


package isabelle

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. isabelle
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AFP extends AnyRef
  2. final class Bytes extends CharSequence
  3. abstract class CI_Profile extends Body
  4. class Cache extends AnyRef
  5. final class Command extends AnyRef
  6. final class Completion extends AnyRef
  7. class Console_Progress extends Progress
  8. final class Consumer_Thread[A] extends AnyRef
  9. final class Counter extends AnyRef
  10. sealed case class Date(rep: ZonedDateTime) extends Product with Serializable
  11. class Debugger extends AnyRef
  12. abstract class Editor[Context] extends AnyRef
  13. class File_Logger extends Logger
  14. class File_Progress extends Progress
  15. class File_Watcher extends AnyRef
  16. trait Future[A] extends AnyRef
  17. class Getopts extends AnyRef
  18. final class Graph[Key, A] extends AnyRef
  19. class Invoke_Scala extends Protocol_Handler
  20. class Isabelle_Charset extends Charset
  21. class Isabelle_Charset_Provider extends CharsetProvider
  22. sealed case class Isabelle_Tool(name: String, description: String, body: (List[String]) ⇒ Unit, admin: Boolean = false) extends Product with Serializable
  23. final class Line extends AnyRef
  24. sealed case class Line_Structure(improper: Boolean = true, blank: Boolean = true, command: Boolean = false, depth: Int = 0, span_depth: Int = 0, after_span_depth: Int = 0, element_depth: Int = 0) extends Product with Serializable
  25. final class Linear_Set[A] extends Set[A] with GenericSetTemplate[A, Linear_Set] with SetLike[A, Linear_Set[A]]
  26. trait Logger extends AnyRef
  27. final class ML_Statistics extends AnyRef
  28. class Mailbox[A] extends AnyRef
  29. sealed case class Markup(name: String, properties: T) extends Product with Serializable
  30. final class Markup_Tree extends AnyRef
  31. final class Multi_Map[A, +B] extends Map[A, B] with MapLike[A, B, Multi_Map[A, B]]
  32. final class Options extends AnyRef
  33. class Options_Variable extends AnyRef
  34. class Other_Isabelle extends AnyRef
  35. final class Outer_Syntax extends AnyRef
  36. final class Path extends AnyRef
  37. final case class Process_Result(rc: Int, out_lines: List[String] = Nil, err_lines: List[String] = Nil, timeout: Boolean = false, timing: Timing = extends Product with Serializable
  38. class Progress extends AnyRef
  39. trait Promise[A] extends Future[A]
  40. trait Protocol extends AnyRef
  41. class Protocol_Handlers extends AnyRef
  42. class Prover extends Protocol
  43. class Query_Operation[Editor_Context] extends AnyRef
  44. abstract class Rendering extends AnyRef
  45. class Resources extends AnyRef
  46. class Server extends AnyRef
  47. class Session extends isabelle.Document.Session
  48. class Spell_Checker extends AnyRef
  49. class Spell_Checker_Variable extends AnyRef
  50. final class Synchronized[A] extends AnyRef
  51. class System_Channel extends AnyRef
  52. class TTY_Loop extends AnyRef
  53. sealed case class Thy_Header(name: (String, T), imports: List[(String, T)], keywords: Keywords, abbrevs: Abbrevs) extends Product with Serializable
  54. class Thy_Resources extends Resources
  55. final class Time extends AnyVal
  56. sealed case class Timing(elapsed: Time, cpu: Time, gc: Time) extends Product with Serializable
  57. sealed case class Token(kind: Token.Kind.Value, source: String) extends Product with Serializable
  58. type UUID = java.util.UUID

