterUserId, EOS_ProductUserId reportedUserId, EOS_EPlayerReportsCategory category, String message, String context)
    • EOS_Reports_SendPlayerBehaviorReportOptions

      public EOS_Reports_SendPlayerBehaviorReportOptions(String reporterUserId, String reportedUserId, EOS_EPlayerReportsCategory category, String message, String context)
    • EOS_Reports_SendPlayerBehaviorReportOptions

      public EOS_Reports_SendPlayerBehaviorReportOptions(com.sun.jna.Pointer peer)