Interface UserTask

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface UserTask
  • Method Details

    • getKey

      Long getKey()
    • getState

      String getState()
      State of the task
    • getAssignee

      String getAssignee()
      Assignee of the task
    • getElementId

      String getElementId()
      Element ID
    • getElementInstanceKey

      Long getElementInstanceKey()
      Instance key of the element
    • getCandidateGroup

      List<String> getCandidateGroup()
      Candidate groups for the task
    • getCandidateUser

      List<String> getCandidateUser()
      Candidate users for the task
    • getBpmnProcessId

      String getBpmnProcessId()
      BPMN process id of the process associated with this task
    • getProcessDefinitionKey

      Long getProcessDefinitionKey()
      Key of the process definition
    • getProcessInstanceKey

      Long getProcessInstanceKey()
      Key of the process instance
    • getFormKey

      Long getFormKey()
      Key of the form
    • getCreationDate

      String getCreationDate()
      Creation date of the task
    • getCompletionDate

      String getCompletionDate()
      Completion date of the task
    • getFollowUpDate

      String getFollowUpDate()
      Follow-up date of the task
    • getDueDate

      String getDueDate()
      Due date of the task
    • getTenantIds

      String getTenantIds()
      Tenant identifiers
    • getExternalFormReference

      String getExternalFormReference()
      External form reference
    • getProcessDefinitionVersion

      Integer getProcessDefinitionVersion()
      Version of the process definition
    • getCustomHeaders

      Map<String,String> getCustomHeaders()
      Custom headers associated with the task
    • getPriority

      Integer getPriority()
      Priority of the task