Value Members

  1. val ERROR: isabelle.Exn.ERROR.type
  2. def UUID(): UUID
  3. def cat_error(msgs: String*): Nothing
  4. val cat_lines: (TraversableOnce[String]) ⇒ String
  5. val commas: (Iterable[String]) ⇒ String
  6. val commas_quote: (Iterable[String]) ⇒ String
  7. val error: (String) ⇒ Nothing
  8. def proper[A](x: A): Option[A]
  9. def proper_list[A](list: List[A]): Option[List[A]]
  10. val proper_string: (String) ⇒ Option[String]
  11. val quote: (String) ⇒ String
  12. val space_explode: (Char, String) ⇒ List[String]
  13. val split_lines: (String) ⇒ List[String]
  14. val terminate_lines: (TraversableOnce[String]) ⇒ String
  15. def using[A <: AnyRef { def close(): Unit }, B](x: A)(f: (A) ⇒ B): B
  16. object AFP
  17. object Antiquote
  18. object Bash
  19. object Bibtex
  20. object Build
  21. object Build_Cygwin
  22. object Build_Doc
  23. object Build_Docker
  24. object Build_History
  25. object Build_JDK
  26. object Build_Log
  27. object Build_PolyML
  28. object Build_Release
  29. object Build_Status
  30. object Bytes
  31. object CSV
  32. object Check_Keywords
  33. object Check_Sources
  34. object Codepoint
  35. object Command
  36. object Command_Line
  37. object Command_Span
  38. object Comment
  39. object Completion
  40. object Consumer_Thread
  41. object Counter
  42. object Cygwin
  43. object Date extends Serializable
  44. object Debugger
  45. object Distribution
  46. object Doc
  47. object Document
  48. object Document_ID
  49. object Document_Structure
  50. object Dump
  51. object Event_Timer
  52. object Exn
  53. object Export
  54. object Export_Theory
  55. object File
  56. object File_Watcher
  57. object Future
  58. object Getopts
  59. object Graph
  60. object Graph_Display
  61. object HTML
  62. object HTTP
  63. object Imports
  64. object Invoke_Scala
  65. object Isabelle_Charset
  66. object Isabelle_Cronjob
  67. object Isabelle_Devel
  68. object Isabelle_Process
  69. object Isabelle_System
  70. object Isabelle_Tool extends Serializable
  71. object JSON
  72. object Jenkins
  73. object Keyword
  74. object Latex
  75. object Library
  76. object Line
  77. object Line_Structure extends Serializable
  78. object Linear_Set extends SetFactory[Linear_Set]
  79. object Logger
  80. object Long_Name
  81. object ML_Console
  82. object ML_Lex
  83. object ML_Process
  84. object ML_Statistics
  85. object ML_Syntax
  86. object Mailbox
  87. object Markup extends Serializable
  88. object Markup_Tree
  89. object Mercurial
  90. object Mkroot
  91. object Multi_Map extends ImmutableMapFactory[Multi_Map]
  92. object NEWS
  93. object NUMA
  94. object No_Logger extends Logger
  95. object No_Progress extends Progress
  96. object Options
  97. object Other_Isabelle
  98. object Outer_Syntax
  99. object Output
  100. object POSIX_Interrupt
  101. object Par_List
  102. object Parse
  103. object Path
  104. object Platform
  105. object Position
  106. object PostgreSQL

    PostgreSQL *

  107. object Present
  108. object Pretty
  109. object Print_Operation
  110. object Profiling_Report
  111. object Progress
  112. object Properties
  113. object Protocol
  114. object Protocol_Handlers
  115. object Protocol_Message
  116. object Prover
  117. object Query_Operation
  118. object Remote_DMG
  119. object Rendering
  120. object SHA1
  121. object SQL
  122. object SQLite

    SQLite *

  123. object SSH
  124. object Scan
  125. object Server
  126. object Server_Commands
  127. object Session
  128. object Sessions
  129. object Simplifier_Trace
  130. object Spell_Checker
  131. object Standard_Thread
  132. object Symbol
  133. object Synchronized
  134. object System_Channel
  135. object Term
  136. object Term_XML
  137. object Text
  138. object Thy_Header extends Parser with Serializable
  139. object Thy_Resources
  140. object Thy_Syntax
  141. object Time
  142. object Timing extends Serializable
  143. object Token extends Serializable
  144. object UTF8
  145. object Untyped
  146. object Update_Cartouches
  147. object Update_Comments
  148. object Update_Header
  149. object Update_Then
  150. object Update_Theorems
  151. object Url
  152. object Value
  153. object Word
  154. object XML
  155. object XZ
  156. object YXML
  157. object sys

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
