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ABSTRACT_CLASS_WITHOUT_ABSTRACT_METHOD - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.PMD
accept(File, String) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.DirFileFilter
Determines which Files should be accepted.
accept(File, String) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.FileExtFileFilter
Returns true if the supplied file name and parent directory are a match for this FilenameFilter.
accept(File, String) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.RegexDirFilter
Determines whether the supplied File in the supplied directory should be included.
accept(File, String) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.RegexFileFilter
Determines whether the supplied File in the supplied directory should be included.
accept(T) - Method in interface info.freelibrary.util.LoggingConsumer
accept(T) - Method in interface info.freelibrary.util.ThrowingConsumer
accept(T, U) - Method in interface info.freelibrary.util.LoggingBiConsumer
accept(T, U) - Method in interface info.freelibrary.util.ThrowingBiConsumer
ACCEPTED - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Accepted HTTP response code.
acceptLogs(T) - Method in interface info.freelibrary.util.LoggingConsumer
A method that logs any exceptions thrown by the consumer.
acceptLogs(T, U) - Method in interface info.freelibrary.util.LoggingBiConsumer
A method that logs any exceptions thrown by the bi-consumer.
acceptThrows(T) - Method in interface info.freelibrary.util.ThrowingConsumer
A method that wraps any exceptions through by the consumer with a runtime exception.
acceptThrows(T, U) - Method in interface info.freelibrary.util.ThrowingBiConsumer
A method that wraps any exceptions through by the bi-consumer with a runtime exception.
addLineNumbers(String) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.StringUtils
Adds line numbers to any string.
addListener(ProcessListener) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.ProcessWatcher
Add a ProcessListener to this watcher.
ALREADY_REPORTED - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Already reported HTTP response code.
asArray(List<Byte>) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.ByteUtils
Returns a list of bytes as an array or bytes.
asList(byte[]) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.ByteUtils
Returns a byte array as a list of bytes.
AUXILIARY_CLASS - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.JDK
Warn about an auxiliary class that is hidden in a source file, and is used from other files.
AVOID_CATCHING_GENERIC_EXCEPTION - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.PMD
AVOID_DEEPLY_NESTED_IF_STMTS - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.PMD
AVOID_DUPLICATE_LITERALS - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.PMD
AVOID_FILE_STREAM - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.PMD
AVOID_LITERALS_IN_IF_CONDITION - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.PMD
AVOID_REASSIGNING_LOOP_VARIABLES - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.PMD
AVOID_THROWING_NULLPOINTEREXCEPTION - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.PMD


BAD_GATEWAY - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Bad gateway error HTTP response code.
BAD_REQUEST - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Bad request HTTP response code.
BufferedFileReader - Class in info.freelibrary.util
A BufferedReader that reads from a file.
BufferedFileReader(File) - Constructor for class info.freelibrary.util.BufferedFileReader
Constructs a reader from the supplied file using a UTF-8 charset.
BufferedFileReader(File, String) - Constructor for class info.freelibrary.util.BufferedFileReader
Constructs a reader from the supplied file using the supplied character encoding.
BufferedFileWriter - Class in info.freelibrary.util
A BufferedWriter that writes to a file.
BufferedFileWriter(File) - Constructor for class info.freelibrary.util.BufferedFileWriter
Constructs a writer to the supplied file using a UTF-8 charset.
BufferedFileWriter(File, String) - Constructor for class info.freelibrary.util.BufferedFileWriter
Constructs a writer to the supplied file using the supplied character encoding.
BUNDLE - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message bundle name.
ByteUtils - Class in info.freelibrary.util
A utility class for working with bytes.


CAST - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.JDK
Warn about use of unnecessary casts.
Checkstyle - Class in info.freelibrary.util.warnings
Checkstyle warnings.
CLASS_NAMING_CONVENTIONS - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.PMD
CLASSFILE - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.JDK
Warn about issues related to classfile contents.
ClasspathUtils - Class in info.freelibrary.util
Utilities for working with the Java classpath.
CLIENT_CLOSED_CONNECTION - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Client closed connection error HTTP response code.
closeQuietly(InputStream) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.IOUtils
Closes an input stream, catching and logging any exceptions.
closeQuietly(OutputStream) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.IOUtils
Closes an output stream, catching and logging any exceptions.
closeQuietly(Reader) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.IOUtils
Closes a reader, catching and logging any exceptions.
closeQuietly(Writer) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.IOUtils
Closes a writer, catching and logging any exceptions.
closeQuietly(JarFile) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.IOUtils
Closes a JarFile, catching and logging any exceptions.
closeQuietly(ImageInputStream) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.IOUtils
Closes an image input stream, catching and logging any exceptions
closeQuietly(ImageOutputStream) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.IOUtils
Closes an image output stream, catching and logging any exceptions.
COGNITIVE_COMPLEXITY - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.PMD
COLON - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.Constants
A constant for a colon.
COMMA - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.Constants
A constant for a comma.
CONDENSE_WHITESPACE - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.LoggerMarker
A constant that when supplied to MDC can condense whitespace in messages
CONFLICT - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Conflict HTTP response code.
CONSECUTIVE_LITERAL_APPENDS - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.PMD
Constants - Class in info.freelibrary.util
Generic string constants that have generalized usage.
contains(JarFile, String) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.JarUtils
Tests whether the supplied file path exists in the supplied Jar file.
CONTINUE - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Continue HTTP response code.
convertToInt(Set<PosixFilePermission>) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.FileUtils
Convert a PosixFilePermission set to an integer permissions mode.
convertToPermissionsSet(int) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.FileUtils
Converts an file permissions mode integer to a PosixFilePermission set.
copy(File, File) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.FileUtils
Copies a file or directory from one place to another.
copyStream(File, OutputStream) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.IOUtils
Writes a file to an output stream.
copyStream(InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.IOUtils
Writes from an input stream to an output stream; you're responsible for closing the InputStream and OutputStream.
CREATED - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Created HTTP response code.
CustomBundleControl - Class in info.freelibrary.util
A resource bundle control that supports the XMLResourceBundle.
CustomBundleControl() - Constructor for class info.freelibrary.util.CustomBundleControl
CYCLOMATIC_COMPLEXITY - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.PMD


