Interface AgroalConnectionFactoryConfiguration

  • public interface AgroalConnectionFactoryConfiguration
    The configuration of the connection factory.
    Luis Barreiro
    • Method Detail

      • autoCommit

        boolean autoCommit()
        If connections should have the auto-commit mode on by default. The transaction integration may disable auto-commit when a connection in enrolled in a transaction.
      • trackJdbcResources

        boolean trackJdbcResources()
        If JDBC resources (Statement and ResultSet) should be tracked to be closed if leaked.
      • jdbcUrl

        String jdbcUrl()
        The database URL to connect to.
      • initialSql

        String initialSql()
        A SQL command to be executed when a connection is created.
      • securityProviders

        Collection<AgroalSecurityProvider> securityProviders()
        A collection of providers that are capable of handling principal / credential objects
      • principal

        Principal principal()
        Entity to be authenticated in the database.
      • credentials

        Collection<Object> credentials()
        Collection of evidence used for authentication.
      • recoveryPrincipal

        Principal recoveryPrincipal()
        Entity to be authenticated in the database for recovery connections. If not set, the principal will be used.
      • recoveryCredentials

        Collection<Object> recoveryCredentials()
        Collection of evidence used for authentication for recovery connections. If not set, the credentials will be used.
      • jdbcProperties

        Properties jdbcProperties()
        Other unspecified properties to be passed into the JDBC driver when creating new connections. NOTE: username and password properties are not allowed, these have to be set using the principal / credentials mechanism.