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apply(Configuration) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.ConfigurationPlugin
Apply the plugin.
asConfiguration() - Static method in class io.avaje.config.Config
Return the underlying configuration.
asProperties() - Static method in class io.avaje.config.Config
Return the loaded properties as standard Properties map.
asProperties() - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Return the loaded properties as standard Properties map.


build() - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration.Builder
Build and return the Configuration.
builder() - Static method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Return a Builder for Configuration that is loaded manually (not via the normal resource loading).


clearProperty(String) - Static method in class io.avaje.config.Config
Clear the value for the given key.
clearProperty(String) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Clear the value for the given key.
Config - Class in io.avaje.config
Provides application Configuration based on loading properties and yaml files as well as plugins that supply properties (like dynamic configuration loaded from a db).
ConfigParser - Interface in io.avaje.config
Load a config file into a flattened map.
configuration() - Method in interface io.avaje.config.ModificationEvent
Return the updated configuration.
Configuration - Interface in io.avaje.config
Configuration API for accessing property values and registering onChange listeners.
Configuration.Builder - Interface in io.avaje.config
Build Configuration manually explicitly loading all the configuration as key value pairs.
Configuration.ExpressionEval - Interface in io.avaje.config
Expression evaluation.
Configuration.ListValue - Interface in io.avaje.config
Return a List of values for a configuration key.
Configuration.SetValue - Interface in io.avaje.config
Return a Set of values configured.
ConfigurationLog - Interface in io.avaje.config
Configuration events are sent to this event log.
ConfigurationPlugin - Interface in io.avaje.config
Plugin that is initiated after the configuration has been loaded.
ConfigurationSource - Interface in io.avaje.config
Additional source to load and update configuration.


enabled(String) - Static method in class io.avaje.config.Config
Return boolean configuration value with the given default value.
enabled(String) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Return boolean configuration value with the given default value.
enabled(String, boolean) - Static method in class io.avaje.config.Config
Return boolean configuration value with the given default value.
enabled(String, boolean) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Return boolean configuration value with the given default value.
eval(String) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration.ExpressionEval
Evaluate a configuration expression.
eval(Properties) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Return a copy of the properties with 'eval' run on all the values.
evalModify(Properties) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Run eval of the given properties modifying the values if changed.
eventBuilder(String) - Static method in class io.avaje.config.Config
Create an event builder to make changes to the configuration.
eventBuilder(String) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Create an event builder to make changes to the configuration.
eventRunner(ModificationEventRunner) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration.Builder
Optionally set the event runner to use .
Example - Search tag in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration.ListValue
Example - Search tag in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration.SetValue
Examples - Search tag in class io.avaje.config.Config
Examples - Search tag in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Examples - Search tag in io.avaje.config.Config.forPath(String)
Examples - Search tag in io.avaje.config.Configuration.forPath(String)
Examples - Search tag in package io.avaje.config


File watching and reloading - Search tag in package io.avaje.config
forPath(String) - Static method in class io.avaje.config.Config
Return the configuration for a path.
forPath(String) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Return the configuration for a path.


