Interface ProcessInstanceResult

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ProcessInstanceResult
  • Method Details

    • getProcessDefinitionKey

      long getProcessDefinitionKey()
      Key of the process which this instance was created for
    • getBpmnProcessId

      String getBpmnProcessId()
      BPMN process id of the process which this instance was created for
    • getVersion

      int getVersion()
      Version of the process which this instance was created for
    • getProcessInstanceKey

      long getProcessInstanceKey()
      Unique key of the created process instance on the partition
    • getVariables

      String getVariables()
      Variables returned after the process is completed.
      JSON-formatted variables
    • getVariablesAsMap

      Map<String,Object> getVariablesAsMap()
      Variables returned after the process is completed.
      de-serialized variables as map
    • getVariablesAsType

      <T> T getVariablesAsType(Class<T> variableType)
      Variables returned after the process is completed.
      de-serialized variables as the given type
    • getVariable

      Object getVariable(String name)
      Variable returned by name after the process is completed.
      name - the name of the variable
      de-serialized variable value or null if the provided variable name is present among the available variables, otherwise throw a ClientException
    • getTenantId

      @ExperimentalApi("") String getTenantId()
      Tenant identifier that owns this process instance