Class ZeebeClientImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
JobClient, ZeebeClient, AutoCloseable

public final class ZeebeClientImpl extends Object implements ZeebeClient
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • buildChannel

      public static io.grpc.ManagedChannel buildChannel(ZeebeClientConfiguration config)
    • buildGatewayStub

      public static GatewayGrpc.GatewayStub buildGatewayStub(io.grpc.ManagedChannel channel, ZeebeClientConfiguration config)
    • newTopologyRequest

      public TopologyRequestStep1 newTopologyRequest()
      Description copied from interface: ZeebeClient
      Request the current cluster topology. Can be used to inspect which brokers are available at which endpoint and which broker is the leader of which partition.
       List<BrokerInfo> brokers = zeebeClient
        InetSocketAddress address = broker.getSocketAddress();
        List<PartitionInfo> partitions = broker.getPartitions();
      Specified by:
      newTopologyRequest in interface ZeebeClient
      the request where you must call send()
    • getConfiguration

      public ZeebeClientConfiguration getConfiguration()
      Specified by:
      getConfiguration in interface ZeebeClient
      the client's configuration
    • close

      public void close()
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
      Specified by:
      close in interface ZeebeClient
    • newDeployCommand

      public DeployProcessCommandStep1 newDeployCommand()
      Description copied from interface: ZeebeClient
      Command to deploy new processes.
      Specified by:
      newDeployCommand in interface ZeebeClient
      a builder for the command
    • newDeployResourceCommand

      public DeployResourceCommandStep1 newDeployResourceCommand()
      Description copied from interface: ZeebeClient
      Command to deploy new resources, i.e. BPMN process models and DMN decision models.
      Specified by:
      newDeployResourceCommand in interface ZeebeClient
      a builder for the command
    • newCreateInstanceCommand

      public CreateProcessInstanceCommandStep1 newCreateInstanceCommand()
      Description copied from interface: ZeebeClient
      Command to create/start a new instance of a process.
      Specified by:
      newCreateInstanceCommand in interface ZeebeClient
      a builder for the command
    • newModifyProcessInstanceCommand

      public ModifyProcessInstanceCommandStep1 newModifyProcessInstanceCommand(long processInstanceKey)
      Description copied from interface: ZeebeClient
      Command to modify a process instance.
          .withVariables(localScopedVariables, "element2")
      Specified by:
      newModifyProcessInstanceCommand in interface ZeebeClient
      processInstanceKey - the key which identifies the corresponding process instance
      a builder for the command
    • newCancelInstanceCommand

      public CancelProcessInstanceCommandStep1 newCancelInstanceCommand(long processInstanceKey)
      Description copied from interface: ZeebeClient
      Command to cancel a process instance.
      Specified by:
      newCancelInstanceCommand in interface ZeebeClient
      processInstanceKey - the key which identifies the corresponding process instance
      a builder for the command
    • newSetVariablesCommand

      public SetVariablesCommandStep1 newSetVariablesCommand(long elementInstanceKey)
      Description copied from interface: ZeebeClient
      Command to set and/or update the variables of a given flow element (e.g. process instance, task, etc.)
      Specified by:
      newSetVariablesCommand in interface ZeebeClient
      elementInstanceKey - the key of the element instance to set/update the variables for
      a builder for the command
    • newEvaluateDecisionCommand

      public EvaluateDecisionCommandStep1 newEvaluateDecisionCommand()
      Description copied from interface: ZeebeClient
      Command to evaluate a decision.
      Specified by:
      newEvaluateDecisionCommand in interface ZeebeClient
      a builder for the command
    • newPublishMessageCommand

      public PublishMessageCommandStep1 newPublishMessageCommand()
      Description copied from interface: ZeebeClient
      Command to publish a message which can be correlated to a process instance.
        .messageName("order canceled")
      Specified by:
      newPublishMessageCommand in interface ZeebeClient
      a builder for the command
    • newBroadcastSignalCommand

      public BroadcastSignalCommandStep1 newBroadcastSignalCommand()
      Description copied from interface: ZeebeClient
      Command to broadcast a signal.
      Specified by:
      newBroadcastSignalCommand in interface ZeebeClient
      a builder for the command
    • newResolveIncidentCommand

      public ResolveIncidentCommandStep1 newResolveIncidentCommand(long incidentKey)
      Description copied from interface: ZeebeClient
      Command to resolve an existing incident.
      Specified by:
      newResolveIncidentCommand in interface ZeebeClient
      incidentKey - the key of the corresponding incident
      the builder for the command
    • newUpdateRetriesCommand

      public UpdateRetriesJobCommandStep1 newUpdateRetriesCommand(long jobKey)
      Description copied from interface: ZeebeClient
      Command to update the retries of a job.
       long jobKey = ..;

      If the given retries are greater than zero then this job will be picked up again by a job worker. This will not close a related incident, which still has to be marked as resolved with newResolveIncidentCommand(long incidentKey) .

      Specified by:
      newUpdateRetriesCommand in interface ZeebeClient
      jobKey - the key of the job to update
      a builder for the command
    • newUpdateRetriesCommand

      public UpdateRetriesJobCommandStep1 newUpdateRetriesCommand(ActivatedJob job)
      Description copied from interface: ZeebeClient
      Command to update the retries of a job.
       ActivatedJob job= ..;

      If the given retries are greater than zero then this job will be picked up again by a job worker. This will not close a related incident, which still has to be marked as resolved with newResolveIncidentCommand(long incidentKey) .

      Specified by:
      newUpdateRetriesCommand in interface ZeebeClient
      job - the activated job
      a builder for the command
    • newWorker

      public JobWorkerBuilderStep1 newWorker()
      Description copied from interface: ZeebeClient
      Registers a new job worker for jobs of a given type.

