Class EOS_Connect_VerifyIdTokenCallbackInfo

Direct Known Subclasses:
EOS_Connect_VerifyIdTokenCallbackInfo.ByReference, EOS_Connect_VerifyIdTokenCallbackInfo.ByValue

@FieldOrder({"ResultCode","ClientData","ProductUserId","IsAccountInfoPresent","AccountIdType","AccountId","Platform","DeviceType","ClientId","ProductId","SandboxId","DeploymentId"}) public class EOS_Connect_VerifyIdTokenCallbackInfo extends com.sun.jna.Structure
Output parameters for the EOS_Connect_VerifyIdToken Function.
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static class 
    static class 

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class com.sun.jna.Structure

    com.sun.jna.Structure.FieldOrder, com.sun.jna.Structure.StructField
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The external account ID of the authenticated user.
    The identity provider that the user authenticated with to EOS Connect.
    Context that was passed into EOS_Connect_VerifyIdToken
    Client ID of the authorized client.
    Deployment ID.
    Identifies the device type that the user is connected from.
    Flag set to indicate whether account information is available.
    Platform that the user is connected from.
    Product ID.
    The Product User ID associated with the ID token.
    The EOS_EResult code for the operation.
    Sandbox ID.

    Fields inherited from class com.sun.jna.Structure

  • Constructor Summary

    EOS_Connect_VerifyIdTokenCallbackInfo(com.sun.jna.Pointer peer)
  • Method Summary

    Methods inherited from class com.sun.jna.Structure

    allocateMemory, allocateMemory, autoAllocate, autoRead, autoRead, autoWrite, autoWrite, cacheTypeInfo, calculateSize, clear, createFieldsOrder, createFieldsOrder, createFieldsOrder, createFieldsOrder, dataEquals, dataEquals, ensureAllocated, equals, fieldOffset, getAutoRead, getAutoWrite, getFieldList, getFieldOrder, getFields, getNativeAlignment, getNativeSize, getNativeSize, getPointer, getStringEncoding, getStructAlignment, hashCode, newInstance, newInstance, read, readField, readField, setAlignType, setAutoRead, setAutoSynch, setAutoWrite, setStringEncoding, size, sortFields, toArray, toArray, toString, toString, useMemory, useMemory, write, writeField, writeField, writeField

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • ResultCode

      public EOS_EResult ResultCode
      The EOS_EResult code for the operation. EOS_Success indicates that the operation succeeded; other codes indicate errors.
    • ClientData

      public com.sun.jna.Pointer ClientData
      Context that was passed into EOS_Connect_VerifyIdToken
    • ProductUserId

      public EOS_ProductUserId ProductUserId
      The Product User ID associated with the ID token.
    • IsAccountInfoPresent

      public EOS_Bool IsAccountInfoPresent
      Flag set to indicate whether account information is available. Applications must always first check this value to be set before attempting to read the AccountType, AccountId, Platform and DeviceType fields.

      This flag is always false for users that authenticated using EOS Connect Device ID.

    • AccountIdType

      public int AccountIdType
      The identity provider that the user authenticated with to EOS Connect.

      If IsAccountInfoPresent is set, this field describes the external account type.

    • AccountId

      public String AccountId
      The external account ID of the authenticated user.

      This value may be set to an empty string.

    • Platform

      public String Platform
      Platform that the user is connected from.

      This value may be set to an empty string.

    • DeviceType

      public String DeviceType
      Identifies the device type that the user is connected from. Can be used to securely verify that the user is connected through a real Console device.

      This value may be set to an empty string.

    • ClientId

      public String ClientId
      Client ID of the authorized client.
    • ProductId

      public String ProductId
      Product ID.
    • SandboxId

      public String SandboxId
      Sandbox ID.
    • DeploymentId

      public String DeploymentId
      Deployment ID.
  • Constructor Details

    • EOS_Connect_VerifyIdTokenCallbackInfo

      public EOS_Connect_VerifyIdTokenCallbackInfo()
    • EOS_Connect_VerifyIdTokenCallbackInfo

      public EOS_Connect_VerifyIdTokenCallbackInfo(com.sun.jna.Pointer peer)