Class OAuthCredentialsProvider

All Implemented Interfaces:

@ThreadSafe public final class OAuthCredentialsProvider extends Object implements CredentialsProvider
This class is thread-safe in terms of the next: 1. If you are trying to modify headers of your request from the several threads there would be sequential calls to the cache 2. If the cache hasn't a valid token and you are calling from several threads there would be just one call to the Auth server
  • Method Details

    • applyCredentials

      public void applyCredentials(io.grpc.Metadata headers) throws IOException
      Adds an access token to the Authorization header of a gRPC call.
      Specified by:
      applyCredentials in interface CredentialsProvider
      headers - gRPC headers to be modified
    • shouldRetryRequest

      public boolean shouldRetryRequest(Throwable throwable)
      Returns true if the Throwable was caused by an UNAUTHENTICATED response and a new access token could be fetched; otherwise returns false.
      Specified by:
      shouldRetryRequest in interface CredentialsProvider
      throwable - error that caused the request to fail