      After registration, the broker activates available jobs and assigns them to this worker. It then publishes them to the client. The given worker is called for every received job, works on them and eventually completes them.

       JobWorker worker = zeebeClient
      Example JobHandler implementation:
       public final class PaymentHandler implements JobHandler
         public void handle(JobClient client, JobEvent jobEvent)
           String json = jobEvent.getVariables();
           // modify variables
      Specified by:
      newWorker in interface ZeebeClient
      a builder for the worker registration
    • newDeleteResourceCommand

      public DeleteResourceCommandStep1 newDeleteResourceCommand(long resourceKey)
      Description copied from interface: ZeebeClient
      Command to delete a resource.
      Specified by:
      newDeleteResourceCommand in interface ZeebeClient
      resourceKey - the key of the resource
      the builder for the command
    • newCompleteCommand

      public CompleteJobCommandStep1 newCompleteCommand(long jobKey)
      Description copied from interface: JobClient
      Command to complete a job.
       long jobKey = ..;

      If the job is linked to a process instance then this command will complete the related activity and continue the flow.

      Specified by:
      newCompleteCommand in interface JobClient
      jobKey - the key which identifies the job
      a builder for the command
    • newCompleteCommand

      public CompleteJobCommandStep1 newCompleteCommand(ActivatedJob job)
      Description copied from interface: JobClient
      Command to complete a job.
       ActivatedJob job = ..;

      If the job is linked to a process instance then this command will complete the related activity and continue the flow.

      Specified by:
      newCompleteCommand in interface JobClient
      job - the activated job
      a builder for the command
    • newFailCommand

      public FailJobCommandStep1 newFailCommand(long jobKey)
      Description copied from interface: JobClient
      Command to mark a job as failed.
       long jobKey = ..;

      If the given retries are greater than zero then this job will be picked up again by a job subscription. Otherwise, an incident is created for this job.

      Specified by:
      newFailCommand in interface JobClient
      jobKey - the key which identifies the job
      a builder for the command
    • newFailCommand

      public FailJobCommandStep1 newFailCommand(ActivatedJob job)
      Description copied from interface: JobClient
      Command to mark a job as failed.
       ActivatedJob job = ..;

      If the given retries are greater than zero then this job will be picked up again by a job subscription. Otherwise, an incident is created for this job.

      Specified by:
      newFailCommand in interface JobClient
      job - the activated job
      a builder for the command
    • newThrowErrorCommand

      public ThrowErrorCommandStep1 newThrowErrorCommand(long jobKey)
      Description copied from interface: JobClient
      Command to report a business error (i.e. non-technical) that occurs while processing a job.
       long jobKey = ...;
       String code = ...;

      The error is handled in the process by an error catch event. If there is no error catch event with the specified errorCode then an incident will be raised instead.

      Specified by:
      newThrowErrorCommand in interface JobClient
      jobKey - the key which identifies the job
      a builder for the command
    • newThrowErrorCommand

      public ThrowErrorCommandStep1 newThrowErrorCommand(ActivatedJob job)
      Description copied from interface: JobClient
      Command to report a business error (i.e. non-technical) that occurs while processing a job.
       ActivatedJob job = ...;
       String code = ...;

      The error is handled in the process by an error catch event. If there is no error catch event with the specified errorCode then an incident will be raised instead.

      Specified by:
      newThrowErrorCommand in interface JobClient
      job - the activated job
      a builder for the command
    • newActivateJobsCommand

      public ActivateJobsCommandStep1 newActivateJobsCommand()
      Description copied from interface: JobClient
      Command to activate multiple jobs of a given type.

      The command will try to use maxJobsToActivate for given jobType. If less then the requested maxJobsToActivate jobs of the jobType are available for activation the returned list will have fewer elements.

      Specified by:
      newActivateJobsCommand in interface JobClient
      a builder for the command
    • newStreamJobsCommand

      public StreamJobsCommandStep1 newStreamJobsCommand()
      Description copied from interface: JobClient
      Activates and streams jobs of a specific type.
       final Consumer<ActivatedJob> consumer = ...; // do something with the consumed job
       final ZeebeFuture<StreamJobsResponse> stream = jobClient
        stream.whenComplete((ok, error) -> {
          // recreate stream if necessary
          // be careful if you've cancelled the stream explicitly to not recreate it if shutting down
        // You can later terminate the stream by cancelling the future

      Stream or Activate?

      As opposed to JobClient.newActivateJobsCommand(), which polls each partition until it has activated enough jobs or a timeout has elapsed, this command opens a long living stream onto which activated jobs are pushed. This typically results in lower latency, as jobs are activated and pushed out immediately, instead of waiting to be polled.


      This feature is still under development; as such, there is currently no way to rate limit how many jobs are streamed over a single call. This can be mitigated by opening more streams of the same type, which will ensure work is fairly load balanced.

      Additionally, only jobs which are created, retried, or timed out after the command has been registered will be streamed out. For older jobs, you must still use the JobClient.newActivateJobsCommand(). It's generally recommended that you use the JobWorker API to avoid having to coordinate both calls.


      Jobs activated via this command will use the given worker name, activation time out, and fetch variables parameters in the same way as the JobClient.newActivateJobsCommand().


      The stream can be explicitly cancelled by performing one of the following:

      NOTE: streams can be closed for various reasons - for example, the server is restarting. As such, it's recommended to add listeners to the resulting future to handle such cases and reopen streams if necessary.
      Specified by:
      newStreamJobsCommand in interface JobClient
      a builder for the command