get(String) - Static method in class io.avaje.config.Config
Return a required configuration value as String.
get(String) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Return a required configuration value as String.
get(String, String) - Static method in class io.avaje.config.Config
Return a configuration string value with a given default.
get(String, String) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Return a configuration string value with a given default.
getAs(String, Function<String, T>) - Static method in class io.avaje.config.Config
Apply a mapping function to the value returned.
getAs(String, Function<String, T>) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Apply a mapping function to the value returned.
getAsOptional(String, Function<String, T>) - Static method in class io.avaje.config.Config
Apply a mapping function to the value returned as an optional.
getAsOptional(String, Function<String, T>) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Apply a mapping function to the value returned.
getBool(String) - Static method in class io.avaje.config.Config
Return a required boolean configuration value.
getBool(String) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Return a required boolean configuration value.
getBool(String, boolean) - Static method in class io.avaje.config.Config
Return a configuration value as boolean given a default value.
getBool(String, boolean) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Return a configuration value as boolean given a default value.
getDecimal(String) - Static method in class io.avaje.config.Config
Return a decimal configuration value.
getDecimal(String) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Return a decimal configuration value.
getDecimal(String, String) - Static method in class io.avaje.config.Config
Return a decimal configuration value with a default value.
getDecimal(String, String) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Return a decimal configuration value with a default value.
getDuration(String) - Static method in class io.avaje.config.Config
Return a Duration configuration value.
getDuration(String) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Return a Duration configuration value.
getDuration(String, String) - Static method in class io.avaje.config.Config
Return a Duration configuration value with a default value.
getDuration(String, String) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Return a Duration configuration value with a default value.
getEnum(Class<T>, String) - Static method in class io.avaje.config.Config
Return the enum configuration value.
getEnum(Class<T>, String) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Return the enum configuration value.
getEnum(Class<T>, String, T) - Static method in class io.avaje.config.Config
Return the enum configuration value with a default value.
getEnum(Class<T>, String, T) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Return the enum configuration value with a default value.
getInt(String) - Static method in class io.avaje.config.Config
Return a required int configuration value.
getInt(String) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Return a required int configuration value.
getInt(String, int) - Static method in class io.avaje.config.Config
Return a configuration value as int given a default value.
getInt(String, int) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Return a configuration value as int given a default value.
getLong(String) - Static method in class io.avaje.config.Config
Return a required long configuration value.
getLong(String) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Return a required long configuration value.
getLong(String, long) - Static method in class io.avaje.config.Config
Return a configuration value as long given a default value.
getLong(String, long) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Return a configuration value as long given a default value.
getNullable(String) - Static method in class io.avaje.config.Config
Return a configuration value as String or null if it is not defined.
getNullable(String) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Return a configuration value as String or null if it is not defined.
getNullable(String, String) - Static method in class io.avaje.config.Config
Return a configuration value as String or null if it is not defined.
getNullable(String, String) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Return a configuration value as String or null if it is not defined.
getOptional(String) - Static method in class io.avaje.config.Config
Return a configuration value that might not exist.
getOptional(String) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Return a configuration value that might not exist.
getOptional(String, String) - Static method in class io.avaje.config.Config
Return a configuration value that might not exist.
getOptional(String, String) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Return a configuration value that might not exist.
getResourceAsStream(String) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.ResourceLoader
Return the InputStream for the given resource or null if it can not be found.
getURI(String) - Static method in class io.avaje.config.Config
Return a URI configuration value.
getURI(String) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Return a URI configuration value.
getURI(String, String) - Static method in class io.avaje.config.Config
Return a URI configuration value with a default value.
getURI(String, String) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Return a URI configuration value with a default value.


includeResourceLoading() - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration.Builder
Specify to include standard resource loading.
io.avaje.config - module io.avaje.config
io.avaje.config - package io.avaje.config
Application configuration based on loading properties and yaml files.


keys() - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Return the property keys in this configuration.


list() - Static method in class io.avaje.config.Config
Return a List of values configured.
list() - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Return a List of values configured.
load(Configuration) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.ConfigurationSource
Load additional configuration.
load(File) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration.Builder
Load the file using the file extension to determine the parser to use.
load(InputStream) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.ConfigParser
Parse content into key value pairs.
load(Reader) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.ConfigParser
Parse content into key value pairs.
load(String) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration.Builder
Load the resource using the extension to determine the parser to use.
Loading into System properties - Search tag in package io.avaje.config
loadIntoSystemProperties() - Static method in class io.avaje.config.Config
Put all loaded properties into System properties.
loadIntoSystemProperties() - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Put the loaded properties into System properties.
log(ConfigurationLog) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration.Builder
Optionally set the log to use.
log(System.Logger.Level, String, Object...) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.ConfigurationLog
Log an event with the given level, formatted message, and arguments.
log(System.Logger.Level, String, Throwable) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.ConfigurationLog
Log an event with the given level, message, and thrown exception.


ModificationEvent - Interface in io.avaje.config
The event that occurs on configuration changes.
ModificationEvent.Builder - Interface in io.avaje.config
Build and publish modifications to the configuration.
ModificationEventRunner - Interface in io.avaje.config
Run the event listener notifications.
modifiedKeys() - Method in interface io.avaje.config.ModificationEvent
Return the set of keys where the properties where modified.


name() - Method in interface io.avaje.config.ModificationEvent
Return the name of the event (e.g "reload").


