

package log

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait LogMessage extends AnyRef

    LogMessages get fed to loggers, allowing custom control of the message String.

    LogMessages get fed to loggers, allowing custom control of the message String.

    Normally, you just supply whatever Show instance for your data you want to control the log output, but custom sub-types may implement structured log formats such as JSON.

  2. trait LogWriter[A] extends AnyRef

    Typeclass for producing structured logs

  3. trait LogWriterInstances extends AnyRef

  4. trait Logger extends AnyRef

    Defines a simple logging facility.

    Defines a simple logging facility.

    To use simply mix in the Logging trait. The standard Show type-class instances can be imported by importing the Logging object:

    For example:

    class MyClass extends Actor with Logging {
    import Logging._
    info("MyClass is instantiated!")

    Note you will need an instance of the LogWriter typeclass in implicit scope for any type you want to log. The most convenient way to contruct a LogWriter is deriving it from a Show instance, but a LogWriter can be derived for more structured data, allowing for structured logging formats such as JSON.

    Most commonly you may want Show[String], for which you can import scalaz.std.string._

  5. trait Logging extends Logger

  6. trait LoggingInstances extends LogWriterInstances

Value Members

  1. object LogWriter extends LogWriterInstances

  2. object Logging extends LoggingInstances

  3. package log4j
