Class IOSDriver

    • Constructor Detail

      • IOSDriver

        public IOSDriver​(org.openqa.selenium.remote.HttpCommandExecutor executor,
                         org.openqa.selenium.Capabilities capabilities)
        Creates a new instance based on command executor and capabilities.
        executor - is an instance of HttpCommandExecutor or class that extends it. Default commands or another vendor-specific commands may be specified there.
        capabilities - take a look at Capabilities
      • IOSDriver

        public IOSDriver​( remoteAddress,
                         org.openqa.selenium.Capabilities capabilities)
        Creates a new instance based on Appium server URL and capabilities.
        remoteAddress - is the address of remotely/locally started Appium server
        capabilities - take a look at Capabilities
      • IOSDriver

        public IOSDriver​( remoteAddress,
                         org.openqa.selenium.remote.http.HttpClient.Factory httpClientFactory,
                         org.openqa.selenium.Capabilities capabilities)
        Creates a new instance based on Appium server URL, HTTP client factory and capabilities.
        remoteAddress - is the address of remotely/locally started Appium server
        httpClientFactory - take a look at HttpClient.Factory
        capabilities - take a look at Capabilities
      • IOSDriver

        public IOSDriver​(AppiumDriverLocalService service,
                         org.openqa.selenium.Capabilities capabilities)
        Creates a new instance based on Appium driver local service and capabilities.
        service - take a look at AppiumDriverLocalService
        capabilities - take a look at Capabilities
      • IOSDriver

        public IOSDriver​(AppiumDriverLocalService service,
                         org.openqa.selenium.remote.http.HttpClient.Factory httpClientFactory,
                         org.openqa.selenium.Capabilities capabilities)
        Creates a new instance based on Appium driver local service, HTTP client factory and capabilities.
        service - take a look at AppiumDriverLocalService
        httpClientFactory - take a look at HttpClient.Factory
        capabilities - take a look at Capabilities
      • IOSDriver

        public IOSDriver​(AppiumServiceBuilder builder,
                         org.openqa.selenium.Capabilities capabilities)
        Creates a new instance based on Appium service builder and capabilities.
        builder - take a look at AppiumServiceBuilder
        capabilities - take a look at Capabilities
      • IOSDriver

        public IOSDriver​(AppiumServiceBuilder builder,
                         org.openqa.selenium.remote.http.HttpClient.Factory httpClientFactory,
                         org.openqa.selenium.Capabilities capabilities)
        Creates a new instance based on Appium service builder, HTTP client factory and capabilities.
        builder - take a look at AppiumServiceBuilder
        httpClientFactory - take a look at HttpClient.Factory
        capabilities - take a look at Capabilities
      • IOSDriver

        public IOSDriver​(org.openqa.selenium.remote.http.HttpClient.Factory httpClientFactory,
                         org.openqa.selenium.Capabilities capabilities)
        Creates a new instance based on HTTP client factory and capabilities.
        httpClientFactory - take a look at HttpClient.Factory
        capabilities - take a look at Capabilities
      • IOSDriver

        public IOSDriver​(org.openqa.selenium.Capabilities capabilities)
        Creates a new instance based on capabilities.
        capabilities - take a look at Capabilities
    • Method Detail

      • switchTo

        public org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.TargetLocator switchTo()
        Specified by:
        switchTo in interface org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver
        switchTo in class org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver
      • getLocationContext

        public org.openqa.selenium.remote.html5.RemoteLocationContext getLocationContext()
        Specified by:
        getLocationContext in interface SupportsLocation
      • nativeWebTap

        public default io.appium.java_client.ios.HasIOSSettings nativeWebTap​(java.lang.Boolean enabled)
        Set the `nativeWebTap` setting. *iOS-only method*. Sets whether Safari/webviews should convert element taps into x/y taps.
        enabled - turns nativeWebTap on if true, off if false
        self instance for chaining
      • setShouldUseCompactResponses

        public default io.appium.java_client.ios.HasIOSSettings setShouldUseCompactResponses​(boolean enabled)
        Whether to return compact (standards-compliant) and faster responses from find element/s (the default setting). If set to false then the response may also contain other available element attributes.
        enabled - Either true or false. The default value if true.
        self instance for chaining
      • setElementResponseAttributes

        public default io.appium.java_client.ios.HasIOSSettings setElementResponseAttributes​(java.lang.String attrNames)
        Which attributes should be returned if compact responses are disabled. It works only if shouldUseCompactResponses is set to false. Defaults to "type,label" string.
        attrNames - The comma-separated list of fields to return with each element.
        self instance for chaining
      • setMjpegServerScreenshotQuality

        public default io.appium.java_client.ios.HasIOSSettings setMjpegServerScreenshotQuality​(int quality)
        The quality of the screenshots generated by the screenshots broadcaster, The value of 0 represents the maximum compression (or lowest quality) while the value of 100 represents the least compression (or best quality).
        quality - An integer in range 0..100. The default value is 25.
        self instance for chaining
      • setMjpegServerFramerate

        public default io.appium.java_client.ios.HasIOSSettings setMjpegServerFramerate​(int framerate)
        The frame rate at which the background screenshots broadcaster should broadcast screenshots in range 1..60. The default value is 10 (Frames Per Second). Setting zero value will cause the frame rate to be at its maximum possible value.
        framerate - An integer in range 1..60. The default value is 10.
        self instance for chaining
      • setScreenshotQuality

        public default io.appium.java_client.ios.HasIOSSettings setScreenshotQuality​(int quality)
        Changes the quality of phone display screenshots according to XCTest/XCTImageQuality enum. Sometimes setting this value to the maximum possible quality may crash XCTest because of lack of the memory (lossless screenshot require more space).
        quality - An integer in range 0..2. The default value is 1.
        self instance for chaining
      • setMjpegScalingFactor

        public default io.appium.java_client.ios.HasIOSSettings setMjpegScalingFactor​(int scale)
        The scale of screenshots in range 1..100. The default value is 100, no scaling
        scale - An integer in range 1..100. The default value is 100.
        self instance for chaining
      • setKeyboardAutocorrection

        public default io.appium.java_client.ios.HasIOSSettings setKeyboardAutocorrection​(boolean enabled)
        Changes the 'Auto-Correction' preference in Keyboards setting.
        enabled - Either true or false. Defaults to false when WDA starts as xctest.
        self instance for chaining
      • setKeyboardPrediction

        public default io.appium.java_client.ios.HasIOSSettings setKeyboardPrediction​(boolean enabled)
        Changes the 'Predictive' preference in Keyboards setting.
        enabled - Either true or false. Defaults to false when WDA starts as xctest.
        self instance for chaining