of(String) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration.ListValue
Return the list of values for the key, returning an empty collection if the configuration is not defined.
of(String) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration.SetValue
Return the Set of values for the key, returning an empty collection if the configuration is not defined.
of(String, String...) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration.ListValue
Return the list of values for the key, returning the default values if the configuration is not defined.
of(String, String...) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration.SetValue
Return the Set of values for the key, returning the default values if the configuration is not defined.
ofInt(String) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration.ListValue
Return the list of integer values for the key, returning an empty collection if the configuration is not defined.
ofInt(String) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration.SetValue
Return the list of integer values for the key, returning an empty collection if the configuration is not defined.
ofInt(String, int...) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration.ListValue
Return the list of integer values for the key, returning the default values if the configuration is not defined.
ofInt(String, int...) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration.SetValue
Return the list of integer values for the key, returning the default values if the configuration is not defined.
ofLong(String) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration.ListValue
Return the list of long values for the key, returning an empty collection if the configuration is not defined.
ofLong(String) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration.SetValue
Return the list of long values for the key, returning an empty collection if the configuration is not defined.
ofLong(String, long...) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration.ListValue
Return the long values for the key, returning the default values if the configuration is not defined.
ofLong(String, long...) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration.SetValue
Return the long values for the key, returning the default values if the configuration is not defined.
ofType(String, Function<String, T>) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration.ListValue
Apply a mapping function to the values for the given key, returning an empty collection if the configuration is not defined.
ofType(String, Function<String, T>) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration.SetValue
Apply a mapping function to the values for the given key, returning an empty collection if the configuration is not defined.
onChange(String, Consumer<String>) - Static method in class io.avaje.config.Config
Register a callback for a change to the given configuration key.
onChange(String, Consumer<String>) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Register a callback for a change to the given configuration key.
onChange(Consumer<ModificationEvent>, String...) - Static method in class io.avaje.config.Config
Register an event listener that will be notified of configuration changes.
onChange(Consumer<ModificationEvent>, String...) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Register an event listener that will be notified of configuration changes.
onChangeBool(String, Consumer<Boolean>) - Static method in class io.avaje.config.Config
Register a callback for a change to the given configuration key as a Boolean value.
onChangeBool(String, Consumer<Boolean>) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Register a callback for a change to the given configuration key as a Boolean value.
onChangeInt(String, IntConsumer) - Static method in class io.avaje.config.Config
Register a callback for a change to the given configuration key as an Int value.
onChangeInt(String, IntConsumer) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Register a callback for a change to the given configuration key as an Int value.
onChangeLong(String, LongConsumer) - Static method in class io.avaje.config.Config
Register a callback for a change to the given configuration key as a Long value.
onChangeLong(String, LongConsumer) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Register a callback for a change to the given configuration key as a Long value.


parser(String) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Return the parser for the given extension.
postInitialisation() - Method in interface io.avaje.config.ConfigurationLog
Invoked when the initialisation of configuration has been completed.
preInitialisation() - Method in interface io.avaje.config.ConfigurationLog
Invoked when the configuration is being initialised.
publish() - Method in interface io.avaje.config.ModificationEvent.Builder
Publish the changes.
put(String, String) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration.Builder
Put an entry into the configuration.
put(String, String) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.ModificationEvent.Builder
Set a property value.
putAll(Map<String, ?>) - Static method in class io.avaje.config.Config
Add configuration values via a map.
putAll(Map<String, ?>) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration.Builder
Put entries into the configuration.
putAll(Map<String, ?>) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Add configuration values via a map.
putAll(Map<String, ?>) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.ModificationEvent.Builder
Set all the properties from the map.
putAll(Properties) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration.Builder
Put entries into the configuration from properties.
putAll(Properties) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.ModificationEvent.Builder
Set all the properties from the Properties object.


reload() - Method in interface io.avaje.config.ConfigurationSource
Explicitly reload the configuration source.
reloadSources() - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Trigger a ConfigurationSource.reload() on all the sources.
remove(String) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.ModificationEvent.Builder
Remove a property from the configuration.
resourceLoader(ResourceLoader) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration.Builder
Optionally set the resource loader to use.
ResourceLoader - Interface in io.avaje.config
Plugin API for loading resources typically from the classpath or module path.
run(Runnable) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.ModificationEventRunner
Run the task of notifying all the event listeners of a modification event to the configuration.


schedule(long, long, Runnable) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Schedule a task to run periodically with a given delay and period.
set() - Static method in class io.avaje.config.Config
Return a Set of values configured.
set() - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Return a Set of values configured.
setProperty(String, String) - Static method in class io.avaje.config.Config
Set a single configuration value.
setProperty(String, String) - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Set a single configuration value.
size() - Method in interface io.avaje.config.Configuration
Return the number of configuration properties.
supportedExtensions() - Method in interface io.avaje.config.ConfigParser
File extensions Supported by this parser
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