DASH - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.Constants
A constant for a dash.
DATE_FORMAT - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.FileUtils
A date format pattern.
debug(String) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
debug(String, Object) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
debug(String, Object...) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
debug(String, Object, Object) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
debug(String, Throwable) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
debug(Marker, String) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
debug(Marker, String, Object) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
debug(Marker, String, Object...) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
debug(Marker, String, Object, Object) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
debug(Marker, String, Throwable) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
decode(String) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.URLUtils
Decodes an encoded path.
decode(String, String) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.URLUtils
Decodes an encoded path.
delete(File) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.FileUtils
Deletes a directory and all its children.
DEPRECATED_ANNO - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.JDK
Warn about items marked as deprecated in JavaDoc but not using the @Deprecated annotation.
DEPRECATION - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.JDK
Warn about use of deprecated items.
DirFileFilter - Class in info.freelibrary.util
A filter that returns only directories from a file system scan.
DirFileFilter() - Constructor for class info.freelibrary.util.DirFileFilter
dirIsUseable(String, String) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.FileUtils
Tests that the supplied directory exists and can be used according to the supplied permissions string (e.g., 'rwx').
DIV_BY_ZERO - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.JDK
Warn about division by constant integer 0.
DOMUtils - Class in info.freelibrary.util
Utilities for working with W3C DOMs.


EARLY_HINTS - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Early hints HTTP response code.
Eclipse - Class in info.freelibrary.util.warnings
Warnings specific to the Eclipse IDE.
ELB_UNAUTHORIZED - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Elastic load balancer unauthorized HTTP response code.
EMPTY - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.Constants
A constant for an empty string.
EMPTY - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.JDK
Warn about empty statement after if.
encode(String, boolean) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.URLUtils
Percent-encodes supplied string but only after decoding it completely first.
encrypt(String) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.PasswordUtils
Encrypts the supplied text.
encrypt(String, String) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.PasswordUtils
Encrypts the supplied text using the supplied salt.
Env - Class in info.freelibrary.util
An extension to the Java environment properties interface.
EOL - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.Constants
A constant for an end of line character.
EOL_TO_CR - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.LoggerMarker
A constant that when supplied to MDC can control the formatting of messages
EOL_TO_CRLF - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.LoggerMarker
A constant that when supplied to MDC can control the formatting of messages
EOL_TO_LF - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.LoggerMarker
A constant that when supplied to MDC can control the formatting of messages
EOL_TO_SPACE - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.LoggerMarker
A constant that when supplied to MDC can control the formatting of messages
EQUALS - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.Constants
A constant for the equals sign.
error(String) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
error(String, Object) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
error(String, Object...) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
error(String, Object, Object) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
error(String, Throwable) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
error(Throwable, String) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
A convenience method that uses an argument pattern with Throwable first.
error(Throwable, String, Object...) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
A convenience method that uses an argument pattern with Throwable first.
error(Marker, String) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
error(Marker, String, Object) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
error(Marker, String, Object...) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
error(Marker, String, Object, Object) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
error(Marker, String, Throwable) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
EXCESSIVE_IMPORTS - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.PMD
EXCESSIVE_PUBLIC_COUNT - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.PMD
EXPECTATION_FAILED - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Expectation failed HTTP response code.
EXPORTS - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.JDK
Warn about issues regarding module exports.
extract(File, String, File) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.JarUtils
Extract the supplied path from the supplied Jar file to the supplied File location.
extract(String, String, File) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.JarUtils
Extract the supplied path from the supplied Jar file to a supplied File location.
extract(URL, File) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.JarUtils
Extracts the supplied path from the supplied Jar file's URL to the supplied File location.
extract(JarFile, String, File) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.JarUtils
Extract a particular path from the supplied Jar file to a supplied File location.


FAILED_DEPENDENCY - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Failed dependency HTTP response code.
FALLTHROUGH - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.JDK
Warn about falling through from one case of a switch statement to the next.
FileExtFileFilter - Class in info.freelibrary.util
A file name filter that checks the file extension to determine whether the filter matches the file name or not.
FileExtFileFilter(String) - Constructor for class info.freelibrary.util.FileExtFileFilter
Constructor for a FilenameFilter that checks a single file extension against supplied file names, looking for matches.
FileExtFileFilter(String...) - Constructor for class info.freelibrary.util.FileExtFileFilter
Constructor for a FilenameFilter that checks an array of file extensions against supplied file names, looking for matches.
FileUtils - Class in info.freelibrary.util
Utilities for working with files.
filters(String) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.FileExtFileFilter
Returns whether or not the supplied file extension is one that this filter matches.
FINALLY - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.JDK
Warn about finally clauses that do not terminate normally.
find(String) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.ClasspathUtils
Finds the first instance of the supplied file name in the classpath (in either a directory or jar file) and returns a URL for it.
findFirst(String) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.ClasspathUtils
Finds the first instance of the supplied file name in the classpath (in either a directory or a jar file) and returns a URL for it.
FORBIDDEN - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Forbidden HTTP response code.
format(String) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.XmlUtils
Pretty prints the supplied XML string using a default indentation of two spaces.
format(String, int) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.XmlUtils
Pretty prints the supplied XML string using a supplied indentation.
format(String, Object...) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.StringUtils
Formats the supplied message using the supplied details.
format(String, String...) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.StringUtils
Takes a String in the form "This is {} text {}" and replaces the {}s with values from the supplied String[].
FOUND - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Found HTTP response code.


