Interface PublishMessageCommandStep1.PublishMessageCommandStep2

All Known Implementing Classes:
Enclosing interface:

public static interface PublishMessageCommandStep1.PublishMessageCommandStep2
  • Method Details

    • correlationKey

      Set the value of the correlation key of the message.

      This value will be used together with the message name to find matching message subscriptions.

      correlationKey - the correlation key value of the message
      the builder for this command
    • withoutCorrelationKey

      Skip specifying a correlation key for the message.

      This method allows the message to be published without a correlation key, making it suitable for scenarios where the correlation key is not necessary (e.g. for the message start event). When used, this will create a new process instance without checking for an active instance with the same correlation key.

      the builder for this command, continuing to the next step without a correlation key.