Interface MigrationPlan.MigrationPlanBuilderStep2

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public static interface MigrationPlan.MigrationPlanBuilderStep2
  • Method Details

    • addMappingInstruction

      MigrationPlan.MigrationPlanBuilderFinalStep addMappingInstruction(String sourceElementId, String targetElementId)
      Add a mapping instruction to the migration for describing how to map elements from the source process definition to the target process definition.

      For example, let's consider a source process definition with a service task with id "task1" and the target process definition with a service task with id "task2". The mapping instruction could be:

         "sourceElementId": "task1",
         "targetElementId": "task2"
      This mapping would migrate instances of the service task with id "task1" to the service task with id "task2".
      sourceElementId - element to migrate
      targetElementId - element to migrate into
      the next step of the builder