GATEWAY_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Gateway timeout error HTTP response code.
generateSalt() - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.PasswordUtils
Generates a salt for working with passwords.
get(String, float) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.Env
Gets an environmental property value, optionally falling back to the supplied alternative.
get(String, int) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.Env
Gets an environmental property value, optionally falling back to the supplied alternative.
get(String, String) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.Env
Gets an environmental property value, optionally falling back to the supplied alternative.
getArchitecture() - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.NativeLibraryLoader
Gets the architecture of the machine running the JVM.
getDirFiles() - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.ClasspathUtils
Returns an array of all the directories in the system classpath
getDirFiles(FilenameFilter) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.ClasspathUtils
Returns an array of all the directories in the system classpath that match the supplied FilenameFilter
getDirs() - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.ClasspathUtils
Returns an String array of all the directory names in the system classpath
getDirs(FilenameFilter) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.ClasspathUtils
Returns an String array of all the directory names in the system classpath that match the supplied FilenameFilter
getExt(String) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.FileUtils
Returns a file extension (as delimited by a period).
getFormats(String) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.CustomBundleControl
Returns a list of formats supported for the supplied base name.
getJarFiles() - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.ClasspathUtils
Returns an array of all the jar files in the system classpath
getJarFiles(FilenameFilter) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.ClasspathUtils
Returns an array of all the jar files in the system classpath that match the supplied FilenameFilter
getJars() - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.ClasspathUtils
Returns an String array of all the names of the jars in the system classpath
getJars(FilenameFilter) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.ClasspathUtils
Returns an String array of all the names of the jars in the system classpath that match the supplied FilenameFilter
getJarURLs() - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.JarUtils
Gets a list of jar files in the classpath (this includes jars in jars, one level deep).
getLogger(Class<?>) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.LoggerFactory
Gets a ResourceBundle wrapped SLF4J Logger.
getLogger(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.LoggerFactory
Gets a ResourceBundle wrapped SLF4J Logger.
getLogger(String) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.LoggerFactory
Gets a ResourceBundle wrapped SLF4J Logger.
getLogger(String, String) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.LoggerFactory
Gets a ResourceBundle wrapped SLF4J Logger.
getLoggerImpl() - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
Gets the internal logger that this logger decorates.
getMessage(String, Object...) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
Gets a message from the logger's backing resource bundle if what's passed in is a message key; if it's not then what's passed in is, itself, returned.
getMessage(Marker, String, Object...) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
Gets a message from the logger's backing resource bundle if what's passed in is a message key; if it's not then what's passed in is, itself, returned.
getMilliseconds() - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Stopwatch
Express the "reading" on the stopwatch in milliseconds.
getMimeType(String) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.FileUtils
Gets the MIME type of the supplied file URL.
getName() - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
getOrFail(String, String) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.Env
Gets an environmental property value or throws a NullPointerException if that property isn't found.
getPlatformLibraryName(String) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.NativeLibraryLoader
Gets the library name for the current platform.
getPort() - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.PortUtils
Gets an open port.
getPortIterator() - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.PortUtils
Returns an iterator over open ports.
getSeconds() - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Stopwatch
Express the "reading" on the stopwatch in seconds.
getSize(File) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.FileUtils
Gets the calculated size of a directory of files.
GOD_CLASS - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.PMD
GONE - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Gone HTTP response code.


hash(File, String) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.FileUtils
Get a hash for a supplied file.
HASH - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.Constants
A constant for a hash.
HTTP - Class in info.freelibrary.util
HTTP response code constants.
HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
HTTP version not supported error HTTP response code.


