Class I18nObject

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class I18nObject
    extends Object
    A generic object with baked-in "default Locale" I18N support. It wraps a ResourceBundle and provides an easy way to get access to internationalized strings.
    • Constructor Detail

      • I18nObject

        public I18nObject​(String aBundleName)
        Constructor for an I18nObject that takes a ResourceBundle name as an argument. The name should be something specific to the package that's extending the I18nObject.
        aBundleName - The name of a ResourceBundle that gets lower cased automatically
      • I18nObject

        public I18nObject​(String aBundleName,
                          Locale aLocale)
        Constructor for an I18nObject that takes a ResourceBundle name as an argument. The name should be something specific to the package that's extending the I18nObject.
        aBundleName - The name of a ResourceBundle that gets lower cased automatically
        aLocale - The locale of the desired bundle.