Aeron Message Transport

Aeron client that is used to communicate to a local Media Driver for the publication and subscription to message streams.
A Java agent which when attached to a JVM will weave byte code to intercept and log events as defined by implementations of EventCode which include DriverEventCode, ArchiveEventCode, and ClusterEventCode.
The aeron-archive is a module which enables Aeron data stream recording and replay from persistent storage.
Checksums can be added to recordings so that file corruption can be detected.
AeronArchive client for communicating with a local or remote Archive.
Counters for tracking progress of recordings in a local Archive.
Aeron Cluster provides support for fault-tolerant services as replicated state machines based on the Raft consensus algorithm.
AeronCluster clients interact with fault-tolerant services running in the cluster.
Services implement ClusteredService and have their lifecycle managed by the Cluster.
Command message codec flyweights for the communication protocol between Aeron clients and the Media Driver.
The MediaDriver manages sending and receiving from the underlying media and handling request from the Aeron clients.
Encapsulates the creation and management of buffers used to contain the log buffers.
MediaDriver specific exceptions which are all unchecked.
Package for extending the behaviour of the driver with features such as debug endpoints and congestion control implementations.
Media, such as UDP, specific implementations used by the driver.
Reports of driver activity such the LossReport which tracks loss per stream.
Status counters that track progress or events experienced by the driver.
Common exception used by Aeron which are all unchecked.
Package of classes for working with message streams encoded into the log buffers.
Flyweight classes for encoding and decoding network protocol messages.
Basic security infrastructure for authenticating sessions by delegating to a supplied instance of an Authenticator.
Counters for tracking status relevant to client activity.