I18nException - Exception in info.freelibrary.util
An I18n'ed exception.
I18nException() - Constructor for exception info.freelibrary.util.I18nException
Constructs a new I18nException.
I18nException(String, String) - Constructor for exception info.freelibrary.util.I18nException
Constructs a new I18nException using the supplied bundle details.
I18nException(String, String, Object...) - Constructor for exception info.freelibrary.util.I18nException
Constructs a new I18nException with the supplied string as the message key and the supplied string varargs as the message details.
I18nException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception info.freelibrary.util.I18nException
Constructs a new I18nException with the supplied underlying cause.
I18nException(Throwable, String, String) - Constructor for exception info.freelibrary.util.I18nException
Constructs a new I18nException with the supplied cause and message.
I18nException(Throwable, String, String, Object...) - Constructor for exception info.freelibrary.util.I18nException
Constructs a new I18nException with the supplied cause, message, and additional details.
I18nException(Throwable, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for exception info.freelibrary.util.I18nException
Constructs a new I18nException using the Locale with the supplied cause and message.
I18nException(Throwable, Locale, String, String, Object...) - Constructor for exception info.freelibrary.util.I18nException
Constructs a new I18nException from the supplied Locale with the supplied cause, message, and additional details.
I18nException(Locale, String, String) - Constructor for exception info.freelibrary.util.I18nException
Constructs a new I18nException using the supplied Locale and bundle details.
I18nException(Locale, String, String, Object...) - Constructor for exception info.freelibrary.util.I18nException
Constructs a new I18nException with the supplied Locale as the locale, the supplied int as the message key, and the supplied string varargs as the message details.
I18nObject - Class in info.freelibrary.util
A generic object with baked-in "default Locale" I18N support.
I18nObject(String) - Constructor for class info.freelibrary.util.I18nObject
Constructor for an I18nObject that takes a ResourceBundle name as an argument.
I18nObject(String, Locale) - Constructor for class info.freelibrary.util.I18nObject
Constructor for an I18nObject that takes a ResourceBundle name as an argument.
I18nRuntimeException - Exception in info.freelibrary.util
A runtime exception that wraps an I18n resource bundle.
I18nRuntimeException() - Constructor for exception info.freelibrary.util.I18nRuntimeException
Constructs a new RuntimeI18nException.
I18nRuntimeException(String, String) - Constructor for exception info.freelibrary.util.I18nRuntimeException
Constructs a new RuntimeI18nException using the supplied bundle details.
I18nRuntimeException(String, String, Object...) - Constructor for exception info.freelibrary.util.I18nRuntimeException
Constructs a new RuntimeI18nException with the supplied string as the message key and the supplied string varargs as the message details.
I18nRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception info.freelibrary.util.I18nRuntimeException
Constructs a new RuntimeI18nException with the supplied underlying cause.
I18nRuntimeException(Throwable, String, String) - Constructor for exception info.freelibrary.util.I18nRuntimeException
Constructs a new RuntimeI18nException with the supplied cause and message.
I18nRuntimeException(Throwable, String, String, Object...) - Constructor for exception info.freelibrary.util.I18nRuntimeException
Constructs a new RuntimeI18nException with the supplied cause, message, and additional details.
I18nRuntimeException(Throwable, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for exception info.freelibrary.util.I18nRuntimeException
Constructs a new RuntimeI18nException using the Locale with the supplied cause and message.
I18nRuntimeException(Throwable, Locale, String, String, Object...) - Constructor for exception info.freelibrary.util.I18nRuntimeException
Constructs a new RuntimeI18nException from the supplied Locale with the supplied cause, message, and additional details.
I18nRuntimeException(Locale, String, String) - Constructor for exception info.freelibrary.util.I18nRuntimeException
Constructs a new RuntimeI18nException using the supplied Locale and bundle details.
I18nRuntimeException(Locale, String, String, Object...) - Constructor for exception info.freelibrary.util.I18nRuntimeException
Constructs a new RuntimeI18nException with the supplied Locale as the locale, the supplied int as the message key, and the supplied string varargs as the message details.
IllegalArgumentI18nException - Exception in info.freelibrary.util
An I18n wrapper around IllegalArgumentException.
IllegalArgumentI18nException(Object) - Constructor for exception info.freelibrary.util.IllegalArgumentI18nException
Creates a new IllegalArgumentI18nException.
IllegalArgumentI18nException(String, String, Object...) - Constructor for exception info.freelibrary.util.IllegalArgumentI18nException
Creates a new IllegalArgumentI18nException using a message bundle and key that are different from the default ones.
IllegalArgumentI18nException(Throwable, Object) - Constructor for exception info.freelibrary.util.IllegalArgumentI18nException
Creates a new IllegalArgumentI18nException from the supplied root cause.
IllegalArgumentI18nException(Throwable, String, String, Object...) - Constructor for exception info.freelibrary.util.IllegalArgumentI18nException
Creates a new IllegalArgumentI18nException from the supplied root cause using a message bundle and key that are different from the default ones.
IM_USED - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Instance manipulation used HTTP response code.
INADDR_ANY - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.Constants
The default / any host IP address.
info(String) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
info(String, Object) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
info(String, Object...) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
info(String, Object, Object) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
info(String, Throwable) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
info(Marker, String) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
info(Marker, String, Object) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
info(Marker, String, Object...) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
info(Marker, String, Object, Object) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
info(Marker, String, Throwable) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
info.freelibrary.util - package info.freelibrary.util
A small collection of utility classes.
info.freelibrary.util.warnings - package info.freelibrary.util.warnings
INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Insufficient storage error HTTP response code.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Internal server error HTTP response code.
IOUtils - Class in info.freelibrary.util
Utilities for working with IO streams.
isDebugEnabled() - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
isDebugEnabled(Marker) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
isEmpty(String) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.StringUtils
Returns true if the supplied string is null, empty, or contains nothing but whitespace.
isErrorEnabled() - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
isErrorEnabled(Marker) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
isInfoEnabled() - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
isInfoEnabled(Marker) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
isTraceEnabled() - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
isTraceEnabled(Marker) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
isWarnEnabled() - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
isWarnEnabled(Marker) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger


JAR_URL_DELIMITER - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.JarUtils
The delimiter between the Jar file and its path.
JAR_URL_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.JarUtils
A constant for the protocol of a Jar file.
JarClassLoader - Class in info.freelibrary.util
A URLClassLoader for Jar files.
JarClassLoader(String) - Constructor for class info.freelibrary.util.JarClassLoader
Constructor for a Jar ClassLoader.
JarClassLoader(URL[], String) - Constructor for class info.freelibrary.util.JarClassLoader
Constructor for a ClassLoader for Jar files.
JarClassLoader(List<URL>, String) - Constructor for class info.freelibrary.util.JarClassLoader
Constructor for a ClassLoader for Jar files.
JarUtils - Class in info.freelibrary.util
A small collection of Jar file utilities.
JDK - Class in info.freelibrary.util.warnings
Constants for suppressing checks.
joinKeys(Map<String, ?>, char) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.StringUtils
Turns the keys in a map into a character delimited string.


LENGTH_REQUIRED - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Length required HTTP response code.
LINUX_32 - info.freelibrary.util.NativeLibraryLoader.Architecture
LINUX_64 - info.freelibrary.util.NativeLibraryLoader.Architecture
LINUX_ARM - info.freelibrary.util.NativeLibraryLoader.Architecture
listFiles(File, FilenameFilter) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.FileUtils
An array of all the files in the supplied directory that match the supplied FilenameFilter.
listFiles(File, FilenameFilter, boolean) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.FileUtils
An array of all the files in the supplied directory that match the supplied FilenameFilter.
listFiles(File, FilenameFilter, boolean, String...) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.FileUtils
An array of all the files in the supplied directory that match the supplied FilenameFilter.
load(String) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.NativeLibraryLoader
Loads a native library from the classpath.
loadClass(String) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.JarClassLoader
Loads the Class for the supplied class name.
LOCKED - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Locked HTTP response code.
Logger - Class in info.freelibrary.util
Creates a SLF4J logger that is backed by a ResourceBundle.
LoggerFactory - Class in info.freelibrary.util
A facade for SLF4J's LoggerFactory.
LoggerMarker - Class in info.freelibrary.util
A Marker class that contains markers that can influence the behavior of the Logger.
LoggingBiConsumer<T,​U> - Interface in info.freelibrary.util
A bi-consumer that logs any exceptions.
LoggingConsumer<T> - Interface in info.freelibrary.util
A consumer that logs any exceptions.
LONG_VARIABLE - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.PMD
LOOP_DETECTED - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Loop detected error HTTP response code.


MalformedUrlException - Exception in info.freelibrary.util
Creates a malformed URL runtime exception.
MalformedUrlException() - Constructor for exception info.freelibrary.util.MalformedUrlException
Constructs a MalformedUrlException with no detail message.
MalformedUrlException(String) - Constructor for exception info.freelibrary.util.MalformedUrlException
Constructs a MalformedUrlException with the specified detail message.
MESSAGE_SLOT - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.Constants
A constant for a message slot.
MessageCodes - Class in info.freelibrary.util
Codes used for internationalized text in logs and other application components.
METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Method not allowed HTTP response code.
MISDIRECTED_REQUEST - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Misdirected request HTTP response code.
MISSING_OVERRIDE - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.PMD
MODULE - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.JDK
Warn about module system related issues.
MORE_THAN_ONE_LOGGER - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.PMD
MOVED_PERMANENTLY - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Moved permanently HTTP response code
MULTI_STATUS - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Multi-status HTTP response code.
MULTIPLE_CHOICES - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Multiple choices HTTP response code.
MULTIPLE_STRING_LITERALS - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.Checkstyle


N_PATH_COMPLEXITY - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.PMD
NativeLibraryLoader - Class in info.freelibrary.util
Utility class to load a native library that lives in the current classpath.
NativeLibraryLoader.Architecture - Enum in info.freelibrary.util
Possible architectures of native libraries.
NETWORK_AUTH_REQUIRED - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Network authentication required error HTTP response code.
newBundle(String, Locale, String, ClassLoader, boolean) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.CustomBundleControl
Creates a new ResourceBundle.
NO_CONTENT - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
No content HTTP response code.
NONAUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Non-authoritative information HTTP response code.
normalizeWS(String) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.StringUtils
Normalizes white space in the message value.
NOT_ACCEPTABLE - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Not acceptable HTTP response code.
NOT_EXTENDED - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Not extended error HTTP response code.
NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Not Found HTTP response code.
NOT_IMPLEMENTED - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Not implemented HTTP response code.
NOT_MODIFIED - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Not modified HTTP response code.
NULL_ASSIGNMENT - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.PMD


OK - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
OK HTTP response code.
OPENS - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.JDK
Warn about issues regarding module opens.
OPTIONS - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.JDK
Warn about issues relating to use of command line options.
OSX_32 - info.freelibrary.util.NativeLibraryLoader.Architecture
OSX_64 - info.freelibrary.util.NativeLibraryLoader.Architecture
OSX_PPC - info.freelibrary.util.NativeLibraryLoader.Architecture
OVERLOADS - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.JDK
Warn about issues regarding method overloads.
OVERRIDES - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.JDK
Warn about issues regarding method overrides.


padEnd(String, String, int) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.StringUtils
Pads the end of a supplied string with the repetition of a supplied value.
padStart(String, String, int) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.StringUtils
Pads the beginning of a supplied string with the repetition of a supplied value.
parseIntRange(String) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.StringUtils
Parses strings with an integer range (e.g., 2-5) and returns an expanded integer array {2, 3, 4, 5} with those values.
PARTIAL_CONTENT - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Partial content HTTP response code.
PasswordUtils - Class in info.freelibrary.util
Utilities for use with password creation.
PATH - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.JDK
Warn about invalid path elements on the command line.
PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Payload too large HTTP response code.
PAYMENT_REQUIRED - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Payment required HTTP response code.
PERIOD - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.Constants
A constant for a period.
PERMANENT_REDIRECT - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Permanent redirect HTTP response code.
PLUS - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.Constants
A constant for the plus symbol.
PMD - Class in info.freelibrary.util.warnings
Constants related to PMD validation rules.
PortUtils - Class in info.freelibrary.util
Utilities related to ports.
PRECONDITION_FAILED - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Precondition failed HTTP response code.
PRECONDITION_REQUIRED - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Precondition required HTTP response code.
PRESERVE_STACK_TRACE - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.PMD
PREVIEW - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.JDK
Warn about use of preview language features.
processFinished(Process) - Method in interface info.freelibrary.util.ProcessListener
An event to run once the supplied process has finished.
PROCESSING - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Processing HTTP response code.
PROCESSING - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.JDK
Warn about issues regarding annotation processing.
ProcessListener - Interface in info.freelibrary.util
An interface for a Process listener.
ProcessWatcher - Class in info.freelibrary.util
Watcher that can register listeners that will fire when the process has finished.
ProcessWatcher(ProcessBuilder) - Constructor for class info.freelibrary.util.ProcessWatcher
Creates a watcher for a Process started by the supplied ProcessBuilder.
PROXY_AUTH_REQUIRED - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Proxy authentication required HTTP response code.


QUESTION_MARK - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.Constants
A constant for a question mark.


RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Range not satisfiable HTTP response code.
RAW_TYPES - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.JDK
Warn about use of raw types.
read(File) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.StringUtils
Reads the contents of a file into a string using the UTF-8 character set encoding.
read(File, String) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.StringUtils
Reads the contents of a file using the supplied Charset; the default system charset may vary across systems so can't be trusted.
read(File, Charset) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.StringUtils
Reads the contents of a file using the supplied Charset; the default system charset may vary across systems so can't be trusted.
readBytes(InputStream) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.IOUtils
Reads an InputStream into a byte array.
RegexDirFilter - Class in info.freelibrary.util
A FilenameFilter that allows filtering directory names based on regular expressions.
RegexDirFilter(String) - Constructor for class info.freelibrary.util.RegexDirFilter
Constructor for a regular expression FilenameFilter.
RegexFileFilter - Class in info.freelibrary.util
A FilenameFilter that allows filtering file names based on regular expressions.
RegexFileFilter(String) - Constructor for class info.freelibrary.util.RegexFileFilter
Constructor for a regular expression FilenameFilter.
RegexFileFilter(String, boolean) - Constructor for class info.freelibrary.util.RegexFileFilter
Constructor for a regular expression FilenameFilter that creates a case insensitive.
REMOVAL - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.JDK
Warn about use of API that has been marked for removal.
removeListener(ProcessListener) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.ProcessWatcher
Remove a ProcessListener to this watcher.
repeat(char, int) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.StringUtils
Creates a new string from the repetition of a supplied char.
repeat(String, int) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.StringUtils
Creates a new string from the repetition of a supplied value.
REQUEST_HEADER_FIELDS_TOO_LARGE - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Request header fields too large HTTP response code.
REQUEST_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Request timeout HTTP response code.
REQUIRES_AUTOMATIC - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.JDK
Warn about use of automatic modules in the requires clauses.
REQUIRES_TRANSITIVE_AUTO - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.JDK
Warn about automatic modules in requires transitive.
RESET_CONTENT - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Reset content HTTP response code.
reverse(byte[]) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.ByteUtils
Reverses the elements of array.
reverse(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.ByteUtils
Reverses the elements of the array.
reverse(String) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.StringUtils
Reverses the characters in a string.
run() - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.ProcessWatcher


SEE_OTHER - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
See other HTTP response code.
SERIAL - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.JDK
Warn about Serializable classes that do not provide a serial version ID.
SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Service unavailable error HTTP response code.
SIGNATURE_DECLARE_THROWS_EXCEPTION - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.PMD
SINGLE_INSTANCE - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.Constants
A constant for a single instance.
sizeFromBytes(long) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.FileUtils
Returns a human readable size from a large number of bytes.
sizeFromBytes(long, boolean) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.FileUtils
Returns a human readable size from a large number of bytes.
SLASH - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.Constants
A constant for a slash.
SPACE - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.Constants
A constant for a space character.
start() - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Stopwatch
Start the stopwatch.
STATIC - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.JDK
Warn about accessing a static member using an instance.
stop() - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Stopwatch
Stop the stopwatch.
stopAfter(int) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Stopwatch
Stop the stopwatch (as soon as possible) after a certain number of seconds.
Stopwatch - Class in info.freelibrary.util
Allows timing of the execution of any block of code.
Stopwatch() - Constructor for class info.freelibrary.util.Stopwatch
StringUtils - Class in info.freelibrary.util
Provides a few convenience methods for working with strings.
stripExt(File) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.FileUtils
Return a file name without the dot extension.
stripExt(String) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.FileUtils
Return a file name without the dot extension.
SWITCH_PROXY - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Switch proxy HTTP response code.
SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Switching protocols HTTP response code.


TEAPOT - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
I am a teapot HTTP response code.
TEMP_REDIRECT - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Temporary redirect HTTP response code.
ThrowingBiConsumer<T,​U> - Interface in info.freelibrary.util
A bi-consumer that throws a runtime exception.
ThrowingConsumer<T> - Interface in info.freelibrary.util
A consumer that throws a runtime exception.
toCharCount(String, int) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.StringUtils
Formats a string with or without line breaks into a string with lines with less than a supplied number of characters per line.
toFile(URL) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.FileUtils
Returns a Java File for the supplied file-based URL.
toFile(URL) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.URLUtils
Takes a URL and converts it to a File.
toHashMap(String) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.FileUtils
Returns a Map representation of the supplied directory's structure.
toHashMap(String, String) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.FileUtils
Returns a Map representation of the supplied directory's structure.
toHashMap(String, String, String...) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.FileUtils
Returns a Map representation of the supplied directory's structure.
TOO_EARLY - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Too early HTTP response code.
TOO_MANY_METHODS - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.PMD
TOO_MANY_REQUESTS - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Too many requests HTTP response code.
toString() - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.FileExtFileFilter
Returns a string representation of the filter which includes the file name extensions being used as filters.
toString() - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.RegexDirFilter
Returns a string version of the regular expression used as a filter.
toString() - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.RegexFileFilter
Returns a string version of the regular expression used as a filter.
toString() - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Stopwatch
Returns a string representation of the time elapsed in milliseconds.
toString(char, Object...) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.StringUtils
A convenience method for toString(Object[], char) to add varargs support.
toString(int) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.StringUtils
Returns a human-friendly, locale dependent, string representation of the supplied int; for instance, "1" becomes "first", "2" becomes "second", etc.
toString(Object[], char) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.StringUtils
Concatenates the string representations of a series of objects (by calling their Object.toString() method).
toString(URL) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.URLUtils
Returns the contents of the supplied URL as a string.
toString(Map<String, String[]>) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.StringUtils
Provides a toString() method for maps that have string keys and string array values.
toStrings(Object...) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.StringUtils
Converts a varargs into an array of strings by calling toString() on each object.
toUpcaseString(int) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.StringUtils
Returns an up-cased human-friendly string representation for the supplied int; for instance, "1" becomes "First", "2" becomes "Second", etc.
toXML(Node) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.DOMUtils
Returns an XML string representation of the supplied node.
trace(String) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
trace(String, Object) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
trace(String, Object...) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
trace(String, Object, Object) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
trace(String, Throwable) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
trace(Marker, String) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
trace(Marker, String, Object) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
trace(Marker, String, Object...) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
trace(Marker, String, Object, Object) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
trace(Marker, String, Throwable) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
trim(String...) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.StringUtils
Removes empty and null strings from a string array.
trimTo(String, String) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.StringUtils
Trims a string; if there is nothing left after the trimming, returns whatever the default value passed in is.
trimToBool(String, boolean) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.StringUtils
Trims a string object down into a boolean and has the ability to define what the default value should be.
trimToNull(String) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.StringUtils
Trims a string; if there is nothing left after the trimming, returns null.
TRY - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.JDK
Warn about issues relating to use of try blocks (i.e.


UNAUTHORIZED - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Unauthorized HTTP response code.
UNAVAILABLE_FOR_LEGAL_REASONS - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Unavailable for legal reasons HTTP response code.
UNCHECKED - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.JDK
Suppresses unchecked conversions.
UNKNOWN - info.freelibrary.util.NativeLibraryLoader.Architecture
UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Unprocessable entity HTTP response code.
UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Unsupported media type HTTP response code.
UnsupportedEncodingI18nException - Exception in info.freelibrary.util
An I18n wrapper around UnsupportedEncodingException.
UnsupportedEncodingI18nException(String) - Constructor for exception info.freelibrary.util.UnsupportedEncodingI18nException
Creates a new UnsupportedEncodingI18nException.
UnsupportedEncodingI18nException(String, String, Object...) - Constructor for exception info.freelibrary.util.UnsupportedEncodingI18nException
Creates a new UnsupportedEncodingI18nException from the supplied root cause.
UnsupportedEncodingI18nException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception info.freelibrary.util.UnsupportedEncodingI18nException
Creates a new UnsupportedEncodingI18nException from the supplied root cause.
UnsupportedEncodingI18nException(Throwable, String, String, Object...) - Constructor for exception info.freelibrary.util.UnsupportedEncodingI18nException
Creates a new UnsupportedEncodingI18nException from the supplied root cause.
UnsupportedEncodingI18nException(Throwable, Charset) - Constructor for exception info.freelibrary.util.UnsupportedEncodingI18nException
Creates a new UnsupportedEncodingI18nException.
UnsupportedEncodingI18nException(Throwable, Charset, Locale) - Constructor for exception info.freelibrary.util.UnsupportedEncodingI18nException
Creates a new UnsupportedEncodingI18nException.
UnsupportedEncodingI18nException(Charset) - Constructor for exception info.freelibrary.util.UnsupportedEncodingI18nException
Creates a new UnsupportedEncodingI18nException.
UnsupportedEncodingI18nException(Charset, Locale) - Constructor for exception info.freelibrary.util.UnsupportedEncodingI18nException
Creates a new UnsupportedEncodingI18nException.
UnsupportedOperationI18nException - Exception in info.freelibrary.util
An I18n wrapper around UnsupportedOperationException.
UnsupportedOperationI18nException() - Constructor for exception info.freelibrary.util.UnsupportedOperationI18nException
Creates a new UnsupportedOperationI18nException.
UnsupportedOperationI18nException(String) - Constructor for exception info.freelibrary.util.UnsupportedOperationI18nException
Creates a new UnsupportedOperationI18nException.
UnsupportedOperationI18nException(String, String, Object...) - Constructor for exception info.freelibrary.util.UnsupportedOperationI18nException
Creates a new I18nUnsupportedOperationsException from the supplied root cause.
UnsupportedOperationI18nException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception info.freelibrary.util.UnsupportedOperationI18nException
Creates a new UnsupportedOperationI18nException from the supplied root cause.
UnsupportedOperationI18nException(Throwable, String, String, Object...) - Constructor for exception info.freelibrary.util.UnsupportedOperationI18nException
Creates a new UnsupportedOperationI18nException from the supplied root cause.
UNUSED - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.Eclipse
Suppresses unused constructors, methods, variables.
UNUSED_FORMAL_PARAMETER - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.PMD
UNUSED_PRIVATE_METHOD - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.PMD
upcase(String) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.StringUtils
Upcases a string.
UPGRADE_REQUIRED - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Upgrade required HTTP response code.
URI_TOO_LARGE - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
URI too large HTTP response code.
URLUtils - Class in info.freelibrary.util
Utilities to assist with working with URLs.
USE_PROXY - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Use proxy HTTP response code.
UTIL_001 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Initiating JarClassLoader with {}
UTIL_002 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Native library file for {} wasn't found
UTIL_003 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Checking to see if {} is a directory ({})
UTIL_004 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: {} is a directory
UTIL_005 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Checking {} for {}
UTIL_006 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Found {} in {}
UTIL_007 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Jar entry {} did not match search pattern
UTIL_008 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Could not get {} from jar file
UTIL_009 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Did not check {} because not a directory or jar file
UTIL_010 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Matched file: {}
UTIL_011 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Descending into: {}
UTIL_012 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Unable to delete: {}
UTIL_013 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Trying to delete '{}' but there was a problem
UTIL_014 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Failed to create: {}
UTIL_015 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Unable to delete: {}
UTIL_016 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Exception ResourceBundle name may not be null
UTIL_017 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Constructing exception message using bundle name: {}
UTIL_018 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Exception message key may not be null
UTIL_019 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Constructing exception message using supplied locale: {}
UTIL_020 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Formatting exception message for '{}' using: {} [{}]
UTIL_021 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Formatting exception message for '{}'
UTIL_022 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Constructing exception message using bundle name: {}
UTIL_023 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Architecture is {} and os.name is: {}
UTIL_024 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Processor is {} and os.arch is: {}
UTIL_025 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Requested library name: {}
UTIL_026 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Formatting '{}' with: {}
UTIL_027 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Adding files in '{}' to zip file
UTIL_028 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Unsupported encoding: {}
UTIL_029 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Could not decode the URL to UTF-8 format
UTIL_030 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Supplied URL is not a file URL
UTIL_031 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Supplied URL may not be null
UTIL_032 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: A base name for formats may not be null
UTIL_033 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: A supplied varargs value may not be null
UTIL_034 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Duplicate file path name
UTIL_035 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Unable to create new directory: {}
UTIL_036 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Not a file URL: {}
UTIL_037 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Can't copy file to directory or directory to file: {} to {}
UTIL_038 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Unable to create directory structure for: {}
UTIL_039 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Problem creating libfile: {}
UTIL_040 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Must stop before calling start again
UTIL_041 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Cannot stop if not currently running
UTIL_042 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Must stop first
UTIL_043 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Different number of slots and values: {} and {}
UTIL_044 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Failed to read whole file: {}
UTIL_045 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Inverted number range: {}{}{}
UTIL_046 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Don't have a string value for: {}
UTIL_047 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Failed to match supplied file name: {}
UTIL_048 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Decoded '{}' to '{}'
UTIL_049 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Path '{}' isn't a directory as expected
UTIL_050 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Expected to find 1 match for regex but found: {}
UTIL_051 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Path '{}' doesn't have a .jar extension as expected
UTIL_052 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Should have found one and only one junit jar file
UTIL_053 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: File '{}' is not a jar file
UTIL_054 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Failed to find junit jar file using regexp filter
UTIL_055 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Didn't find freelib-utils_messages.xml like it should
UTIL_056 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Didn't find expected info/freelibrary/util/StringUtils.class
UTIL_057 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Found SOMETHING_NOT_FOUND when it shouldn't have
UTIL_058 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Didn't find META-INF/MANIFEST.MF like it should
UTIL_059 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Failed to throw expected NullPointerException
UTIL_060 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: {} | {}
UTIL_061 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: {}
UTIL_062 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Failed to throw MissingResourceException
UTIL_063 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Found an unexpected zip entry: {}
UTIL_064 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Failed to find all the zip entries
UTIL_065 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Illegal argument [{}]: {}
UTIL_066 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: The {} argument may not be null
UTIL_067 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Unsupported operation: {}
UTIL_068 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Malformed URL: {}
UTIL_069 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: The start index position ({}) is after the end position ({})
UTIL_070 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Start position out of bounds: {}
UTIL_071 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: End position out of bounds: {}
UTIL_072 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: Jar file's URL must contain a subfile path too: {}
UTIL_073 - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.MessageCodes
Message: The value of the found ENV did not match the expected type: '{}' should be: {}


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum info.freelibrary.util.NativeLibraryLoader.Architecture
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum info.freelibrary.util.NativeLibraryLoader.Architecture
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VARARGS - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.warnings.JDK
Warn about potentially unsafe varargs methods.
VARIANT_ALSO_NEGOTIATES - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.HTTP
Variant also negotiates error HTTP response code.
VERTICAL_BAR - Static variable in class info.freelibrary.util.Constants
A constant for a vertical bar.


warn(String) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
warn(String, Object) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
warn(String, Object...) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
warn(String, Object, Object) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
warn(String, Throwable) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
warn(Marker, String) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
warn(Marker, String, Object) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
warn(Marker, String, Object...) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
warn(Marker, String, Object, Object) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
warn(Marker, String, Throwable) - Method in class info.freelibrary.util.Logger
WINDOWS_32 - info.freelibrary.util.NativeLibraryLoader.Architecture
WINDOWS_64 - info.freelibrary.util.NativeLibraryLoader.Architecture


XMLResourceBundle - Class in info.freelibrary.util
A ResourceBundle that uses a XML file as its source.
XmlUtils - Class in info.freelibrary.util
Utilities for working with XML.


zip(File, File) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.ZipUtils
Recursively zip a file system directory.
zip(File, File, File...) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.ZipUtils
Recursively zip up a file system directory.
zip(File, File, FilenameFilter, File...) - Static method in class info.freelibrary.util.ZipUtils
Recursively zip up a file system directory.
ZipUtils - Class in info.freelibrary.util
A utility class for working with Zip files.
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